The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Arecio felt that if the situation continued to worsen, he might become the first blood race to persuade human saints and unicorns, but the platinum-haired saint spoke first.

“I have deep respect for the laws of this world.” The saint’s eyes were quiet, and the light swept across Alessio, without a trace. Can only provide me with some explanation.”

Andre also responded happily: “Of course it will.”

Andrey turned to Arecio again, his polite smile gradually becoming sincere.

“The seven-day residence has been arranged for you. I think you should be quite tired, so Alice will take you there. What do you think?”

Arecio had no comments, but he added something.

“If you can, show him his head, it may be a silly sleep.”

Of course Andre promised, and then led by Ai Li, Arecio was going to the room prepared for him. All the curtains in the corridor have been completely dropped, and the road is full of gloom, which will never shine on the blood that will be harmed by the sun, making Arecio feel very comfortable.

As for neurosis? He is not very worried, he is a high-level blood family, teleportation is commonplace, especially neurotic…

In the case of taking him a button.

The saint also followed his kindness, and followed Andre’s preparations for an inspection. He was not worried that the blood family would escape, after all…

He has a button on his hand that is soaked in the breath of the other party.

Ellie walked in front, her footsteps briskly, she could see she was genuinely happy. She praised the gods many times in her heart, and the nurturing contract was simply too dreamy. She became the nurturing of the blood race!

“Arecio Palace…Areci.” She remembered what the blood family had said, and changed her words quickly, carefully observing the reaction of the blood family.

Arecio raised his eyes to look at her, snaking tattoos around his right eye.

Ah, ah, why is he so good-looking! !

“Let me introduce myself first! Alessi will just call me Ai Li. She has eight years of experience in serving dark creatures. Previously, we mainly followed up with dark elves. This time, we have conducted special training for half a year in advance. It’s a pity that there are too few information about the blood family… If I have something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know!”

Allie felt that what she had said was upside down, and she slammed her chest secretly.

Fart! Why didn’t I be so scared when I was discovered by the supervisor while driving on the forum!

Arecio felt the tension of the other party, and his raised eyes dropped again.


It’s cold.

Arecio sighed silently, looking at the poor girl who was leading the way and was already on the same foot.

“I’m a little curious.” He casually aroused a topic, “Why did the center choose you to be my…brother?”

Arecio felt a little ashamed of the last word.

a bolt from the blue!

Elyson stopped, his scalp exploded! He must be too unprofessional and rejected!

“…Just asking casually.”

Alice is alive again in an instant! But the answer to this question…

The Terran girl turned her back to Arecio, her back was very stiff. If you look from the front, you will find that Alice has already oozes dense cold sweat on her head.

What to do? What to do? What to do…

Alice wept in tears. She gritted her teeth and opened her mouth repeatedly, trying to tell the reason why she had buried her shovel on the eighteenth floor of Hell, but she could never succeed.

“Can’t you say it?” Arecio thought he had asked a sensitive question, so forget it.

“No, no, no, no!”


So is it possible?

The human girl’s back trembled violently, as if she was engaged in a difficult psychological struggle.

“… Let’s change the question.”

“Because!” The human girl suddenly turned her head back, she covered her face with her hands slapped because of her shame.

“Because the supervisor found that driving a car of the blood race on the forum felt very testamental…”

Arecio was at a loss, what car? Does the Kindred have a car?

Ari, who told the truth, entered a very calm sage mode. She slowly lowered her hand. Although her cheeks were flushed from shame, she still opened the room door for Arecio very professionally.

“This is a room specially prepared for you…” She held back a sob, “You will be familiar with these internet terms soon, and I hope you won’t hate me because of this. I have signed an agreement before taking office. There will never be any more relevant aspects involved.”

God knows that the blood races that are classified as extinct are still resurrected! Before Arecio woke up, among the dark creatures that were basically declared extinct, the blood clan was the most delicious in the setting. Whatever you eat for the first time, it will be fragrant everywhere. It has been popular on the forum and produced a lot of fanatics.

Only use the racial setting, without involving real characters or metaphors, this kind of creation can be carried out, pay attention to whether to put in the all-age area or the adult area. Alice was also a member of the grain producer, and even conducted a lot of research, and everywhere showed that she had done enough for the kinship habits, so she earned the reputation of his wife.

Then he was picked up by the supervisor. The supervisor deliberately recruited this knowledgeable wife, but after a check, it was found that it was her own Ari. There is no inferiority, and the ability is outstanding. The most important thing is that she loves dark creatures very much. Therefore, after half a year of training, Ai Li stood out and became the only nurturer of the blood race.

As for the problem of not being able to produce any more food after accepting this job…

She’s got it all true, what else can she wish for!

Ai Li, driven to the pinnacle of life with passion.

Now Arecio doesn’t know the wonderful history of raising people in front of him. Since he can understand the meaning of nouns later, let’s talk about it later. He walked into this room specially prepared for him, and couldn’t help being surprised by the care of the nursing center.

There is absolutely low light in the room, heavy curtains block the sunlight, and special paint on the glass as a second layer of protection. The room is very tall, probably through two floors, with staggered beams above it, also shrouded in shadow.

“Because there is information that the blood family can fly, although I haven’t seen you fly by, so I built these beams with reference to the flying space of the fallen angels.” Ai Li was a little embarrassed, “The interior decoration of this room is almost presided over by me. Rose is used as the main pattern, and the overall layout is modeled after the room in an ancient castle unearthed in the last era…”

Arecio touched a carved armchair, which was covered with dark velvet cushions, which was very atmospheric.

“The curtains can be opened and have a special coating, so you don’t need to worry about direct sunlight.” Seeing Arecio walked to the window, Arie hurried over and got Arecio’s permission and slowly opened the curtains.

“It’s very safe, because the kinsmen may cause serious problems when exposed to sunlight.”

Alessio nodded. For the average blood race, sunlight is indeed deadly.

Ellie opened the curtain with one hand and pressed the hidden button next to her with the other.

“I also made a special effect for you, because it is said that the castles inhabited by dark creatures will have this effect…”

Arecio was a little confused. He watched Alice press it down, and then there was a thunder in the room, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the window, illuminating everything in the room. The castle-style decoration under this lightning is full of ghastly and evil aura, as if a demon king is about to laugh arrogantly, or a blood clan is about to drop a corpse that has been drained of blood.


What a vulgar scene!

Ellie looked at him expectantly, it seemed that this was her proud work, and Arecio could only nod in silence.

It’s amazing to be able to revert to this.

After reading the room, I explained how to use some of the infrastructure. Ellie left a guide booklet and some popular science books, and then retired on the grounds of not disturbing Arecio’s rest, and did not forget to ask.

“When do you probably want to have your next meal?”

Some eating means to regain strength. Of course, Arecio, who is not picky eaters, will not refuse.

“Only in the evening.”

Alibi made a received gesture.

“So, do I need to pour blood into a red wine bottle and give you a goblet? According to some information, the blood will still label its blood collection. Do you need it?”

Arecio shook his head. It was another vulgar plot. What the **** are these remaining materials.

“I just use a blood bag.”

“Okay, then I will bring you a straw ”


Alice closed the door lightly, and only Arecio was left in the room. He closed his eyes and felt no sense of being monitored. Arecio touched the carved chair that looked very comfortable, threw himself in, and closed his eyes slightly.

The amount of information he received today is too great, and this world 10,000 years later is really strange.

And the neuropathy that seems to be amnesia…

He just closed his eyes for a while, suddenly remembered something, sat up, and stroked his left chest with his right hand.

That heart won’t beat anymore.

However, driven by the blood race, incredible simulations began to occur, the heart beats, the blood flow, the body temperature rose…Arecio carefully simulated all the piles, just like he did before he fell asleep, just like He is like an ordinary human.

After doing this, he sat in silence for a while, then cast aside the unnecessary emotions, and picked up the thin light brain. According to the method Arie taught him, after scanning the iris, the light screen popped up, and Guangmin himself found a position that would make Arecio comfortable to levitate.

There is an eye icon on the desktop. It is a black and white eye pupil. It is obviously a pupil. Arecio clicked on it, and a colorful picture caught his eyes. Ellie said that he can watch the previous live replay from here, and if he doesn’t understand the operation, he can call the fool’s guide that has been installed on the light brain.

Without much effort, Arecio saw his image in the middle of the homepage, and most of the small panels surrounding him were his images, with some words he didn’t understand.

He clicked in the middle one, intending to see the barrage he had heard many times before.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head.

The breath of neurosis is gone.

There was no word between the saint and Andre, who was ascending vertically in the elevator. He felt the distance between the blood race and himself gradually widened, but still within the sensing range. It has been opened now…Huh?

The world in front of him suddenly went dark, and the saint still vaguely heard Andrey’s hastily calling.

“Mr. Ruzius? Mr. Ruzius!”

Then the whole world went dark completely, and before losing consciousness, he thought of the new term he had just heard.

He seemed to be out of power.

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