The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

The lich once wanted to find the dragon tomb in endless time and space.

The meaning of the dragon tomb is not to bury the bones, but to bury the soul, so the dragon’s scales and flesh may shed in the world, but the dragon’s soul is eternally free. No one can capture them, and they are a special species who die and do not wander on the banks of the river Styx.

“Perhaps they made a deal with Styx.” The Lich had guessed this way, “Styx is the foundation of everything, like a huge cake embryo, on which we are all. Dragons should be like this, but their spirits can move. , Some are like… elves scattered around certain destiny nodes.”

The blood race put down the silver fork in his hand.

“So, what can I do for you?”

The Lich smiled at him, she was no longer the so-called princess, so her smile looked particularly bright. Arecio always felt that if he wanted to describe the lich, it should be “no haze”, a woman without haze, and a lich without haze.

It sounds funny, but he does think so, even if there is such a miserable and desperate past, the Lich can still smile softly and brightly to her friends, she always says–

[He hasn’t caught me in the slightest in his life. 】

“He” is the dragon.

“You don’t have to do anything for me, Alessi.” The Lich smiled. “As long as you can live well, this is the greatest happiness for me.”

Arecio looked at her fixedly for a while, then nodded.

“Well, I will live and will never let you see me off again.”

This promise is still fulfilled, no matter how cruel and tragic the battle, how sad the parting of friends, Arecio is still alive. He was also glad that he was alive. If he hadn’t lived in the world ten thousand years later, he would never have seen the souls of his former friends again.

He looked to his side, the Lich Girl was pressing her skirt with one hand, somersaulting her head in the water with her eyes blankly. In the middle, she tried to maintain her balance, but after all she was still head down, her face covered with loose long hair.

Lucy: QVQ

Alessio turned her over and stood firmly in the water. As soon as he let go of the Lich, he started to circle again. In the end, he couldn’t help but let the Shadow Bat hold the Lich and continue to dive.

“Sorry Alessy.” Lucy apologized in a low voice, “The necromantic elements here are so rich, my body has become too light, I always feel flying, and I always feel that as long as I’m here…”

The soul fire in her black eyes gradually brightened.

“I seem to…can command thousands of troops.”

This is undoubtedly a very good phenomenon. Lucy does not need to apologize at all. Arecio asked her to hold on to the shadow bats to keep her balance. If they go further, they will reach the sea of ​​Keto, and further down is the Sea of ​​Undead. Of the ruins.

Giant fishes converge from all directions, and the sea water has been changing color from dark blue to deep black. However, in the darkness, several light spots slowly lit up, and the elves dragged a long tail of light and dived with them, playfully, gradually increasing in number. The elves finally gathered into a long strip of light, intertwined with each other, illuminating the deserted deep sea.

Lucy was originally sitting on the fish’s back, but suddenly floated down. The rich necromantic elements lifted her up, she fell into the deep sea like a light feather, and the bone gate was close at hand. She raised her hand, the door opened in response, and even directly expanded the scale. The giant fish fell with them into the deep sea, a paradise for the dead who had never been set foot!

Arecio also took off from the fish’s back and hovered in the water. Part of the elves and the soul butterfly entangled him, and part of them followed the lich that was still moving forward. The brilliant blue light covered the path that the lich walked, like flowers blooming on top of the bones.

Where the Lich approached, the bones revived, the Hydralisk raised the head with long horns, the giant crocodile put down the tail that had been suspended for thousands of years, and countless birds waved their broken bones and flew up and down in the waves. The whole sea was noisy, full of the words of the dead. After all, the giant fish couldn’t catch up with the lich, and was thrown out of the land of the undead, while the soul butterfly and the elves were still chasing tirelessly.

The Lich finally reached the center of the ruins. She folded her hands together as if praying, and the massive bones began to tremble. Arecio touched the horn of Keto, who had swam back to him because he couldn’t catch up, and sent a message in spirit.

[Ketuo, inform you the tribesmen on the sea. 】

[Can you make a little movement to cover up the unexpected changes in this sea area? 】

The giant fish then called out from the depths of his soul. On the floor-to-ceiling window promenade of the conservation center, staff members stopped one after another, and Ruzius was among them. He looked at the distant sea that was almost boiling–

The giant fish rose and fell and rolled, and the colorful coral horns trembled among the surging snow-white foam. They waved their tails and jumped up, covering the sea with their huge bodies, splashing huge waves. These surges also spread to the shore, and many shore-side workers began to retreat one after another, standing on higher steps, looking at the surging sea.

“The giant fishes are so happy today…”

“Yes, I haven’t moved much before.”

“The sea snake is breathing out too! Take it quickly!”

The conservation center officials immediately sent the news, but no one knew that all the mutations originated under the sea, where is the kingdom of the dead and the paradise of bones.

The lich’s left hand pressed down, causing some bones to settle. Most of these bones were broken and spread on the mud on the seabed, forming a smooth and pale ground. The Lich’s right hand was raised, and the two giant crocodiles raised their spiked tails together. The sea was also raised together, leaving only the necromantic elements in the room. The soul butterflies were almost pushed away together at first. They struggled downward, finally freed from the sea, and flew in the space built by the Lich.

Here is the zenith of the tail of the giant crocodile, the flower-like feathers are gathered toward the center, and the tip of the tail points to the center of the flower. Broken bones spread to the ground and square walls, countless complete bones squatted everywhere, and the lich put his hands down among all the crowds. In some light porcelain-like voices, the straight fish’s spine formed the stick body. , The snake bones coiled, and finally at the top, countless soul butterflies gathered into a sapphire, two bone wings suddenly opened around the gem!

The Lich put her head on the scepter, which was much higher than her, and closed her eyes slightly as if listening to death words, then she slowly opened her black eyes, and the flames of the soul ignited.

She seemed to be surprised by all this she had caused, looking around looking for Arecio’s figure. Arecio opened his shadow wings and landed in front of the lich in the entanglement of the elves and the soul butterfly.

“Areci.” Lucy held the scepter, a little nervous, and Arecio nodded slightly to her.

“Just contacting here, it can resonate, which is already very good.” He smiled, “This is the relics of the Sea of ​​Undead. I found out before and didn’t tell anyone. After you completely control it, I will announce it to the public.”

This can effectively prevent other people from thinking about it. After all, this is the bones of ancient creatures piled up all over the floor.

“Remember, whoever asks you if you want to give it or not, these are the army that suits you best. When you take full control of this place, you can also use this sea of ​​undead as your confidence to acquire more bones of large creatures. Bones are your strength. , Of course the more the better.”

“Yeah!” Lucy replied vigorously, but when she saw Arecio finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave. She couldn’t help but panicked, “Areci, do you want to keep me?”

Arecio was a little inexplicable, “Isn’t this like your home? Or would you be scared?”

This is not the case, Lucy just subconsciously is not used to Arecio not being with him.

“I can’t be with you all the time, just like Helgodon. He was not where I went before, where he followed, like a little tail, now I will find things on my own, I heard that he still Trying to train other werewolves.”

“You are here to practice your control. If you want to go up, you can go up by yourself or let Keto take you up. I will only give you this one time.”

Lucy knew that Arecio had decided, so she nodded and watched Arecio spread his shadow wings and land on Keto’s back. Her hand holding the scepter tightened slightly, but soon her mood relaxed again.

She likes this place far better than the princess room carefully arranged for her by the childcare center. She tried to walk into each of the bones, listen to their voices, and think about how to make them move more smoothly. She played such a game, of course, without forgetting the time, she would return to the childcare center before dinner, so as not to worry other people.

In this way, communicating with the dead all the way, she walked into the depths of the sea of ​​dead souls. The spirit butterfly was still revolving around her, but the few elves that were left seemed to have discovered something, and went straight forward, hovering up and down near a piece of bone ground.

Lucy walked over slowly, uncovering the ground, revealing mud, nothing. She was a little puzzled, but the elves were spinning here persistently. Lucy hesitated, raised her hand at the area, and recited the spell that opened the gate of the sea of ​​undead just now.

There was a slight vibration.

Nothing opened up, there was no downward staircase, just a slight vibration, and the Lich heard the singing in the void.

Mysterious…Can’t understand language…Singing…

In the melodious singing, the surroundings seemed to have turned into sea water again, and Lucy was suspended in it. She opened her eyes wide and looked down, and the elf flew down along her line of sight, intimately entwined in front of a luminous translucent whisker.

Lucy’s vision gradually brightened, and she slowly opened her pupils, because she was so surprised that she even covered her mouth.

She saw Poseidon.


Arecio has already walked with the staff of the childcare center. After delivering Lucy, his plan is to see the water monster Zelita who woke up yesterday. Zelita relied on his Shadow Rose to keep her from being completely swallowed up by the actinology. He made some adjustments in the past today, and by the way, he tried to see if the actinism on her could be completely resolved.

At a certain moment, Arecio suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the Emerald Inland Sea.

“His Royal Highness Arecio?” The staff was a little confused, “You are…”

“Did you not hear it?” The voice was too faint, and Alessio was not sure about it. “Singing.”

The staff listened hard for a while, but finally shook his head, even more at a loss.

So Arecio didn’t mention it again, it should be the same character as the original Behemoth’s voice, only he and certain guardians could hear it. Knowing this, Arecio couldn’t help but become more puzzled. He didn’t know where he was in the recovery of the Dark Three Pillars. He was not a guardian, but he could listen to the voice of God like a guardian. This had to make him doubt whether his recovery was due to fate.

But the neuropathy revealed to him the prophecy of extinction, and the scene of dragging him into the coffin is still vivid. Do you know anything about the neuropathy? Know something… what’s special about him?

He had to care about it. If this is the case, is it he who wants to be dragged into the coffin, or his identity?

He was thinking about it intently, unexpectedly a hand suddenly landed on top of his head and rubbed it. Arecio was irritated, but raised his head to find that it was the person he was thinking about, who was crazy and smiled at him.

“What do you think, so absorbed.”

Of course Arecio couldn’t tell him.

“What do you want to do with Zerita’s Guanghua.”

“Make excuses, the faster you answer, the more excuses you will make.”


Ruzius is in a pretty good mood recently. He is making a silver cross to be given to Arecio, and his memory is slowly recovering. This period is still a very lovely memory, which directly causes him to be in a light mood every day. The food quality of Resio and U has risen sharply.

He remembered more and more of the small church, and Arecio always liked to sit on that pulpit. The colorful shadow of the rose window fell on him, and there seemed to be rainbows in the eyes of the blood race. Sometimes pigeons will fly, sometimes it will rain, and sometimes other hunters in the temple will be suspicious, but they can never grasp the evidence, and naturally there is no way to bring down Ruzius.

They even went to the carnival together.

The brightly lit streets are full of people dressed as ghosts or dead, and the blood race can finally stretch out among the crowd without having to hide their fangs and red pupils. They stopped before an interesting free play performance, or squeezed in front of the puppet booth with the children. In the bustling voices, he seemed to hear a soft question from the blood family.

[Next year, are you still coming? 】

After asking, the kinsman himself seemed to feel a little embarrassed. Instead of looking at the puppets in various shapes at the stall, he got up and wandered around looking for the next place to go, without asking the previous questions.

It’s already a rare truce, so why bother to agree on what will happen in the future.

At the beginning of the float parade, the flow of people was surging and crowded everywhere. The blood race was unwilling to use its own strength to counter the crowd, for fear of hurting the pedestrians in the past, had to be trapped by the flow of people, and was about to stay away from him.

He did not hesitate in his heart, but at that moment, he instinctively stretched out his hand and grabbed the wrist of the blood race.

Partially slender, between the juvenile and young people, when the blood race in front of him is transformed into a blood race, he must not be too old, and may even be unwilling to be transformed. Thinking like this, he yanked the blood back with force with his hands.

【Be careful. 】

He was still expressionless, and in the cold sky, there were lights and shadows floating on the floats.

[If you want, today next year…]

[Also considered a truce. 】

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