The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

When Ruzius came out with the soup, Arecio was sitting upright at the table. After restoring all the memories, his increasingly keen intuition reminded him that something had happened, but just looking at Arecio’s expression, he could not see anything for the time being.

He put the soup bowl quietly.

“I will rest at home in the afternoon and evening, get up tomorrow before dawn and go to the childcare center to make relevant preparations.”

Arecio picked up the spoon and said that he knew.

Taking advantage of the afternoon and evening rest time, Arecio did nothing. He went to look through the time when each cat expression pack of the jingle sparrow came out. Arecio is not stupid. Although occasionally has a bad memory, he usually doesn’t care. If he really wants to check something, his mobility is amazing. He pulled the form in the afternoon and fell into contemplation while looking at each emoji.

The time was obviously disrupted, but… some emojis clearly showed the trajectory of his getting along with the neuropathy.

In the beginning, the cats and cats shot the door in a live broadcast, and it was normal for some people to paint them, but the cats behind were happy, angry, and even dancing in ecstasy. They did refer to him in their demeanor. He hadn’t shown some expressions in front of other people before, but the painting of the Jingle Sparrow was very vivid. Of course, this can be explained by talent, and it is not enough to be used as evidence to catch the tail of neurosis.

Arecio brainstormed for a while, and decided to make a further decision. Neurosis is very cautious. Every time a new cat emoticon is released, after the official or Arecio himself has posted some relevant news, he will come out to declare the source of inspiration, and then send a fresh emoticon.

He intends to give the neuropathy a raft to see if there will be a new emoji package for the Jingjing Sparrow.

Arecio grabbed U and took a picture. The black cat in the photo looks fluffy and looks like it has been bathed.

@: The cat is washed. 【image】

After posting this post, he relaxed to play a few games. I don’t know if Arecio didn’t show any suspicion from the beginning to the end, so that people who are as cautious as neuroses were a little relaxed. That night, Arecio found that the Jingying Sparrow had posted his Weibo and attached it. On the new emoji package.

@: Cat taking a bath.jpg

This repost was submerged in countless people who reposted Arecio’s dynamics. It seemed unremarkable, but Arecio was staring at this account. Seeing that Huaijing Sparrow had launched a new emoticon package, his fingertips were Beat a few times on the armrest of the sofa.

Not in a hurry, and wait for him to try a few more times, and then torture him to extract a confession after seizing the exact evidence.

Ruzius didn’t know that his waistcoat had been spotted. After sending out the emoji, he finished some handwriting work, and finally processed the remaining work files. After all these things were done, he came downstairs and planned to play games with Arecio to increase his relationship.

As soon as he got downstairs, he saw Arecio slumped on the carpet.

Cat collapsed.jpg

It’s so cute, he kind of wants to draw emoticons. However, he is naturally cautious and does not want to lose the vest. He has to find a way. Either he or Arecio, any one of the two clockwork dynamics, he has ample excuses to explain the source of inspiration.

“It’s cool on the ground, get up quickly.”

Arecio was still paralyzed, watching nervously like a dog.

Heartbeat? Do you want to draw? Do you still need my clockwork?

Not! See how you explain the source of inspiration!

Alessio stubbornly refused to get up, and the saint sat down on the sofa helplessly.

“Are you tired these days?”


“What about a little bit?”

He stretched out his hand in front of Arecio.

If high-generation blood races don’t do anything with people, they usually don’t have a large demand for blood, and it is of course established here to come to Arecio. He had just eaten some blood from the neuropathy two days ago, and he is actually not hungry now, but thinking of the sweet taste, Arecio still couldn’t help staring at the neuropathic hand.

It was a nice hand, with distinct joints and light blue blood vessels faintly visible. Seeing that Alessio hadn’t moved for a long time, the saint even used his other hand to draw a shallow blood mark on this wrist to facilitate him to eat.

Alessio’s pupils shrank for a moment, and when he reacted again, he had already bitten on it. In the rich fragrance of blood, he vaguely heard the saint humming a melody, which was a verse in “Girl and Death”. The young girl Marion is about to be burned and dedicated to the gods as a bride. The **** of death who has been with her comes and rescues her from the fire and takes her on a romantic journey.

[Good girl, I have never had any evil intentions of harming you, and I have no intention of forcing you to be my bride. Just beg you to go with me and go on a romantic journey. 】

[You will see how the moon falls on the snowy peaks, how the desert changes at four o’clock, and those birds with long tail feathers that fall on the star screen, will listen to my orders and weave the gorgeous skirts of the past for you. 】

[Follow me, follow me, my barren life finally bloomed with a flower, and you are sitting on the flower——]

[My butterfly, my girl. 】

The blood brought drunkenness, and Arecio fell asleep. Of course, the exhaustion of working overtime was also a key factor. He didn’t know how the neuropathy pulled his hand out of his mouth, and then properly carried him back to the room. When he opened his eyes to see the familiar ceiling, he was shocked, and then he regretted it! Very regretful!

Originally planned to stare at the neuropathy to see how he dropped the vest!

He turned on the light brain and seriously reviewed the dynamics of the neuropathy, and sure enough, there was a new one.

@: Listen to the song.

It’s very simple, there is no picture, but there is a thorny sparrow in the forwarding list, and a new emoticon has been produced, letting Arecio confirm that this is a neurotic vest!


He looked into the new emoji bag, with the big earphones buried his face in his paws, the sleeping little black cat.

Cat Cat Listening to Songs.gif

Again, collect some more evidence! I am definitely not worried that I won’t draw emoticons after I lose my vest! Absolutely not!

He rolled over and put his face on Guangnao. The sleeping little black cat was separated from him by a screen, his paw covered his face, which was very cute.

Is he like this in the eyes of a neuropathy…

This thought made his face a little hot, and quickly stopped the thought, and fell asleep again in this posture lying on the light brain.


It seemed that because Arecio had too much sleep, Ruzius received a cordial and friendly wake-up service when it was not dawn the next day. The three generations of blood princes who appeared in his room unconsciously grabbed the quilt. Ruzius had to sit up. Thanks to the strict training of the temple, he woke up very quickly, and there was no anger to get up, just a little Helpless.

“So energetic?”


“I thought you would sleep a little longer.”


“Actually, it’s okay to be half an hour late.”


Very well, the extremely excited Arecio has completely turned into a repeater.

Because they would come back late in the evening, they set out after preparing water for U. Arriving at the childcare center, there was a nervous and busy atmosphere, and Arecio was as busy as a spinning top, just to make room for the evening to enjoy the carnival.

He was directing the placement of several propaganda posters, and suddenly saw me beckoning to him not far away, as if he had something to say. Arecio hurriedly arranged what was at hand and walked over, I was smiling.

“Areci, we want to ask you a favor.”

He whispered something in Arecio’s ear, and Arecio raised his eyebrows when he heard it. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the other two in the corner looking in their direction, and couldn’t help but smile.

“So… leave it to you?”

“Yes!” I nodded fiercely, and the talisman fluttered, “Just a little **** from Alessi.”

Of course Arecio had no reluctance, he was very pleased that these children were willing to cooperate with each other to solve the problem. Rounding the Emerald Inland Sea at the fastest speed, Arecio completed the initial arrangement and squeezed my face with his backhand.

“Really don’t need me to be there?”

“No need, Xixi go to play.” Being pinched, my voice was a bit ambiguous, “Don’t particularly restrain those things, Lucy’s Fudie will also help, don’t we also contacted Agus at the security department Mr. Du.”

Dare to do it independently, and will not give up using foreign aid, these children have gradually grown up. Arecio was a little worried at first, but after listening to their plan, he couldn’t fault it.

What’s more, there is Helgodon, the awakened guardian, and Lucy who is about to master all the relics of the Sea of ​​Undead, plus I who has very strong field control ability, Arecio has nothing to worry about. .

He patted Helgodon on the shoulder, and the young man with wolf ears also looked at him solemnly; he looked at Lucy again, and the Lich Girl raised her dress to greet him; finally it was me, with a serious expression. Ensure that Arecio will be contacted if there is any problem.

This was enough. He made arrangements on the edge of the Emerald Inner Sea, and when night fell, his domain would also come, enough to confine all battles to the Emerald Inner Sea.

“But in this way, you won’t be able to go to the theater to watch the play.” Arecio thought a little, “I will ask Hitomi if I can move the holographic version of this play online, I remember I mentioned it before. After a similar plan, it will be released simultaneously.”

This will undoubtedly leave no regrets, and everyone is very satisfied. Arecio asked Hitomi, got a positive answer, and went to work again. Towards the evening, he bid farewell to the staff to get off work, shaking his brain lightly.

@: Change-pretend-out-OK! 【image】

This is the main activity of the Conservation Center at this carnival. Under the guidance of Arecio, many of the dark creatures in the center have the ability to act independently. These dark creatures will disguise themselves and mix into the crowd, celebrating this 10,000-year-old festival with the lucky tourists who got the tickets. The conservation center sent out nine pictures in one go, all of which were silhouettes, each with its own characteristics, making it impossible for people to guess how the dark creatures participating in the activity would dress up.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I am a lucky audience! It’s already at the security checkpoint now! Looking forward to meeting! 】

[Tears of envy flowed out unconvincingly. 】

[Points rush rushing! I want to watch “Girl and Grim Reaper”! Raiders all the booths! Duck! ! ! 】

This is to mention the gameplay of this event, mainly based on the points system. Each time you pass a booth, you will get corresponding points. When you have enough points, you can go to the Liberty Theater to redeem tickets for “Girls and Grim Reaper”, and then nine in the evening. At o’clock, the play will be released on time. Of course, even if you can’t enter the theater, Hitomi will guarantee that the holographic repertoire will be put on all major platforms simultaneously, and you can freely buy and watch it, and the profit will be used for dark creature-related activities.

Visitors who cannot enter the theater do not have to wait to see the hologram. There are many people who spontaneously perform street free drama performances on the outside square, bringing their interesting stories to come, and all audiences will be immersed in the joy of festival in.

It’s not early, and Arecio is doing the final finishing of the dress. In order to prevent himself from being recognized, he put on non-precision glasses and was finishing the beret on the top of his head. The saint on the side stretched out his hand, adjusted his hat for him, and then took care of his clothes. It’s rare not to wear a cloak, his whole person looks very refreshed, the brim of the hat is covered, and then he buys a mask as insurance, and it is difficult to be recognized.

“Let’s go.”


After ten thousand years, they once again participated in the carnival together, and there was nothing wrong with each other, only the tacit understanding and tenderness of the money flow.

On the periphery of the Emerald Inner Sea, with the opening of the field, the fortified city wall was erected, the last quarter moon tilted, and countless shadows began to breed in the city. I looked at this Red Moon King City, and for a moment, he felt that there was a story hidden in this city.

A story about Areci.

But he quickly stopped thinking about it. Behind him, the Lich girl walked slowly, wearing a crown of withered bones, and leaning on a bone scepter that was much higher than her, with a calm expression.

The Lich faces the sea, under which is her immortal kingdom.

“I declare—”

She said softly, but she didn’t lack majesty. The last setting sun began to wither, and the fine blue phosphorous fire under the abyss gleamed, as if countless pairs of eyes returning from **** were watching the world silently.

She put her head on the scepter, and the bone wings on the scepter opened tightly on top of her head.

“Today is the day of carnival.”

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