The Epic Revenge

Chapter 24 - prescription

The superintendent of the army defied public opinion and used Gu Qingzhou’s recipe.

So, Gu Qingzhou opened “Liyintang”.

Liyin Decoction is not for treating stroke, but for treating heart and lung yang deficiency.

Gu Qingzhou determined that although the symptoms of Mrs Si’s convulsions were like a stroke, the cause was the deficiency of both qi and blood caused by deficiency of heart and lung yang, not the weakness of qi and blood caused by stroke.

The military doctors have to treat the old lady from the idea of ​​”stroke”.

For a long time, it is really necessary to have a stroke!

The treatment cannot be delayed, and the condition changes instantly, Gu Qingzhou can’t watch them toss the old lady.

to Germany?

Can the old lady be able to go to German soil?

“Two money for guizhi, five money for dried ginger, four money for Atractylodes, two money for Poria, two money for Zhigancao, one money for Magnolia, one and a half money for orange red, and two money for white peony.”

Gu Qingzhou prepared the recipe and gave it to the commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief gave Hu Junyi a look.

Hu Junyi took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and knew in his heart: This is indeed a very mature prescription, and the drug is not much, but not a lot.

Cinnamon sticks and dried **** in the recipe can help the heart and lungs yang; Atractylodes, Poria, Zhigancao can invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, and Magnolia can make the stomach qi flow down.

Gu Qingzhou said that the old lady was weak in the spleen and stomach caused by deficiency of heart and lung yang, so she was incompetent in biochemical qi and blood. Her prescription is the right medicine.

“Overseer, this prescription is indeed for the treatment of heart and lung yang deficiency. As for whether it is effective for the old lady, my subordinates disagree.” Hu Jun said.

“What’s the dosage of the medicine?” the commander-in-chief asked.

“The dose is just right.” Hu Jun said, “Overseer, think again, don’t make the old lady suffer, she is so old.”

The commander-in-chief made up his mind.

“Take this medicine for ten days, and the old lady’s illness will be cured.” Gu Qingzhou assured.

This is a bit of an outlier.

Even a famous doctor would never say anything with certainty. If it doesn’t get better in ten days, isn’t it smashing the signboard?

Hu Junyi looked at the little girl, trembling with fear, wondering why the governor and the old lady insisted on using her medicine.

When they left the company’s mansion, the cold rain had stopped, and the air was icy cold. Qin Zhengzheng’s and Gu Zhang’s hands were red from the cold, and they were all tucked into their sleeves.

Qin Zhengzheng’s face was particularly ugly.

In the car, Qin Zhengzheng didn’t say a word.

Gu Zhang complained a lot: “Qingzhou, you are too pushy! If Mrs. Si is killed, our whole family will not live! Even if the Overseer doesn’t kill us, Dad’s errands will be lost, who will support us? we?”

Qin Zhengzheng’s face became more and more blue.

Back home, Qin Zhengzheng went directly to see Gu Guizhang, excited and angry, and said the matter again: “…She is going to push us into the abyss!”

From Qin Zhengzheng’s point of view, a country girl who can’t even recognize even the words, how can she know medical skills?

The military governor and the old lady believed her. It was because she was desperately ill and went to the doctor. Didn’t you see that the experienced military doctors were all red-eyed?

It can be seen that Gu Qingzhou’s prescription will definitely kill Mrs. Si!

Everyone in the Gu family will be buried with you!

“Really?” Gu Guizhang was also frightened, “She really gave Mrs. Si a prescription?”

“That’s not it!” Qin Zheng said, repeating the words of the military doctor of the Si family.

“Is she crazy?” Gu Guizhang was also furious, “He|mother, is she trying to kill Lao Tzu?”

“Master, she is so stupid this time. The military doctor suggested her over and over again. We stopped her again and again, but she still rushed forward! Master, do you believe that a child in his teens can know medicine?” Qin Zhengzheng was heartbroken, ” The prescription has been opened, and maybe the medicine has been drunk in a while, and we are helpless, sir.”

After all, Qin Zhengzheng’s tears rolled down, and she was very sad.

Gu Guizhang was indignant and rushed upstairs to Gu Qingzhou’s room.

He pointed at Gu Qingzhou’s nose and cursed: “You bastard, do you know how serious it is? You will lose my life and fortune!”

The whole family is listening.

Gu Guizhang wanted to hit Gu Qingzhou, but he restrained his reason and just smashed Gu Qingzhou’s dressing table.

“Shut up in the basement!” Gu Guizhang called to the servant, “Don’t give her any food. When the Overseer’s Mansion comes to ask for someone, I hope not to implicate us!”

Gu Qingzhou didn’t cry, didn’t make trouble, didn’t explain, and let the servant lock her in the dark and damp basement.

She used her fingers to draw circles on the dusty floor of the basement, one after another, the ink was full of ink, and her smile flashed across the darkness.

Others in Gu’s mansion also heard that Gu Qingzhou was in trouble, which might bring disaster to them, so they were a little nervous.

“…It’s Qingzhou. She insisted on treating Mrs. Si. Mrs. Si probably won’t last for a few days.” Gu Zhang told his younger brothers and sisters.

“Look at what she can, this time the sky has turned upside down!” Gu Si snorted coldly.

“Beat her to death and hand it over to the Overseer’s Mansion. Will the Overseer’s Mansion spare my father and our family?” Gu San asked.

Gu San’s arm is not yet healed, and he is wearing a bandage.

“Who knows, it depends on the mood of the Overseer.” Gu Xiang sighed.

For a time, the whole family hated Gu Qingzhou.

Only the third concubine Susu didn’t believe it.

“Qingzhou is not such a restless child.” The third concubine said to Miao’er, “You turn around and quietly stuff a few buns for her. In such a cold day, you are starving and freezing. It really froze her to death.”

“She’s out of shape, sister.” Miao’er said, “If the master finds out that we help her, we won’t be able to live, is it worth it?”

“It’s worth it!” said Mrs. Sanyi, “Qingzhou is not a thing in the pool. Whether we can avenge our shame or not will depend on her support in the future.”

Miao’er was so convinced of the third aunt that she secretly delivered four meat buns to Gu Qingzhou in the middle of the night.

The meat buns were still warm.

Gu Qingzhou took it and swallowed it with a big mouth. He was so hungry that he was freezing cold.

“Thank you third concubine for me.” Gu Qingzhou said indistinctly.

Gu Shao also secretly sent it to Gu Qingzhou, but he was slow and was discovered by the servant.

The servant told Qin Zhengzheng.

Qin Zhengzheng was so angry that he wanted to hit Gu Shao: “Eating inside and outside, she is your blood relative’s sister?”

Gu Guizhang also scolded Gu Shao.

On the fourth day, there were two cars in the Overseer’s Mansion, parked at the gate of Gu Mansion.

Gu Guizhang happened to be at home, and his legs and feet went weak immediately.

It’s over, the Overseer’s House is here to raid the house and arrest people!

Gu Zhang was a little excited: “I don’t know about Dad’s future, but Gu Qingzhou is completely finished! That annoying girl is finally going to be eliminated!”

This idiot is not serious at this moment.

The one who got out of the car was the adjutant closest to the Overseer. As soon as he entered the door, Gu Guizhang looked nervous. The adjutant smiled to ease the atmosphere, and then saluted Gu Guizhang: “Mr. Gu, I have been ordered by the Overseer to pick up Miss Qingzhou. “

Everyone in Gu Mansion came downstairs with different expressions.

Gu Guizhang said: “Yes, sir, wait a moment, I have already punished her and starved her for three days. Take her there and tell the governor how to relieve her anger and beat her to death. The Gu family will never pursue her!”

“What?” The adjutant was stunned, “You…you starved Miss Qingzhou for three days?”

“Yeah, she got into such a big disaster!” Gu Guizhang looked sad, “Old lady she…”

“The old lady’s condition has improved, Miss Qingzhou has made a great contribution, and the Overseer kindly invited Miss Qingzhou to go for a follow-up consultation. Are you starving Miss Qingzhou?” The adjutant was fierce.

Gu Guizhang’s legs went weak and he almost fell.

Has the old lady’s condition improved?

Is Gu Qingzhou’s recipe useful?

How can this be!

Not only Gu Guizhang, but also Qin Zhengzheng and Gu Xiang at the stairs, were also pale for a while!

This is impossible!

Is this the heck!

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