The Epic Revenge

Chapter 43 - go to simu

The adjutant whispered a few words, and the Overseer’s wife didn’t care about anything, and hurried out to see Gu Qingzhou.

Si Qiongzhi was very curious when she saw her mother lose her temper, so she hurriedly followed.

Gu Qingzhou stood at the door of the Governor’s Mansion, with a delicate and delicate posture.

Her skin was so white that it was almost transparent, her thick long hair was loose, and the new schoolgirl had braids on both sides, half tucked behind her head, and her head full of blue silk hanging down beside her ears, forming an elegant curve.

The ink was red, and the sun was shining on her. She was wearing a long-sleeved cheongsam embroidered with silver silk begonias, with a touch of luster lingering, making her eyes brighter and deeper.

“Where’s the photo?” Mrs. Si stepped forward and asked hastily.

She walked very fast, there was a thin sweat on her forehead, she was a little anxious in her haste, and her momentum lost Gu Qingzhou invisibly.

Si Qiongzhi was unhappy when he saw it.

“Mother Mu asked Gu Qingzhou for a photo, what kind of photo?” Si Qiongzhi wondered.

Gu Qingzhou smiled: “Madam, won’t you invite me in to sit?”

Mrs. Si was even more annoyed.

Looking back, I saw that there were many soldiers standing guard all around, and her daughter Si Qiongzhi was also present. It was really hard to say something.

“Adjutant Chen, take the third lady back to the room.” Mrs. Si ordered coldly.

Si Qiongzhi was surprised, she didn’t want to leave: “Mom, what happened?”

Madam Si glanced at Si Qiongzhi lightly.

Si Qiongzhi was an extremely smart girl, and she immediately understood the meaning in her mother’s eyes. She didn’t bother her mother, and immediately followed Adjutant Chen back to the room first.

She believed that her mother would not suffer. Afterwards, her mother will tell her the truth, so she doesn’t have to worry.

The Xianzaren waited to leave, and Mrs. Si took Gu Qingzhou to the military conference hall in the outer courtyard of the Overseer’s Mansion.

At this moment, the idle hall was empty, the tall dome glowed with a cold light, and Mrs. Si’s high heels stepped on the smooth marble floor, clanging and rhythmically.

Gu Qingzhou followed closely, she was also wearing high heels today. Unlike Mrs. Si’s toughness, Gu Qingzhou’s footsteps are ticking, with a girl’s tenderness.

Sitting down with each other, Gu Qingzhou took out the photo and handed it to Mrs. Si.

The photo was taken by Gu Qingzhou himself.

Mrs. Si held the photo, her hands trembling slightly, she couldn’t believe it.

After a long time, she raised her eyes, and her eyes fell sharply on Gu Qingzhou’s face: “Where did you take this photo?”

“You have to do something for me before I can tell you the address.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

“Bastard, you dare to threaten me!” Mrs. Si frowned, her eyes filled with hot anger, wanting to burn Gu Qingzhou to death.

Gu Qingzhou still smiled, softly and quietly: “This is not the first time I have threatened you.”

Mrs. Si’s toughness, Gu Qingzhou’s gentleness, the two eyes are like fire and water, unable to tolerate or reconcile, they collide in the air.

Continuing entanglement is nothing more than a lose-lose.

“What do you want me to do?” Shifu weighed the pros and cons, and she took a step back.

There is a chance to clean up Gu Qingzhou, not bad this time.

Just let her be happy.

Being complacent will make people get carried away, I don’t know how much I have!

“My stepmother annoyed Misju from the mission school, and now St. Mary’s School wants the two girls from the Gu family to drop out, and by the way, they also called back my admission application.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Mrs. Si understands.

This trivial matter, the Gu family can’t even settle it, and it is simply wishful thinking to marry the Si family of the No. 1 wealthy family in Yuecheng!

Mrs. Si looked down on the Gu family more and more, and she did not take Gu Qingzhou in her eyes.

She now knows that the place in Gu Qingzhou’s photo matters!

“Okay, I’ll send someone to tell the directors of Santa Maria that you can continue to study.” Mrs. Si said indifferently, “Where’s the address in this photo?”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t finished my words yet.” Gu Qingzhou said, “You can tell the director of St. Mary’s School that in order to punish students for not following the teachings, the school only accepts one Miss Gu to return to school, and she will not be implicated at the same time. my admission.”

When Mrs. Si heard this, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Gu Qingzhou wanted to take the opportunity to force one of her sisters to drop out of school.

This little trick of fighting between sisters is vicious and unreliable. Mrs. Si looked at her and felt that Gu Qingzhou was really clumsy and shameful.

It’s just such a country thing, marrying the second young marshal is too humiliating to the Si family.

Mrs. Si’s brows became colder, and she said lightly: “Okay, as you like!”

“When will I get the results?” Gu Qingzhou asked with a smile.

“In a few days. Where’s the address?” Mrs. Si asked again.

Gu Qingzhou smiled lightly: “Madam, I’ll tell you the address when I get the result.”

“Damn, what if one of them runs away?” Mrs. Si couldn’t hold back, “Gu Qingzhou, don’t put your nose on your face, do you know how important you are?”

“People can’t run away.” Gu Qingzhou smiled softly, “As long as you don’t rashly send someone to look for it or show any clues, he won’t notice the danger, let alone run away. If you’re really worried, you should do it for me immediately. Enrollment, delays and quarrels will only affect you.”

Mrs. Si was speechless.

She was very angry with Gu Qingzhou, and at the same time she was helpless to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou seems to be gentle, but he is actually a vicious little fox. Mrs. Si was the mistress of the first wealthy family in Yuecheng, and she was regarded as a noble and elegant phoenix.

Feng went to fight the fox? That’s too demeaning.

Gu Qingzhou said: Don’t look for it rashly, the people in the photo will find it and escape again. Mrs. Si believes it.

The photo is a distant view, the surrounding scenery is a bit blurry, only that face is the one that Mrs. Si is worried about, and her heart is about to worry.

“Prepare the car!” Mrs. Si couldn’t wait, she wanted to meet the director of St. Mary’s Mission School immediately.

She went directly to an American director and briefly explained the matter.

The church can not give face to the city government, but only dare not offend the military government with guns. It was Mrs. Si who came to the door in person. This was enough. The church school immediately issued a notice with a stamp, and Mrs. Si’s name was filled in by herself; a penalty form was also filled in by Mrs.

After getting it, in the afternoon, Mrs. Si sent someone to pick up Gu Qingzhou to the governor’s mansion and handed it over to her.

“Are you satisfied?” Mrs. Si sneered.

The Gu family’s face is really despicable.

“Very satisfied, thank you.” Gu Qingzhou smiled, knowing the benefits of power for the first time.

She put away the documents and said to Mrs. Si, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to see the young marshal.”

Gu Qingzhou gave Mrs. Si a photo of Si Mu, the second commander of the military governor’s house.

In the photo, Sim is wearing an old-fashioned short padded jacket, his hair is messy, but his face is very clear. This is a recent photo.

Sim was really fed up with Germany’s tireless treatment, so he secretly ran back to Yuecheng and hid in the corner of Yuecheng.

Yuecheng is very big, with all three religions and nine styles. Mrs. Si sent people to search for two months, but found nothing, and was very anxious.

She couldn’t tell the supervisor of this matter, lest the supervisor be dissatisfied with Si Mu’s unauthorized departure.

The chief inspector has two sons. Although the eldest son, Si Xingpei, often opposes the chief inspector, he is quite prestigious in the army. In the heart of the chief inspector, he prefers Si Xingpei.

Therefore, Si Mu couldn’t make any mistakes, lest his brother be overwhelmed and unable to lift his head, Mrs. Si wanted to temporarily block the news, and even her beloved daughter Si Qiongzhi didn’t tell.

Mrs. Si searched for a long time and couldn’t find it, but Gu Qingzhou found it unexpectedly.

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