The Epic Revenge

Chapter 53 - i will nurture you

From the first time they met, Gu Qingzhou knew that Si Qiongzhi, the beautiful and beautiful person in front of her, didn’t like Gu Qingzhou very much.

This is understandable, Mrs. Si doesn’t like Gu Qingzhou. Whether Si Qiongzhi was preconceived or shared the same hatred, he would not have a good impression of Gu Qingzhou.

The first impression is not good, and it is difficult to change it later.

Si Qiongzhi said that he wanted to take Gu Qingzhou to see “Aunt Yan”, which must have been a conspiracy.

Gu Qingzhou didn’t know who “Aunt Yan” was, and for a while he couldn’t think of what trick Si Qiongzhi wanted to play.

Using static braking is Gu Qingzhou’s best strategy.

She lowered her eyes slightly, her long feathered eyelashes cast shadows at the bottom of her eyes, and her thick black hair glowed with a light inky brilliance, which set off her small face, becoming more and more pure and flawless.

Gu Qingzhou asked who Aunt Yan was. The old lady smiled and explained to Gu Qingzhou: “The chief of staff of the Governor’s House is surnamed Yan, and his wife is not in good health. She has been ill for the past two years. When she was healthy, she always came to accompany me. play cards.”

It turned out that the Yan family was a senior official of the military government.

“Old lady, don’t be sad.” Si Qiongzhi comforted her, “Sister-in-law can see a doctor, why not let her visit Aunt Yan?”

Mrs. Si’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Qiongzhi is still smart, that’s a good idea.”

Gu Qingzhou understood, it turned out that Si Qiongzhi had this idea.

Mrs. Si also understood and smiled slightly.

Only the commander-in-chief couldn’t understand the deep meaning and smiled: “It’s better to go and have a look, but Lao Yan praised his daughter-in-law all day long, and let him meet our daughter-in-law!”

The commander-in-chief really likes Gu Qingzhou, and he is very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Si Xingpei’s expression was the same, and he listened quietly.

Simu’s lips pursed even tighter, vaguely about to have a seizure. The words “daughter-in-law” made Si Mu particularly heartbroken, and he couldn’t stay any longer.

So they agreed to take Gu Qingzhou to visit Mrs. Yan on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month.

This is also advocated by Mrs.

The old lady believed in Gu Qingzhou’s medical skills, and she also liked Mrs. Yan who played mahjong with her very much. If Gu Qingzhou can cure Mrs. Yan, it will be a great virtue and can accumulate blessings.

On the same day, the Si family’s car took Gu Qingzhou back, and Si Xingpei had no chance to speak to her alone.

But the next morning, Si Xingpei asked his sister-in-law Zhu, who was working in the other house, to call Gu Qingzhou, claiming to be from the company house.

When the call came to Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingpei answered it.

“Come to the door, I’ll pick you up.” Si Xingpei ordered.

Every time I see Si Xingpei, I am thrilled.

His touch and his kiss made Gu Qingzhou shudder.

She was really afraid of him.

Gu Qingzhou refused: “I’m not feeling well, I’ll see the old lady another day.”

“Be obedient.” Si Xingpei smiled at the other end, “Don’t you dare to come out, are you planning to lure me over the wall into your boudoir late at night?”

Gu Qingzhou was shocked.

Si Xingpei really did it.

There are eyes everywhere in this house. If Si Xingpei was seen climbing her boudoir in the middle of the night, Gu Qingzhou’s reputation in the whole Yuecheng would be bad.

She hasn’t succeeded, she hasn’t won her family’s business, she can’t let Si Xingpei destroy her now.

Half an hour later, a brand new Austin parked at the entrance of Gu’s mansion.

He drove by himself, without his adjutant and driver.

Gu Qingzhou was going to sit in the back seat, and Si Xingpei called her: “Come here.”

She didn’t dare to stay at the gate of Gu’s mansion. She didn’t want to be seen by her family, so she quickly got into his passenger seat.

Si Xingpei gently shook her hand while driving: “Isn’t it cold when you wear so little and run out?”

“Don’t be hypocritical.” Gu Qingzhou pulled back his hand, “If you really think about me, you won’t force me out.”

Si Xingpei smiled softly, but his smile was gentle but domineering.

“My light boat likes to hide. It’s more expensive than a cat. If you don’t force you, you won’t run into my arms.” Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou looked out the car window and didn’t speak.

She didn’t know it herself, but Si Xingpei could see that she was a little aggrieved when she pursed her lips slightly.

In the assassination he encountered not long ago, Si Xingpei dared to go out alone without any adjutants. Gu Qingzhou felt that he was too conceited.

Maybe it’s confidence that no one can hurt him.

After a moment of silence, Si Xingpei’s car crossed the city and the alley, going further and further.

“Where are you taking me?” Gu Qingzhou asked. Seeing that he was about to leave the city, the asphalt roads around him also turned into gravel roads, and there were weeping willows on both sides.

The willow buds in early spring are fresh and tender, and the branches are stretched in the wind, swaying and graceful.

“Take your breath and teach those ignorant guys a lesson.” Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou’s back suddenly stiffened.

Did he catch the assassin?

Torture again?

Thinking of his last torture, Gu Qingzhou still haunts him like a nightmare.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Qingzhou’s voice was slightly trembling, “I’m not going, I’m going back to the city!”

After all, Gu Qingzhou was about to unfasten his seat belt, and was ready to jump from the car in a hurry.

Si Xingpei suddenly stepped on the brakes, and Gu Qingzhou almost hit the windshield.

He leaned over and unfastened the seat belt she had been using for a long time, the cigar on his body lingered on the side of her face.

He carried her into his lap.

“So courageous?” Si Xingpei gently kissed the tip of her nose, and rubbed her pale face with calloused fingers.

Gu Qingzhou has never been timid.

Her so-called boldness is nothing more than not being afraid of any conspiracy; even if it is a dark sky, she dares to walk on the ridge. At that time, Gu Qingzhou thought he was brave and surpassed everyone.

Until Si Xingpei stripped someone alive to show her.

From that day on, the sixteen-year-old Gu Qingzhou knew what terror was for the first time!

She has a new understanding of boldness and cowardice.

“Qingzhou, have you ever had a soldier in your village?” Si Xingpei put away his tenderness, looked at her with a solemn face, and asked seriously.

Gu Qingzhou was startled and shook his head: “No.”

“Yeah, no.” Si Xingpei murmured, “Compared to the melee of warlords in the north, the situation in the south is very stable. Ordinary people have only heard that the north is fighting again and the refugees are going south again, but a few people know it. What is war?”

Gu Qingzhou was dumbfounded.

What Si Xingpei said was the truth.

“Qingzhou, how many years can the situation in the south be stable? Now everyone has food to eat, no matter how big the conflict, it can be solved with money mediation.

But war is like a stone rolling down a mountain, and no one can stop it. Born in troubled times, can you avoid killing? The dead are not scary at all, the light boat, the scary thing is that there is no fixed place to live.

I have brought you to see killing and ugliness. You may hate me, but you must understand that this is the reality, this is the world, it will come to you sooner or later, and you can’t avoid it! “Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou was stunned again.

“Qingzhou, I am a soldier, and I never dare to plan my future. Once I plan my future, get a wife and have children, one day the gun accidentally goes off and my life is lost, leaving orphans, widows and mothers, which is very miserable.

You see that the military government is prominent, and the Si family is indescribable. However, how many masters have been changed in such a military governor’s mansion? The former Overseers, their bones still rot in some stinky ditch.

For a person with no future like me, day by day, I will grab the arms I like; I will take down the sites I like; I will get the women I like.

Qingzhou, I will not only get you, but I will also cultivate you, teach you to kill, and teach you to be strong. One day when I die, you are truly fearless and can live well in this troubled world, and it is not worth it for you to follow me! “Si Xingpei said.

He said slowly, and kissed Gu Qingzhou’s lips lightly.

Gu Qingzhou’s heart seemed to be shocked, she forgot to hide, and let Si Xingpei’s lips and teeth stick to each other, tossing and turning.

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