The Epic Revenge

Chapter 58 - : Severe illness

The genius doctor Xu Yizhen from Nanjing was very arrogant, which made Mrs. Yan not very fond of it.

She misses Mu Zonghe, who is highly skilled in medicine.

After Mu Zonghe’s death, there are no more decent Chinese medicine practitioners in this world. The poor medical skills of thousands of years are almost cut off.

“It’s a pity that Mu Zonghe’s medical skills are so good, but there is no successor.” Mrs. Yan regretted in her heart.

General Staff Officer Yan reassured his wife again and again, and then asked Xu Yizhen to give Mrs. Yan a pulse.

Xu Yizhen took the pulse carefully, and when he asked a lot about his condition, he diagnosed him: “Wherever blood moves, only fire is the only qi. Only the fire is the real disease, and only the qi is the deficiency.

Mrs. Zun’s illness is that the fire is full of heat and the blood is hot, it is a real disease, it should cool the blood and heat, nourish the yin and promote the body fluid. The old man prescribes a prescription, you take the medicine according to the prescription, take it for ten days, and then the old man will return to the doctor. “

At this time, the second young master of the Yan family was really full of doubts.

This doctor’s diagnosis is completely different from Gu Qingzhou’s diagnosis.

Xu Shenyi said that it is a real disease, and it needs to clear heat and nourish yin; Gu Qingzhou is a deficiency disease, and it needs to warm the yang and strengthen the spleen. These are two diametrically opposite treatment methods.

Xu Shenyi used cold medicine, and Gu Qingzhou said to use warm medicine.

How could a person’s condition be so great? The diametrically opposite method, if it is wrong, wouldn’t it add fuel to the fire and kill his mother?

“Abba, just now Miss Gu said that Mu’s mother has a deficiency, and she needs to warm the yang and strengthen the spleen. If it is a deficiency, I’m afraid this cold medicine will go down…” Yan Ershao was very worried.

It was as if his mother was shivering from the cold, and Gu Qingzhou said that he wanted to add clothes to her, but the doctor came and wanted to pour ice water on his mother.

In case his mother was really deficient, wouldn’t the mother’s condition be aggravated by this cold and heat-clearing medicine?

Two completely different diagnoses made the second young master of the Yan family timid.

“Why, the young master doesn’t believe this old man?” Xu Shenyi snorted coldly, “The old man said it, this is a real disease! If the old man sees it wrong, you can smash my Xu Yizhen’s signboard!”

This genius doctor Xu is in Nanjing. He has served all the chiefs, and he has been boasted to the extent that he knows the sky and the sky. br/>

Previously, traditional Chinese medicine was relatively lonely, and many well-known families of traditional Chinese medicine either moved abroad or had no successor.

Western medicine is effective in treating acute diseases, but for many hidden diseases or difficult diseases, it is still necessary to see traditional Chinese medicine.

It’s not that Western medicine is really unbearable, but that the doctors in Western hospitals had limited medical skills; while Chinese medicine has been developed for nearly a thousand years, many incurable diseases have experience.

In this complex environment, Xu Shenyi, who is not from an aristocratic family, has both fame and fortune, so he is very arrogant.

“Second brother, don’t talk nonsense, you don’t believe in the words of a genius doctor, but you actually believe in a child’s words?” Yan Dashao stopped his younger brother and couldn’t provoke the genius doctor any more.

Xu Shenyi was still angry, he prescribed the medicine and turned to leave.

Yan Dashao hurriedly followed and arranged for him to stay in the guest room of Yan Mansion.

Holding the prescription from Doctor Xu, Mrs. Yan hesitated a bit. She doesn’t feel like a real disease, she shouldn’t have a fire.

“…Ahui, this is a well-known genius doctor, he can definitely cure your illness.” General Staff Yan whispered his wife’s nickname, “And that Miss Gu, she is just a Child, can you believe the diagnosis of the child?

The difference between actual and deficient symptoms is very small. Often, the pulse is wrong, and sometimes the judgment is wrong. That Miss Gu is young, and it is common for her to miss her hand. You should listen to Xu Shenyi’s words. “

Mrs. Yan took a breath and said, “That’s right.”

Even so, Gu Qingzhou’s recipe, Mrs. Yan told people to put it away carefully, and don’t lose it.

That day, Mrs. Yan had no reaction after drinking the medicine of Xu Shenyi.

The next morning, she woke up early without vomiting blood.

The Yan family was overjoyed: “It really is a genius doctor!”

“The medical skills of our ancestors are more powerful than those of foreigners!”

“It’s the amazing doctor Xu! Mrs. Si also said that her future daughter-in-law is good at medicine. If she took her medicine, Mu’s mother still doesn’t know what to do!”

“Yeah, Mrs. Si is too frivolous, she should go tell her and let her know how embarrassing her future daughter-in-law is!”

“It’s a good thing that your mother’s condition has improved. If you accumulate virtue and do good deeds, don’t talk about Miss Gu.” Mrs. Yan said to the children.

Everyone in the Yan family said yes.

Mrs. Yan was also happy.

He vomited blood for two years, and it never stopped. As a result, after a single dose of medicine, the doctor got better. It’s really amazing.

The words reached Shenyi Xu.

Doctor Xu snorted coldly: “I’ve never seen a **** in the world. Did Lao Tzu’s name as a genius doctor come from nothing?”

At noon, Mrs. Yan, who was fine, suddenly vomited blood again.

This time, she vomited more and brighter than ever.

Not only that, she drank the heat-clearing medicine, and when she leaked, there was blood in her urine.

Mrs. Yan passed out.

The Yan family hadn’t had time to be happy for a long time, and suddenly they were all stunned.

Mrs. Yan’s condition worsened without warning.

“How could this be, Mu’s mother never vomited so much blood!” Yan Luoshui, the fourth young lady of the Yan family, burst into tears and shouted out of control.

The servant immediately went to ask Xu Yizhen.

When Xu Shenyi heard that Mrs. Yan’s condition was getting worse, he thought to himself, “Impossible, how could it suddenly get worse?”

He was surprised and had a bad premonition in his heart, but he couldn’t show his timidity, so he went to Mrs. Yan’s yard indifferently.

When he arrived at Mrs. Yan’s yard, Shenyi Xu was even more stunned, as if he had been beaten in the head.

Mrs. Yan’s condition worsened, which he did not expect, and Xu Yizhen immediately felt guilty.

Mrs. Yan vomited up and had diarrhea. She vomited blood on the top and red blood in the urine below. The heat-clearing medicine would leak out to some extent. Mrs. Yan was in a coma due to severe trauma.

“Quick, hold that surnamed Xu, he’s going to kill my mother!” Yan Ershao was furious.

“You bastard, do you know who I am!” Xu Yizhen had already found an excuse for himself in his guilty conscience.

But the servants of the Yan family didn’t give him a chance to speak and tied him up directly.

“Bandits, if you dare to treat me like this, I will go back to Nanjing to sue you. You are waiting for the military court!” Xu Yizhen roared, trying to put pressure on the Yan family.

As a result, the Yan family simply ignored him and locked him up.

Xu Yizhen was angry again, and surprised by the strength of the Yan family, and suddenly he was at a loss.

“How can it be aggravated?” Xu Yizhen was surprised, did he really see it wrong?


The Yan family was in complete disarray, and immediately called the military hospital.

While waiting for the military doctor to arrive, the Yan family was full of self-blame.

“What a **** genius doctor, deceiving the world, I’m going out and slaughtering him!” Yan Wushao was angry.

“Don’t make trouble!” Yan Dashao scolded his younger brother.

The women were even more flustered.

The eldest young lady of the Yan family said, “It seems that Miss Gu’s diagnosis is correct!”

At the same time, the eldest grandmother was also shocked. Gu Qingzhou is so young, and his medical skills are even better than that of an old Chinese medicine doctor?

When Xu Yizhen was diagnosing the pulse, he also asked questions; Gu Qingzhou didn’t ask any questions, just went straight to the bottom. This ability is far superior to Xu Shenyi!

Gu Qingzhou, where is the holy place?

Could she be a descendant of Mu Zonghe?

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