The Epic Revenge

Chapter 96 - Huo Yue is sick

Yan Luoshui’s gossip made Gu Qingzhou unable to help but take a seat, so his face was pale.

Gu Qingzhou always understood that Si Xingpei treated her as a trick girl.

Of course, she was a trick girl at a young age, and he would not go against his own principles to eat her, and at the same time he couldn’t throw her away. After all, he valued her and kept her by his side.

Understand, understand, but when Gu Qingzhou heard it from someone else, it still hurts his heart.

She was pale.

However, recently, she often had nightmares, had more insomnia, and her face was pale, yet Yan Luoshui didn’t notice anything unusual about her.

Yan Luoshui continued: “Si Xingpei will not associate with any woman. If he is involved with him, most likely he sold it to him, and he will be looked down upon by others.

I heard from my father that Si Xingpei should marry another warlord family and make military allies. Those famous ladies in Yuecheng were not Si Xingpei’s target. They tried in vain to hook up with him, and they flew up the branches, but they all lost their wives and lost their soldiers, all in a mess. “

Gu Qingzhou’s face was even more ugly.

She has never hooked up with Si Xingpei, but she is also in a mess. If things come to light, she will be even more messed up.

Gu Qingzhou thought that when she was sixteen years old, her life would be different.

God made a joke with her that day.

With so many carriages, Si Xingpei hid in her carriage.

Gu Qingzhou’s life is really bad!

“…In short, the Si family is not good except for the Overseer and the old lady.” Yan Luoshui finally concluded.

Gu Qingzhou wanted to smile, but the smile reached the corner of his lips, and he couldn’t hold it.

Luo Shui would not understand Gu Qingzhou’s suffering.

Then, Gu Qingzhou continued to study, never thinking about Si Xingpei.

Yan Luoshui had a lot of opinions on the Si family, and was unwilling to talk about Si Xingpei.

In the blink of an eye, it was Wednesday again. When school was over, Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui went out of the school gate and saw a person in the distance, it was actually the foster father Yan Xinnong.

Yan Xinnong was old, but he was still tall and mighty, wearing an iron-gray military uniform, standing straight next to the car door, with a high bearing.

“Dad!” Yan Luoshui was overjoyed.

Gu Qingzhou was also very happy.

The two walked up to Yan Xinnong, and they couldn’t hide their surprise when they were overjoyed: “Abba, why did you come to pick us up from school?”

Yan Xinnong was kind and said to Yan Luoshui: “Luo Shui, Dad didn’t come to pick you up from school. Dad has a friend who is seriously ill. Dad wants to invite Qingzhou to see…”

Yan Luoshui is very sensible: “Are you seriously ill?”


“Then Abba, hurry up, don’t delay.” Yan Luoshui said, she knew very well that life was at stake.

Yan Xinnong looked at Gu Qingzhou again and wanted to ask if Gu Qingzhou was willing to go.

“Those who can invite me to see a doctor are terminally ill and have no way out. Dead horses are used as doctors for living horses.” Gu Qingzhou said, “It’s so critical, let’s go quickly.”

Seeing that her two daughters are so sensible, Yan Xinnong nodded in relief.

Gu Qingzhou got into Yan Xinnong’s car.

Yan Xinnong does not smoke, the car is clean, and the driver drives quickly.

After Gu Qingzhou sat firmly, Yan Xinnong began to treat the sick man’s condition.

“He had a high fever, his face was red and his ears were red. The hospital used antipyretic needles, but the fever subsided more and more; he used medical alcohol to remove the fever, and it took only half an hour to heal, but the high fever reappeared.” Yan Xinnong said, “It has been four days of such tossing. If it goes on like this, people will burn out.”

“This is very dangerous!” Gu Qingzhou said.

“Yes.” Yan Xinnong sighed.

“Who is your friend?” Gu Qingzhou asked again.

Yan Xinnong said: “To be precise, it’s not my friend, it’s someone the young marshal got to know. Recently, the military government has some affairs, and I got to know him after I got in touch with him…”

When Gu Qingzhou heard that he was Si Xingpei’s friend, his fingers suddenly stiffened, and he could only curl up slowly.

“…His name is Huo Yue, and he is the leader of the Qing Gang.” Yan Xinnong continued, “When the young marshal took over the Cai’s pier, it was Huo Yue’s cooperation between the inside and the outside. In terms of it, he was not really a friend, they conspired with each other. It’s just profit sharing.”

Gu Qingzhou has heard the name Huo Yue many times recently.

Because Cai Keke mentioned Hongmen, he would mention Hongmen’s opponent, the Green Gang.

When it comes to the Green Gang, everyone will talk about the youngest leader of the Green Gang, Huo Yue.

“I know him.” Gu Qingzhou said, “His sister’s name is Huo Yuanjing. She used to be a classmate in our class, but she dropped out. The last time Luo Shui was scratched on her arm, she stood up for Huo Yuanjing.”

Yan Xinnong was taken aback: “Luo Shui is injured?”

Recently, he was busy with planning the Hongmen’s dock. Yan Xinnong was busy with military affairs and rarely touched the house. Mrs. Yan was afraid that her husband would be worried, so Yan Luoshui did not tell him about the minor injury.

“It’s okay, the skin is traumatized, new skin has grown, and the scar will not stay.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Yan Xinnong breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled again: “Luo Shui is indifferent, since she met Qingzhou, she is actually a little righteous, and she can stand up for others, which is rare!”

“Really?” Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

“Yeah, Luo Shui has always been lonely before. She doesn’t like to make friends, and most of them have no luck.” Yan Xinnong said.

Thinking of this, Yan Xinnong looked at Gu Qingzhou with relief.

Yan Luoshui has been depressed for a long time since the Xie family left Yuecheng and realized that Third Young Master Xie was ruthless towards her. Over the years, she mostly stayed out of the house and kept her friends. Both Yan Xinnong and Mrs. Yan were worried about her.

After interacting with Gu Qingzhou, Yan Luoshui’s heart seemed to come alive again.

She stood up for her female classmates at school. She never dared to think about it before. She used to be oblivious to things outside the window.

Yan Xinnong said again, “You are Miss Huo’s classmate, so it’s a good thing.”

Gu Qingzhou nodded.

The youngest leader of the Qing Gang, he heard that he was as ruthless as Si Xingpei, so Gu Qingzhou had no interest in him and was not curious.

Gu Qingzhou hates people similar to Si Xingpei.

She went to help with the treatment, which was the friendship of the foster father.

The car soon arrived at Huo Mansion.

Huo Yue had more enemies, and the Huo Mansion was heavily guarded, as if it was the second military governor’s mansion.

The courtyard was silent.

Yan Xinnong’s car stopped, and he and his adjutant walked to Huo Yue’s bedroom under the guidance of Huo’s servant.

Although Huo Mansion is also a garden house, the more you go inside, the more classical it is built.

The long corridor, with black lacquer carved pillars, is full of vines.

The houses on both sides are old-fashioned pavilions.

The carved windows are also inlaid with glass. The tall and majestic door with twisted branches and a complete set of rosewood furniture.

“Counselor Yan, are you here?” A man in his forties, like Huo Yue’s subordinate, received Yan Xinnong and Gu Qingzhou.

Entering the bedroom, you will be greeted by a two-person assorted partition, which is full of antiques, each of which is priceless. , The willow branch is placed, and the Qian Mo is green.

After crossing the screen, he saw Huo Yue’s hospital bed and the people who were half seated on the bed.

Looking at each other, Gu Qingzhou was a little surprised: Why is this person so familiar?

She stared and thought.

The other party’s eyes moved slightly, as if surprised, with a hint of surprise. His eyes flashed, and his dark pupils were quiet, as if the emotion just now was Gu Qingzhou’s illusion.

“Oh, it’s you!” Gu Qingzhou was in a trance, suddenly remembering a person he met in the first month.

When she went to the racetrack with Yan Luoshui and Yan Yiyuan, she was hit by a child and overturned a lady’s water cup. This gentleman helped her out.

At that time, Yan Luoshui also said that he was elegant in long gowns and should be a teacher.

Unexpectedly, he is Huo Yue, the leader of the famous Qing Gang.

Gu Qingzhou was a little surprised.

“Yeah.” Huo Yue smiled, a suave and noble smile just right, “So you really are a genius doctor.”

Gu Qingzhou smiled. Huo Yue, who she had heard of, and the man she met at the racetrack half a year ago, it was difficult to coincide.

One is vicious and black-bellied, and the other is elegant and gentle, whose appearance and interior are completely different, which is surprising.

Gu Qingzhou also likes the old-fashioned cardigans and long skirts, so the man in the long shirt and cloth shoes makes her feel friendly and subconsciously feels like a kind of person.

Unexpectedly, she looked away this time.

Gu Qingzhou’s eyes drooped slightly, and when the eyelashes of the two small feather fans were raised again, the surprise in her eyes all subsided, and she smiled virtuously.

“I said last time that you are a cold evil inside and a fake hot outside, so you are not fake, right?” Gu Qingzhou said with a smile.

Yan Xinnong was slightly surprised: “Qingzhou, have you seen Mr. Huo?”

Huo Yue’s eyes moved slightly: Oh, so her name is Qingzhou.

Qingzhou, a very beautiful name, I still remember Su Shi’s poems: a small boat, two oars are amazing, the water is clear, the sky is clear, and the waves are flat.

The clear picture was laid out in front of him, and he was extraordinarily harmonious with this girl.

Huo Yue didn’t speak, the high fever made his thinking slow.

“Yeah, in the first month, Luoshui and I, along with my fifth brother, went to the racetrack. At that time, something happened, and it was Mr. Huo who helped me out.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Yan Xinnong smiled: “This is a medical relationship.”

Chinese medicine sees a doctor, pays attention to fate. If the doctor and the patient have a medical relationship, it happens that the doctor is good at the patient’s disease, and the patient trusts the doctor wholeheartedly.

Huo Yue smiled.

His eyes are deep, and when he smiles, he is quite a bit eloquent, but he is still gentle.

The contrast is too big, but it makes people tremble and fear him very much.

“Qingzhou, my illness will trouble you.” Huo Yue called her name.

Her name is nice, and it’s a bit beautiful to say.

Gu Qingzhou nodded.

She sat down and gave Huo Yue a pulse.

Huo Yue stretched out his wrist.

His wrists were strong and strong, placed beside the bed, and Gu Qingzhou pressed his fingers on them.

Huo Yue looked down at her, her fingers were slender and white, her nails were neatly trimmed with a rounded arc, and her nails were pink and healthy.

She has very thick long hair, which is not braided like other schoolgirls, nor is it cut short to the ears.

The silky long hair poured down from her shoulders, glowing with a light ink color, which made her lips redder and paler, and her pupils clear.

No matter her appearance or eyes, she is not stained with dust, and she is exquisite and exquisite!

Huo Yue was used to seeing ugliness and experiencing prosperity, and now he felt more and more that girls like crystals were rare.

“Does she really know medicine?” Huo Yue thought to himself.

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