The Era of the Global Gods: From Demigods to Masters of Crystal Walls

Chapter 066

“Here it is.” Zhao Sheng, who was standing in mid-air, chuckled: “It seems that she found out.” ”

At the same time, he did not expect that this jade fairy, who had a great reputation among young people, would also make the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

So much so that now, the scales of victory have been completely pushed towards themselves.

“Huhuhu-hu-” “Huhu-hu-” “Hu-hu-hu-”

The howling cold wind continues.

But since the other party has found out.

Then, there is no need to continue to hide your thoughts: “Let the blizzard blow more violently.” ”

Zhao Sheng’s eyes were filled with a smile, but the idea of urging the power of the rules of the priesthood became stronger.

Soon after, an even stronger snowstorm was blizzard!

Let the world…

Completely turned into a world blown by a blizzard!

It also enlarged the outline of the originally sand-like fine crushed hailstone, gradually becoming the size of a finger, the size of a walnut, and the size of an egg!

With the howling blizzard, it crackled and smashed into any corner of this world.

It seems that tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of catapults are spinning the catapults in their hands and throwing pieces of hard hail into the sky!

The power of the gods to control the rules of the priesthood was already evident at this time.

This is why the gods can occupy the top of the pyramid.

The priesthood itself is the embodiment of the laws in which the world works.

Mastered part of how the world works.

Then, nature can be called a god, and it is enough to suppress everything, and it is not a fragile creature of a god!

Now even those fledgling green dragons with thick skin and flesh who had just entered the fourth order could only wail and hide under the trunk of the tree and did not dare to emerge.

“Emerald Fairy, the great being who walks among the morning sun and the lake, we pray to you…”

“Master of the mist of the morning sun, master of the clear lake, master of the heart of the wild, we pray to you…”

As for the wild elves, they were hiding in the forest again.

Poor Baba prayed.

However, the bow and arrow in his hand still did not dare to take it away, because these wild elves had also seen it at the edge of the forest.

Those enemies who were originally like city walls were thinking ahead, holding their halberds obliquely, and walked towards them with neat steps.

“Dang-” “Dang-” “Dang-” “Dang-”

And on the ground, the originally condensed snow and ice were all stepped on alive by them.

At this time, it was more like the footsteps brought by the god of death, which made these wild elves scattered in various areas of the forest more and more fearful in their hearts.

Now there are falling hailstones overhead, and aggressive enemies in front of them.

I wanted to harass each other on the edge of the forest.

As a result, faced with such a situation.

These wild elves suddenly could only hide under the trees, and could only passively prevent hail from falling.

You must know that these wild elves who are just wearing straw head rings have no defense ability at all.

Even counting the armor on the body, it is only some short robes made of linen, even if there are some animal skins, it only protects a small part.

Now that he can avoid the threat of cold and keep the temperature on his body in front of him, it is all thanks to the effect of the morning mist.

“Clear Lake!” And just when these wild elves prayed anxiously.

Above her head, Bei Qianqian stretched out her white and delicate little hand.

Gently pointed to the elves: “Snow is also made of water, so when this snow melts, it will also become clear lake water.” ”

As her divine power gushed out, large expanses of snow began to melt.

But this is not encountering heat melting.

Instead, in essence, it directly turns into the form of water, and then forms a lake in the entire forest.

The same goes for the hailstones that are still mixed in, snow and ice are solid water.

“The clear lake will protect you from hail.”

Bei Qianqian’s eyes were solemn.

She is not fully skilled in the use of the Lake priesthood, and she is still very immature compared to the use of the Morning Mist priesthood.

But looking at Zhao Sheng, who had easily used the three priesthoods to an extremely skilled state, Bei Qianqian did not want to admit defeat: “Even if you are better than me in the use of priesthood, I will not easily admit defeat.” Then he reached out and slowly raised the lake in the forest.

In the dream server, all clergy uses do not consume faith points.

This is the priesthood and world rules of dream simulation.

If divinity is used, something else must be paid.

Or objects with divine power as a source of energy, or directly consume divine power in their own bodies!

Of course, it is still a simple use of the priesthood, and the dream server, a special equipment built with a powerful divine power godhead as the source, meets the current rule simulation and effect simulation, which is completely sufficient, even if it is simply used by the divine, it can be paradoxically simulated.

Therefore, just below Bei Qianqian, above this forest, the clear lake slowly rose.

Gradually, it began to top the howling snowstorm above.

That’s right, it’s the top.

It was like a mirror made of a lake, or a shield, just enough to block the direction of the blizzard.

Even the goose feathers and egg-sized hailstones that fall into the lake water turn into a source of water in the lake, but expand the size of the lake.

Gradually cover the entire forest, plus the edge of the forest, firmly intact.

“Now, these lakes can serve as a shield against hail, and when the battlefield is not good, I will let the wild elves climb the trees, and then these lakes will form a torrent, completely washing the forest inside and outside, and then you will still lose!”

Bei Qianqian’s shell teeth clenched tightly, obviously rising such a huge lake was also a bit difficult for her.

After all, although the dream server does not consume faith points, it also has to worry about control problems.

“So now, wild elf, keep attacking!”

Bei Qianqian’s oracle entered the mind of the wild elf shaman.

The blow of the hail has been slowed to a negligible level, and the clear lake overhead can withstand it for a short time.

Then, what Bei Qianqian needs is for these wild elves to harass the heavy warriors as soon as possible during this time, so as to lead them into the forest, so as to complete the tactics of dividing and encircling and breaking them one by one!

“The Jade Fairy has passed down the oracle! This is her shelter! “That wild elf shaman rides on an elk.

The staff in his hand is raised high.

Looking around, those compatriots who had all stepped out of the trunk and exhaled white breath only because of the cold, shouted: “Now, let us defeat those evil enemies, defend our woods, and let the glory of the emerald fairy continue to shine on us!” ”

“All for the Jade Fairy!” The wild elves also made a harmonious sound, and their eyes were extremely fanatical.

At the same time, he continued to draw arrows and longbows, and began to move according to tactics.

For a while, arrows rained down on the edge of the forest.


The leather armor of those bear frogmen who were already standing on the edge of the forest was tied into hedgehogs.

However, thanks to the heavy armor inside, these soft bows and arrows do not pose much threat to them wearing double armor.

It seems to be quite scary, but in fact, the visual effect is relatively strong.

“Protect your face!” That Elder Nassau put his arm in front of his face, and a loud voice sounded: “Wait for the oracle of the ancestral god Savaslo, believe in the arrangement of the ancestor god, we will definitely win the final victory!” ”

“Understood!” The Bear Frogman halberdsman and the Bear Frogman axe-thrower standing in the back row both responded loudly at this time.

Since this is the arrangement of the great ancestral god Savaslo.

Then they just listen.

Moreover, the arrows scattered in the forest on the opposite side were indeed soft and did not have much strength.

After all, they are already strong, and after the blessing of the defensive effect of heavy armor, even if heavy arrows are shot directly at them, there is no way to shoot through two layers of armor without a distance of twenty or thirty meters, let alone arrows thrown in the forest from a distance of seventy or eighty meters?

Third-order heavy warriors can indeed ignore the damage inflicted on them by first- and second-order archers!

“It will need to wait.” Zhao Sheng is also looking at the following scene: “Time is on my side. ”

Qingxiu also had a faint smile on her face.

Sure enough.

That Jade Fairy does have the ability to defend against long-range attacks, or to slow damage.

Anyway, as long as it is used by priesthood, then it can form a variety of effects similar to divine arts or spells, and they are powerful from range to effect.

If you compare it to the rank among living things, it is at least the same as the eighth-order, nine-order, ten-order spell caster.

And there are no restrictions on spell bits.

It’s all instantaneous, and you can change it as you wish!

It’s just that the smile on Zhao Sheng’s face also comes from here: “The use of the priesthood will weaken the judgment of this jade fairy, since you used the lake priesthood to turn the hail into water in the lake, but the heat absorbed when melting, and the lower and lower temperature, what will you do?” ”

The god of winter was originally the ruler of harsh winters, and the snowstorms were not winters.

At the very least, add the polar temperatures!

And within Zhao Sheng’s God Domain.

But in the far north, there are those icebergs, and no creatures can survive there!

And these icebergs that exist in the Divine Domain actually represent extreme cold, and the true meaning of winter!

“Let the temperature, keep lowering!” Zhao Sheng waited quietly.

The movements of those wild elves are already slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Drawing a bow and shooting arrows is also becoming more and more soft and powerless.

The reason is that the temperature is decreasing, and as the temperature drops to a certain extent, the effect of the morning fog will also weaken to the point that it can be ignored.

It’s like cooking a frog at low temperatures, and in the end, Bei Qianqian wants to resist…

It will also be completely ineffective!

“This is my Yang Mou!” Zhao Sheng looked at Bei Qianqian’s figure, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually increased.

“Woohoo-huh-” The cold wind was still blowing.

The movements of the wild elves are really becoming sluggish, and frostbite even begins to appear in the ears and fingers.

This is a slow onset of low temperatures, and slowly everything will be harmed by low temperatures.

Then completely destroy the will of the wild elves!

“Damn it!” Bei Qianqian’s voice now seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth.

She found that the more she resisted, the more the final result was to fall into the horror of the abyss.

It was as if the world was starting to drag her into the ice hell.

“What to do?” In her mind, she still didn’t have the confidence to think of a way to fight back before.

She has been superior since she was a child, but finally evolved into the point of irreparability now because of her own carelessness.

“Now, the general offensive can begin.”

Zhao Sheng slowly smiled.

The snowstorm in my hand gradually subsided, including the increase effect brought by the plug-in.

However, the bear-frog warriors who were still standing in the snow below them, because they had received the oracle, slowly broke free from the shackles of the snow, slowly took heavy steps, and began to advance with burly bodies.

“The glory of the god of winter will be revealed here, and the world of ice and snow has been transformed into the kingdom of my god, the bear frogman, and this is the time to show your devout faith to God!” The face of Elder Nassau became more and more frenzied, and the bear frogs he brought this time will be the history of war left in the epic.

The history of the Bear Frog People will tell the story of their battles, and the poets will sing about their brave experiences.

Even after you die in battle, you can ascend to the kingdom of God and enjoy eternal life!

“For the god of winter! For Sawaslo! ”

More and more bear frogmen began to carry halberds and gradually recommend it, and did not care about the increasingly dense woods.

Even each of them, following a group of four halberds, an axe-thrower, began to search the woods for those wild elven archers.

Although there are no complete results yet, those cunning wild elves have not been captured.

But there is a backlog of space for the activities of those wild elves.


According to the footprints of the elk, as well as the footprints of those wild elves, they gradually caught up with their dodging route.

“The killing begins.” Zhao Sheng looked at the battlefield below, finding those wild elves one by one and then killing them, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became more and more upturned: “This is no longer a war, but a massacre, which is even simpler than my previous competition experience.” ”

He smiled softly and looked at the Jade Fairy: “Underestimating the enemy is often the beginning of failure, and you are already defeated now, Jade Fairy!” ”

After a long time, I was immersed in that reputation.

In exchange for the first setback in my life!

And surrender to shame!

【Freshman Tournament (Final)】

[Record]: Bei Qianqian, a class of one middle school, chose to surrender.

[Record]: Zhao Sheng, the sixth class of the second middle school, won the battle.

[Record]: Special dream projection battle field is ready to be formatted.

[Record]: The players return to the battlefield chat room.

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