The Era of the Global Gods: From Demigods to Masters of Crystal Walls

Chapter 073

“Oh, thanks.” Zhao Sheng could only take the cake silently.

Breakfast this morning.

On the side, Tang Xueyin also squinted her big eyes and smiled: “Brother Zhao Sheng, I have a question.” ”


“If memory serves, Brother Zhao Sheng should be the template for the God of Winter, right? Template for ordinary deities of seasonal nature. Tang Xueyin spoke.

Zhao Sheng was slightly stunned, not understanding why she asked so.

But he still nodded and said, “That’s right, the God Domain I awakened is ice and snow in nature, so I chose the template of the God of Winter.” ”

The Awakening God Domain does have a division of nature, which is generally reflected in the content of the seasons and the environment.

In Zhao Sheng’s God Domain, icebergs, frozen soil, and oceans dominate.

And ice has the most properties.

Therefore, choosing the template of the God of Winter is indeed the most suitable.

Of course, if in the realm of his awakened gods, there are fertile lands, plains, hills, rivers, etc., then the template of the god of luxuriance or the god of early spring is very suitable.

“However, I saw that Zhao Sheng’s brother’s race is a completely new species that has never been discovered, which of course shows the potential of my brother, but why does it also have the power of demon blood and the power of the will of the abyss?” Tang Xueyin finally asked what she cared about the most.

After all, in that game, the shock that Zhao Sheng brought her was already a shock.

The first time the two sides compete for a place in the event.

It’s all normal.

His own wilderness jackal did not become an abyss jackal demon because he was completely corroded by the abyss consciousness.

However, the frogman who will Zhao Sheng is still blue-white, although it is still quite burly and strong, and the individual combat effectiveness is almost no less than that of the orcs, but it is definitely not the same as the second meeting, which was seen in the Final Four – blue-black skin, hideous face and extremely strong muscles.

The type of warrior in the outer armor, and at the moment of crisis, can also burst out of demon blood, plus the power to bring the will of the abyss down.

Therefore, Tang Xueyin was really eager to know how Zhao Sheng could overcome the negative effects of the Abyss Template.

And how in the end it is still possible to maintain the template of belief in gods without being converted into demons!

“Hmm… I don’t know the specifics…”

Zhao Sheng couldn’t say anything at this time.

There is no way.

Can’t let him say, I have a plug-in system, just to eliminate the more serious negative effects, right?

It will definitely be pulled to slice by the strong in the world where this god occupies the mainstream!

Extract the essence, modify the species gene at will, complete the abrupt evolution, and play with the god template and the rules of the gods of this world at will, to a certain extent, the rules of the plug-in system, almost the console of the GM, are the existence of the absolute right to modify the world!

As long as it is a god, in the face of the temptation of this power, he must slice Zhao Sheng to see what the situation is.

Therefore, Zhao Sheng could not disclose the fact that he had a plug-in.

I don’t dare to say that I am a crosser.

“…… So be it. Zhao Sheng said for a while, and it was almost the same as not saying it at all.

Anyway, he belongs to the traverser and has a secret with a plug, only he knows it himself!

“Okay then.” Tang Xueyin pouted, also a little curious and unsatisfied.

But it was also very sensible and did not continue to ask more.

Instead, he thoughtfully picked up the leftover plates and went to the kitchen to wash them very diligently.

“It seems that this brother Zhao Sheng also does not understand the power he has.”

Tang Xueyin glanced at the restaurant.

Deep in a pair of beautiful eyes, the dark red light flickered slightly.

In his heart, there was even more desire: “As long as I get him, maybe the Tang family will disappear under the curse of the will of the abyss.” ”

At the level of a demigod, he can completely get rid of the control and erosion of the will of the abyss.

Even in her senses.

Zhao Sheng’s spirit has no trace of being eroded by the will of the abyss!

“It’s just incredible.” She whispered.

“I’ll go for a morning run.”

It’s just that at this time, Zhao Sheng is also a little unable to withstand the weird atmosphere in this house.

Especially when he was alone and with Tang Xueyin, his own good home turned out to be quite awkward.

“It feels like it’s not your own home.”

Walking on the road of the community, Zhao Sheng sighed.

However, the reason for coming out is actually related to the text message sent by Wang Dade.

[Brother, meet in the old place. 】

The old place actually refers to a cold drink shop not far from his house.

Just pushed the door in.

I found Wang Dade, who was full of melancholy, sitting in the corner drinking coffee.

By the way, I was on the opposite side and offered him a glass of juice.

“Why can’t you stand up?” Zhao Sheng went over and sat down, took the juice and drank two sips.

As for his friend, he is still quite concerned while talking about it.

Wang Dade was also full of discouragement: “Don’t say it, this time it really can’t be supported, that scammer deceived me of all my net worth, more than 100,000 credit points are all gone, this is the pocket money and crushing money I have saved since I was a child, as well as the capital I saved for business!” ”

“What did the Audit Department say?” Zhao Sheng also asked.

“Check slowly.” Wang Dade sighed aggrievedly.

Things are the same, this kind of gambling dog cheated out of money, it is estimated that it is equivalent to meat buns entering the dog’s stomach.

Even if his own old man is the head of the city defense army, it is impossible to get the meat buns back intact from the dog’s belly.

What’s more, Wang Dade did not dare to reveal this matter.

“It’s a shame!” Wang Dade covered his face, and his heart was about to clench.

“You should!” Zhao Sheng gave him a blank look: “This is cheap and dares to dip?” Let’s remember it for a long time in the future. ”

“Alas, my good brother, this time it is all up to you to cover me up.” Wang Dade also reached into his arms, took out a stack of god cards and put them on the table: “These are some remaining waste cards, and there are some class cards, I think if you are useful, you can pick a few, it is considered waste.” ”

“What can I use?” Zhao Sheng casually picked up the Zhang Shen card and looked at the brand new appearance, in fact, the seal inside had been destroyed.

Or rather, it is because the sealing time is too long, resulting in all the contents of the seal being damaged.

After all, the storage time of the Sealing God Card could not exceed ten or twenty years.

The rule suppression of the Overworld is so terrifying.

Unless it is a holy relic, you have the divine power to make up for yourself, otherwise there will be an expiration date sooner or later.

As for the fact that after the expiration date arrives, the seal is loosened and the contents are destroyed, then these sealing god cards will naturally be damaged.

And some unscrupulous merchants will also take advantage of this situation to process another layer of seemingly intact god patterns outside the god card.

As long as it does not reach the level of a true god, it is usually undetectable.

For example, the current Wang Dade.

I fell for this kind of fool and was deceived with no return.

“Just find some and see if there is any God Domain that can barely be used.” Wang Dade also told the truth: “I saw a fire spar vein, installed in my god domain, and added some broken stones into it, not even stones, there are only some fine broken fire spar slag in it, just enough to give my salamanders as building materials, it can barely be spread on the ground to add the concentration of fire elements.” ”

“So what can I need?” Zhao Sheng pouted, these broken god cards basically produced garbage.

Even if it is released, it is still exhausted due to the destruction of the Sealing God Pattern.

What remains is worthless slag.

“Wait, this force…” It was just Zhao Sheng’s palm, but some special fluctuations seemed to emerge.

When he casually flipped the god card, he was a little more solemn.

Because Zhao Sheng seemed to have discovered something.

Slowly bow your head.

Zhao Sheng looked at these special god cards disguised as intact god patterns with paint, and his eyes flickered slightly: “When are these cards?” ”

“Who knows?” Wang Dade sighed: “It is estimated that the kind that is decades old must have circulated from the bottom of the warehouse, otherwise these forty or fifty special god cards can allow me to buy them directly with 100,000 credit points?” Made! I didn’t know what I was thinking, so I got dizzy! ”

When Wang Dade was speaking, the whole person was more and more depressed, so much so that he took a cup of coffee and drank it.

After calling the waiter to refill, he looked like he had drunk a large glass of beer to relieve his worries.

“I look at the texture on these god cards, it seems to be quite good.” Zhao Sheng didn’t care about him, but looked at these damaged god cards seriously.

And slowly reach out and use your fingers to erase the golden lines camouflaged with paint on them.

The true divine pattern condensed with divine power below is revealed.

The god tattoo is intermittent though.

It was indeed because it took too long and the divine power was exhausted, so that these divine cards were damaged.

But if you look closely, you can still find the god patterns on these god cards, the patterns are quite simple and meticulous, presumably the god card maker who made this god card at the beginning, the craftsmanship is very unusual, and it is made according to very strict production standards.

“Speaking of which, it is somewhat similar to the style of the field army of the Sulu Federation.” Wang Dade swept his eyes next to him and also gave a suggestion.

After all, his family is from the city defense army.

Responsible for the safety of the Emerald City.

The field army of the Sulu Federation is a military agency that coordinates the whole federation.

At a critical time, even the city defense army of the Emerald City must be controlled by the military agency to arrange the battle sequence.

“Field Army?” Speaking of this, Zhao Sheng also thoughtfully: “Indeed, I remember that when we were children, the battle warehouse of the Emerald City and the field army was a martial law area, just not far from this area, it won’t be these god cards left over at that time, and they finally arrived in your hands, right?” ”

In this way, Wang Dade suddenly realized: “I lost it!” Those damn guys! And really! ”

Such a series of causes and consequences must be like this, right.

The battle warehouse has now been converted into a trade center, and of course the damaged god cards inside may remain.

After all, after the god card is damaged, it is almost no different from the waste, not to mention the waste that has been accumulated for so long, except for the garbage disposal, there is no point – after some new god cards are damaged, or after energy consumption, they can also be used as the divine power involved in the recycling and extraction.

Now, after decades of time destruction, it has been destroyed by the time of the main world, and it is completely waste!

“I’m unwilling!” Wang Dade was drinking coffee again, his face full of grievances.

It’s just that Zhao Sheng ignored him at this time.

Because as he carefully sensed these divine cards, a trace of special and extremely subtle divine power was also responding to him.

“The quality of the god card produced by the military is really qualified, and now there is still a little divine power left.”

Zhao Sheng pursed his lips slightly, and the inexplicable light flashing in his eyes also turned into a guess at this time.

Subconsciously activated the plug-in system in my mind.

[Plugin]: Lucky modifier is at your service!

[Plugin]: A special god card in the host’s hand has been detected to fluctuate in divine power.

[Plugin]: ‘Yes/No’ choose to extract the essence of this God Card?


Immediately, the plug-in system pops up a dialog box.

Let Zhao Sheng’s eyes light up slightly: “Sure enough!” ”

His plug-in system, sure enough, did not surprise him, confirming his guess.

“As long as there is a slight fluctuation, the plug-in system can extract the essence of it.”

“Then, these are waste-like god cards, and the plug-in system can certainly take effect.”

“I guessed right!”

Looking at these abandoned cards that were full of tables, they were not put in Wang Dade’s eyes at all.

Zhao Sheng was quite excited.

However, he still pretended to be calm and said to Wang Dade: “These god cards, or I will take them back to study and study, I just happened to be a little interested in card makers recently.” ”

“Research? Whatever you want. Wang Dade was very casual, and gritted his teeth: “When I see these god cards now, my heart still hurts!” ”

Although it is said that it can be thrown away, how can the waste bought by 100,000 credit points be thrown away like this?

Among them, there are 80,000 credits borrowed from my brother!

Chatted for a while more.

After Zhao Sheng comforted Wang Dade, he also returned home with these god cards.

Without caring about the meaning of Tang Xueyin, who was full of curiosity, he still wanted to come over and talk, so he directly entered his grocery room and waded into the God Domain Login: “Let me see how many good things there are in these abandoned God Cards!” ”

Surely not all god cards still have a trace of divine power that remains.

But as long as there is a hint of it.

For Zhao Sheng, the plug-in system can be extracted!

This may bring him a new future, a way to get more resources in the early stage to accelerate his growth!

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