The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 16

-No. 16-Such a group of hunks would go t

Outskirts of Kyoto, next to the military district.

A gray-black building with sharp corners stands beside the military area, which looks very magnificent. This is a sanatorium invested by the Kyoto Military District. During the Third World War, the entire Asian continent was headed by the Flower Planting Republic, one of the three countries, and gradually formed an Asian Alliance. In addition to the soldiers of the Flower Planting Country, there were also many soldiers from other countries in the Asian Alliance who formed the Alliance Army.

After the end of the Three Wars, many veterans of the Allied Forces were affected by post-traumatic stress disorder to varying degrees. They once fell into a mental breakdown and even wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

As a result, these soldiers from Asian countries who were afflicted by PTSD symptoms were temporarily unable to integrate into the lives of ordinary people. They were placed in this building by the Government of the Flowering Republic. Many psychologists were also prepared for them. For long-term treatment.

Norman waited in front of the automatic door of the military nursing home downstairs.

Norman was a psychologist and a member of the European Empire. He stayed in the Flowering Republic during the Three World Wars. Now, he is also in the nursing home to treat the wounded Allied veterans.


As a taxi arrived, Norman saw an acquaintance get off the car.

“Chen Weishen, haven’t we seen each other in a year? Your complexion looks just right.” Norman said in standard Chinese.

“Doctor, I brought what you wanted.” Chen Guangming replied.

As he said, he also took out two brand-new books from his backpack that hadn’t been opened yet.

However, what surprised Norman was…

There are actually two cute girls from the second dimension on the cover of this book.

Dr. Norman suddenly felt a little surprised.

He once thought that the book Chen Weishen called “changed his life” on the phone, even if it is not a highly professional psychology book, at least it must be the work of some domestic and foreign literary masters.

What is it like “A Hundred Years of Solitude”, “History of Urban Development”, “The Death and Life of Big Cities in America”…


What literary masterpiece will use the beautiful girl of the second element as the cover?

It feels so low!

All of a sudden the forced grid was destroyed.

I always felt that it was used to deceive the house.

“Magic Sword Academy…” Norman glanced at the title of the book, “Shen Chen, are you kidding me?”

To tell the truth, this is Chen Weishen, and someone else said that this kind of book can heal psychological trauma. Really, Dr. Norman may have just touched the big baby out of his crotch and hit people… What about this fool? !

“How could I lie to you? This is related to the lives of many of my old comrades-in-arms, why would I be joking?” Chen Guangming.

tone, unspeakable serious, unspeakable serious.

looked at Chen Weishen’s sincere eyes.

Doctor Norman thinks…


During the Three World Wars, Chen Weishen was a macho who fought and killed gods and Buddhas on the American battlefield. In the Asian Allied Forces, there were various versions of legends. Some people say that he memorized the structure diagram of the mecha. Yes, every time, I can use super armor-piercing bullets to make the pilots perfect headshots through the steel plates of the mecha. Some people say that Chen Lishen once confronted three American Federation snipers with his eyes closed. Kill (afterwards, Chen Guangming said that these were bragging, but if you are willing to believe it, he won’t explain it). Anyway, it’s awesome!

Yes it is!

With such iron-blooded men, Dr. Norman felt that his doubts were really unnecessary.

Because he is a real tough guy, even if he retires, he cannot become a dead house.

Yes, a real man is a real man even if he leaves the army!


Holding the first and second volumes of “Magic Sword Academy”, he returned to the nursing home. Dr. Norman pondered it and decided to find a patient to try.

Dr. Norman himself has never liked reading since he was a child, and he always felt that “Magic Sword Academy” was not like a serious book… Simply, just take a patient and try it directly! Hmm, many of the veterans of the Asian Allied Forces here are Chen Guangming’s little fans. He said that he was recommended by Chen Weishen and promised that they would rush to watch.

The first person to receive treatment from “Magic Sword Academy” was a veteran named Abbas, whose hometown was Pakistan.

This comrade suffered severe psychological trauma after the war, and even found no hope of survival for a time, and attempted suicide many times. Dr. Norman decided to let him try this novel reading therapy first.

Although he doubts the effect, but…in case it is, it will be useful in case.

“I don’t like reading books, doctor.” Abbas spoke fluent Chinese with a look of disgust. “And why is the cover of this book so strange? Is it a book for men? I don’t want to see this cover with girls. Books, too damn.”

“…This is helpful for your treatment, and it is what Chen Weishen requested.”

“…Captain Chen?! Then, all right.” Upon hearing Chen Guangming, Abbas agreed.

This is the appeal of sniper god!


Abbas took two books and went back to the room.

Dr. Norman did not have high expectations of him. The veterans in this military nursing home were all from the war years. They had very few entertainment hobbies, and those who loved reading were rare. Most people had a headache when they read books. Therefore, Dr. Norman felt that if Abbas could finish reading these two books in one week, it would be considered good. If he could finish reading these two books in three days, it would be considered an overfulfillment of the task.


the next morning.

Abbas found him with two big dark circles under his eyes, and said that he had finished reading it.

“You finished reading in one night? Didn’t you say you don’t like reading?” Norman was shocked.

its not right?

This comrade Abbas does not seem to belong to the number one who likes to read?

How could you finish watching it in one night?

“Um…I found this book to be very good, great, the girl in it is very cute…”

Abbas gave a silly smile.

That’s right, it’s the kind of honesty with simplicity in the simplicity, the simplicity with the lewdness, the lewdness with the lewdness, and the lustful smile with a hint of optimism.

Then he continued:

“…I have not slept for the whole night, so I will finish reading it. I want to ask the doctor if there should be a series of this book. Can I see the third volume? I can’t wait any longer. I grew up in Pakistan. , I’ve never seen such beautiful literary works! The literary works of the country of growing flowers are so interesting! I will definitely take these books back to my hometown in the future, so that my compatriots will have a look at my wife…Ah, it’s just to take a look at growing flowers. A masterpiece of human literature.”

Looking at this comrade’s simple and lewd smile…

Doctor Norman is a little dazed.

He was stunned and said: “Uh, I Baidu, this book seems to have two volumes, and the third volume has not been published yet.”

Abbas was very disappointed and said, “That’s it… Then when the new book comes out, you must notify me.”

After that, the Asian League veteran who was tortured by PTSD bounced out of Dr. Norman’s office, completely devoid of the wolf temperament of the post-war veteran. Rather, he was more like a happy husky.

He was also a lonely wolf…

and on the other side…

Yes it is!

When he discovered the huge contrast between the patient, Dr. Norman was completely shocked and stunned.


The book recommended by Chen Weishen really works so well?

This is the first time he saw such a happy smile on the face of a retired veteran Abbas!

is almost the same as a smile…

Doctor Norman bit his pen and fell silent.

Could this book really be the savior of a nursing home?

can really save all the veterans who have been tortured by trauma?

Regarding this super-big news in the military nursing home that is brewing.

The outside world knows nothing.

at the same time…

A week has passed since the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy” was released, and the first data will be released soon.

Under those advertisements put in by Light Literature, the entire light novel market is also expanding rapidly.

Originally the first volume of 16W, the cumulative sales have now exceeded 40W. In other words, under this kind of market expansion, the results of the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy” may not be inferior to the first volume. Half a minute.


When Chen Yulan got the sales data, she was shaking.

37W sales in the first week!

How can it be so scary!

What is this concept? This shows that in today’s light novel reader group, nine out of every ten people are readers of “Magic Sword Academy”!

Of course, this month, some other best-selling authors’ first-movement data also got good results of more than 100,000. It can be seen that the market is indeed developing rapidly…but! Even so, 37W is definitely an epic number!

“Fucking, Magic Sword Academy Volume 2 first moves 37W, it’s hanging up!”

“Nonsense, the second volume is so well written, it’s not a big deal!”

“Does anyone remember that Mr. Mo Shao is theoretically a newcomer light novelist…”

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and in the industry, several other publishing houses, such as XX Library, XX Literature and other first-line publishing houses, have mixed feelings about “Magic Sword Academy”.

For example, editors-in-chief Xu Zhengming, on the one hand, was so jealous of Qing Literary in their hearts that they even quietly cursed the violent death of the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy”, but on the other hand they had to admit that it was the Demon Master. This book promoted the development of the entire light novel industry. Without the book of Shao Shao, there would be no this month, and other writers’ new highs.

Therefore, it is not just the Light Literature Publishing House. In fact, all the writers and practitioners in the industry should be the beneficiaries of the light novel “Magic Sword Academy”, and they should thank Master Mo Shao.

as a party.

Li Xiaoci over there…

She was watching Chen Yulan walking into her house with a big cardboard box in a daze.

“What the **** is this?” Li Xiaoci.

At the entrance of   , Chen Yulan put the box down, “What your readers sent you.”

Hearing this, Li Xiaoci was very excited to open the box.

Then, I saw a lot of mail-like things piled inside.

“It’s actually a letter…” Chen Yulan picked up one and said in surprise, “So many! I still sent it from one place!”

“Let me take a look!” Li Xiaoci.

Originally, in the past two days, she felt that she had settled down, and she had become a humble gentleman, and would not swell anymore.

But, this group of readers…

actually wrote a special letter to praise her!

I hate it!

This is really forcing her to swell harder!


After she finished reading the content of the letter, she felt something was wrong.

This letter probably tells the story of an Asian Alliance fighter who came from a long distance from Vietnam. He finally survived the peaceful era, but suffered from PTSD symptoms and was unable to integrate into the lives of normal people. Therefore, he remained stuck in the Asian Alliance. The army is in the sanatorium of the flower country. But, one day, the Vietnamese soldier read a light novel written by Li Xiaoci, and he couldn’t help himself. UU reading even liked it to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat! In the end, the veteran not only got rid of the trauma of being indulged in light novels, but also found hope in life again. He expressed that he hoped that one day he could see the published works of Mr. Mo Shao in his home country, and he was even willing to act as a translator for free. .

Finally, at the end of the letter, the Vietnamese reader who claimed to be a veteran of the Three World Wars expressed that he hoped that Mr. Mo Shao could write the third volume as quickly as possible, and hoped to give his two wives, Sofia, the Tsundere and Hei Lin Yunuo, the big belly A little drama.

After reading it, Li Xiaoci’s mood was: “???”

I go!

Brother, you can’t troll like that!

What else is the veteran of the Asian Allied Forces, what is the post-traumatic stress disorder, what is the inability to return to China… is she really stupid? This kind of jokes are a lot of pieces on Zhihu, and they are made up to be more true than those written in the letter.

At a glance, this reader just wants to do something!


also pretend to be Vietnamese!

How could she believe such nonsense?

In Li Xiaoci’s cognition, soldiers should be synonymous with real men, whether they are Vietnamese old irons or Indian acrobats…

Such a group of tough guys will go to read light novels written for the dead house?

Imagine a group of muscular warriors with firm expressions and firm helmets and bulletproof vests. One second before they were still roaring and charging, the next second they had a beautiful girl with a two-dimensional pillow in their left hand and a light novel on toilet paper in their right, smiling at you. …

Whoops! This style of painting is not right!


Li Xiaoci couldn’t think of it.

Yes, it must be made up by the readers who caused the trouble to lie to her!

Hum, she is so smart, witty and cute, how could she be fooled.

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