The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 18

-18-“Dragon and Tiger”

Some settings have been modified in the previous two chapters to avoid some possible situations…please look back.


The Weibo posted by the official of the Kyoto Military District is definitely a super big news for people in the small circle of light novels, and even the water monsters on the forum can rely on this news. Post. After all, it has always been a niche among the niche, and suddenly it came under the eyes of the public one day, and it is still such a strong pillar of the military, which gives people a kind of “light novel has become the mainstream culture”. illusion.



is just an entertaining news.

is like Li Xiaoci’s previous life, “A Man in the United States Successfully Rehabilitated by Reading Chinese Internet Novels”.

Even if the psychologists in the military sanatorium did not find the effect of light novels in the treatment of PTSD, with the development of domestic entertainment, sooner or later, psychologists will find alternatives such as music and games, and maybe they will appear in the future. A certain veteran who is addicted to XXX mobile games can not extricate himself, and successfully got rid of the news of PTSD. However, before the emergence of these entertainment methods, the psychologists happened to be exposed to light novels, which happened to be the most interesting “Magic Sword Academy” at present.

For the three-dimensional public…

This news probably just passed by with a smile, and reposted it on QQ space or Weibo, after that…what should I do?

For people in the light novel circle…

probably means a few more posts on the forum and a few more cute new effects.

Yes, although people talk about it in a short period of time, in the era of information explosion, there are so many interesting news every day, and everyone will soon forget this matter.

As for Li Xiaoci now…

She is looking for inspiration.

Recently, she has also discovered a very suitable method for her to find inspiration, called “Buddhism Epiphany”. There is no need to do any social activities, no need to go anywhere, just like a salted fish, quietly. Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling with dull eyes, and then slowly waiting for inspiration to take the initiative to find yourself! Li Xiaoci found that this trick is very suitable for him! A young man with great ambitions like her, oh no, a young man with great ambition should use this kind of Buddhist enlightenment method, and want to break through and become a fighting sect powerhouse, it is so easy!

You said she was fishing?

Do not!

Don’t be fooled by appearances.

She is really looking for inspiration, but it is not so easy for a genius of her level to find inspiration, so she must take a little extreme method, such as salted fish to the extreme.

As the so-called “No Extremely Tailai”, when she salted fish to a certain level, in fact, she was already more fortunate than anyone, and busier than anyone else.

This is really not bragging.

Time flies, and soon, October has passed.

During this period, Li Xiaoci gave the liver the third volume of “Magic Sword Academy”.

“Wow, wait a long time this time.”

“Master Mo Shao, are you lazy? You obviously wrote the first volume very quickly!”

“In fact, it’s okay, one volume a month, most light novelists are at this speed.”

“No! Others can only write so fast, but Mo Shao is obviously able to write faster but is unwilling. This is a matter of professional attitude.”

“Let’s go to a good place to think about it! Maybe, which reader gave it to the anus? Four non-four!”

For these comments on Weibo, Li Xiaoci was immediately unhappy.

As expected, I wrote too fast last time and spoiled this group of people!

It seemed that there was a wave of warnings.

By the time the fourth volume, drag him for a year and a half, let them see what is called Fu Jian Yi Bo, this group of people dare not BB.

Actually, when she wrote the second volume before, the reason why she wrote the second volume in six days was because after the writer’s skill card was upgraded, her inspiration broke out and she designed a bunch of plots.

There are inspirations and plug-ins, so everything is easy to say, writing books without Kavin!

However, when she started to write the third volume, her inspiration disappeared again, and she could not enter the codeword state, which was very embarrassing.

The writing status of a light novelist is really a metaphysical thing. Sometimes, you sit in front of the computer all day, and it is still Cavan. However, sometimes, your thoughts suddenly flow unimpeded. As soon as you sit in front of the computer, your fingers start to tap the keyboard, and you can’t stop at all. However, Li Xiaoci did not find the status, plus a missing procrastination disorder and fish fishing disorder. Therefore, even if equipped with an intermediate writer skill card, it took a month to hold the third volume.

can only say…

Even if I know the routine, writing original works is really too exhausting!

At this time, I need to write something else to change my mentality.

Then, Li Xiaoci opened Word and silently typed the title of a new book: “Dragon and Tiger”.

Of course, she is not going to directly copy the original work of “Dragon and Tiger” without brains. After all, on the one hand, there are hard issues such as writing style and setting of the time background. On the other hand, copying without brains cannot bring any improvement to herself. . For her, even if it is copying, it is also a kind of practice for herself. If there is no brain copying, how can she rise through the catastrophe in the future and become the supreme immortal emperor?

and so…

She did not directly redeem the original novel of “Dragon and Tiger” in the system, but exchanged the entire “Dragon and Tiger” outline, and then followed the outline to add details and expand it into a book.

To put it simply, Dragon and Tiger is a love story between wingmen.

It was originally a plot like “Sister, I will be a wingman for you and help you chase my brother, but you also have to be a wingman for me and chase your girlfriend, let us help each other.” As a result, both sides help each other He was helping, and suddenly looked right.

You have to tell the story, to be honest, seeing this opening setting, the idiot knows that the two people behind are definitely getting better. There are a lot of this kind of routines in the TV series, and it’s hard to say how creative. But the key point is that “Dragon and Tiger” does make every character perfect. This story really touches people’s hearts.

Although from the perspective of later generations, this is an old-fashioned love story, but as long as it is well-written, what does it mean to be old-fashioned? It’s just as likable.

After Li Xiaoci sent the copied outline to Chen Yulan’s QQ…


Chen Yulan sent three question marks on QQ: “???”

On the editorial side, UU Reading Chen Yulan was eating her instant noodles. When she saw that Li Xiaoci suddenly sent a word document over, it was very daunting. And when she clicked on the file and found out that it was actually a new project…Yes! She was even more confused, stunned, the instant noodles chewed in her mouth fell back into the cup of instant noodles.

“What do you mean?” Chen Yulan.

also thought…

Li Xiaoci, you have just released the third volume of “Magic Sword Academy”. Why did you send the outline of the new book?

what do you mean?

Do you want to make trouble?

“New book!” Li Xiaoci said eloquently, “I am a person with dreams, how can I stop at a work?”

“Go!” Chen Yulan.

“I was serious!”

“You told me to open a new book before “Magic Sword Academy” was finished? Are you kidding me, don’t forget whose third volume hasn’t come out for more than half a month, and I was locked up in the end. I wrote it under the supervision of the dark room? If it weren’t for me to urge you to finish the writing without food, I guess it would be delayed until the end of next month. I don’t think you can hold it back.”

“That… ahem! That was just an accident! Look at the sales of my third volume, how good it is.”

“So what does the sales prove?”

“It proves that I am a genius!” Li Xiaoci responded quickly, “For a well-known genius writer, nothing is impossible!”

“…” Chen Yulan.

Hey hey, no one has ever praised you as a “well-known genius writer”, right?

got it!

This product is again…and inflated.

Who will come over and stop her?

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