The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 29

-27- Let her just use her pen name

The first two chapters were deleted and merged into this chapter. I was thinking about the development pattern of this book. I will definitely interact with many male characters in the future, and the seiyuu agent seems to be basically male… Well, later I thought it would be better to throw my mind away, so I replaced the agent with It’s a girl, I guess it will make many people feel more comfortable, and it will also make it easier for me to interact with my agent. In short, I deleted more than two thousand words of content and added new content. There are some changes in the details. Feel it for yourself… Naturally, the next chapter that originally wrote two thousand words will naturally be torn up because the agent is changed. Do… There should still be, but it’s just a little bit more.



In a restaurant outside the Black Cat Club.

As usual, all the STAFF members who participated in the animation production also had a meal here. There are audio supervisors, tuner, producer, animation supervisor, other members of the animation team and the owner of the black cat club, etc., naturally also included The voice actors and their agents participating in the performance, as well as Chen Yulan and Li Xiaoci as the representatives of the copyright owners.

The main purpose of this meal is to familiarize all the STAFFs in the animation team with each other, and don’t even know each other when they meet.

For example, Li Xiaoci, at the beginning, many members of the animation team thought which old brother brought his sister, and wondered which old brother could have such a cute sister. When you look back, you must communicate with him and improve your relationship. Enhance friendship and be a good brother for a lifetime…

I only found out after asking, I’m going! This elementary school student is not only the voice actor of Sophia and the hero, but also the original author Mo Shao himself!

Are all elementary school students so awesome now?

As an adult, I suddenly feel that the times have eliminated myself.

Because the restaurant itself is not big, the STAFF are also sitting at different tables. This kind of seat naturally depends on people. For example, the boss of the black cat club, the producer, the animation supervisor, the sound supervisor, and the big guys like Chen Yulan and Li Xiaoci sit at a table, and then the members of the animation group sit at a few tables, and the voice actors are there. , The three cute new girls are not familiar with anyone. After shivering, they also chose to hold a group for warmth. They sat at the same table with their agent and hid in the corner.



Li Xiaoci went to the table of voice actors.

That’s right, if you want to sit down, sit with the cute girl!

She doesn’t want to sit with a group of fat house uncles, they just let Chen Yulan deal with it.


After seeing Li Xiaoci come to this table, the three seiyuu girls and the female agent were all a little nervous.

“Master Devil, does it matter if you sit here?”

It was the voice actress who dubbed Hoshino Junka, whose stage name is “Grapefruit”. He just entered his freshman year this year, and is also a cute young man who has just started to work as a voice actress. In theory, he is the same age as Li Xiaoci, but in terms of height, how? They are all big sisters.

According to reason, he should treat the original author of Mo Shao’s gangster level with great respect and care. However, from Yuzi’s point of view, the original author looks like that kind of little loli…well, except for the C on the chest.

Therefore, Yuzi also didn’t know how to face this teacher.


Mo Shao, like them, has an extra layer of seiyuu status.

So, is this a tall original author, a cute little sister, or a powerful voice actor?

“It doesn’t matter.” Li Xiaoci said indifferently.


The voice actors present also introduced themselves.

The CV girl of Alice is called “Dimple”, Lin Yunuo’s CV is called “Fu Jiu Mao”, and the agent of the three is the same person, whose name is Su Yumi. She is a very beautiful young lady who has a special smile. Like Li Xiaoci’s previous life girlfriend Xinheng Yui.

“That… Teacher Devil, can you give me an autograph?” Su Yu said quietly.

Yes, as the agent of the voice actors, Su Yumi himself is also a fan of the original “Dragon and Tiger”. As for “Magic Sword Academy”… forget it, it is not written for girls at all.

“No problem!” Although it was the first time that someone signed an autograph, Li Xiaoci’s expression was very calm.

That’s right. Isn’t it a normal thing for “well-known and talented writers” to sign autographs for fans? Nothing to fuss about!

You said my hand holding the pen is shaking?


Any more nonsense, the chicken will interrupt you.


On the other side, the three Mengxins gradually relaxed after getting used to Li Xiaoci’s cute little faces, and were no longer restrained because the other party was the original author.

After all, the cute legal loli is always close!

Even in Chen Yulan’s opinion, the degree of under-beatenness of this product far surpasses her cuteness.

“How are you?” Li Xiaoci nodded, revealing two crystal small tiger teeth.

“…Hello, Master Mo Shao.” The three Mengxin nodded quickly.

Looking at the cute and obedient group of cute new people, Li Xiaoci immediately changed into the juvenile voice line that he would use when dubbing “Su Fan”, with an expression of expectation: “Come on, call my husband!”

This is the look in the legend that people can’t refuse.

In an instant, the three Mengxins were moved, and then they realized what Demon Shao had said, and his expression suddenly stiffened.

Husband? What the **** is calling her husband?

I have never heard that female voice actors and female original authors have such a deal, okay!

However, before the three adorable new talks, Chen Yulan didn’t know when she was standing next to Li Xiaoci and slashed her forehead with a hand knife.

“It hurts, it hurts!!!”

“I didn’t look at it for a while, and you are messing up again! Can you not mess with people?”

Chen Yulan also found out that this product would cause trouble everywhere when he was out of sight, just like a typical ADHD bear child.

Besides, does the little voice actor know you, do you know him well, you will let people call your husband?

‘S loss, you are all girls. If men talk like this, it is estimated that the chrysanthemum will be broken.


After   , at the table, everyone also chatted casually about other things.

Su Yumi also suddenly asked: “That’s right… Teacher Mo Shao, your voice is so good, are you working as a part-time voice actor?”

When auditioning in the recording studio during the day, a group of agents also probed their heads at the door, and witnessed the shocking performance of the Demon Master by the way…Ma, it’s amazing! There is no social security for this voice thief!

Therefore, in Su Yumi’s opinion, few voice actors in the industry can match the level of the demons, and those big-name voice actors are at this level.

Not being a voice actor with this kind of talent is a waste of talent.

“No no, I’m just a ‘well-known genius writer’ at the moment.” Li Xiaoci thought about it seriously and replied.

“Can we be humble? Remove the words’famous genius’ for me.” Chen Yulan couldn’t stand it anymore.

This stuff is not too shameful, she is too shameful as an editor, this stuff is so terrible that one person loses two people!

Why did she sign this product back then?

“I won’t!” Li Xiaoci refused in seconds.

“…” Grapefruit, dimples, and cats supporting wine.

Well, just talking about the way of getting along with the editor, this teacher is also quite different.


Su Yumi suddenly asked: “Then…is teacher Mo Shao interested in being a voice actor? I mean, like Yuzi and others, they go to college while working as amateur professional voice actor. After all, the current voice actor work in the industry is not There are many voice actors who can grab jobs. It is a very leisurely career in itself and will not affect the teacher’s daily creation.”

As a seiyuu agent, it is simply unforgivable to miss a talented future seiyuu like Mo Shao!

After hearing this question, other people also showed surprised expressions.

“Seiyuu?” Li Xiaoci.

“That’s right! Teacher Mo Shao, you have this talent, not being a voice actor is too wasteful!”

“Oh sounds pretty fun.” Li Xiaoci.

heard this…

“Then teacher, do you… agree?” Su Yumi.

“Yes, yes.” Li Xiaoci nodded repeatedly.

If you become a well-known voice actor, it is also very helpful to increase the reputation of the system. Entering the mid-to-early stage of any new field, the reputation value will always increase the fastest. After a long time, the market is saturated, and the increase in the reputation value will become slower and slower. Therefore, if you can step into the field of seiyuu and make troubles, the prestige value you can get will not be much less than that of her writing light novels, right?

Think about those patients with nail palace disease, as well as coriander honey, and a seiyuu chef who takes a bite of “Sakura Dafa is good” and “Dongshan Dafa is good” all day…

Look at this powerful cooking power, maybe you can get more reputation points?

What’s more, the Intermediate Voice Actor Skill Card is so fun, it can’t be wasted.

As for Chen Yulan next to her, she doesn’t have any comments on this.

She is just the editor in charge of the publishing house, not Li Xiaoci’s guardian, so worry about this.

Besides, since the end of the Three World Wars, although the animation industry has been developing rapidly, it will take time after all. At least the current voice actors are indeed a less popular and leisurely profession. Instead of letting this guy be in the codewords and humming salted fish all day long, it is better to do some serious things, such as contact dubbing work.

“So… now Teacher Mo Shao is our junior?”

The three adorable new people were trembling all the time.

The three of them were assigned to Su Yumi in the same group, and they were familiar with each other. For them, Shao Mo belonged to the kind of tall original author and the hottest in the industry. Best-selling light novelist.

How can he become his own seiyuu seiyuu now? !

When I look back on dubbing, should I treat Mr. Mo Shao as a cute younger generation, or as the original author full of authority?


For the first time, I feel that the current generation is so stressed!


A few days later, in the main business classification of the “Honghe Office” company where Su Yumi and others are working, on the page about the voice actor introduction, there is also a new voice actor without a face photo, whose stage name is ” Little Demon”.

Originally, Li Xiaoci was also planning to take a new name to distinguish it from his pen name.

However, when she said that she wanted to use “The King of Ten Thousand Women” as her stage name, she was always opposed by everyone, including Chen Yulan.

Then, she said that she would use “bloodthirsty sanitary napkins” as a stage name, and was opposed again.

Soon, one after another stage names such as “Twilight You Xiao Ji Ji”, “Ye Ao Nai Wo He”, “18cm Dark Flame Dragon”, “Eat My Big Bird”… and so on, were all rejected.


no way!

Everyone also thinks, what kind of horrible name is this thing… She is embarrassed, and the other side of the office is embarrassed to admit it.

What are you special? This is for trouble!

So, let her just use her pen name.

Anyway, Mr. Mo Shao is a man. Li Xiaoci admitted on Weibo that another Mo Shao appeared in the voice actor world. It was just a coincidence. At most, I was suspected of being hot. Moreover, as long as the seiyuu’s acting skills are sufficient, it will be harmless after the popularity is high. The seiyuu’s acting strength is the key factor that determines all problems.


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