The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 302

Leave and…special notice…

Ask for leave for a period of time, and after you come back, it will explode to the end… I guess it is like this.

I know the problem of this book better than anyone else. Let alone someone spraying it, even if no one sprays it, I know the problem. But there was no way, Yan Yun Songzi taught me how to write essays, but she also personally blocked Li Xiaoci’s future path.

“Light” is something that Yan Yun Songzi has not touched, so the cut-in was perfect at the beginning. I believe everyone is also very satisfied with the early stage of this book.

However, whether online articles, comics, music, animation, comics, comics, and live broadcasts, Yan Yun Songzi has already played the remaining things, which leads to Li Xiaoci no way to play, once they play, there will be “Author, are you copying what you wrote before?”

I believe that when I asked Li Xiaoci to copy the net articles, some readers who had read Yanyun pine nuts felt this way. This also caused the weak period of this book to come quickly, and then even if Li Xiaoci was allowed to change to copy it. Comics have the same sense of sight.

The way to solve the weakness of copywriting is to change the field of copying. If I change the field, I can drag the period of weakness to at least one million words. After all, I am already experienced.

However, the problem is that all fields have been played by Kuang Shao, and it has become the only field that can be written, so that when it is about two or three hundred thousand words, the light part is digging to the limit. This book is also So it has entered a period of weakness, and it has dragged on to more than 500,000 words now, and it has mixed up all kinds of content, almost to the limit.

If changing the field is equivalent to the devil’s going crazy and less traveled, it is equivalent to copying the previous plot-the theme of copying is very special and restrictive, novel plots are almost non-existent, and the road itself is so narrow. I also tried to write the same content from the perspective of a different perspective, such as writing stories in the online literature circle from the perspective of the online literature platform, but the plot is the same, so changing the perspective, the effect can only be said to be average.

Of course, I don’t want to give me the protagonist of the old book. As a net writer, I should have the courage to keep changing the subject matter.

The next update will only take ten and a half days, of course, because I have to watch the League of Legends s match, it may take longer… Anyway, there must be a burst of changes, I suggest you pay attention to it, maybe it will be your last time Look at the pine nuts do not eat sugar written? Let’s get together, but also get together!

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