The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 84

-Seventy-three-Never sell station B to o

“Love that can’t be conveyed” is not to say that it is a peerless divine comedy, but it does match the original fan’s mind. With the memory of the last episode of the animation, the performance effect is also an instant explosion. Therefore, in After the last episode was broadcast, the song suddenly rushed to the forefront even on the charts of major music platforms.

This situation also appeared when Li Xiaoci posted the “Four Articles of the Constitution of the Son of Heaven”, and it rushed to the top of the charts overnight, making many musicians look bewildered. Originally, some singers and composers thought this “undeliverable love” was a blockbuster new singer, but when they saw the word “Mao Young” on the composer column, they were also very familiar…Fucking it’s you again! Why can’t you be your voice actor? !

At the same time, after the animation was broadcast, Bai Xuegeng officially became popular in the house circle, and even some three-dimensional cashiers who did not watch animations and novels had seen the “Winter Horse Xiaosan!!!——by Lu Xun” image. The number of followers on the post bar of “White Album” has also soared from the original more than 10,000 to more than 200,000 in one week. It can be said to be quite terrifying.

And Li Xiaoci here…

Going home from the company leisurely, and humming while walking along the way, it was too comfortable, but as soon as I arrived at my door, I saw Chen Yulan looking at her with a smile.

Li Xiaoci: “!!!”

I go! This RBQ has learned how to squat in spring water! When has her IQ so high!

So…Is it too late to apologize now?


In a cheap office building in Kyoto.

A twenty-five-six-year-old young man stood by the window, looking at the scenery on the street with a melancholy expression.

This young man is called Xu Rui, the founder of Station B in this world. And the second floor of this very shabby office building where he is located is the current headquarters of station B. The overall size is about tens of square meters. Counting Xu Rui himself, editors and technicians, there are only five people in total. Moreover, all Not only do people have no salary, but Xu Rui has to post more than 100,000 yuan in the monthly operating cost of the website.

It can only be said that using love to generate electricity to such an extent, even if Comrade Xiao Lei, who is famous for generating electricity in Li Xiaoci’s previous life, has seen it, he must be willing to go down…This full amount of electricity is really Pikachu!


Since the rapid development of the housing circle these days, Xu Rui has also received more and more calls here, and without exception, he wants to buy station B.

Those capitalists in the past must have dismissed station B. After all, a website that has no source of income at all and keeps losing money, is it possible for you to let profit-oriented businessmen use love to generate electricity? Not to mention generating electricity, they are pretty good not to **** blood.

However, after the rapid development of otaku culture during these days, many foresighted capitalists have also discovered that station B may become the key to entering the housing market to make money! Look at the Tonghua Group, which is far-sighted, and the advertisement narration with a sweeping robot proves how cheating the money from the dead house is!

Therefore, during this period, Xu Rui can also receive seven or eight calls a day, all wanting to talk about the acquisition of the website.


Xu Rui refused all of them.

After all, his original intention for the establishment of the website was to create a small circle of exquisite and beautiful subcultures that made outsiders envy and hate. How could it be possible to let a group of businessmen who only know how to scam money and don’t even know what the house culture is to destroy him? Hard work?

Yes it is!

Xu Rui even died of poverty! starve! Jump down from the second floor!

will never sell station B to others!


sat down in the chair, Xu Rui sorted out his thoughts, took out his mobile phone and started listening to the song.

That’s right, Xu Rui heard this song, which is the “Four Articles of the Constitution of the Son of Heaven” contributed by Shao Shao on station B.

Originally, he liked the two light novel characters of Sophia and Aisaka Dahe very much. When the animation was broadcast, he was surprised by the dubbing of Mo Shao as the original party, and then it became a matter of course. The seiyuu chef of Shao Devil even secretly left a comment on Weibo that “Master Devil scolds me”, but it was mixed in a group of “Mao Shao scolds me” and no one noticed it.

It’s a pity that since “Dragon and Tiger”, Master Mo, who is clearly at the peak of his popularity, did not take any job as a voice actor this summer, which is also very regrettable to him.

Alas, it’s obviously such a good summer season, why did my wife suddenly stop showing up?

I can’t hear my wife’s voice, I feel that this summer is incomplete.


Fortunately, there are also the “four articles of the emperor’s constitution” to talk about for comfort.

Since Mo Shao contributed this song, he stopped listening to other songs on his mobile phone, so he repeated this song all day long. Correct! Just like many people who were brainwashed by the disease name love black pineapple, their brains are full of “love love love love love” or “ahhhhhhh”, Xu Rui has been full of thoughts since he listened to this song. Young Master Mo’s cute voice couldn’t stop at all.


It didn’t take long for the editor of the fat house who worked part-time for the “verification gentleman” and the “big chick beautiful girl customer service” also suddenly came over and said, “Boss, there was another call just now. It’s still that… the phone of Magic Entertainment.

“Didn’t I tell them about the acquisition of the website? Why did you call again?” Xu Rui frowned.

There is no doubt that among all the people who come to discuss the acquisition of the website, Magic Entertainment is definitely the most sincere in terms of bidding.

When others come to talk about acquisitions, they usually open a very low price, trying to bargain with Xu Rui, but Moqi Entertainment is very powerful, the voice sounds very immature, but also very soft and cute Lolita Miss Yin said, “We want to buy station B, you can open it yourself as much as you want”… It’s inhumane!

Xu Rui thought that the other party was joking at first, so he said “Oh, that ten million, otherwise no talk”, who knows that the young lady on the opposite side actually replied “OK, okay”, and Xu Rui was scared to hurry. After leaving a sentence “Don’t tarnish my sacred two-dimensional element with dirty money!!!” I hung up the phone.

Mom! Almost shaken by dirty money!

“No, she said she was going to come to talk with you in person.” The editor of Fei Zhai replied.

“In face-to-face interviews? What are you doing? Do you think I will believe their sincerity in face-to-face interviews? It’s just a group of businessmen, they also understand the second element?” Xu Rui also said in a disdainful tone.

Although, the young lady of Loliyin on the phone made him have a good impression, but as a man chasing dreams, how could he sell his dreams to others?

does not exist, okay!

The next morning.

Other people are working normally, the reviewer is reviewing the manuscript, the adjustment adjustment, and Xu Rui is also sitting in a chair, silently waiting for someone with magic entertainment to come.

Originally, he was thinking about changing a restaurant to talk to the other party, but thinking about it carefully, since the acquisition is impossible, then there is nothing to talk about, just let the other party go wherever they come and go. However, he was still very curious, because other people who came to talk about the acquisition of the website were rejected by him and gave up. This Moqi company actually had to talk face-to-face, which made him always feel that something was going to happen.

Soon, someone knocked on the door Hello , is anyone there? We are Magic Entertainment. ”

heard this sound…

Xu Rui felt a little familiar inexplicably.

I go! This sound is so good! In other words, where did you always think you heard it?

At the same time, the other four friends in the room also silently suspended their work.

“What a cute voice.” Edited by Fei Zhai.

“And I feel like I heard it somewhere.” The thin house editor meditated.

“Don’t you think it sounds a bit like my wife’s voice?”

“Where is your wife?”

“Sophia, Ai Saka Dahe, which one is not my wife?!”

The editor of   Fit House is plausible.

“…” The others, “Go away!!!”

On the other side, Xu Rui also quickly shouted: “Please come in!”

After saying these two words…

Xu Rui and the others were also in a daze.

Because they didn’t expect it at all, it was not the imaginary young lady who entered the door, but two young loli who looked young!

What does this special mean? Is Moqi Entertainment going to play a beauty trick? Sure enough, the capitalists are lustful, and they use such despicable methods as Lori! Do you think Xu Rui is lo*ic*n? Do you think he would easily succumb to it? It’s impossible, okay!

After all, there are only two…As a young man who chased the wind, he could not bear it!

However, after the headed elementary school student took off the pixel sunglasses…

Xu Rui was forced.

The two review editors were stunned.

The other two also looked incredible.

“Magic, demon, demon… Demon master?!”


As expected, two consecutive shifts are too reluctant for me.

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