The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 18 Who am I

"I feel something licking my face, so I slowly open my eyes.

"Aetheris..." I see my little dragon licking my face, he seems to be trying to comfort me.

'Do I really look that bad...' I wonder how my expression must seem for even Aetheris to notice that I'm not doing well. I see that I'm completely clean and my clothes are back on.

'I feel sick...' I feel like my stomach is still heavy and viscous, although it's lighter than in the beginning. My body converts everything that enters it into magic, so I guess the demon lords didn't see the need to make what I ate disappear when I was cleaned.

I look at my stomach, it's no longer protruding. But I can still feel the semen, my body is not able to instantly transform what I eat into magic, so it happens gradually, since my stomach was full of semen, there hasn't been enough time for it all to disappear yet.

I take Aetheris and hug him for a while.

"..." I know I'm in a difficult situation, but I have hope that I can escape at some point.

"Aetheris, are you hungry?" I ask, planning to feed him with magic, since I don't know how long I've been out of the room. He nods slightly, still comforting me.

I feel that if I don't do anything now, I'll be filled with despair, so I try to occupy myself with something. I start feeding him while telling him how I acquired my first magic.

"Look, I'll show you...Heal" I use Heal on him, although he's not injured, it's still possible to see the green glow emitted by the magic.

"Rwar Rawr" he gives a cute growl as if he's congratulating me.

'Cute...he's so smart...are all dragons like this?'

"Hello, little sister, I see your dragon has been born" just as I was about to talk to Aetheris, Valac enters my room as if it were his own.

'...Tsk...I didn't want to see anyone today, I'm not well enough to not say stupid things...' I who already make a lot of blunders when I'm fine, I don't even want to think about the nonsense I'll say now that I feel a bit sick.

Suddenly, Aetheris flies very fast and stands between me and Valac, he starts growling extremely aggressively at him.


"!!!" I'm surprised by his sudden aggressiveness, when he's with me he seems so docile, but as soon as he saw Valac, he became super wild.

"B-Big brother, please don't do anything to him, please" I quickly plead desperately, I suddenly feel afraid that he will kill Aetheris.

"..." he doesn't say anything.

"Please, I'll do anything, but don't do anything" I ask again, throwing myself on the floor to beg.

"You don't need to kneel, little sister, I won't do anything to him...I already imagined he would react this way anyway" Valac says in a relaxed way.

"..." I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that he won't do anything, I've never felt so afraid of losing something, my relationship with Aetheris is more special than I expected, now he's almost like my safe haven.

"I'll see how much your little dragon is willing to challenge me for you" Valac says, making me look at him with doubt.

"Yes? About what..." I feel my body trembling, while I feel a sensation as if I'm being crushed, my breathing is irregular.

'W-What is this, I feel like gravity is crushing me' I can barely breathe while my body trembles instinctively, but I ignore it and look to see if Aetheris is okay, he's also trembling but still maintains his stance as if he's protecting me.

The pressure increases, I feel like a mountain is on my body, now I can't even breathe. Just as this pressure appeared out of nowhere, it disappeared.

"Haar" I breathe heavily now that the pressure is gone.

"...I understand, he seems to really like you, little sister, he never wavered..." I look at Valac and realize what he did.

'IMPOSSIBLE...' all this pressure came from just him releasing a little magic, just a little magic leaked out and I felt like I was being crushed.

'Now I understand why no girl can have sex with them...' because they release magic in their semen, for any woman it would be instant death when this magic entered their bodies.

"So, what's the name of your dragon, little sister?" Valac asks cheerfully, as if just a few seconds ago he wasn't crushing me.

"...A-Aetheris..." I respond, still afraid of this monstrous magic.

"It's a good name...better than I expected..." he says with genuine surprise.

"Why did you think the name would be bad?" I ask, slightly offended.

"...Humans usually like to name their pets after food, I never understood that, what kind of laziness is that to not think of a good name?" he says honestly.

'Why is it cute? I never thought about that...' I turn my attention to Aetheris, who is now biting Valac's leg, Valac simply ignores it.

'He didn't even tear his clothes...' Aetheris, who bit the furniture and tore pieces off, was not even able to tear Valac's clothes.

Valac grabs Aetheris by the neck, like how you would hold a cat by the neck, and lifts him up.

He looks into Aetheris' eyes and then speaks to me.

"Would you like to take a walk with me? You can bring your dragon, I'll protect you both," he says enthusiastically, now letting go of Aetheris.

"..." I'm unsure if I should accept, but I fear that if I refuse, he might decide to just fuck me right here and now, and I really don't feel well enough to lose the little hope I have left.

"I-I'll go..." I decide to go, maybe it will be good for my mind to take a walk without worrying about being hurt or abused by a trap. I also want to show Aetheris the castle, normally taking him would be impossible, but with Valac, nothing will hurt us.

"Great, little sister, let's go right smell so good, I'm sure you had fun haha," he says something and then laughs.

"?...!!!" I realize what he's talking about, I have no idea how he knows what happened to me, but I can't refute what he said.

"How...did you know?" I ask with doubt.

"It's your scent, little sister," he says smiling.

'Am I reeking of semen? How?... their magic should have cleaned me...even if there's semen in my stomach, there's no way his sense of smell could detect that, right?'

"You seem confused, I don't mean a normal scent, so don't worry, you're not reeking, in fact, it's the opposite, the scent is wonderful," he says in a calm tone and a happy smile.

"What's my scent?"

"...Lust, you have the scent of Lust, which reveals that you've done something with someone before," he explains to me.

'Lust has a scent? And why is it the Sin of Lust that he can sense this?'


"Big brother...this scent, can only you sense it? And will it stay forever?" I ask, remembering something about Valac.

"Yes, but your scent is different from other people's, just sensing it makes me want to fuck you right now, and this scent doesn't go away, it just becomes lighter, but it will increase as you have any sexual acts with others."


'Damn...that's the reason...' in the game, although Valac has many options that make him have sex with Ayla, there's something noticeable, which is that as the game progresses, he becomes increasingly obsessed with Ayla, and he's always complimenting her scent.

He also once said "Your scent is the same as mine, but different from other people's" when I played the game, I never understood this line, but now it makes sense.

'That means...the more sex I have...the more Valac will want to be with me...' this only makes things worse, because it means that as time goes on, Valac will have more and more interest in me.

"Then, little sister, shall we go?"

Valac is a complete pervert, although he hasn't done anything yet, I don't even want to imagine what he'll do to me when he starts becoming obsessed, honestly in the game he's one of the worst, because he shows an abnormal obsession with Ayla as the game progresses, now that I know the reason, I just feel a shiver.

"Y-Yes...let's go" I'm afraid to be near him now that I know this fact, in fact, it can be noticed that he has a slight interest in me, since he came to visit me to invite me to take a walk with him.

I take Aetheris and put him on my shoulder, although I'm weak, Aetheris isn't very heavy.

Aetheris still looks at Valac with aggression, although he's calmed down a bit after I held him. We start walking while Valac keeps talking, but I ignore it because I'm lost in thought, noticing something strange.

All the Demon Lords become obsessed with something in Ayla, an example of this is Leviathan, who after tasting Ayla's Blood, became obsessed with her. But this is...strange, because they can have whatever they want, so why do they become obsessed with a human?

The 7 develop some kind of obsession with her, and this obsession is usually linked to the sins that each of them represents. In addition, another really strange thing is...

'Me...why am I immortal?'

Nothing in this world besides Aurora is truly immortal, so why did Aurora bless Ayla with absolute immortality? Even the Phoenixes can die, it's just hard to kill them, but Ayla can't, she's absolutely immortal, her body, mind and soul cannot be destroyed in any way.

In addition, there are several other strange things about my body.

'Why do I have so much magic?...'

In this world, all races have a growth limit that they cannot exceed, among humans, only the hero can surpass this racial limit, and that's with the help of his sword. But somehow, I was already born breaking this limit, even though the only status that is like this is Magic, Beauty and Charisma, it's still abnormal.

'Maybe...I'm also one of the secrets I need to discover? Maybe there's something I don't know about my body? Do the Demon Lords know about this? Why do they become obsessed with a human? Even if she's immortal, most of them have an obsession not with the body...but with Ayla herself.'

I try to think more about this, I was so focused on escaping that I ended up forgetting a mystery that's right in front of my face. My immortality is a mystery, why would Aurora give absolute immortality to someone? I mean, not even Aurora can kill me now, after all, it's stated in the game that Aurora herself cannot take away Ayla's immortality.

'Aurora...why did she make me immortal...wait...what happened to Ayla's soul...and how can I be in Ayla's body?...her soul would prevent any invading soul since her immortality also doesn't allow her soul to be taken from the body in any way' I have doubts about this, not even Aurora could take Ayla's soul, am I here.

'Strange...there's something can I occupy this body...does this mean this body never had Ayla's soul? Or was I in this body even before she was born?' this fills me with doubts, I even come up with the theory that I was actually in this world before Ayla was born, in other words, I am Ayla since I appeared in this world, and I wasn't transmigrated, but rather reincarnated from scratch.

'This would explain my blurred memories...or did I just create a false life to escape reality? Who am I really?' I feel like I'm having an existential crisis, I don't know who I am, am I Ayla? Or was I Willian? Did I just create a false illusion to escape reality?

Am I still me? Did Willian really exist? Who am I...? Is my life a lie? I hold back the tears so as not to worry Aetheris.

I feel like I'm about to collapse, but I refuse to accept that my life was false, so I try to find anything that shows my past life is real.

'No, I was a man, IT'S NOT JUST A LIE...I-I know...YES I remember, There was a message from Aurora in the System, and Leviathan was the one who took my virginity, I haven't been here long enough to start hallucinating about my life...'

'I don't know how Aurora put me in this world, but I know I was a man in my past's not just a brain couldn't create such an elaborate lie.'

It's like putting 1+1 together, everyone knows it's 2, so I know I'm not creating a lie to escape reality, I may be Ayla now, and perhaps I was born in this world, but I was also Willian before.

I try to stop thinking about it, I feel like I wouldn't be able to keep walking normally if I had an existential crisis right now, no matter how Aurora put me in this world, I know my past life is not a lie, I just need to escape this place, or find a way to uncover the secrets of this world.

"Look, little sister, we're here, this is the garden of my area," Valac snaps me out of my reverie, I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when we arrived.

"That is..."

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