The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 5 Danger

I hastily sit up, feeling shivers throughout my body and a sense of disgust as I hug myself, tears forming in my eyes though I don't cry.

"W-Was it a dream?" When I wake up, I see that I'm in my room, my dress is normal, and the room is completely tidy.

"No..." The shivers worsen, almost to the point of a seizure as the memories of what happened flood my mind, not allowing me to deny the reality.


I feel disgusting, I've lost what was left of my masculinity just thinking about it reminds me of the scene I saw in the mirror, a girl stained by lust. And I know it'll only get worse from here.

'I need to escape, I need to escape, I need to escape' These words repeat in my mind. I know that if I stay in this place, it will happen again, and each time it will be harder to bear.

I can't even go insane because this damned immortality prevents it. I can't wait for the hero to come save me.

'I've never even seen him in the game...he takes too long'

I know the hero will arrive at some point, but I can't bear the idea of waiting to be saved. Whether it's discovering the history of this world to have the Goddess take me away from here or fleeing, whatever comes, I just want to disappear from this castle.

The tears flow silently down my face, I feel like vomiting, but my traumatized body and mind can't perform this action, which was one of the reasons for what happened.

I want to scream and break everything in the room, but my fear that any of them will see it and decide to play with my body in the name of "Punishment" is much greater than this desire.

I stare blankly while the tears flow, my mind a mess with the memories, trying to think of what to do to ignore the images of what happened.

"Status" I say, opening my status window to look more closely and distract my mind.


Name = Ayla Lilith Stygian Aurora III 

Race = Human 
Title = Princess of the Kingdom of EternyWz

Strength = 2 
Speed = 2 
Endurance = 2 
Intelligence = 9 
Magic = 75 
Stamina = 2 
Authority = 3 
Charisma = 69 
Beauty = 89 
Total = 253

My status is the same garbage as before, aside from magic, nothing in it is useful to me. Most of it is at the level of a child, and Charisma and Beauty don't have much use in my case.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's something like this..."

0-5 Child 
6-10 Normal Human 
11-15 Warrior 
16-20 Super Human 
21-30 Ascendant 
31-40 Hero 
41-50 Dragon 
51-70 Superior Dragon 
71-80 Demigod 
81-90 God 
91-99 Divinity 
??? Demon Lords

Max Number = 100

Strength = Defines physical strength and general capabilities. 
Speed = Defines the body and brain's movement capability. 
Endurance = Defines resistance to physical and magical attacks. 
Intelligence = Defines intellect and ability to resist mental attacks. 
Magic = Defines mana and casting ability. 
Stamina = Defines the ability to remain in action or movement. 
Authority = Defines the degree of Authority your position has. 
Charisma = Defines the ability to enchant others, this status combines with Beauty. 
Beauty = Defines your appearance, helping to enchant others when used together with Charisma.

Remembering this power system, I only feel injustice. I have magic at the level of a Demigod, but I have no affinity for any magic other than healing.

The magic in this world is divided into 4 different classes that each person can have:

Elemental Magic = All magic that comes from a natural element like fire, earth, water, air, light, and darkness. It's only possible to use this magic if you have an affinity for the element.

Non-Elemental Magic = Magics that derive from something non-elemental or come from something conceptual, like Spatial magic, Dimensional magic, and Healing magic. It's only possible to use them if you have an affinity for them.

Legendary Magic = These are magics that come from derivatives of one of the two previous classifications, like Sacred magic, which is a derivation of Healing magic. These magics are obtained at birth and cannot be learned.

Unique Magic = It's an exclusive magic of the being, there's only one of it and no one else besides the user can have it. Each Unique magic can only exist once, and after its bearer dies, it will cease to exist. It's only possible to obtain it at birth.

"WHY, WHY, WHY IS THIS WORLD SO UNFAIR?" I can't hold back my anger and scream.

I don't even have the possibility of having magic beyond healing. Normally, beings are born with multiple affinities, but Ayla was born with the affinity for healing and that's it.

Even though I have a gigantic amount of magic, I can't learn any magic to use. This fact makes the tears that were still flowing down my face increase, though my body is crying, my mind is not accompanying it, only thinking about my status.

My mind knows that this reaction of crying is more of a bodily one, and also knows that there's no use in crying. In this place, my tears won't improve my situation, they may even make it worse.

"What good is this magic to me if I can't use it..." The despair infiltrates my mind, the more I remember, the worse it gets. I'm one of the most useless people in the world, if only I had sacred magic, I could cause damage to demons.


"Wait... I can..." I remember the weapons of the 7 Demon Lords. Although there's a lot I don't know, there are still some things I remember, I only remember the ability of 3 of them, but some can help me.

Greed = The Ring of the Usurper > Ability = Allows the user to use gravitational magic without needing to chant spells or having an affinity for gravity magic.

Sloth = The Tome of Indifference > Ability = Allows the user to use magics recorded in it, regardless of their elemental affinity, without incantations, in exchange for a large amount of mana.

Pride = The Sword of Sovereignty. 

Wrath = The Hammer of the Storm. 

Lust = The Bracelet of Attraction. 

Gluttony = The Scythe of Hunger > Ability = Capable of creating various types of curses in everything it cuts, the strength of the curse depends on the user's magic. 

Envy = The Necklace of the Envious Eye.

"Yes... if I obtain the Tome of Indifference, I can use magic..." My mind hovers over this idea. If I get the Tome of Indifference, I can at least get through some of the castle's traps without problems.

'They don't need them' It's a fact that the 7 don't need their weapons, they are just for show. They even leave some of them scattered around the castle, like the Scythe of Hunger, which is in the castle's kitchen.

"...but how can I make him give it to me..." I remember that the Tome of Indifference is in Beelzebub's room, the demon of sloth and owner of the Tome.

My mind, which is working a thousand miles an hour to avoid remembering what happened to me, is thinking about how to obtain one of the few things that can help me.

"There must also be something in the library that can help me use magic."

Although the idea of stealing the Tome is tempting, I don't have the physical and mental strength to deal with the punishment I know I'll get for it.

"I just need to escape the castle... if I find the hero, I can ask for help." My hope in the Hero is entirely based on the [Blade of Infinity], the only weapon in this world capable of killing the 7, although the hero is limited by the world's power system, he can still manage to kill them.

As I thought about all this, my body calmed the trembling, although the memories still make me sick, I can deal with it a little better. I wipe the tears from my face as I get up from the bed.

'I can... I know I can escape this castle.' My only hope is to flee this place as quickly as possible.

I notice a tray on the table, although some time has passed, the food on the tray is still steaming as if it had just been prepared.

"..." I look at the tray, although Leviathan offers strange things, the food that is normally delivered to the room is normal, unless one of the demons requests something special to be delivered.

I look at the food and feel nauseous, even though it's normal, my body is traumatized, I know I don't need food, I'm not hungry, and this body doesn't even need to eat anything.

Everything that is ingested ends up being 100% eliminated and transformed into Stamina and Magic, so there are never any residues left in the body to be expelled, the fact is, although it's all destroyed, it takes time, so I can't just gorge myself to recover those two.

I don't want to eat, but my body trembles when I look at the tray, the dish is beautiful, white rice with a juicy steak and a salad next to the rice, a stew of some kind of meat, the color and aroma are great, and as an accompaniment, a slice of strawberry cake.

Although the aroma is great, and I'm sure the taste is too, seeing this plate reminds me of Leviathan and the reason why he screwed me. It doesn't matter if I felt pleasure in the act, I know it was an aphrodisiac effect.

My body trembles with fear when I see the plate, because I fear that if I don't eat, one of them will barge through the door to fuck me, even though I know this is just my paranoia.

I force myself to eat, my hand trembles as I hold the spoon, each spoonful is delicious, but my traumatized body trembles with each spoonful I put in my mouth, my body that doesn't want to eat follows my mind that forces it to eat out of fear.

I keep eating, each spoonful I add makes my stomach uncomfortable, I know I don't need to eat it all, they don't care if I don't long as it's not something offered by them.

However, my mind does not accept this fact, fearing that they will punish me for it.

'I can't believe I'm traumatized to this point...' I feel that this is not my mentality, but rather a reaction of this weak body, I notice that my table manners are impeccable, which I judge to be the fault of what the Goddess forcefully crammed into my brain.

When I finish the meal, I take the dessert, now my stomach simply complains that it's full, but I force the spoon into my mouth and continue eating.

My fear of wasting food speaks louder than the voice of reason.

When I'm done, I put the plate on the table, at some point it will disappear anyway.

I feel like throwing up everything because I overstuffed myself, but although the body reacts this way, nothing happens, my mind is not capable of accepting that my body wastes.

Leviathan and the Demon of Gluttony are one of the things that don't like the waste of food. Although there apparently is a reason for this, I don't know what the reason is and I don't care.

After a few minutes, I start to feel a little better. I get up from the chair and go to the door after setting some important goals.

1 = I need to escape

2 = I need to avoid being fucked.

3 = Obtain the Tome of Indifference

4 = Discover the secret of this world that is in this castle.

5 = Learn some form of magic.

6 = Find the hero.

7 = Find Aurora, the Goddess of Eternity.

'I think these goals are the most important things I can think of.' I'm not a very intelligent person, I'm just an ordinary person, so I have no idea how to accomplish any of these goals.

I walk to the door and open it, but strangely I do it slowly, I stick my head out and look from side to side and step out.

"Hah...I can't believe it..." I realize what I've done, I unconsciously followed Leviathan's warning about not running through the castle.

'...' I decide to ignore it as I walk calmly through a corridor, this castle does not have many servants, only a few, and they cannot touch me, although the 7 can fuck me at any moment and there are traps that will also do that.

They didn't let any of the Servants do this act.

'At least there's something good in all this shit' At least my safety in relation to the servants is almost guaranteed, although they can't fuck me, if I follow or trust them, I can be tricked and then led to a trap, and they'll watch me while they enjoy the situation.

I turn my attention back to the corridor, it's large...a large corridor with white walls with wooden beams of some kind of detailed design that forms a beautiful design, the ceiling is illuminated by the same stones that light up my room.

The whole castle is beautiful, its size is enormous to the point where I can't even say in numbers, although there are windows in every window and they are different, this happens for a reason.

This castle is actually a relic...yes!!! A Relic! This huge castle of incalculable size is a relic called [Castle of Endless Night] it is a dimensional fortress that connects to different spaces.

In other words, it's impossible to escape through the windows or by breaking the walls, besides the fact that it self-repairs if it takes damage, the only way to destroy this relic is by breaking the castle's core, but this part is what technically makes it impossible to destroy this castle, its core was divided into 8 and then absorbed by the 7 Demon Lords, now to destroy this place you have to kill the 7 and then find the last one that is hidden who knows where.

'I wonder where the last core is...' I keep walking, although I'm walking calmly to explore, I don't open any doors.

'I don't know what kind of trap it might have, I'm not ready for that yet.' My mind needs time to calm down, bursting into the doors will only be bad for me.

I know that if I lie down in the corridor and close my eyes, after 1 minute I will be forcibly teleported to my room, so I'm not worried about getting lost. Of course, the teleportation only activates if none of the 7 are around.

The corridor seems endless, at this point I'm already lost, all the doors look the same as the walls. If it wasn't a straight line, I'd think I was going in circles.

After 1 minute I see a turn.

'FINALLY, I was starting to think I'd be in this corridor forever' I start to go to the corridor, turn and go forward, the paintings on the wall are different, most are simple paintings, common things portrayed in frames.

Others are a bit scary, having somewhat disturbing images, but I don't touch them, although this castle has many secret passages, they also have many traps, so any of these paintings can do something to me if I touch them.

I start to hear a beautiful melody, I go forward following the voice.

"How beautiful..." If I heard an angel sing, I think it would sound like that, I start to run towards the door. But I feel like I've heard this before, and it's kind of nostalgic, but not a good nostalgia.

"Who will the woman singing be...woman?"

I remember that there are no women in this castle, the lust of the 7 gets out of control and they end up killing all those who can't stand being with them, of course this is more of a reaction to their power that ends up causing them not to withstand relationships with them, resulting in their death.

That's why this castle doesn't have women besides me who is immortal.

"..."My hand was already on the doorknob ready to open it, but this incongruity bothers me.

I slowly remove my hand from the doorknob then...


When I stepped back, something hit the door violently, making it tremble, the sudden loud sound makes me fall to the ground, my body trembles slightly.

"What..." Something hits the door violently.


Every blow shakes the surrounding wall, my fear reaches its limit, I get up and run away.

I run as fast as I can, I still hear the sound hitting, the castle is quite resistant, but nothing at an abnormal level, that thing hitting the door will break it sooner or later.


I hear a violent crack, I look back while I'm running.

What I see scares me, a huge carnivorous plant comes out the door, on its head is a beautiful white flower that emits a beautiful melody, it looks around looking for something and notices me, fortunately I'm close to the corner and run fast, it notices me and decides to chase me.

'WHAT THE FUCK...' my mind spins trying to remember this.


[Assassin Lotus] a carnivorous plant that emits a beautiful melody to attract its victims, it's considerably slow but has great stamina and doesn't give up on a prey easily.

The realization hits me.

'I...almost opened the door...' I feel tears form in my eyes, the fear of knowing that I almost got devoured hits me with full force. I had only thought about not being caught by something that will have sex with me, but I ended up not paying attention to the traps made to kill me.

There are 2 types of general traps, one that will have sex with me if I get caught and another that will cause me suffering and pain.

If I had opened the door, the Assassin Lotus would have devoured me, since I'm immortal, I would have suffered in its body until I completely lost consciousness, when I completely lose consciousness, my body is teleported to my room, if I don't lose consciousness after a few days, I'll be forcibly teleported to the room.

'I can't be caught, I can't, I have to hide' My stamina is low at the moment, when the Lotus reaches the corner and sees me, I won't be able to hide, and I can't run from it, it would catch me at some point.

I run desperately while thinking about which room to enter, I choose one randomly, open it and enter, praying that the Lotus doesn't find me.

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