The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 8 Status and Rarity

I feel my consciousness slowly returning and my first reaction is to get up and run as fast as I can.

'I have to escape, I don't want this again'

I run almost falling off the bed, getting down from it hastily without bothering to look around the room, as I am weak I am also slow, and I know I couldn't escape but my mind doesn't care about the facts.

I run in the hope of escaping and when I'm near the door something grabs my ankle making me fall face first.

"Ow" I feel the pain in my face that suffered the impact, my blood is dripping from my nose onto the floor. But this fact doesn't bother me, because any injury will heal, something interesting and that anything considered disconnected from the body disappears into some kind of mist.

So if I lose an arm, the lost arm won't create another body, it will simply vanish, the same with my Hymen which is considered a separate part so I will never suffer the pain of losing it again.

I look to see what is holding me and see a silver chain that extends from the bed and is connected to my ankle.

"No, no, no" I whisper desperately to the empty room, I quickly look at the chain and notice that it has no lock, so it can only be removed with magic.

The chain is long but only reaches the door so I can't escape.

"Where's not here" I quickly look around but don't see the Leviathan. I know in the game they chain the protagonist when they're going to punish her, but something arises that they have to resolve, so they leave her like this until the punishment is over.

" am I going to escape" I start looking around the room for something to help me.

I think that if I cut my leg off I could escape, but I don't have the courage for something so extreme and I don't have anything to do it with.

On the table there is a book and a note, I pick it up to see what is written.


[Here is your reward little one...but you will still be punished, don't forget...The reason I'm not there is that something happened and I had to leave, I'll be back in a few hours, until then enjoy your reward, I'll remove the chains when your punishment is over]

The letter is simple, just a warning for me.

"...No, I don't want... how can I break this chain" my despair at having to repeat any kind of sexual act with the Leviathan is enormous and my mind only thinks about how to escape.

I decide to first look at the book, maybe with the help of the system I can do something.

I start reading the book frantically, every second wasted could make him arrive, since I don't know when he wrote this note, I have no idea how much time I have.

The book is not very big, it's just the basics about the system, so I finish reading it in 1 hour.

"USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS" I scream angrily, throwing the book against the wall.

The book didn't have anything special, it was just the basics about the system's operation and how it acts on different races, it also had a general classification of items, which are:

Common = any normal object forged by people or occurring naturally, not of much value and found in abundance, such as fruits or wooden swords.

Uncommon = items that have a slightly higher rarity than common, being found 1 out of every 100 common objects.

Rare = These are items with a high value by human standards, having high commercial value and being difficult to find, found 1 in 10,000 items.

Epic = Items with extremely high rarity by human standards, these items cannot be forged by any human, needing to be the best to make such items, found 1 in 60,000.

Legendary = Items with extremely high value among all races, forged by very few among all races, with a rarity of 1 in 500,000.

Mystic = Mystic items or foods are something that almost no one knows where they come from, these items are treasures for any race, with very few specimens and a rarity of 1 in 10,000,000.

Divine = Divine items are artifacts made by the Gods, no other race has shown capable of replicating them, being considered legends, with few cataloged specimens and a rarity of 1 in 100,000,000.

Unique = Unique items are something that almost no being possesses knowledge of, they are said to arise from individuals with Unique Magic, they are said to be a manifestation of the soul of these beings that materialize as a weapon. Their rarity is 1 in 1,000,000,000.

Although the knowledge about the classification of weapons and items is good, I have no use for this knowledge, in the end the main usefulness of the book was just that it informed me how to fuse the [Storage Stone] with the system so I don't have to carry it with me.

I go to the desk and take the 4 stones, 1 of them is Navy Blue, the storage stone.

"Status...absorb storage stone" I say what was written in the book and the stone starts to crumble into blue dust.

My system has the same silver color as always, but now it has an [Inventory] option on it, it has 5 storage slots that can hold 10 items each.

It means I can put 5 items inside and 10 of the same type. I put the [Mana Stones] in, they take up one slot, leaving 4 slots.

"What do I do, I don't want to go through that again" I whisper to the empty room, not knowing what to do, I can't break this chain in any way, not even a mana stone can destroy these chains.

I wait what seems like an eternity, although it's been only 30 minutes, in this time I thought about hitting the Leviathan with something, but all I have is a chair and I doubt I have the strength for anything, it's easier for the chair to break than to hurt the Leviathan, then I hear the sound of the door.


The lock on the door makes a sound as it slowly opens. I see who entered.

"Leviathan..." I whisper softly, seeing him enter the room. I notice the room has cooled, he seems irritated, much more than when I showed him my Status.

Something probably happened during the time he was out there. Which is worse for me after all, now he has something to vent his pent-up anger on.

"Hello little one, I see you've woken up, I ended up taking longer than expected...I hope you weren't bored" he says with a smile, but I see the coldness in his gaze that hides his anger.

"Shall we start with your punishment?" He jumps straight to the subject, showing his dissatisfaction.

"...Is there something I can do to not be punished?" I ask, trying to negotiate.

"..." he doesn't say anything, so I see this as a cue to continue.

"I something, just ask me..."

"Haha little one...trying to escape your punishment again?" He laughs at my attempt.

He comes up to me and suddenly picks me up in a princess carry.

"Kyaa please put me down" he's quite tall, so when he holds me my field of vision seems to expand.

He ignores me and carries me to the bed, taking care with the chain so it doesn't get tangled in anything. He reaches the bed and gently places me on it. He starts undressing.

I put my hands over my eyes, not wanting to see him naked as I back away on the bed, which is too big. He snaps his fingers and suddenly I feel lighter, noticing that all my clothes have disappeared, leaving only the silver bracelet and the choker.

"W-what..." He instantly undressed me with magic and approaches me. The bed sinks slightly under his weight as his tail drags across it.

Instinctively, I take a [Mana Stone] from the inventory, charge it, and throw it, not calculating that if it explodes now, I will also be caught in it. Besides the fact of having wasted something valuable on someone who won't even be hurt.

He instantly creates a barrier around the stone.


It explodes, but I only hear the sound, the explosion didn't even scratch the barrier. My act seems to have made him angry.



The silence is uncomfortable, he takes a deep breath, trying to contain the anger that was already great even before entering the room.

"..." I don't have the courage to say anything, I who was already going to be punished for lying don't even want to imagine what he'll do after I tried to explode him.

"I didn't know you were the extreme type little one...or are you so obscene that you want me to give you an even heavier punishment?"

"If that's what you wanted, cheer up, now you've got it" he says without a smile.

Suddenly I'm turned and laid face down, it was so fast that my eyes could never have followed, I didn't even see how he moved.

"Heh?" I make a sound of doubt at the sudden change of position.

I feel my hips being tilted up by Leviatan's hands, they are cold, causing a shiver down my back.

Suddenly I feel his weight on my body, it's slightly suffocating, although I doubt he's really put all his weight on me. Now he has his head close to mine, while I feel his penis touching my abdomen, showing that he is already aroused.

"W-Wait, please forgive me, it wasn't on purpose, it was just a reflex, I didn't want to hurt you" I say quickly and desperately, afraid of what he will do to me in this position.

He ignores me and bites my shoulder.

"Hiik haar..." I feel his fangs sink deeper into my flesh this time, showing that he is not being as careful and gentle as before.

I feel him sucking my blood this time and even faster, so I can feel the sensation of it leaving my body and being drunk by him, his rough tongue passing over my skin causes me to shudder.

"Ahhh" I feel the venom being put into my body, this time the amount is greater, it enters and spreads much faster than the first time, causing a burning sensation.

'Impossible...he wants to drive me insane' I feel like I've lost 1.5 liters of blood as he replaces it with venom, with this amount I don't know how sensitive I'll become.

The suction rhythm slowed down and he slowly stops as he licks my shoulder until the wound closes.

"Hmm haar haaar..." I breathe heavily, the sensation in my body is strange, I feel very hot, unbearably hot. It spreads through my body and makes the heat intolerable, ironically Leviatan's cold skin is comforting, giving me a slight pleasure in the areas where it is in contact.

"No..." I can't even speak properly, the sensation is simply unbearable, showing the level of care he had in my first time, considering that it was tolerable before.

"Hyaa" I feel his fingers digging into my pussy while his other hand is on my mouth, forcing me to maintain an embarrassing position, his cold and rigid penis on my abdomen makes my pussy tremble as if it wants him to enter.

"Hmmm" he starts moving his fingers in my pussy, while keeping two fingers open in my mouth, even if I bite with all my strength, it can't even be called an inconvenience for him.

"Little one, I saw that having sex in front of the mirror was interesting for you, so I decided to do it again" A mirror appears out of nowhere in front of me, showing what is happening.

In the reflection, a girl with white hair and pink eyes has a blush on her cheek as a large man with white hair and blue eyes is on top of her, his face a mix of lust and disbelief as he forces his two fingers into her mouth that is dripping with saliva.

"Ahh hmm" I try to say something, deny the vision in front of me, but the aphrodisiac clouds my mind while his fingers in my mouth make it difficult for me to speak.

The image in the mirror looks like something out of a hentai.

'No, no, stop, take this mirror away, I don't want to see this' This humiliating image in the mirror reminds me of my sad reality, which I tried to forget by venturing into the castle.

His fingers moving in my pussy send waves of pleasure that spread through my body.

"Ahumm" I can't even moan properly with the pleasure that runs through my body, my saliva dripping from the corner of my mouth stains the sheets as he looks at me with a sadistic smile through the mirror's reflection.

"What a beautiful image little one" he says, pushing his fingers in deeper.

"How about licking my fingers, maybe it'll help?" he tells me, not in a commanding tone, but as a suggestion.

My lust-clouded mind assimilates what he said and starts doing it.

Smack Shlick-shlick Lick

My face in the mirror reflects me licking his fingers, my gaze hazy and clouded with slowly diminishing judgment taken over by lust.

"Very good little one" He praises me as I continue licking his finger.

His praise makes me feel strange.

'No, stop, I don't want to do this, why is this body like this' I can't stop following his requests while feeling the pleasure of his fingers in my vagina.

"Hmm ahh" he slightly rotates his fingers, causing me to shudder. His penis is constantly poking my abdomen, as if knocking on a door, begging to enter.

"Ahh haar haar" I breathe heavily, the image in the mirror is so lustful that I can't even say if I'm not enjoying it.

Tears stream down my eyes, I force myself to deny this, I feel that if I accept this image as being me, it will be a point of no return.

"Don't cry little one, just because you're like this doesn't mean it's a bad thing" He says as if he knows the reason for my tears.

His fingers move faster and faster, I feel the pleasure increasing.

"You can cum little one, but warn me at the moment while calling me" he says, still keeping his fingers in my mouth as I lick them, I nod slightly.

His movements get faster and faster, while the obscene sound of my love juice reaches my ears.

When I'm about to try to speak, he removes his fingers from my mouth to allow it.

"I'm...I'm cumming, I'm cumming Leviathan" I feel the pleasure at its maximum as I reach the peak, I feel my mind going blank as my body trembles slightly, the image in the mirror shows an obscene girl who has just climaxed.

The pleasure clouds my mind, further complicating my already scarce thoughts, now I just want this pleasure not to end so I can forget my problems.

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