The Eunuch’s Consort Rules the World

Chapter 106

Chapter 104 First victory

Today is a rare warm sun in winter. The white snow glows with crystal clear light in the sun. The sky and the earth are covered in silver. Two days later, it will be New Year’s Eve. On the Suzaku Long Street, many people take it. When the sky was good, they came out to buy new year goods, and the vendors hurried out and spread out their own shops on both sides of the street. They put up a series of rice cakes, New Year pictures, sugar-blowers, sweets, pastries, cheap small jewelry, etc., shouting and selling. Read the full text of Killer Landlord Qiao Tenant.

It was when the crowd was bustling and lively, all of a sudden I heard a very sharp whistle from nowhere, as if vultures and goshawks were making sharp to terrifying neighs, cutting through the lively atmosphere.

A child could not bear to cover his ears. The crowd was quiet for a second. Then the next moment, the crowd quickly dispersed to both sides of the Suzaku Long Street with a “coax” like a tide, and the adults hugged the dolls. The dragger dragged the elderly, and even all the small vendors quickly picked up their stalls and tried every means to move them back.

Many people spontaneously dragged away the stupid foreigners and foreign merchants, standing on both sides of the reception.

Then there was a spacious place on the Suzaku Long Street that was originally crowded, which could accommodate at least four horses passing side by side.

It’s almost as if they have gone through many special drills, and even the military exercises may not have such a uniform effect.

After a while, I could only hear the sound of a muffled thunder rolling down the snowy sky not far away, and it seemed to come from a dark **** of a dark cloud carrying the snow mist splashed by horseshoes, a group of people dressed in black, Wearing a black mask, carrying a long sword, and wearing a black cloak embroidered with dark gold and red lotus flowers, the knight rushed across the Suzaku long street on the black horse with a thunderous force.

The aura was so amazing that people on both sides couldn’t help but immediately raise their sleeves and hide their faces, not daring to look directly.

When the black knights passed, those first-time foreigners and merchants who hadn’t figured out what had happened were almost surprised to find that even the sun was instantly dimmed and gloomy.

It wasn’t until the black cloud disappeared that the sun on the horizon seemed to slowly release a little warmth, as if it were also relieved.

“This… this… in this capital, at the feet of the emperor, who would dare to be so presumptuous, even running across the street?” A foreign merchant who came to sell paint was shocked and angrily muttered.

The person on the side shook his head and glanced at him contemptuously: “I have never seen a pig running, and I have eaten pork. The golden red lotus on those knights don’t know what it is, so those who dare to ride under the feet of the emperor in this world Who else is there!”

The merchant was taken aback, remembered something for a moment, and immediately paled: “It’s… the secretary… the courtesy supervisor.”

Everyone nodded and looked at the black cloud that disappeared in the distance, showing a look of fear and envy.

So majestic, besides the forbidden place among the people in the world, who else is there?

People in the capital have long been accustomed to the scene of riding horses across the street, so that they are not used to seeing this scene for a while.

In the capital, the southern city gate, the gate official who guarded the gate heard the whistle used by the chief of ceremonies early, and immediately commanded the people leaving the city to retreat quickly to both sides.

As soon as the city gate official hurriedly greeted him, he saw the dark cloud that had been in the distance almost instantly rolling in front of him.

As soon as the city gate official looked up, he faced the headed man riding on a tall, blood-red horse. The man covered his face and carried a long knife. Behind him was dozens of similarly hooded guards and factory guards.

The sunlight dazzled into a cold light behind the person, making the city gate official unable to see the person’s face for a while, watching the galloping blood-red God Jun suddenly lifted his four hooves and almost stepped on his own. Head, the city gate official immediately backed up a few steps, but he didn’t dare to show a panic, and immediately bowed respectfully to the man: “Chengtian Nanmen gate guard has seen the adults in the world of online games are unparalleled.”

The horse furiously lifted its four hooves and instantly settled on the spot, and the four hooves were firmly fixed on the ground. A faint and pleasant voice resounded from the horse that sounded like a coke-tailed kite: “You are the city. Door officer, the criminals you stopped.”

The end of the voice was slightly longer and faint. This kind of voice should have been very nice, but everyone only felt that the voice was abnormally cold, as if from a very deep ghost domain fan room, a strange and cold voice was quietly poking out. The pale ghost hand gently rested on his throat in the midnight of no one.

It’s creepy.

The city gate official shivered, not daring to look up, and stood up respectfully and said: “The offender is right by the city gate, where the guards rest in shifts, and the adults are allowed to lead the way.”

Bailiqing jumped down from the horse, his graceful and neat posture made people look at him, and then half of the factory guards who were the chief and the guards also jumped off the horse, and followed Bailiqing under the leadership of the city gate official. Xiaofang walked.

The city gate officer rubbed his hands nervously while leading the way. The clothes of the superintendent were exactly the same. He really didn’t know what position this masked leader was, but the identity of the other party in the superintendent must be. Not low.

The city gate official remembered that two hours ago, the person above had issued a strict inspection order for entering and exiting. In addition to the detailed sea catching secret search order issued half an hour ago, it was said that the maidservant at the house of the nine thousand years old stole the thousand years. The treasures of the adults must be caught alive by the maidservant, and the prisoner must not be shackled by swords and handcuffs. With such a lot of trouble, it must be the nine thousand-year-olds that both people and things must be valued, and I can’t think that my luck is so wonderful.

If he can win the top spot this time, then in the days to come, he will definitely be expected to rise steadily!

Thinking of this, the city gate officer couldn’t help but get excited. When the first verbal report came down, I paid attention to it, so I was very strict in releasing people. I didn’t think it really made him catch people. .

Entering the small room where the guards rested, everyone found that there was another small cell for the temporary detention of suspects. The city gate officer pointed to the two locked in the small cell with their backs facing them. Dao’s slender back said graciously: “My lord, you see, it is the two women who are still holding a carriage. They looked at their guide documents and identities when they were under the official investigation. They looked a little wrong, and one of them put on makeup. He looked like a man, and the officer immediately stopped him and checked it carefully.”

But the next moment, his dreams were instantly shattered.

Bailiqing narrowed his eyes, looked at the two shivering women with their backs to him, and then coldly said: “You caught the wrong person.”

“What?” The city gate official looked at Bailiqing in disbelief, and said unwillingly: “But, sir, they can clearly walk, and the carriage is also very special. The outside looks ordinary, but the inside is arranged. It’s very special, and there are some hidden compartments underneath. There are a lot of gold and silver jewelry. The officials have checked them. Those things are definitely not ordinary people’s homes. There are things built in the house, plus those two horses. Horses are all great horses worth a lot of money.”

At this time, even the father-in-law came in from outside, nodded to Bai Liqing, and confirmed the statement of the city guard.

Bailiqing squinted his eyes and said indifferently, “Yes, this carriage is indeed the slave of this seat, but these two women are definitely not them.”

He only needs a glance to know that none of the two women is Xi Liangmo’s treacherous little fox.

Bailiqing has the ability to remember the body, appearance, and temperament of people he has met once.

This is why he was extremely favored and delighted by the emperor. He remembered all the emperor’s preferences, even any small movements, what a subtle expression and eyes represented.

As for Baiguan, everyone’s preferences, wickedness and shortcomings are all in his mind, so how can Baiguan not be afraid and dare not to surrender.

No matter how good Xiliang Mo is to speculate on people’s hearts, he still lacks a little bit of heat. He has never been as good as Bailiqing to reach the point where everything is eye-catching and unforgettable.

This is the so-called talent, which is beyond human reach.

But Xiliang Mo also has her strengths. She is more adept at starting from the human heart and human nature. The natural instinct of women allows her to always cleverly figure out the true emotions and thoughts of people.

Therefore, even if Bai Liqing knew that this girl was clearly following her own way, using his own means to test and grind him, he just felt that this little girl was very funny, and gradually he was reluctant to move her and hurt her.

He only tickled her teeth, wishing to disassemble her into the abdomen.

This is naturally within Xiliang Mo’s calculations.

Bailiqing did not pay attention to the frustrated look of the city gate official. He stepped forward and raised the chin of the woman. He stared at that ordinary face and asked coldly: “Who made you dress up like this? Come here like this?”

The woman trembled with fright, and hurriedly bowed her head to the floor and sighed for mercy: “The official father is forgiving. The Nu family originally sold some handkerchiefs and jewelry on Nanmen Baihu Street with his sister. Later, a young couple came and gave the Nu family and sister silver Twenty-two sons, let us put on these clothes and drive the carriage out of the city. After leaving the city, hand the carriage to them and give us fifty taels of silver. The slave family and sister… just do it. The slave family really doesn’t know about them. It’s a fugitive!”

The woman secretly cried out in her heart, she was just greedy for some money, how did she know it would end like this. Bai Liqing snorted coldly, her charming eyes quietly said: “This love slave is a cunning one. Presumably through the chaos and defensiveness of this pair of sisters being caught by the city guards, she led Bai Yu. I took the opportunity to escape outside the city!”

Seeing this pair of sisters kowtowing their heads on the ground and begging for mercy, even the father-in-law couldn’t help but say in a very angry manner: “You two don’t ask, why on earth are you two dressed up like this and just agree to others! Also! I’m not afraid that it is Jiang Yang who is going to lie to you to be a substitute!

If the Lord Chitose didn’t catch the little princess, it was meant that people like them would have to live under the horrible and hazy atmosphere of Lord Chitose for a long time, which made people have a bad life for years, and even the father-in-law was naturally not angry. Come in one place.

The sisters, Nono, did not dare to speak, but shed tears, and their bodies shook more and more severely.

Bailiqing said indifferently: “Okay, they can’t make so much money in one year of trading, so it’s not surprising to see money open.”

After that, he turned around and walked out of the small house.

Even the father-in-law did not expect that his cold-blooded Chitose would actually speak for the sisters. He was shocked for a while before hurriedly following up and muttering in his heart, why the father now has such a touch of human affection. , If it is normal, the sisters must not die and peel off their skin.

On the contrary, Xiao Shengzi whispered on the side: “I’m afraid it’s all the princess’s credit. After he got the princess, he’s not all like the person made of ice, but…”

“But what?” Lian’s father-in-law said.

Xiao Shengzi sighed, “But if we can’t let the little princess come back soon, I’m afraid Lord Chitose will freeze us all into ice.”

Father Lian took a look at Bailiqing’s back, and made up his mind to bring Xiliang Mo to justice as soon as possible, so as to send Bailiqing to vent his anger, so as not to harm their pond fish

“Master Chitose, shall we send someone out of the city to chase right now?” Father-in-law followed up and asked.

Bailiqing looked at the road extending beyond the city gate, and the corners of her lips raised a hint of mockery: “Chasing, how do you chase? Not to mention that the continent outside this leads to the twenty-four counties of Bazhou, which is the cunning of Xiliang Mo. Tempt, once out of the capital, I am afraid that the fish enters the sea, and the monkey returns to the mountain. We don’t have to spend so much manpower, and we don’t have so much time wasting on that girl. You send someone to Luoyang to stare at it. She thought we used Mother He’s group of people as bait and wouldn’t bite, so we just bite on it, but in secret, she will definitely try to contact her people in Luoyang!”

After that, he sneered coldly, turned around and pulled the horse’s rein, immediately turned on the horse, and rode away.

Xiao Shengzi nodded and planned to arrange for someone to take the peculiar carriage back to the Chitose mansion for a thorough study after returning to the mansion. He also immediately turned on and chased Bailiqing back to the superintendent with the other guards and guards.

But Bailiqing had just walked for less than a quarter of an hour, and he didn’t know what was passing in his mind. He suddenly squinted and pulled the rein suddenly, forcing him to sit down and the incomparable black demon immediately raised up high. The hoofs neighed, and the muscles all over his body tightened to the extreme before he could barely stop.

And the other guards and guards behind him were not so lucky. Even the father-in-law and Xiao Shengzi almost collided with each other. They were so embarrassed that they were almost thrown off the horse. It took a while. I stabilized myself and the horse.

“Master Thousand years…?” Just as Father Lian was about to ask something inexplicably, he saw that Bai Liqing had pulled the reins, turned his horse’s head and rushed towards the South Gate of Chengtian.

“It’s in the plan, the little fox is going to go out of the city gate now!” Bailiqing only left a word. People are already ten meters away. Xiao Shengzi and father-in-law looked at each other without thinking too much, and immediately killed them. Hastened to continue chasing Bailiqing again.

And less than a quarter of an hour after Bailiqing’s men left, two young men in dark gold and red lotus suits with black embroidered gold and red lotus on the black background of the directors of the guards and guards brought their swords to the city gate official to ask for a carriage.

“Carriage?” The city gate official’s original dream of promotion was shattered. At this moment of depression, he didn’t think much about it. He only recruited a small soldier listlessly: “Go and bring the carriage to these two adults. .”

“Yes.” The soldier was about to lead the two masked young men to pick up the car. One of them spoke again. He said arrogantly, “Sir, our governor said, the two women are just greedy young men. Just let them be used for cheap, just let them go.”

The city gate official also naturally nodded in agreement. Everyone caught it wrong, so why keep it?

When the two young men brought the carriage over for a while, the sisters were also released. It was because they complained about each other’s bad luck today. The other party really lacked eyesight. How could they be caught by the fugitive? Suddenly, he was called the all-around master of campus.

One of the taller young factory guards suddenly smiled at the sisters and said: “Hey, you two, we have said that you two look good. If you intend to serve in the nine-thousand-year-old mansion, you will be a silver one. Hundred taels, I’ll see people in our clothes coming to ask questions later, just go up and tell them that you are willing, if you don’t, then forget it.”

“Huh?” The sisters were stunned. Both of them are a pair of widows who are struggling and childless. They are widows at a young age. Although they are in good shape, they are very ugly. They both said that they were two Kef, so naturally no one came to propose marriage again.

But there was no expectation that such a big pie would be dropped today. Both of them blushed immediately. They looked around with a little embarrassment and were also stunned: “This… this little brother, what you said. Is it true?”

Although the young man covered his face, his pair of large divine eyes were filled with sincere light: “Of course it is true. Don’t think our Dugong was born as a servant, but that looks, that figure, that mansion Shang is even more wealthy and will never treat your sisters badly.”

As soon as these words came out, another young factory guard who was a little shorter beside him was immediately choked by his own saliva: “Cough cough cough…cough cough…”

The city gate official was very puzzled, why didn’t he think that the lord was interested in these two ladies, he still felt that he had a problem with his vision, such ugly two; how could the old ladies be the people in the nine-thousand-year-old mansion? But… Dugong?

He was taken aback for a moment, and his heart jumped suddenly, then…Is the masked adult actually His Majesty Nine Thousand Years Old?

He is the only one who can be called Jinyiwei Governor this year!

The city gate officer glanced at the two factory guards and the pair of sisters in front of him with fear and suspicion. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t think of anything wrong.

But the tall factory guard among them seemed to have noticed the city gate official’s gaze. He remembered that the city gate official’s eyes were indeed very prosperous, so he stopped staying any more and threw a pack of silver to it. To sister Hua, smiled and said: “Now take it, this is the fixed silver for you two. If someone comes for a while, just go up and follow them. Remember to ask the master to be gentle, haha! ”

After that, he flew into the car and pulled the horse’s reins with the other short factory guard. He yelled, “Drive!” He immediately rode his horse and galloped outside the city gate.

After the city gate officials were stunned, after a while, they had also drove quickly and disappeared on the horizon outside the city gate.

The city gate official finally realized how they ran out of the city while dragging the car. It should be running inside the city. He jumped up in shock and pointed to the outside of the city gate and shouted: “Quick, go and stop. They, those two have a problem!”

But those two horses were all good horses bought with a lot of money. How could the soldiers who defended the city catch up with them with their steps?

The city gate official was annoyed and was about to let people hurry to the stable and lead the horse to chase him. Suddenly he heard the sharp whistle of the supervisor of the priests, and he hurried out to greet him.

Sure enough, a familiar dark cloud came from outside, and the same group of black clothes factory guards surrounded the tall man in front of him quickly, and the leader yelled at him: “Is there just now? Someone came over to lead the carriage in the name of the Superintendent of Lies!”

The city gate official knelt down annoyedly: “It was the fault of the lower official. Just now, two people were wearing your clothes and covered their faces. They came to the lower official to take the carriage…”

“What about now?” The man in black interrupted him impatiently and asked again.

“Now… they have gone out of the city, but the lower officials have sent someone to chase after them!” The city gate official hurriedly said, not daring to look at each other, for fear that this nine-thousand-year-old would take his head off in anger.

“Master Chitose, let’s go after it right away!” Xiao Shengzi immediately asked Bailiqing for instructions.

Bailiqing squinted his eyes and looked at the distance. As the horseshoe went all the way, where the white snow meets the pale sky, no one could be seen.

A cold smile flashed in Baili Qingmei’s eyes. This girl, on the contrary, knew his temperament clearly. First, he used two substitutes to lure him here. She must have expected that he would lead in anger. A large number of people came to arrest her, and then discovered that the wrong person had been arrested. With his temperament, he would definitely not waste that kind of effort to chase after her.

In this gap, she and her girl put on the shirts of the factory guards who had been prepared for them, and came over to pretend to be the factory guards!

At this time, no one would want to doubt their identities. Naturally, they were allowed to take away the carriage. If it were not for this city guard, it would not be stupid. At this moment, he probably came by himself and knew that the prisoner had slipped under his nose. .

Thinking of this, Baili Qing squinted at the city guard who was kneeling on the ground, and asked coldly: “What’s your name?”

Cheng Shou was nervous, not knowing what this moody thousand-year-old master meant, but he could only bite the bullet and said: “Xiaguan Han Yu.”

Bailiqing gave a hum, and faintly said to Lian just next to him: “Let him report to the chasing department under your hand for a while.”

The chasing department is the department responsible for tracking and investigating, and Han Yu naturally heard about it. He was taken aback and immediately overjoyed: “Xie Dugong is promoted!”

That is, Lord Han, did contribute a lot to the process of arresting Xiliang Mo for Bailiqing, and even after Xiliang Mo finally survived from the devil’s claws, he looked at him with hatred. Later, He also gave him a lot of head to eat.

At this time, a Jiao Di Di, or pretending to be Jiao Di Di, sounded: “Du Gong, the slave family is willing to wait on you and go back with you.”

Bailiqing rode on the horse, and Xiao Lianzi and the others looked at the pair of sisters inexplicably. If they remember correctly, this pair of sisters was bought by Xiliang Mo to confuse their sight. Talking in appearance?

Which of the people around Du Gong is not a beauty?

How could it be possible to fall in love with this ugly pair of widows?

Han Yu knew what was wrong. An embarrassment flashed across his face, and his face flushed and stammered: “This…this pair of sisters are just the two fugitives who said that the governor intends to invite people to bed, and they are attracted to them. , And gave the deposit…”

Han Yu’s words became quieter and quieter. Although Du Gong was masked, the increasingly eerie and terrifying eyes made people shudder.

Just when Xiao Lianzi and others saw that Bailiqing’s aura was wrong, and secretly called it bad, Bailiqing suddenly smiled gloomily: “Oh, she said that this seat intends to invite you to sleep, right? Ha ha….”

“Duke Du, please be gentle with our sisters, we are all beautiful girls, but we can’t stand it…” The two sisters worked hard to learn how to see those flower girls and secret prostitutes on weekdays, showing a charming face. The smile, the small eyes are narrowed, and the eyeballs are invisible, so that this kind of “female” smile with the five senses crowded together looks a lot like the four-hoofed animal that is the most popular four-hoofed animal in the city recently-the Bama Xiangzhu .

Father Lian and Xiao Shengzi immediately stepped forward and blocked their faces. Xiao Shengzi immediately winked and asked Han Yu to quickly take away the two eye-catching creatures. Father Lian smiled “hehe” at Bailiqing: “Gong Du , Let’s go back, we… that… Prince Hassan seems to be badly hurt, do we want to show our condolences so that they won’t be upset.”

As soon as the words were spoken, he felt regretful and wanted to puck his mouth.

Sure enough, Bailiqing’s eyes instantly made people only want one word-Jiuyou Hell, horrible, as if countless evil spirits flew out of it to eat people in an instant.

The corners of Bailiqing’s delicate lips instantly curled up with a gloomy smile and said: “I’ll get up and I will cut off the heads of these horrendous people and send them back to their Khan, but it’s just another war. After being at ease for three years, I asked Duke Yasukuni to send troops to deal with them, and they all died on the battlefield. This saves me from bothering!”

It’s best to die all!

And that little **** who killed a thousand knives!

“Serving the bed…hehe, very good, very good.” Bailiqing’s laughter was so horrible, everyone bowed their heads, no one dared to look at his face, it was snowy, they all had a cold sweat. , I heard Bailiqing’s cold voice: “What are you still waiting for? Go back to the Li Supervisor immediately, let’s go to Luoyang today!”

“Yes!” All the members of the Li Supervisor clasped their fists together.

Bai Liqing raised her head to look at the flying snowflakes in the sky, squinting dangerously.

It was a mistake for the teacher to let you run once, but the second time…

My apprentice, you must wait for your luck as a teacher in Luoyang!

—I haven’t been out for a long time to sleep. The dividing line of Xiaobai with big **** —

“Princess, where are we going?” Bai Yu pulled off his turban and looked at Xi Liang Mo.

She was still very frightened by the boldness of Xiliang Mo just now. She watched the thousand-year-old master coming in and out, the aura was simply terrifying.

She always has a very dangerous feeling.

Xiliang Mo also tore off her headscarf, revealing her gentle and beautiful face, and the corners of her lips flicked with a sly smile: “Hehe, of course we are going to Luoyang, and my master must have guessed that we will go to Luoyang soon. ”

------Off-topic ------

Let me talk about it. The plagiarized thing has nothing to do with me. I didn’t copy anyone, and no one copied me. It’s just that another unlucky author was flooded by some boring people everywhere, and every book says about others. Plagiarized The book of Jinjiang and the Great God of Starting Point.

Just ignore that kind of remarks!

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