The Eunuch’s Consort Rules the World

Chapter 266

Chapter 11 plot

Xi Liangshuang was not stupid. Knowing that she was locked up here, she used the opportunity of flattering Han Gui concubine by all means, and finally reluctantly found the opportunity to take the risk and handed over a note, so she had the role of today.

Xiliang Mo Liangliang said authentically: “Tsk, my third sister, I am sending my aunt on the road today, but you also have a share of credit. If she didn’t think that your niece would never mind sharing a man with her, she would still have the same hatred with her. , It won’t be finished, isn’t it?”

“Xi Liang Mo, you… Don’t forget that you are asking for me now, and how do you know that I don’t hate you!” Xi Liangshuang was so angry that her liver hurts, and she didn’t expect Xi Liang Mo to fall. At this point in the field, I dare to ridicule her so much.

“I tell you, the woman I hate the most in this world is you, there is no one!” Xi Liangshuang gritted his teeth and whispered.

Xi Liang Mo looked at her like she wanted to eat herself, and suddenly thought Xi Liang Shuang was very interesting. She couldn’t help but laughed lowly: “Okay, okay, I know, I know, I’m wronged. Third sister!”

Xi Liangshuang was so angry that she had no choice but to stare at her in anger, and whispered: “Don’t be proud of you. If you do this, I will leave and make you cry. I think that Master Yun seems to be a bit interesting to you, so let him take you back to Xidi and see what you can do!”

Xi Liang Mo held back a smile, raised her eyebrows and glanced at her: “Speaking of Master Yun, why don’t you have any idea to climb his bed? Speaking of which, our sisters are much younger than my aunt.”

Xi Liangshuang snorted coldly: “You think someone is like our aunt, who sleeps in anyone’s bed. It’s really shameless. Master Yun just used her at all and never touched her finger at all!”

Xiliang Mo was taken aback, a little puzzled: “But looking at the attitude of the Xidi people, they all seem to call his aunt to be his wife.”

Xi Liangshuang said contemptuously: “This is the wiseness of Master Yun. It makes everyone think that she is the person next to her pillow. It satisfies the aunt’s ridiculous self-esteem, and did not really touch her, which made her feel like a peach in her heart. Hairy, itchy and anxious, I just want to hold the backing of Master Yun firmly. Every night, she is so worried that she can’t sleep and always asks me if she is old. Tsk, I don’t think that the aunt who was so high back then had such a thing. In the past, she and the second wife and our 0 sisters were so beautiful and reborn. TXT download.”

Xiliang Mo squinted her eyes slightly, and said faintly: “The organs are too clever to calculate, and they have missed Qing Qing’s life. Things in the world are nothing more than this.”

Xi Liangshuang had a meal, and suddenly remembered that whether it was the father of the Xiliang family or the mother of the Han family, their defeat seemed to be inextricably linked to the big sister in front of her. She really had seen this big sister. The sister’s means.

This big sister has never been someone she can figure out thoroughly, and she always feels very dangerous.

Xi Liangshuang looked at her and curled his lips: “No, now your beautiful thousand-year-old princess and Fei Yu are also prisoners.”

Xi Liang Mo chuckled, “Who said no.”

After that, she suddenly looked at Xi Liangshuang: “Why, I listen to you, for that Master Yun, it’s a bit of a meaning, can even our aunt, who has spent thousands of sails, play in the palm of your hand, do you think you Is his opponent?”

Xi Liangshuang froze, then lowered her voice and laughed at herself: “Master Yun is Xidi’s nobleman, and I look down on me, a deceased person. As for you…”

Xi Liangshuang glanced at her and snorted coldly: “If it weren’t for your special status, why would he treat you differently? I can’t bear to be lonely, maybe it’s you who got out of the wall!”

Xiliang Mo lazily said, “Climbing into a human bed, it is enough to do it once. If you want to make an inch of it, you will lose your bones.”

She doesn’t deny how she got here in the first place.

“You…?!” Xi Liangshuang looked at Xi Liang Mo in disbelief for an instant, this woman didn’t mean what she thought.

If it’s really like that, uh…

Xi Liangshuang suddenly felt that Xiliang Mo was also very pitiful. Looking at the scenery, the bottom was as hard as myself. Thinking about this, Xi Liangshuang suddenly felt a feeling of pity for the same illness, Aquinas’s face like Xiliang Mo, I don’t even feel that annoying anymore.

“You really have the courage. If you change me, I’m afraid that Zhenzhener can’t do it.” Xi Liangshuang couldn’t help shaking his head, and within three feet of nine thousand years old, he felt that he would be horrified by him. He swallowed his dark breath, shivered, and spoke incoherently, let alone actively serving him and sleeping next to him. This shows that Xi Liang Mo’s disposition is really extraordinary.

Xiliangshuang admired Xiliangmo’s ability and courage to let go of his life.

Xi Liang Mo didn’t expect her unintentional words to make Xi Liangshuang’s hostility to herself suddenly reduced, and she couldn’t help but smile when she saw her look of sadness.

In fact, to a certain extent, Xiliangshuang is just arrogant and self-confident. He considers himself a Lin Daiyu-like character, and has to succumb to the sisters of Han and Xiliang because of his origin. Although he has a bitter temperament, he still can Seeing the situation clearly, just like entering the Yuhou Mansion that year, and after learning her lesson, he didn’t dare to trouble her anymore, and he wouldn’t be as stupid as the sisters of Xiliang.

Well, and sometimes she is actually more simple than herself.

Xi Liangshuang saw Xi Liangmo’s smiley eyes, and his face flushed for no reason, and said angrily: “What are you laughing at, what do you think I am? Humph, that Yun Ye never seems to be a man of arrogance. , In fact, like a nine-thousand-year-old bone, moody, deep-hearted, and I don’t know when he will let him know his way. No matter how good this kind of man is, it’s not something I can touch. He is still the most sincere man like Cousin Han…”

When Xi Liang Mo heard that she had a tendency to talk about it, she immediately changed the subject: “Well, you will go out in the future and settle accounts with me. Only now you have to think of a way to give you a chance to go out. After all, you are the only one who understands this. The situation at Lamei Villa.”

Hearing this, Xi Liangshuang nodded, frowning and said: “Yes, this place is very weird. I have tried it. It seems to be very close, but I just walk around in circles. I can’t get out of the book. The latest chapter of Qi Tan.”

When Xiliang Mo heard the words, his heart sank slightly: “It seems that there is a master here who has set up a blind eye technique by Qimen Dunjia.”

And from her observation, this place must not be far away from Shangjing, it is somewhere in the mountains and forests on the outskirts of the capital, but until now, neither the Superintendent of Li and Liu Zi Jue have been able to find their location, which is enough to explain one thing. Thing—this magical technique of evading armor and blinding eyes must be set up by an expert, and the organization is magnificent. Maybe even if the supervisor of the priest passes in front of him, if you don’t pay attention, you may not be able to find something wrong.

But this is not surprising, after all, Yun Ye’s status is so shocking to the world, if he can go to the enemy country without preparation, I am afraid that he will not be able to go to the present level in Xidi, and climb up to see the mountains.

It seems that my original decision was a little risky.

However, it is very valuable.

If possible……

A cold gloom flashed under Xi Liang Mo’s eyes, and then he returned to peace again.

“Then what to do, I don’t know what the odds are, you don’t want to ask me to run out of here alone, even if I can get out of the gate of this villa, there is no way I can climb down the mountain and return to Shangjing alive!” Xi Liangshuang is firm and authentic.

A fool would escape alone in such a snowy weather, not to mention that she was still a boudoir daughter!

Xi Liang Mo groaned for a moment, and the corners of her lips twitched, and she said with a smile, “Don’t worry, you will never be allowed to go out alone!”

After that, she made a gesture, let Xi Liangshuang lean over, and then confessed in her ear so, so, so.

The more Xi Liangshuang listened to, the more he couldn’t believe it. Then he looked at Xi Liang Mo and stared, “Are you sure?”

Xiliang Mo smiled: “I am sure, sure, and sure!”

Xi Liangshuang looked at her up and down, and sneered: “Okay, then it’s settled. Anyway, I have been thinking about doing this kind of thing for a long time.”

Xiliang Mo didn’t care, only the corners of her lips were curled: “So isn’t this giving you a chance?”

Xi Liangshuang gave a cold snort and said, “Don’t forget what you promised me!”

Xi Liang Mo nodded and chuckled: “Don’t worry, if this happens, you will never be able to escape from the position of the princess. I will also give you a princess mansion, and there will be no shortage of good land industries.”

Xi Liangshuang nodded in satisfaction: “You finally said something human.”

Then she got up and went out carrying the basket.

Xiliang Mo immediately grabbed the basket in her hand behind her with a clear hand, she hadn’t eaten enough yet, it would be nice to have no food or rice to be full!

Xiliangshuang originally planned to take the opportunity to starve Xiliangmo for a while, but it was so bad that she was always eaten to death by her, but now she hasn’t planned it. She suddenly made a bitter expression on her face, and she stomped her feet bitterly. : “The starving ghost is reborn!”

Afterwards, she turned her head and left without angrily.

——Lao Tzu is the dividing line, the dividing line——

Winter sweets give cold fragrance, while flying snow falls.

A slender and well-knotted hand stretched out the window. The hand that was slightly rough because of holding the sword for a long time has now lay a handful of crystal clear snow. The owner of the hand doesn’t seem to feel the cold in the palm of his hand, and looks at it quietly. The crystal clear snow in his hands was fascinated.

On the other hand, the attendants on one side couldn’t stand it a bit. A middle-aged man came forward with worried eyes and whispered: “Master, this winter in the north is cold and cold. You must not be greedy for the beauty of the ice and snow. If you are caught in the cold, I’m afraid your bones can’t stand it.”

Yun Ye said indifferently: “My own body, I naturally know it. After so many years of battle on the battlefield, there has been no life or death, and Changqing does not have to worry about those with devil fruit ability.”

Afterwards, he paused and asked: “How has the Feiyu Supervisor been these days?”

Hearing this for a long time, knowing that he did not want to talk more, he couldn’t help sighing in his heart, and then thinking of the petite guest in the dungeon, he also looked strangely and authentically: “The Flying Feather Guard is really different. It’s only number three— —Eat well, drink well, sleep well.”

She has never seen anyone become a prisoner who is as comfortable as she is, and even with this kind of demeanor, she can be regarded as a female hero.

Hearing this, Master Yun flashed a faint smile in his deep eyes, and then sneered: “The hero of the female middle school, I think it is a very scheming and very patient little vixen.”

Chang Ji was a little puzzled, frowning and said: “What is the plan of the Great Master? The Heavenly Dynasty has almost digged three feet to find someone outside. It can be seen that the Feather Guard is very important to the authority of the Heavenly Dynasty. If we want to make a request, Isn’t it a good time now?”

A deep and sharp light flashed in Ye Yun’s eyes, and he said faintly: “Changqing, do you think if I were to change places with the nine-thousand-year-old today, do you think I would look for people so loudly?”

After thinking about it for a long time, he shook his head: “No, this is tantamount to exposing my weakness!”

Master Yun lightly curled the corner of his lower lip and looked at the snow on the palm of his hand: “Then it will end. No one is a fool. What do you imagine their actions are for?”

I frowned for a long time, thought for a long time, and suddenly opened his slender eyes slightly: “You mean they are trying to induce our people to contact them and make a request!”

Master Yun nodded: “Among the prison guards, there are many talented people, and there are not few people who are proficient in the art of mechanization and the Qimen Dunjia, let alone the Lan Family Ghost Army back then, we can’t even penetrate the spies. I only heard that one of the nine-character tactics has a tactic that specializes in this technique, and we don’t even understand the capable people and strangers.”

Chang Ri was a bit disapproving: “We are made by the famous Ghost Sea Demon King a hundred years ago. Even if an ordinary organist walks in front of him, he may not be able to find it.”

Even if it is discovered, it is almost impossible to break through.

Master Yun said indifferently: “But if the other party catches a little clue, who knows the result, after all, there is a sky outside the sky.”

Chang Ji was a little uncomfortable in the end, and sighed: “So, the bosses, your subordinates don’t understand why you want to go to Beijing in person and put yourself in a dangerous situation. Now we can’t go. You can’t stay for a long time, isn’t it a dilemma?”

The former masters weren’t like this at all. They were always known to Xidi for being cautious and careful, as an inexhaustible strategy.

But then, after everything had settled in the country, the great master suddenly changed someone one day, and he must go to Beijing with his own clothes, even if the old lady forced him to death, he never compromised. Filial piety is what they all see, which makes them even more confused.

Master Yun sat down quietly, looking at the handful of snow in his hand, and said faintly: “I said, I just want to come to Beijing to see it, it’s the snow in the north.”

These personal attendants have heard this answer many times, but they still can’t understand it.

Chang Shi only feels that there are things about the masters that are inconvenient to tell them these people.

A pale yellow waxberry was quietly dropped by the wind on a handful of white snow in the palm of Yun Ye’s palm. The delicate yellow petals of the goose were set off on the ice and snow to be exceptionally crystal clear, and such a delicate waxberry was in the wind and snow. But inexplicably, there is a proud and bitter romance.

Master Yun’s gaze was fixed on the winter plum, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly became interested: “Prepare, I think, it’s time to go to the dungeon to see our pampered guest.”

Chang Ri nodded, although he didn’t understand why Master Yun kept the Feiyu Superintendent, apart from the conversation on the corridor, he neither used big torture to ask the other party’s secrets, nor did he lure the other party to surrender. The python used by myself.

However, what he understood was that the master’s secret must be executed.

He immediately arranged for someone to go down and prepare.

Xiliang Mo was dreaming that she was nestling in the arms of a big fox and enjoying his craft sweetly. When she was eating happily, she suddenly felt that all the good food in front of her was flying up. She was shocked and immediately rushed out to catch it. Living in that pot of honey-sweetened pig’s feet, but didn’t want to rush to slam his head on the pig’s feet, his forehead was so painful.

“Ajiu, my honey trotter ran away…”

Xi Liang Mo rubbed her forehead and was about to curse suddenly, and she raised her head to look at the pair of slender pig’s feet in front of her.

Okay, that’s a pair of long legs, and the long-legged master probably thinks it’s funny about him being treated as a pig’s hoof. He lowered his head and sneered at her: “Why, you are very hungry?”

When Xi Liang Mo raised her head, she suddenly became embarrassed. She immediately sat against the wall and rubbed her forehead: “Well, if Master Yun comes to taste the food here, you will know why I reacted like this.”

When did this person come? !

Like a ghost, it seems that martial arts is not weak!

Master Yun waved his hand and looked at her with a faint smile: “I heard that you ate well, slept well, and lived a very comfortable life. Don’t you want to treat you badly if you don’t want to be here?”

Xi Liangmo sneered: “Master Yun, isn’t everything about me here is under your control? There are some things that we know in our hearts, so why bother to break it? I’m just curious, you come here like this, if It’s not necessarily a big picture, so why bother to get out of the dilemma now?”

She is really curious. This completely counterintuitive behavior is completely different from the behavior of a person sitting in such a seat. Now the two countries have their own constraints. It is really a stalemate. The fight is worse than the rest, even if he really kills. Without her, it can’t change the overall situation of the two countries today, and even anger the Hundred Heavenly Kingdoms, but if he falls into her palm, it will be different, and it will only be detrimental to Sidi.

So sneaking into the heart of another country alone is really puzzling.

Master Yun chuckled as he lowered his long eyelashes: “You are the second person to ask me this way today. If I say I just want to see the snow in the northern country, can you believe it?”

Xiliang Mo was taken aback, and he couldn’t say anything but said: “Is that so?”

Naturally, she didn’t believe it, but she thought it was nothing more than his deep intentions, and he had another purpose and didn’t want to say more.

It’s just that Xiliangmo didn’t expect that many years later, she looked up and saw the desolate sky amidst the white goose feathers and heavy snow in Beijing. She suddenly understood that some people never lied or despised even though they had deep intentions. lie.

He, really, just wanted to take a look at the snow in the north.

Master Yun looked at the girl close at hand, and a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly approached her, reaching out his fingertips to caress her soft petal-like lips: “You…”

Xi Liang Mo was startled, his eyes flashed sharply, his hands flashed directly into the opponent’s eyes, but he didn’t want him to move faster, his face quickly turned away, and his hands stuck her hands.

However, Xi Liang Mo still pulled off his veil.

The face under the veil made Xi Liangmo startled, almost exclaiming—

------Off-topic ------

Hmm, because I went to look at the beauty of Ah Jiu, this chapter has been updated a little bit tomorrow will be updated a bit more

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