The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion – Chapter 216: Serena’s Rejection

For what reason was a mission issued at a relatively safe region surrounding Uleon City? Oscar knew only one place that entailed the interference of Elite Exalts like Serena and him, the Caldin Grotto, a collective network of open caverns by the rivers.

The Brilliant Drake Empire was not unfamiliar with dangerous regions and environments that Oscar had his fair share of experience with. Even safe regions were only marked so because of the low amount of danger in their area, but the danger was still present. For Uleon City, that small dangerous presence was the Caldin Grotto.

The Caldin Grotto was a small region, only about the size of a city itself, and the Exalt Beasts were, on average, Apprentice Exalts, even to its deepest regions. Due to the absence of high-risk Exalt Beasts like Elite, Knight, or Marshal Exalts, the region around Uleon was dubbed a safe zone.

Oscar glanced at Serena, and her face held the seriousness of a warrior who understood that this was no time for playfulness and flirting. Despite the Caldin Grotto being a low-danger area, it still had a single Elite Exalt Beast, the exception, but not a large risk to the City Lore of Uleon. A hint of admiration welled in Oscar for Serena's readiness and the Empire's decision not to stomp out the Caldin Grotto.

It was a great area for weaker Exalts to train in, though Oscar never came here before, and the weak Exalt Beasts provided a steady stream of renewable resources as long as they were not overhunted. However, the prize was the target of their mission, and Oscar didn't think it would be an issue for both of them.

"The Caldin Grotto. It looks amazing." Oscar gaped.

Before his eyes were several caverns melded together, but there was surprisingly little darkness; rather, Oscar could make out the grooves, stone pillars, and stalagmites, all of which ranged from a variety of colors from gold to brown to white and looked as though time did not affect their pristine crystal-like surfaces. Further within, a clear waterfall flowed down the smooth rocks that shone like diamonds, spilling into a small pool.

"It's beautiful." Serena stepped inside. "Nature is truly the best artist. Not even the greatest creative minds could think of this from nothing."

Oscar reached the small pool of clear water. All over, he could see small grass and moss growing abundantly. His hand in the water felt the coolness that soothed his skin.

To his side, Serena took off her shoes and knee-high socks and dipped her exposed feet into the water. How refreshing. Her face said it all as her eyes closed and relaxation settled into her stubborn cheeks.

After a moment of respite, Oscar washed his face with the cool waters of the grotto but was stunned to find a pair of feet after opening his eyes. He glanced at Serena, not knowing what she was planning.

"Can you help dry my feet?" Serena held a small towel and held it before Oscar with a blush.

"No." Oscar refused and pushed the towel back to Serena.

But Serena was persistent and went up a notch for her next attempt. "Then, can you help me put on my socks?"

"You already know my answer to that." Oscar sighed and stood up, extending his hand to Serena. "Let's continue our search."

Serena pouted but took Oscar's hand with a smile. They quickly departed after she tidied herself up.

Their footsteps echoed from one rock to the next like the rattling of chains. Oscar was grateful the grotto was not dark like his previous experiences in caves, thanks to the many large openings and holes that allowed sunlight to seep in. Occasionally, Exalt Beasts scampered around them but quickly fled after sensing the dangerous Ein emanating from Oscar and Serena.

Oscar slowed his steps for before his sight, in the distance, was a single flower, basking in many rays of sunlight from several openings as though this place was sacred. The flower was bright yellow and shaped like a tulip, standing as the one vibrance in this empty grotto, a spark of life. There was no mistaking it; this flower was the target of their mission, the Canary Tulip.

Oscar wanted to get closer but was halted by Serena.

"I dragged you to this mission even though it only required one Elite Exalt." Serena took out her axe, a grade-two armament with double black blades on each side and a blue shaft. Her yellow Ein came out like a tornado, and her axe anima manifested in her other hand. She nodded at Oscar. "I will handle this."

Oscar stepped back and sat down. His eyes contained a hint of worry. "Don't overdo it. Be careful."

Serena smiled. "If I get hurt, you'll step in to protect me, won't you, my knight?" She turned around, twirling her wavy red hair around.

"I'm not your knight, but yes, I'll step in if it gets dangerous." Oscar clenched his hands, ready to pounce at any moment. While Serena was powerful, Oscar knew too well about unexpected events happening at critical moments.

Water gathered under Serena's feet, and Oscar recognized it as the 'Ebb Steps' spell, which Leon utilized during his battle against Gilbert. A grade-two movement spell of the water element, fitting Serena's Elemental Spark of water.

As the tides carried her closer, the flower rose from the ground. Oscar watched as a large brown frog bellowed with its large tongue sticking out. The flower was attached to its head.

Elite Exalt Caverana Toad. From the record on creatures, Oscar read this toad was the sole Elite Exalt in the grotto and ruled over the other creatures. The Canary Tulip grew on its head but was a wondrous herb for alchemy.

Serena used her 'Water Whip' on the rocks and stalagmites to maneuver around and dodge the toad's fast, piercing tongue. The battle was fierce as Serena pulled out all the stops, even using her upgraded 'Maelstrom Strike' to perform her crisscross attack.

She has gotten much stronger since the Inner Hall exam. Even though Oscar understood her progress since they trained together, this was the first time he saw her fight so fiercely.

'Grade Two Rampaging Torrent'

Serena spun the waters into a vortex that smashed against the Caverana Toad's tongue, causing it to stumble and choke on water. This spell was the upgrade of 'Tidal Surge', which was a simple wave. Serena took advantage of the opening and unleashed more crisscross attacks.

The battle raged for several minutes as water flooded the room. In the end, Serena held the Canary Tulip in her hand, and the toad lay dead on the cold, rocky ground, half buried in water.

"I did it!" Serena was about to fall from the lack of Ein, but Oscar moved to support her. He grabbed her by the shoulders; his hands were steady and firm, careful not to touch anywhere else.

"Nicely done."

Serena blushed and grabbed onto Oscar, her soft voice whispering into his ear like a seductress, "Hold me on the way back."

"No, you can rest here." Oscar carried her and placed her down on a smooth ground. "Meditate and recover."

Serena sighed and did as he said. After an hour, she opened her eyes and felt her Ein return to normal. She stared at Oscar, who looked at her with some reluctance, knowing that he was going to say it.

As the two were seated, Oscar decided it was time.

"Serena," Oscar spoke deeply.

Serena stiffened as though she was petrified. She bit her lip and lowered her eyes. "What?"

"I am in love with Celestina."

Oscar noticed Serena's hands were clenched so hard that blood spilled out, dripping onto her white knee-high socks. Her lips and eyes quivered, and Oscar felt horrible to do this to her, but he kept telling himself what Elder Saul had told him. Telling the truth now was better than lying and facing the consequences later.

"You weren't so sure before, but now are you certain?" Serena's eyes were watering, but no tears had split yet.

"I'm sure." Oscar bowed and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your feelings."

"Why? What if the princess rejects you?" Tears finally dripped down her cheeks.

"Holding yourself back for me isn't right. It isn't right for me to use you as a way to heal a broken heart. You don't have to lower yourself to such an extent for an ungrateful person like me." Oscar looked tenderly at Serena.

"Ungrateful? How are you ungrateful?" Serena teared up more, hiccupping from the stress.

Oscar reached out and patted her head. "Only an ungrateful idiot like me would be unwilling to accept the feelings of a beautiful woman like you. So, you should find someone who would appreciate you. I can't be that person."

Serena held Oscar's hand while wiping the tears away with her handkerchief. "I wouldn't mind sharing you. I could be your second wife."

It was a desperate plea from Serena, as she already knew. Oscar remembered telling her how he felt about that during their conversations in the Safe Zone Trial. Oscar repeated himself to let her know. "My mother and father are my role models. I want to be like them and share my love and joy with one person as they do. Sorry."

This statement was enough to silence Serena for a short moment. The breeze blew in the grotto, filling the silence with the sound of flutes. The many stalagmites, openings, and pillars acted as instruments, and they played a low melody together.

"Then, say I move on, and the princess rejects you; what will you do?" Serena's hair was slightly messy from Oscar's hand.

Oscar laughed. "Then I can only say I ran out of luck. That would make me the biggest fool of the century, no? An idiot who rejected someone else's love to pursue his own, only to lose and fall on his bum. I wonder how I would react. But I can say for certain that I will be happy for you as you move on and will not try to weasel my way back into your heart. I've read too many romance novels, recommended by a certain someone, where it ends horribly."

"Idiot." Serena lowered her head more. Her hands relaxed.

"That's right. I'm an idiot." Oscar was about to stand when Serena stomped her feet, tumbling him to the floor, and towered over him with a menacing aura. "Serena?"

"I refuse to give up!" Serena had a sharp look in her eyes. She tugged on his jacket's collar, forcing Oscar to see her face-to-face. Her green eyes held a deep ferocity he had never seen before. "I told you. I'm greedy. Don't think that this will bring me down. I reject your rejection!"

"But, you'll be wasting your time," Oscar said.

"Who can say that is correct?" Serena came closer to Oscar. "Mark my words. I will make you fall in love with me."

Is she crazy? Oscar was in disbelief. He thought he had handled it well and that Serena could be happy, but he didn't expect her to double down.

"Prepare yourself, Oscar. I won't go easy on you."

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