The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion – Chapter 221: Oscar’s Decision. Onward to the Grand Gathering

"Sorry, I'm late," Oscar called out to Celestina and slowed his steps upon seeing her lips puckered and brows furrowed, knowing she was irritated. He chuckled nervously like a child caught out of bed and put down his pile of books. "I'm sorry for being late. I was caught up with fabrication."

Celestina turned to Oscar and clicked her tongue, staring at him with a sharp, reprimanding gaze. "You should take good care not to overdo it. I've heard tales of fabricators fainting because they kept hammering without realizing they overdrew their Ein."

"I'll keep that in mind, but on the bright side, take a look." Oscar removed the Invicus Bulwark from his bag, placing it on the table with care not to damage the table and books.

"Is this?" Celestina placed her hand on the red shield, her fingers feeling the cold metal and the power emanating from it that reminded her of the Scarlet Brachyura. "It's the red shell I gifted you!"

Oscar nodded. "My master and forgemaster helped me with the creation."

"The forgemaster?" Celestina revealed a hint of shock, rare for her tempered mind; she had never met the forgemaster or the royal artificer who served her family, despite her status. High starred fabricators and alchemists enjoyed special statuses because of their extreme importance, so Oscar meeting this high-level figure was unexpected. "What was she like? How did it come to happen?"

"It happened like this." Oscar retold how Aunt Rosett, calling her forgemaster for his retelling, dragged him to the Abyss Prison and forged a new hammer and shield. Of course, he left the parts about the estranged relationship between his master and Aunt Rosett because that was their personal issue. "I just came back from the Abyss Prison. But the forgemaster was a nice person."

"How nice. Good story." Celestina smiled. "You're forgiven for being late. By the way, I would recommend this romance novel."

"Another one?" Oscar winced. Recently, she has been recommending romance novels one after the other. But he recovered his expression. "Thank you. I recommended this travel log by a captain from 300 years ago."

"Traveling sounds fun." Celestina hummed, opening the first page with her delicate fingers. She entered her reading mode, silent and absorbed in the pages.

Meanwhile, Oscar held the romance novel in his hand with an awkward face and sighed. He opened the cover and started to read. They read until late at night when they decided to stop and part, returning to the Inner Hall by themselves.

Oscar woke up early the next morning and started some tea to ease his drowsiness, the calming aroma relaxed the wrinkles on his brow, and his closed eyes lowered in delight. But the moment did not last as a series of knocks resounded from his door. Oscar coughed out his tea as his eyes showed exhaustion.

"Serena?" Oscar opened the door.

"Serena? What's this about Serena, Os?" Frederick raised an eye at Oscar's unusual greeting.

"Fred?!" Oscar breathed out in relief. "Come in. Where's Emily?"

"She's still sleeping, I presume. I didn't wake her up because she overdid it yesterday in training." Frederick chuckled, but his eyes glowed with interest. "What's this about meeting Serena? Were you expecting her this morning?"

"Just my rotten luck that it turned out to be you." Oscar shook his head and resigned to his blunder. "Fine, I'll tell you. Listen closely."

Over snacks and tea, Oscar told Frederick everything about his problems and what he said to Serena, her reaction, and the subsequent actions that followed. Frederick listened quietly, but his expression grew stranger and stranger.

"You know that polygamy is a thing? Nobles and rich commoners do it all the time. My bastard of a father has three wives, but I'm the oldest of his children. The next one will be at the Pavilion in like five years." Frederick finished the plate of cookies, munching as the sounds of his chewing filled the heavy air of the living room. "You'd be quite lucky to be close to both Serena and the princess. Though, I don't know how they'd agree to a stubborn musclehead like you."

"Very funny, Fred. How about you have multiple relationships? I'm curious to see how Emily will react." Oscar fought back against Frederick's taunting.

"Haha. I'm certain to be dead. But I can understand how you feel. I don't think I could ever be with anyone other than Emily." Frederick scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "So, what do you plan to do? Regardless of what I said about you being a musclehead, you're also very rational. But that stubborn part is true. You're too stubborn to confess."

Frederick pointed at Oscar; his finger held out in accusation.

Oscar looked at the couch Frederick sat on, but he saw the figure of Aunt Rosett slumped on it with her sad face and spewing out regrets. "You're right. I was too stubborn, but I have decided."

"Oh!" Frederick perked up and downed his cup of tea. He licked his lips and brought his hands together in applause. "What's your verdict?"

"I–" Oscar breathed in. It became hard to say, like something caught in his throat. Oscar coughed out and scolded himself for being so weak. "I will confess to Celestina after we finish with Ashen Grove."

"Ashen Grove? Why so far?"

"I don't think it's that far from the future. Also, her mind has a lot on her plate. If the Ashen Grove event ends, she would have one less major thing to worry about. I should confess after that." Oscar poured out more tea.

"Well, I can't say it's a bad idea. I would have preferred you just up and do it, but it's also good that you consider the princess' circumstances." Frederick stood up and clasped Oscar's shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. "It's still good progress for a stone like you."

"Can it." Oscar scoffed and stood up. "Speaking of which, Serena said she'd bring me breakfast, but it's past the time she came yesterday."

"Maybe she's running late, but it's our usual time to meet for training. Let's go." Frederick opened the door and noticed Serena standing in front with a downcast face. His eyes darted quickly to Oscar, who was distracted, and he said, "Actually, I should grab Emily. I'll see you there."

"Ok." Oscar didn't look as he washed the tea set.

Frederick closed the door and looked at the pitiful Serena, who seemed to be on the verge of tears. He understood she must have heard the entire conversation. They neglected to have their senses up within the house, so she came close without them noticing. "Follow me."

Serena nodded once and followed Frederick out on the path.

"You heard everything, right? That means you have a time limit on grabbing Os' heart." Frederick rubbed his large scar, which started to ache.

"Yes." Serena answered without her usual liveliness. Her figure resembled a wilted rose near the end of its course at the coming of fall. Her weak laughter filled Frederick's ear, making him sigh. "I thought I had more time because Oscar was always hesitant, but he's finally set on doing it."

"I won't say or claim to know what is right. You're following your heart, and Oscar is following his." Frederick spoke as he stepped in front of a certain house, knocking on the door. "But know that no matter what happens, we're still your friends."

"Coming!" Emily opened the door, her orange hair was disheveled from tossing and turning in bed, but her orange eyes were clear and bright. Confused at the unusual pair in front of her, Emily leaned forward. "Fred and Serena? What are the two of you doing?"

"Emergency meeting." Fred pushed Serena inside and explained the situation.

"I'm sorry." Emily hugged Serena like a loving mother, stroking her red hair. Serena couldn't handle it anymore and began to cry, and Emily sighed but didn't mind Serena's tears dampening her clothes. "What are you going to do?"

"I won't give up." Serena hiccuped and hugged Emily tighter like a child. "I won't give up."

"Of course, you won't," Emily said. "You're a driven and resolved person. I need you to pull yourself together. I can't support or deny your love for Oscar, but never do anything you may regret. Ok?"

"Ok." Serena felt better from Emily's comforting words and wiped her tears with her handkerchief. Soon her eyes shone with fierceness. "I'm not some malicious criminal. I'll get Oscar fair and square."

Emily sighed and stared at Frederick, who shrugged his shoulders. This matter was out of their hands.

Without realizing that Serena had heard him, Oscar left his home and went to the training room. Inside, everyone greeted him back, but Oscar noticed Emily and Frederick giving him weird looks. Something was odd.

His sense of weirdness was compounded further by the serious conversation between two women, Celestina and Serena. The two did interact during training, but it was mostly short conversations; both maintained a certain distance from each other. However, now, Serena and Celestina were in a full-blown conversation about the economy and the current outlook of the merchant's sentiment about the future.

"Truly a merchant's daughter. You have a profound insight." Celestina smiled and complimented Serena.

"I admire the princess, who is all-rounded in so much. It was nice talking to someone who understood the same details as me. Can we continue this conversation later?" Serena smiled back, not a forced or faked smile, as Oscar recognized it as her genuine one.

'What happened?' Oscar grew confused.

Frederick looked strangely at this scene, but Emily had a mixed expression of disbelief and admiration. "She's really serious."

"What?" Frederick asked.

"Nothing. Let it be between women." Emily spoke cryptically and ignored Frederick's pleas to know.

"Everyone." Celestina's clear voice rang through the room. "The Grand Gathering is almost upon us again." Her face turned icy like a statue of ice. "So let's trounce the enemies before us."

No doubt, she was referring to Gilbert when she said that. Oscar didn't plan to attend this year's grand gathering either, but his rise to Elite Exalt put a damper on his plans to compete in the Clash of Metal. With his Invicus Bulwark, Oscar stepped forward to Charles and asked, "Let's spar."

Charles smiled. "I was waiting for this."

Time flew by as the last months ticked down to the day of the Grand Gathering. Oscar stepped into the stadium, surrounded by a crowd of his peers who had powerful gleams in their eyes.

In the first Grand Gathering, he failed to win against Philip. The second was when he lost his mind against Frederick. The third, he never attended because of the Clash of Metal.

This Grand Gathering would be his first real try in three years. Oscar gripped his bulwark and smiled, stepping down with steady steps toward his place of battle.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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