The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 116: Lively

Chapter 116

Li Mingwei pushed Liu Yizhu into the room and quickly closed the door behind them. She keenly sensed the smell in the air and understood why Liu Yizhu had said he couldn't sleep well last night. She covered her nose and hurried to open the window to air out the room.

"With such a strong smell, why didn't you just come back and sleep here?"

Liu Yizhu hugged her from behind, his face drooping: "You think I didn't want to come back? You locked the door, I couldn't get it open."

Li Mingwei thought he was being a bit silly. "Why didn't you just knock on the door?!"

If he had knocked on the door he would have woken her up.

Li Mingwei pinched him and scolded him for being foolish, telling him to hurry up and change his clothes since so many people were waiting outside. They still needed to go to the market to find his mother and have her buy more vegetables.

After Liu Yizhu had changed his clothes and gone outside, he was also surprised to see so many people still in the front yard. He greeted everyone, counted heads, and realized there was no time for breakfast that morning before hurrying out the door.

Auntie Cui brought Li Mingwei's half-eaten breakfast back to her, telling her to keep eating. "You can't go hungry right now. Hurry up and eat this, is it cold? Should I heat it up for you?"

Li Mingwei tried it and saw that it was still warm, so she shook her head. "No need."

She looked over at Liu Cuicui, who was welcoming the guests on her behalf, and felt a little embarrassed. Carrying her bowl, she slipped back into the kitchen. She didn't want to be watched while eating.

After refilling everyone's water, Liu Cuicui came back still carrying the kettle. Seeing Li Mingwei sneakily eating in the kitchen, she laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't you eat outside?"

Li Mingwei waved her hand dismissively. "I'm almost done, I can wash the dishes right here when I'm finished."


Liu Cuicui nodded and added more cool water to the kettle, planning to boil another batch since it was still early. They would need to replenish the hot water several more times before lunch.

Seeing Liu Cuicui's familiarity with the kitchen, Li Mingwei guessed that she must have visited before. After hesitating for a moment, she asked, "I'm not too clear on the customs here - why are so many people coming just because I'm pregnant?"

"It's not always like this," Liu Cuicui explained. "Usually it's just close family friends who come. But most who came today have kids studying in the academy. No one wants you to play favorites, right?"

Li Mingwei was speechless. Did they really think she was that kind of person?

"And some who came don't have any children yet."


Seeing Li Mingwei's confused expression, Liu Cuicui laughed and squatted down next to her, whispering: "Wasn't it said before that sister-in-law couldn't have children? But you got pregnant so soon. They want to come see if you have any special remedy they can take home and try for themselves."

"Since they aren't familiar with you, they won't directly ask. But when Auntie comes back, they'll definitely go question her."

Liu Cuicui gave her a knowing look, gesturing towards the few young women talking by the vegetable garden up front. She singled one out, "Look at Ye Hui over there. She got married two years ago but still hasn't had a child, so her in-laws gave her some money and sent her back."

Li Mingwei didn't believe it. "It's only been two years, that's not very long."

"I know, but the others who married into the family at the same time already have kids, and she doesn't."

The more Li Mingwei listened, the more confused she felt. What on earth? She was having a little trouble understanding.

"Just wait and see, sister-in-law. She'll come looking for you later."

Looking for me? What good will that do? I don't even know why I was able to get pregnant myself!

Li Mingwei pursed her lips in displeasure. She finished eating the egg, washed the dishes, and hurried back out to the hall to chat with the guests.

On his way home after buying vegetables, Liu Yizhu bumped into his mother carrying vegetables back as well. His gaze fell on the amount of vegetables in her hands, and he decisively turned her around.

"This isn't enough vegetables. We need to buy more."

His mother Wang held up the vegetables in her hands for him to see. "This is plenty. Even if a few more people show up, it'll be enough. I've been cooking for this family for years, don't you think I know better?"

"Mother, all the families in town with kids studying have come, not to mention our relatives and a few close neighbors. There are over twenty people!"


Wang's head instantly swelled. What was wrong with these people, did they have nothing better to do than all show up here? This wasn't a full month celebration or anything like that.

With two drawn out sighs, she handed the vegetables to Liu Yizhu and told him to take them home first. "I'll go buy more vegetables myself. Go next door and borrow two more tables. We don't have enough seats at home for this many people."

"Can you manage by yourself?"

"I'll take someone with me then."

Liu Yizhu looked back. "Sister Chunhua, you're going to buy vegetables too?"

Wang Chunhua nodded and came forward. "Ah yes, I'll accompany your mother and then go lend a hand later. You should go get your brother-in-law to help carry over the tables and stools."

"Alright, thanks for your help then."

Li Mingwei sat in the main hall, her face stiff from forcing smiles for so long. It wasn't until Wang came back with Wang Chunhua that the crowd finally shifted their attention away from her. Seeing how lively their discussion was, Li Mingwei quietly snuck back to the bedroom. Looking in the mirror, she massaged her sore cheeks. This was too taxing. Though she was quite the chatterbox herself, she still couldn't handle this many mouths to entertain. Thank goodness for Auntie Cui's presence.

Liu Yizhu pushed the door open and came in to see her completely wilted. His heart ached and he gently asked, "Tired? Do you want to lie down on the bed and rest for a bit?"

"I'm fine, I'll be good after sitting for a while."

But there were still so many people outside, she'd have to go back out after resting briefly.

"Then how about sitting on the bed?"

"No need, I'm not tired."

"It's not that." Liu Yizhu gave an embarrassed, placating smile. "There aren't enough stools outside."

Li Mingwei's expression soured. She had thought he was concerned about her. Turns out she was thinking too much! Hmph!

She moved out of the way and let Liu Yizhu carry the stool from their room along with the chair from his desk outside. He made a quick escape.

After sitting on the bed for a while, when Li Mingwei went back out she realized she was no longer the center of attention. She looked towards the front and saw that Hu Jin and Mr. Jin had arrived as well. Everyone's focus had shifted to them.

A few young girls were peering out the back door. "Is that the new teacher Hu?" one whispered excitedly.

Seeing Li Mingwei come over, one asked her, "That Teacher Hu looks quite young, is he a good teacher?"

"I don't know," Li Mingwei shook her head. She hadn't gone back to the academy since Hu Jin arrived, so how could she know if he was a good teacher or not? "You'd have to ask Mr. Jin. I haven't attended class for a while now."

"I heard he also passed the county exams?" "That's right. He's even taking the provincial exam next year."

"So isn't he the same as Teacher Liu?"


Li Mingwei suddenly noticed a gleam of interest in Ye Hui's eyes.

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