The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 137: The Path

Chapter 137

Liu Yizhu was still thinking that when Xuexiu came back, Old Lady Wang couldn’t wait anymore. As soon as she heard the road was open, she hurriedly took off her apron and went to the Dong’s house.

Wang Chunhua had also just heard about this and wanted to find her. She bumped into Old Lady Wang on the road after walking out of her home for a little while. They eagerly held each other’s hands.

“I heard the road is open?”

“I heard it too!”

“Then let’s go take a look in the county town!”

“I was just going to find you to talk about this.”

The two women hit it off immediately, walked hand in hand strolling around town for a bit, bought some things for Li Mingwei, then each went back home to prepare and came to the county town early next morning.

Dong Shan only vaguely remembered where they had lived last time, and after so long, he lingered at the intersection for quite a while. Wang Chunhua was so anxious she kept slapping him, “Do you still remember or not!”

Dong Shan ignored her slaps and kept peering around, “I remember, I remember, didn't I already lead you here? I just can’t be sure if we should go through here, or that street over there.”

“Then what should we do!”

“You two wait here and I’ll go take a look?”

Wang Chunhua waved her hand impatiently, “Go on, go take a look, hurry up. What kind of memory is that!”

Dong Shan glanced at her. If she had such a good memory she should have led the way instead of nagging here about his bad memory!

Seeing his petty gaze, Wang Chunhua was about to give him a kick, but held back because Old Lady Wang was still next to them. She could only restrain herself for the moment, planning to settle scores when they returned.

Because they had wasted time wandering around, by the time they arrived, Li Mingwei was already eating lunch. When the gateman came to report, she immediately threw down her chopsticks and went outside. The little maid quickly caught up to support her.



Wang Chunhua shoved what was in her hands to Dong Shan and trotted up, hugging her tightly. Then she felt something hard and let her go, “Oh dear, sorry, I forgot. Your belly has grown big already, can’t hug you like that or it’ll press on the baby.”

Old Lady Wang also stepped up quickly, touching her abdomen a little excitedly, “It’s this big already!”

“No, I wore thick clothes. Without them it’s not that big. But I’ve had the midwife check and it’s normal.”

“That’s good, as long as it’s normal, that’s good.” Old Lady Wang’s face was all smiles as she kept nodding, “As long as it’s normal, that’s good.”

Li Mingwei smiled and nodded at Dong Shan, who was standing aside, not able to step up but also looking happy. Then she asked, “Why did Mother and Sister and Brother-in-law all come together?”

“Well the road reopened, so we came to see how you were.” Wang Chunhua looked at her and saw no problems. After the joy, she pointed to the bag in Dong Shan’s hands, “I brought radish for you. We’ll go buy some lamb later to stew for you to eat at night.”

She looked up at the sky to estimate the time and complained, “It’s all because of your forgetful brother-in-law. We wanted to come early to cook lunch for you, then eat and head back easily after. But he took so long finding his way that we arrived this late. Have you eaten?”

“I was just eating.” Li Mingwei turned her head to instruct the little maid, “Tell the kitchen to add a few more dishes.”

The little maid responded and left.

Seeing her walk away, only then did Wang Chunhua tut-tut twice, “You’re so well off, with people cooking for you and maids waiting on you.”

Li Mingwei smiled and shook her arm, “Let’s eat first then go buy the lamb. It’ll be good stewed and ready to eat at night. Just stay one night here.”

She looked at Old Lady Wang, “Mother wouldn’t leave without waiting for Liu Yizhu to come back, right.”

Old Lady Wang twisted her clothes without speaking, but that was true. Although she mainly came to see her daughter-in-law and grandchild, she couldn’t just leave without even seeing her son.

“I don’t have anything else to do.”

Mr. Jin knew she didn't go back. He would go find that lass outside the school gate to help cook for her, referring to the Dong couple. So Wang Chunhua asked, “What about your kids at home then?”

Wang Chunhua was also worried about this. She had left Xiao Yan at Aunt Lin’s place, only telling Dong Lei before leaving to go back home first after class if they hadn’t returned yet. She didn’t say anything else.

If they didn't go back...

But seeing Li Mingwei’s hopeful gaze, Wang Chunhua didn’t have the heart to reject her either. She turned back to meet Dong Shan’s eyes. Dong Shan knew she wanted to stay, so he said, “Then after eating I’ll go back first. You and Mother can head back together tomorrow, that works right?”


After eating they had to go buy groceries. Li Mingwei wanted to follow but was refused. She could only watch them leave dejectedly.

The little maid held her up and whispered, “The room has been cleaned already.”

“Alright, you all can rest then. We’ll cook ourselves for dinner.”


The number of people Judge Tang sent over was really too many for Li Mingwei alone. She picked out and kept only two little maids, one cook, and one gateman. Aunt Qin sent away all the rest.

They all lived in the back residence. Knowing that the family was going to chat, they didn’t dare come out to disturb them. With no outsiders around, Wang Chunhua could finally relax more, half leaning against the chair to catch her breath.

“This county town marketplace is quite big. I’m a bit tired from walking around.”

Li Mingwei poured her a cup of water, “Go take a rest then?”

“What rest, I’ll be fine after sitting a while. Haven’t seen you for so long, we’ve got to chat for a bit.”

Wang Chunhua opened her mouth, still not knowing where to start. Li Mingwei sat next to her and smiled, “How has Dong Lei been?”

“That rascal, before New Year’s he secretly followed your brother-in-law to go fishing by the frozen river. Stepped right into an ice hole. Your brother-in-law dragged him back and gave him a good beating. I didn’t try to stop it at all. His butt was almost beaten off.”

Li Mingwei shuddered. Brother-in-law doesn’t hit lightly. When he does, it’s serious business. Little Dong Lei sure suffered miserably!

She was still angry recalling this matter now. Rubbing her forehead she complained, “Who knows why he’s so disobedient. I told him not to go yet he sneaked off to trail behind your brother-in-law without being found out. Luckily only one leg fell in, or else...”

Otherwise they really wouldn’t have been able to save him back.

Dong Shan said at that time he vaguely heard his son’s cries. When he turned back to check he saw the boy stuck at that ice hole bawling away. Scared him out of his wits so he quickly pulled him out and brought him home.

Old Lady Wang silently took note to never let her grandson or granddaughter go near the river!

Li Mingwei suggested, “Next time if he still doesn’t learn his lesson, make Mr. Jin punish him. He’s got tough skin, not afraid of beatings. Just hates doing homework, copying texts or reciting lessons. Keeping him busy so he has no time for mischief is good.”

“Excellent idea!”

A child’s flesh is tender. Hitting too hard would still distress them. But copying books doesn’t hurt much, at worst the hand gets tired. It really is perfect.

The few were chatting merrily in the front hall, having temporarily forgotten the time. So when Liu Yizhu came back and saw them, he was startled too but just about to speak.

Old Lady Wang saw him and immediately bounced up with a slap of her thigh, “Isn’t it about time to stew the lamb soup!”

“Yes, yes! It’s so late already!”

Wang Chunhua also quickly got up and walked with her towards the back kitchen. Li Mingwei trotted after them in little steps.

Liu Yizhu...

Was nobody going to greet him?

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