The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 38: Man can conquer Nature

Chapter 38

Returning from the Taoist temple, Li Mingwei's whole person felt a little unwell. She was depressed and listless, lying in bed every day, unwilling to step out of her room at all.

Wang Chunhua secretly peeked at her from the window and saw that she was still in a daze. She was a little worried.

In her heart, she really felt that Liu Yizhu was not bad and he didn't mind that she was divorced, which was so rare. Even the immortal Master Yuqing thought so highly of this marriage fate. If her younger sister doesn't get together with him, isn't that a waste of this heaven-sent affinity?

"Sister, is that you outside?"

"Ah, it's me." Wang Chunhua pushed the door in and smiled, "I came to ask if there is anything you want to eat. Xiao Lei is making a fuss about wanting to eat desserts. It's been a few days already. I'm thinking of going to buy him some. He's been at home reading and practicing writing every day, quite well-behaved."

Li Mingwei got up, throwing off the quilt: "I'll go. I promised him last time that I would buy them for him."

Thinking that she had been cooped up at home for so long, it would be good for her to go out and walk around. So Wang Chunhua agreed. She tidied up Li Mingwei's clothes and hooked her arm around hers, "Let's go together."


The shop owner was still Chen Jie. He warmly welcomed them. The prescription Li Mingwei had previously given him, he and his mother had already made. It sold quite well. Chen Jie had already given Li Mingwei gifts earlier to thank her.

"Sister-in-law Chunhua, younger sister Mingwei, what are you buying today?"

"Let me see."

"Sure, sister-in-law, feel free to look around. They were all made today. Call me when you've picked out what you want."

Chen Jie noticed Li Mingwei's somewhat pale complexion and couldn't help asking, "Younger sister Mingwei, what's the matter? You don't look well, are you sick?"

"No, I just didn't sleep well."

"Younger sister is so young yet can't sleep well? That's not good." Chen Jie's face showed a look of concern. He suggested, "Why don't you go to the pharmacy and get some tranquilizers?"

"My mother said before that she couldn't sleep either. The doctor said it was because of her old age that she got little sleep. He prescribed her some tranquilizers and she said it was quite effective after drinking it, sleeping much better than before. It's also not expensive, a prescription is just over ten coins, enough to last several days."

Wang Chunhua was intrigued. She looked tentatively at Li Mingwei, "Let's go take a look. It's not good to keep not sleeping well like this."

Li Mingwei refused. Medicine is one-third poison. She knew her body was fine. She didn't want to drink that bitter medicine.

"I'm fine."

"Brother Chen, pack me some red bean cakes."

Wang Chunhua stopped her, "Aiya, what do you want red bean cakes for? I won't eat them. Just buy what you and Xiao Lei like to eat."

"Xiao Lei likes to eat everything."

Li Mingwei signaled Chen Jie to pack them up. Chen Jie swiftly packed several for her. Wang Chunhua didn't want him to take them out again, so she accepted her thoughtfulness.

She also picked several others and had Chen Jie pack them together. When paying, Chen Jie gave Li Mingwei a discount of a few coins.

Just a small discount was enough to make Wang Chunhua happy for a while. Her face was full of smiles as she repeatedly thanked Chen Jie before hooking Li Mingwei's arm and leaving.

"Really not going to the pharmacy to take a look?"

"Not going."

Since she refused to go, and there was nothing else to buy, Wang Chunhua just brought her home.

Turning the street corner, Wang Chunhua glanced at the absent-minded girl beside her and lightly coughed, pulling on her sleeve.


Li Mingwei frowned at her, "What's the matter, caught a cold?"

"No." Wang Chunhua gestured for her to look ahead, "Your marriage affinity."

Li Mingwei looked up and met Liu Yizhu's inquiring gaze. What marriage affinity, more like an unfortunate fate. She should have just rotted at home, she wouldn't have gone out even if she was beaten to death.

"Why do you look so terrible?"

Liu Yizhu stopped right in front of her, asking concernedly. His voice was still a little hoarse.

To be honest, Liu Yizhu's complexion now was not great either. The two of them were comparable. Li Mingwei's gaze fell on the medicine package in his hand as she opened her thin lips. "You should take care of yourself first."

"What's the matter with Scholar Liu?"

Wang Chunhua's attitude was much nicer than Li Mingwei's. She didn't interact much with the Liu family and wasn't close to them, but having lived in the same town for so many years, seeing Liu Yizhu sick, she was still a little worried.

"It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well."

Goodness, what a heaven-sent affinity. One couldn't sleep, the other couldn't sleep either.

"Then what's this medicine for?"

Liu Yizhu explained, "It's for my mother. My mother caught a cold and has a bit of a cough."

"It's not serious, right?"

"The doctor said it's fine. He told her to take some medicine first and see."

"That's good then, that's good."

Liu Yizhu bowed slightly, "Thank you for your concern, sister-in-law."

"You're too polite, too polite." Wang Chunhua nudged her sister who had a cold expression. He was so polite, yet she looked so resentful.


It seemed Li Mingwei had just returned to her senses. Her gaze shifted between them, "Done talking? Then let's go back."

She walked around the person blocking her way and left directly. Wang Chunhua apologetically glanced at Liu Yizhu before catching up to her. She twisted Li Mingwei's arm lightly.

"You girl, when did you become so temperamental? Someone is talking nicely to you, what's wrong with responding? We're from the same town, don't try so hard to make things difficult."

"According to the immortal, your fates are entwined. Don't say Old Lady Wang won't become your mother-in-law in the future. She's sick and you're concerned for a couple sentences, what's wrong with that?"


Li Mingwei let out a cold laugh, "I don't want a mother-in-law like that."

Wang Chunhua, Wang Chunhua didn't want that either. That old woman was somewhat miserly and mean, but if it was for Liu Yizhu, she could endure it.

"What about Master Yuqing's side? He looks upon you two so kindly, the divination blocks and writing were all auspicious."



"Do you know the saying, 'Man can conquer Heaven'?"

Wang Chunhua was speechless. Just what was it about Liu Yizhu that her younger sister disliked so much? With her talking about conquering Heaven, it seemed that Liu Yizhu's devoted heart had been placed wrongly.

Liu Yizhu didn't look back. He just stood there for a while before rushing home. If he didn't keep an eye on her, his mother wouldn't rest properly.

As he had expected, when he wasn't home, Old Lady Wang had gotten up and washed all the containers she had used for medicine. She also lit the fire and cooked porridge in the pot.

"Mother, the doctor said to let you rest well. Why did you get up to work again?"

"I'm not coughing anymore, I'm better now, no need to rest." She lifted the lid to show him, "Didn't you say you wanted to eat sweet potato porridge for lunch? Mother cooked it for you. You'll be able to drink it soon."

Liu Yizhu was a little annoyed, "I said to wait until I got back to cook it. I'm grown up now, don't even know how to cook porridge?"

"When you're away studying, how can I not worry if you're like this at home?"

Old Lady Wang shrank back a little. She just couldn't help wanting to do more.

She smiled ingratiatingly and patted his hand, "Mother really is fine now. Just a couple coughs, no need to keep taking medicine for so long. Don't go to the pharmacy again, it's wasting money. There are still many places you'll need money later."

Liu Yizhu rubbed his forehead. He really had a headache now, unable to get through to anyone.

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