The Extraordinary King: Awaken The Traveling Beast At The Start

Chapter 180

Chapter 179, Immortal Ascension System 2.0!

When people are concentrating on one thing, time always passes quickly.

But now the plan needs to change.

Fang Ran didn’t go out, but sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes.

It seems that other impurities that affect the quality of Xianju’s energy have been sucked away.

Thinking of this, Fang Ran was a little proud.

It is no exaggeration to say that now he is standing with the real ghost, and he has to point out that one is a human, and the other ghosts in the ghost realm will only regard the other ghost as a human disguise, and will not suspect him.

To put it simply, he can now run amok in the ghost realm.

In an instant, an incomparably mysterious, incomparably vast, as if encompassing all phenomena of events, appeared in his grasp!

“Rising Immortal Aperture System Version 2.0! Complete!

“Bengyu help me!”

The most important thing is that when the yin attribute immortal energy appears, even the positive attribute energy running in the circulation system of the human immortal aperture begins to become pure and mighty, which is more pure and powerful than the previous immortal energy.

He wants to improve his Heaven and Earth Spirit Bridge Ascension Immortal Aperture according to the ideas he got from the Ghost Immortal Cultivation Method!

Because he did not expect that a “Ghost Immortal Cultivation Method” would bring him such a big harvest.

Beng Yu’s power was motivated by a strong desire, and soon, following Fang Ran’s thoughts, he began to transform his Ascension Aperture cycle with the ghost domain Yin Qi stored in his body.

According to the original plan, Fang Ran will continue to accumulate more ghost realm yin qi, and then go to Limeng Emperor Palace to explore, and by the way, find the traces of General Maotu and the two ghosts.

“I am walking more and more on the path of immortal cultivation!

Fang Ran was reminded by the increasingly noisy voice from the outside world, he recovered and his research came to an end temporarily.

This should have caused conflict, but because of the homologous relationship, the two forces can actually transform, support each other, and even merge with each other.

There is no other reason, just because・

Unlike the Ascension Immortal Aperture, which is full of vitality and is basically full of positive attribute energy, the power contained in the connected Ascension Immortal Aperture is just the opposite, a cold, dead, extremely pure negative attribute energy.

Feeling the immortal energy in his body that was more than ten times stronger, Fang Ran opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise slightly.

It teaches how to absorb the spiritual energy and negative energy of the outside world through the ghost body, and the specific method of powerful ghost power.


Extending his palm, a yin immortal force and a yang immortal force appeared at the same time, and then instantly merged under his mind.

At the moment when the Ghost Immortal Aperture system was completed, Fang Ran only felt that his soul was buzzing, and a soul-shaking sublimation occurred.

This may sound like nothing, but Fang Ran has the idea of ​​perfecting the cycle of ascending the immortal orifice by borrowing the methods and systems in it. Even because of the content of this set of methods, he has developed the goal of refining Qi and becoming Astral. Can’t beat him.

“With this yin immortal power, I don’t need to absorb yin energy anymore.”

Around each Immortal Ascension Aperture, another Immortal Ascension Aperture full of yin and cold energy began to emerge.

Fang Ran quickly re-named it. The original ascending immortal aperture was named Human Immortal Aperture, and the new ascending immortal aperture was called Ghost Immortal Aperture, which was simple and easy to understand.

“In the future, don’t call it immortal energy, just immortal energy, yang immortal energy and yin immortal energy, simple and easy to understand.”

Among them, detailed operation steps are given on how to distinguish the types of energy from heaven and earth and extract negative energy.

With the appearance of this immortal energy, even his already powerful soul began to be nourished, slowly condensing and becoming stronger.

But before he set off, he still had an experiment to do.

This is by no means something that can be done overnight for other people, but for Fang Ran, it is just a matter of thinking.

It is like adding a new set of basically the same loops next to the original loops, parallel and connected.

To be honest, the idea of ​​this practice method is very close to the practice method in the cultivation novels, and it is much more rigorous than the Ascension Immortal Aperture System that he created with the help of the collapsing jade plug-in.

Fang Ran’s yin immortal power is the same source as the ghost realm’s yin qi but much more advanced. When he wraps his body with yin immortal power, his breath is comparable to that of the ghost king in this ghost realm. Naturally, there is no need to accumulate any more. Yin Qi conceals his identity.

This matter is very important, but we still have to deal with this ghost realm first.

After all the 108 human immortal orifices have spawned new ghost immortal orifices, the ghost immortal orifices also begin to connect with each other, forming a new subsidiary circulation system.

And more systematic.

At this moment, he is in a very good mood~.

In the dedicated study, the day gradually passed, the night slowly fell, and the lights of the ghost town lit up the whole city again.

The endless negative attributes of heaven and earth energy were continuously swallowed into Fang Ran’s body, purified and condensed by the ghost fairy orifice, and turned into another feminine and pure fairy energy.

One positive and one negative, one yin and one yang two sets of immortal arts circulate freely and freely, and they influence each other, improving each other’s quality and strength, and it seems that the two forces can be merged at any time, triggering a more powerful and advanced new force!

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