The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 76 - 76: Making Tea Personally

Chapter 76: Chapter 76: Making Tea Personally

Translator: 549690339

“Um… Little Long, are you really going to make a scene with our school leaders?” Song Yuru asked, her expression carrying a hint of fear.

“Don’t worry, my dear. I’m a man who believes in reasoning, not brute force.” Huang Xiaolong pulled Song Yuru into his arms and planted a kiss on her cheek. “I’m going there to reason with them.”

“First thing in the morning, and you’re already taking advantage of me…” Song Yuru playfully admonished. “Then let’s go to school together.”

The two left the hotel, had breakfast downstairs, hailed a taxi, and headed straight to the university.

The campus of Binhai University.

A thin morning mist draped over the campus like a soft veil. The majestic teaching building was faintly visible through the mist…

The campus was filled with warmth and beauty in the morning, with the chatter and laughter of students shattering the tranquility. The sparrows in the trees were startled, and the sleeping trees awoke.

Shoulder to shoulder, Song Yuru and Huang Xiaolong walked into the campus.

At Song Yuru’s insistence, Huang Xiaolong did not hold her hand or wrap his arm around her waist on campus. However, he stood close to her, revealing their intimate relationship.

Song Yuru had a significant reputation at Binhai University, being one of its four most hotly pursued girls.

At that moment, many of the students were taken aback to see Song Yuru cozily walking alongside a clearly rustic man.

“Seriously? Our school beauty, Song Yuru, is hanging out with a rustic man?”

“I saw them walking into the school together from outside. My God, isn’t Song Yuru a boarding student? Did she spend last night in a hotel room with this rustic guy? It’s a horrifying thought!”

“Oh my god! Why has my goddess lowered herself to spending the night with a rustic man? Why?”

“I thought Song Yuru had high standards. With all the outstanding boys pursuing her, she’s never shown any interest. How could she possibly fall for a rustic country man? There must be some conspiracy!”

“I just want to charge over there, push that rustic guy away from our school beauty, then shout, ‘Beast, step away from her, and let me take over!”‘

Hearing snippets of gossip around them, the majority of which were derogatory towards Huang Xiaolong, Song Yuru felt indignant. “How would any of you know how great my Little Long is? A bunch of short-sighted idiots!” “Little Long, let’s go straight to the principal’s office.” Song Yuru suggested.

The teaching building, the principal’s office.

Zhou Yuewen stood by the window, his gaze filled with satisfaction as he looked down at the bustling campus below.

Only a decade ago, he was just an ordinary teacher at this branch campus. Later, he was transferred to other campuses to teach, and his constant progress won him recognition from students and leaders alike. Today, he has once again returned to this campus to hold the dual roles of principal and party committee secretary; he is now the chief authority here.

Furthermore, barring any unforeseen circumstances, Zhou Yuewen would be promoted to a position in the Binhai City Education Office in a few months.

Moving up in the world!

Indeed, over the past ten years, Zhou Yuewen’s career path has been incredibly smooth.

Regardless, Zhou Yuewen’s career in education had its roots in this campus, and he still holds deep affection for it. He was determined to fulfill his role to the best of his ability prior to his promotion. Knock– Knock, knock— Knock, knock, knock—There was a knock at the office door.

Zhou Yuewen drew the curtains and sat back down behind his desk. “Come in.”

The door opened.

Looking up, Zhou Yuewen saw the famously beautiful Song Yuru leading a…

well, rustic-looking man into his office.

‘What’s going on? Who is this rustic man?’ Zhou Yuewen pondered, suspicious.

Nevertheless, Zhou Yuewen held high regard for Song Yuru.

This young woman was not only beautiful and full of grace, but she also applied herself diligently in her studies. Unlike some other girls who are vain and snobbish even before they step out of the campus.

“Is there something you need, Student Song Yuru?” asked Zhou Yuewen with a smile.

“Principal, um…” Song Yuru began, but before she could finish her sentence, Huang Xiaolong gave her clothes a slight tug and said with a grin, “Babe, let me do the talking.”

“Gosh, don’t call me that…” Song Yuru sputtered nervously. They were in front of the principal, his manner of address was awkward.

“Babe?” Zhou Yuewen looked taken aback.

Could it be possible? Was this rustic man the husband of Song Yuru, the school beauty?

While Binhai University did not explicitly prohibit dating among students, Zhou Yuewen did not want someone like Song Yuru, a freshman who’s always been a sensible girl, to get a boyfriend too early; this could have some impact on her academic performance.

Consequently, Zhou Yuewen’s view towards Huang Xiaolong was far from favourable. “Who are you? You don’t look like one of our students.”

Huang Xiaolong did not hold back, he pulled up a chair and sat down right across from Zhou Yuewen.

Song Yuru stood in place, feeling uneasy.

“I’m not a student of Binhai University, my wife is studying here,” Huang Xiaolong said nonchalantly.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong sitting there with his legs wide apart, revealing zero manners and little upbringing, Zhou Yuewen was more irritated. He replied sternly, “Since you’re not a member of the school, please leave immediately. We do not welcome you here. Also, Song Yuru, a good and rule-abiding student, I hope you won’t deceive her with your slick talk.”

Pausing for a moment, Zhou Yuewen looked at Song Yuru. “Student Song Yuru, if you feel aggrieved or threatened by anyone, please don’t hesitate to voice out. The school has your back.”

“Huh? Principal, I’m not…” Song Yuru responded hastily.

“Enough. You are the principal of the school, right?” Huang Xiaolong said, irritation evident on his face.

“Yes, I am the principal and the party committee secretary of this branch school. What exactly are you trying to say?” Zhou Yuewen’s face darkened.

“What am I trying to say? I’ll tell you. You, you’re derelict in your duty! You’re grossly negligent!” Huang Xiaolong didn’t mince his words.

“What!? You say I’m negligent?” Zhou          was furious, “You’re an outsider, who are you to say that?”

Zhou Yuewen was very angry. He’d been in education for many years, meticulous and careful, always toeing the line, never overstepping boundaries. And now, a mere peasant coming into his office, accusing him of negligence…

This was ridiculous! Absurd!

“Be sure what you say is based on facts. Spouting off, slinging mud, I’ll sue you for slander!” Zhou Yuewen warned, irate.

“Of course, I have facts. This branch school is haunted! You, as the principal, moved my wife into dormitory 508, where someone has died, without fully resolving the issue. This is a dereliction of duty!” Huang Xiaolong spoke, his face full of accusations. “Last night, my wife saw a ghost! She was so scared we had to stay overnight elsewhere. She didn’t dare stay in the dormitory!”

“Cough cough…Little Long, stick to the main point, don’t talk about irrelevant things.” Song Yuru’s face was flushed with embarrassment.

“What?!” On hearing those words, Zhou Yuewen’s heart sank, his body gave a strong shiver.

Ten years ago, a vicious murder occurred in this branch school. The victim had been cruelly dismembered. Zhou Yuewen at that time was the homeroom teacher of the deceased girl!

If Zhou Yuewen had any regrets about his educational career, this incident was his greatest regret!

It was like a thorn stuck in his heart!

Even today, every Qingming Festival, he would go to the girl’s grave, offer incense sticks, in an attempt to alleviate his guilt.

Zhou Yuewen believed that if he had cared more about the girl’s personal life back then, the tragedy might not have occurred.

After the girl was killed, this branch school was haunted, indeed. It was no secret.

“You…” Zhou Yuewen stuttered, “You should not talk nonsense! Yes, something happened in this branch school, but we had masters come and perform rituals to help the souls transcend, they told us to just seal off the branch school for two years and everything would be fine…you’re spreading rumors…you’re spreading misleading rumors! ”

“Am I spreading rumors? Ask my wife.” Huang Xiaolong scoffed, “I don’t know where you guys found your ‘masters’, but they’re all fakes.”

“Principal, it’s true. Last night, while I was showering, I saw a…uh…dirty thing with disheveled hair, it was blurry but it looked like a girl. I can say for sure, I saw it.” Song Yuru spoke, still frightened.

“This… this…” Zhou Yuewen’s mind was confused.

He still quite believed in Song Yuru’s integrity. This girl was down-to-earth and diligent, not the kind to make stuff up.

“The dismemberment case that happened in this branch school ten years ago has remained unresolved,” Huang Xiaolong spoke earnestly. “Until today, it has always existed, it never left! It refuses to leave because it died unjustly!”

“Ah!” Zhou          screamed in alarm, his whole body went limp, covered in cold sweat, “you…you…what exactly are you trying to do? Are all of these things you’re saying true? What proof do you have?”

“What do I want to do? I want to do nothing… I just want to drive away the ghost, its resentment is too heavy. If it is not dealt with in a timely manner, a lot of students and teachers will die in this branch school…” Huang Xiaolong shrugged his shoulders. “After all, my wife is studying here, and I would not want her to have any accidents.”

“You want to drive out ghosts? You?” Zhou Yuewen bulged his eyes, looking at Huang Xiaolong in shock. “Just you? You know how to drive away ghosts?”

The monks and Taoists invited by Binhai University before were all older, with white hair and beards, dignified. But this peasant in front of him, oh God, he’s young and rustic, how could he drive away ghosts?

“What’s driving away ghosts?” Huang Xiaolong pursed his lips. “I can do anything. ”

“Principal, my… well, Little Long is very capable, believe him.” Song Yuru spoke up.

“Well… it’s not that I don’t believe you, but the metaphysical masters I’ve seen are not like you.” Zhou Yuewen furrowed his brows. “You’re only in your early 20s? You’re about the same age as our students…not that I’m doubting you…

but can you really handle this?”

“Ha ha ha ha— The ability to drive away ghosts cannot be measured by age.” Huang Xiaolong leaned back in his chair, cross-legged. “How about this, I will read your face for free.”

“Read my face?” Zhou Yuewen was dumbfounded.

“Yes.” Huang Xiaolong’s gaze lingered on Zhou Yuewen’s face for five seconds, then he said, “Your palace of official salary is well-rounded and flat. If I’m not wrong, your career is very smooth and will continue to get better, in other words, you’re likely to get promoted.”

Zhou Yuewen was shocked!

The fact that he was about to be transferred to the Bureau of Education had not been finalized, so he never talked about it. Even his wife and children didn’t know about it!

But this peasant was able to reveal it with a single sentence!


Too amazing!

He’s a miracle!

“However!” Huang Xiaolong suddenly turned serious, “At this moment, your palace of official salary is covered in a layer of dark clouds, the gloss is blocked. This means there’s an obstacle ahead. If you can’t overcome it, your career will stop there.”

Zhou Yuewen was taken aback!

He was digesting the meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words…

An obstacle?

Could it be… Is the obstacle he’s referring to dormitory 508? Earlier he said the resentment of dormitory 508 is already very heavy. If it’s not handled in time, a lot of students and teachers will die in this branch school… If what he said was true, not to mention a lot of people dying, even if one student dies, I would be held accountable and I would have to resign!’

Thinking about it, he broke out into a cold sweat. Zhou Yuewen was frightened!

“Well… young master, please wait. Let me make you a cup of tea, then I’ll notify the school leadership team and call an emergency meeting right away.” Zhou Yuewen stood up, his attitude towards Huang Xiaolong had done a complete turnaround!

He was respectful, he personally went to make tea for Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong sat there, with one leg casually crossed over the other, looking serene and composed.

‘Wow, my Little Long is so handsome when he acts like this. I can’t stand it. I want to kiss him… Oops— Song Yuru, are you falling for him?’ Song Yuru stared at Huang Xiaolong, infatuated.

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