The Extra's Return

Chapter 40 Great Farewell (2)

After I finished arranging everything I needed to arrange regarding the Black Box organization headquarters of the Ryam city branch, I left the Black Box organization headquarters of the Ryam city branch.

Before leaving, I had given the task of Solem and the other remaining members to clean up all the other criminal organizations that existed within Ryam city. They should already be the only criminal organization in the city, so it'll be easier for me to use them one day.

Of course, they didn't have to do it right away, but when I returned one day, they should have finished what I ordered, which was to wipe out all the other criminal organizations in this city.

Even though they seemed pessimistic at first, I didn't care. I just want to give them a long-term goal. And now, my two feet continue to walk towards the north gate of the city.

I still remembered that I had written to Willa that I would meet her at the north gate of the city, but I felt sorry for doing so.

Actually, I didn't have much to say to Willa since I had Callie beside her.

But somehow, I promised to meet her instead.

Did I slightly expect to have a heartwarming farewell scene like the main character?

'I must be crazy. Should I go back?'

Actually, my next destination is Burgenfield city which is in the west. So I don't have to go to the north gate of the city to meet Willa.

'Yes. I'd better go straight to Burgenfield city and meet the main heroine who lives there!'

Indeed, I had made a contract for Jullian to become a hikikomori for one year.

However, if Jullian's strength was sufficient, there was a very high possibility that he would be able to break the contract binding him, and it would be purely using his own strength.

If so, Jullian would be free to do whatever he wanted. He was able to enter an event that would see him recognized as a hero and ended up incorporating the main heroine into his harem.

As much as possible, I wanted to prevent Jullian from becoming a hero.

When I made up my mind to go to the west gate of the city, without realizing it, I had arrived at the north gate of the city.

I should have just turned around and left, but something was holding me back from doing so.

A common thing that happens is, when you're about to leave the city, you don't have to be checked by the gate soldiers. But instead, I saw soldiers checking out those who came out, not just those who entered the city.

And when they saw me, they seemed ready to eat me alive. Luckily I was still wearing a face covering, so they didn't really recognize me.

'I believe they have been given orders by Baron Warwick to prevent me from escaping this city. At this rate, I'm sure the west gate also has soldiers on guard.'

If every gate is guarded, I have no other choice but to break through. As a result, my two legs continued to lead me to be able to break through the line of guard soldiers.

"Hey, you over there, stop running!"

Seeing that I ignored their screams, they shouted to alert another gatekeeper not too far away.

They are slower than me. So I can get away. However, bad luck still hit me. As I passed them, the hand of one of the guards managed to tear the cloth covering my face.

Since my face was exposed, they started chasing after me like crazy people. And that's not the only problem I have.

When I got outside the gate, I could see a line of soldiers surrounding a horse-drawn carriage. The carriage was luxurious, in which I was sure that Willa was in it.

From inside the carriage, Willa got out.

But the strange thing was, there was Daniel who also came out. As soon as Daniel came out, he looked at me like someone thirsting for revenge.

Willa raised her hand and waved her hand as if to call out to me.

But Daniel was the first one to yell at me.

"Hahahaha. Now, your history is over. You guys, catch that guy! Let me kill him here."

With the command that came out of Daniel's mouth, the soldiers hastily surrounded me. Their footsteps echoed all around. Together with the clanging sound of their armor, they surrounded me in an instant.

Likewise, the soldiers guarding the gates have arrived and surrounded me.

Seeing such a sudden turn of events, it was natural for Willa to be surprised. From the expression she showed, she didn't seem to understand why her brother ordered the soldiers to surround and capture me.

"Why did you do that?"

Willa wondered in confusion.

"You'd better keep quiet and don't interfere. It's father's orders to arrest that person."

"Hey. He's our brother! Why would father give such an order?"

"Huh? I can't believe that you still think of that person as a member of our family."

Daniel's anger overflowed like an active volcano. As he continued to be harassed by Willa, he pushed Willa to the ground.

With a blaze of fury in his eyes, he looked down on Willa.

On the other hand, Willa could only lower her face.

It's an entertaining show. Is that what is commonly referred to as a dispute between brother and sister? Even though Willa was in a pitiful position, I wasn't the main character who would be moved to save her and act as a hero.

It wasn't just me who was quietly watching everything that was happening, there was also Callie who was watching not far from Willa in Stealth mode.

"Do you need my help?"

In such a situation, Callie offered help to me. But I shook my head to reject it.

There's no need to rely on Callie's help because I'm afraid that she'll charge me later.

Even when Daniel's hand touched Willa's chin, and made a disgusting expression, I still didn't move.

"Hey, did you hear the sound of something cracking? I think it's like someone grinding their teeth."

"What do you mean?"

The two soldiers behind me muttered something, but I ignored it.

What's more, the more time these people spend, the better off I will be.

[You have ordered your mind puppet to come immediately.]

Since the beginning, I had ordered Gilbert to head here immediately.

Previously, after I got Gilbert as a puppet, I tested how far the effective mind control range was. For that, inwardly, I ordered Gilbert to go as far as possible.

And as a result, the effective range of inner commands I can give is quite far. At the very least, it covered everything in Ryam city. But when it reaches its limit, I feel like the control I can exert begins to weaken.

Whereas if mind control had no distance restrictions, I would like to order Gilbert to guard the headquarters of the Ryam City Branch Black Box Organization led by Anas and Solemn from the shadows.

But I can not realize the idea.

"Hey, why are you guys just surrounding him? Get him quick. I don't want to waste too much time here."

Daniel's order came out, and then several soldiers approached me.

You might think that I will fight. If you thought it would happen, then you are wrong. I just gave up when some of the soldiers subdued me.

My body is still full of injuries from fighting Gilbert. Mana inside the Stigma of Darkness has also been depleted. So, I don't have that many cards to fight against this group of soldiers anymore.

"Fuhahaha~ Good. You seem to realize that even if you fight back, you have no hope of leaving here alive. Is that the reason why you can only surrender?"

As soon as I bowed with several soldiers holding my hands behind my back, Daniel only dared to come forward and speak in front of me.

He took out a sword and prepared to swing the sword to kill me.

"Hehe. Die!!"

When he said that, an explosion suddenly resounded amidst the crowd of soldiers.


"What is it? Who dares to disturb this beautiful moment of mine?"

Daniel was furious like crazy.

But he quickly shut his mouth when he saw the figure of the person who came. That person was Gilbert, who used a large ax as his weapon.

I controlled Gilbert using my mind. And as a result, one by one the soldiers under Daniel's orders flew like lowly insects.

When Daniel wasn't paying attention to me, I did what I needed to do.

Against the backdrop of a chaotic battle, I feel like I finally don't have to act like a weakling anymore.

Just a reminder, the Mana in the Stigma of Darkness has already run out, but I haven't activated the Mana inside me yet, so I still have Mana reserves left.

Quickly, I activated the Mana that was within me.

[Active Mana: 498.]

In the status window, where initially Active Mana only had a (-) sign as an indication that I didn't have Mana, suddenly the number 498 started to appear.

[Skill Strengthening - Activated.]

Using Mana, I strengthen my body. As a result, I was easily able to break free from the grip of the two soldiers who were holding my arms from behind. Then I took the sword that was in my inventory.

[Swordsmanship Skill - Activated.]


In the blink of an eye, the two soldiers' heads that were previously still attached to their bodies now detached and flew away, followed by a torrent of blood that continued to pour out.

The reason was simple, it was because I had slashed their heads at the same time.

With the two soldiers down, Daniel finally turned his gaze to me.

Without saying anything, the moment our eyes met, I slashed my sword toward his neck.

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