The fairy is fierce

Chapter 33 Linglong Pavilion

The night is already dark.

Most of the envoys from all nations who settled in the Seiyi Pavilion had already gone to bed, and they could only hear the "praising" sounds made by the armor as they patrolled back and forth outside.

Zuo Lingquan entered the Siyi Pavilion and wanted to send Jiang Yi back to his room. When he looked up, he saw Tang Jingxuan standing in the corridor, looking around and waiting for him.

Zuo Lingquan walked up to him and said doubtfully:

"Sister Tang, why haven't you slept yet? Did Tuanzi wake you up?"

Tang Jingxuan's charming face showed a little satisfaction, but she didn't say anything clearly, she just hooked her hand:

"Come in quickly and I'll show you something good."

Jiang Yi didn't know why, but there were many people in Siyi Pavilion, so she didn't ask any questions, and followed Zuo Lingquan to Wu Qingwan's house.

Outside Wu Qingwan's room, Leng Zhu stood on the left and right sides of the door watching the wind. There was a magic circle to isolate him from prying eyes. He could not hear the sound in the room and could only see the dim lights shining on the window paper.

Zuo Lingquan opened the door and entered the room. He looked up and saw a row of long swords on the floor of the room. Wu Qingwan was kneeling on the ground, carefully sorting out the debris on the floor.

Wu Qingwan must have taken a bath just now. She was wearing a dark green long skirt and was kneeling on the ground sorting things. To be honest, it was not very dignified. The thin skirt is tightly tied around the waist, and together with the scenery below the waist, it draws a gourd-like curve; the dark green fabric tightly wraps the hips, and as the body moves, the round curves sway slightly, creating a seductive and feminine look. It was so vividly displayed that those who watched it had the urge to rush forward and give it a slap.

Zuo Lingquan's strong character allowed him to suppress the throbbing in his heart and look at the ground in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Yi followed behind. When she entered the door, she found her aunt in such a coquettish pose, and was slightly startled:

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

Wu Qingwan turned around when she heard the sound of the door opening, and sat sideways on the ground, with a little joy in Qiu Shui's eyes:

"Miss Tang has opened the Linglong Pavilion, and there are many items inside. Close the door and come over to take a look.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were surprised, and he looked at Tang Jingxun who was a little proud next to him:

"Sister Tang, how did you open it?"

"What else can I do? I nagged that damn woman for half an hour, but she couldn't bear it, so she came over and opened it for me. You guys first have a look at what's valuable."


Jiang Yi's eyes lit up, and she quickly ran forward, squatting down to check with Wu Qingwan.

Zuo Lingquan originally wanted to go there, but Tang Jingxuan pulled Zuo Lingquan's sleeve and came to the compartment of the house.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan came closer and asked:

"What's the matter?"

Tang Jingxuan hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Xiao Zuo, today the disciple of that damn bitch thought I was that bitch. He came over and called me 'Master', which scared me."

"Huh?" Zuo Lingquan frowned and whispered: "Then what? Didn't you do anything to Sister Tang?"

Tang Jingxuan shook his head: "It's just the wrong person. I asked the dead woman, it has nothing to do with us, she is gone. She is a woman, very beautiful, worse than me... almost like a princess."


Zuo Lingquan recalled that he had never heard of the name of Patriarch Shangguan's disciple. Linyuan City was at the gate of Tiedong Mansion, and there were disciples and grandsons of Patriarch Shangguan everywhere. He definitely couldn't guess who it was now. What purpose.

Tang Jingxuan saw Zuo Lingquan frowning and said softly: "Maybe it has nothing to do with us. There is no need for the damn mother to explain to me specially and then lie to us. I didn't want to tell you originally because I was afraid that you would worry ”

Zuo Lingquan thought about it and thought so. He asked curiously: "Can Sister Tang contact Patriarch Shangguan at any time?"

Tang Jingxuan shook his head: "She seems to have put a lot of things in the way. I usually can't feel it. I have to keep calling her to find it. If she wants to find me, she can probably find me at any time.

These things involve the soul technique that can only be mastered by Jade level monks. Zuo Lingquan naturally couldn't understand it. After chatting for a few words, he could only put it aside for the time being. He turned around and came to the room and looked at the objects on the ground. .

On the floor of the room, there are various sundries neatly placed, the most numerous of which are swords. The shape of the sword is the same as that of the red-haired old immortal who threw it into the river. It is probably a prop used for the sword formation, and it is not of high grade.

The rest is a pile of white jade baht, about two hundred pieces, not too much, but there are ten different fairy coins next to it. The shape is similar to the white jade baht, and the word "iron arrowhead" is also engraved on it. It is hidden inside the coin. It has thin golden lines and looks light golden.

When Zuo Lingquan was wandering around Shuanlong Port, he had already heard about the grades of fairy money. The ratio of golden baht to white jade baht was also one to one hundred, and there were five-color baht even higher. The ten fairy coins in front of him looked very similar to golden baht. He half-crouched and took one of them to look at carefully:

"Is this gold threaded baht?"

Jiang Yi also took the coins, looked at the lights carefully, nodded and said:

"In the jurisdiction of the Nine Sects, any sect that dares to mint counterfeit coins has long been killed, that's probably it. But why are there only ten? After all, Ancestor Youhuang is a swordsmith, so the money he brings is too little."

Wu Qingwan said: "It's quite a lot. I just took a look. The things that can be stored in Linglong Pavilion are limited. I must give priority to things that need to be accessed at any time. The fairy money can be placed in Qingyun City, and I don't have much else on me." use."

Hearing this, Zuo Lingquan picked up the Linglong Pavilion next to him, injected his true energy into it and examined it. Just like looking at the jade slips, a scene inside a tower appeared in his mind. On the wall was the emblem of the Emperor City, as well as some text notes, probably It means that items can be shrunk and put in, but there are restrictions. Living animals and objects similar to Linglong Pavilion cannot be placed. Living animals will die suddenly because their bodies cannot withstand it; Linglong Pavilion matryoshka dolls will explode because the objects are over-compressed.

Zuo Lingquan looked at it for a moment and felt it was quite mysterious. He put down the Linglong Pavilion and looked at other objects in a blink of an eye.

Wu Qingwan had been selecting for a long time, and when she saw this, she picked up a few books:

"In addition to the fairy money, I also found several secret books. There is a sword book, which records the first three sword skills of Jingtai, which you can learn; the formation map of the "Seven Star Sword Formation" is also there, and you can also learn it; and There is a book called "Fire Dragon Art", which is full of fire techniques. You can't learn it until you reach Youhuang."

Zuo Lingquan bought a secret book of thunder magic for Wu Qingwan today, but he only asked Liu Chunfeng to inspect the goods and not study it yet. Seeing this, he took out the thunder method secret book and handed it to Wu Qingwan. He then took the "Fire Dragon Technique" and opened it for a second glance.

All the strange magic techniques can only be powerful after refining the attributes of the Five Elements in the Youhuang Realm.

For example, if there is no magic weapon nearby, if a low-level monk uses his true energy to cast it, what comes out is just an ordinary flame, while what the red-haired old immortal casts is the inner earth fire that can smelt all things, and the destructive power is very different. .

Zuo Lingquan had never learned magic. After looking at it for a moment, he followed the instructions in the secret book of the exercise and circulated his own energy. He raised his hand and quickly took out the magic technique of "Lighting Fire" and shouted softly:



A little black mist came out of Zuo Lingquan's fingertips, which was no different from a fart.

Wu Qingwan rolled her eyes when she saw this:

"Your Five Elements are in love with water. Before you refine the Five Elements, if you can release the fire method, you will definitely explode and die first. Don't try these things randomly."

Jiang Yi watched eagerly, seeing Zuo Lingquan frustrated, and snatched the secret book away: "I'll do it." She stood up, memorized the luck method carefully, and then made a secret with both hands to adjust the true energy in her body:



A small flame appeared on Jiang Yi's white fingertips, similar to the fire sprayed by Tuanzi. It disappeared with the wind as soon as it appeared.


Jiang Yi didn't feel blushing at all, and was a little proud. She closed her hands and sank into her dantian, humming softly:

"Did you see? I was better than you the first time I practiced."

Tang Jingxun was not interested at first, but when he saw the two of them having fun, he ran to them:

"I'll try too."

She picked up the secret book and looked at it, then raised her hand to perform the secret in a dignified manner.

Zuo Lingquan was watching with a smile, but the moment Tang Jingxuan raised his hand, his face suddenly turned pale:

"Don't, don't..."

Tang Jingxuan has half the cultivation level of Linggu, and is close to fire in the five elements. In addition, with his extraordinary talent, the effect of using fire techniques is self-evident.

As soon as he started to circulate the extremely pure Qi in his body according to the method, the lights in the room began to tilt, and a heat came out of thin air, causing the cool room to heat up rapidly.

With eyes full of fear, the little bird dumpling flew up and ran out of the window. Unfortunately, he hit the window and screamed "Chi!"

The "Sparking Fire Technique" is the ring of fire that Zhang Yinfeng photographed in the reed swamp. If nothing unexpected happens, Tang Jingxuan's slap will definitely turn the whole house into a sea of ​​flames.

Wu Qingwan was startled and quickly raised her hand to stop; Zuo Lingquan stood up, hugged Tang Jingxun and pressed her hand down:

"No, no, sister Tang, don't be impulsive..."

After all, Tang Jingxun was a beginner, and the speed of making and performing the techniques was not very fast. He was interrupted by Zuo Lingquan's hug, and was suffocated by the turbulent mobilization of zhenqi. He frowned and said blankly:

"What's the matter?"

Zuo Lingquan's face turned pale, and he hugged Tang Jingxun tightly without letting go:

"Sister Tang, the magic is released without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. You are a bit advanced. Please don't try it randomly in the future."


Tang Jingxuan obviously didn't know the degree of danger she was in. Seeing that several people's faces were pale with fright, she smiled sullenly. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly realized that Zuo Lingquan was hugging her from behind, and the position of his right hand was very tricky. , her left breast was flattened, and before she could grasp it with one hand, it sank in a little bit...

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