The fairy is fierce

Chapter 42 A wise bird chooses the right tree to roost in

The news of Jingtao's acceptance of disciples was sent to various places by the imperial court overnight. As expected, people will arrive in the capital one after another starting tomorrow. As the largest cultivation sect in the Great Dan Dynasty, Qihuang Valley will naturally act as the host in this matter, and the valley will probably be busy for a few more days.

After resting all night at the third uncle's house, Zuo Lingquan rode out of the house on horseback at dawn. On the way, he remembered seeing Tang Jingxun in the sky yesterday, so he took a look at the small street of the dock first.

As March approaches, there are more businessmen traveling from north to south in Donghua City, and the small streets along both sides of the river are crowded. The door of the wine shop has long been opened, and the wine flags are fluttering in the spring breeze. However, there are only a few people who come to have a drink in the early morning. There are no customers in the shop, and Tang Jingxun, who often stands at the door, is nowhere to be seen.

"Sister Tang?"

Zuo Lingquan called at the door, but received no response. Instead, birds chirped in the backyard. Thinking that Tang Jingxuan was busy in the backyard, he walked through the hall, picked up the curtain, and took a look inside. .

The backyard is not big. There is a well next to the courtyard wall. The bedroom is on the west and the kitchen is on the east. The door of the main house is locked and it seems that it has not been opened for a long time. There is a clothesline hanging from the window of the west wing, and the other end is tied to the branch of the old osmanthus tree in the corner of the courtyard, where several colorful dresses are hung.

In addition, there is a bamboo birdcage hanging under the eaves of the west wing, which contains a small bird - the bird is as big as a parrot, with white hair on its head and belly, but its eyes and beak are pure black. , its wings and tail also have some black feathers, and it is fat and strong. Viewed from the front, it looks like a glutinous rice dumpling, and its round little eyes look a bit silly.


Finding a stranger coming in, the bird chirped even more fiercely.

Zuo Lingquan knew that Tang Jingxun had raised a little bird to relieve his boredom, but this was the first time he saw it. He thought it was cute, so he walked over and clicked his tongue to tease the stupid bird.

But what I didn't expect was that the bird was very smart. When it noticed someone approaching, it used its beak to open the buckle of the birdcage and flew directly out.

Zuo Lingquan was stunned. He was afraid that the bird would fly away, so he raised his hand to catch the bird. Worried that he would catch the bird to death, he used very little force, but it was still very fast. But he didn't expect that he would catch it with his claws. Empty.


The little bird looks like a round dumpling. It seems that it cannot fly, but it moves very quickly. Maybe he was frightened, so he was running around in the courtyard, chirping non-stop. ♦♦  ♦♦

Zuo Lingquan looked surprised, worried that the bird would really fly away and Tang Jingxuan would come back to blame him. He picked up a big basket and went to catch it, and said kindly:

"Don't run, don't run, brother is not a bad person..."

In the elegant courtyard, everything was going crazy in an instant.

The little bird may have been frightened by Zuo Lingquan. It scurried back and forth between the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the chicken coop, and the melon stand. It made various cobra maneuvers and threw away the basket behind it, and its little wings flapped into afterimages.

Zuo Lingquan pounced in the air two or three times, and he was a little over the top, but he didn't dare to use too much force, so he could only chase behind him and suppress it with a basket to prevent the bird from flying out of the wall.

After chasing one person and one bird for a long time, the little bird finally had no way to escape. Zuo Lingquan blocked it in the corner of the chicken coop with a big basket, and hid it behind two egg-laying hens shivering. The hens were also frightened. Cackling.

Zuo Lingquan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly approached with a basket in hand, but before he could put the bird in the frame, a fierce scolding sounded from the restaurant outside:

"Which bastard stole my chicken..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soup in Zhuchai's cloth skirt was still and warm, and he rushed in from the restaurant hall; on his wrist was a bamboo basket filled with vegetables, fruits and fruits he had just bought; in his right hand was a fire stick, with a fierce look in his eyes.

But when she saw Zuo Lingquan holding the basket high, looking like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, her eyes froze again.


The little bird who was stuck in the chicken coop felt as if he had seen a savior when he saw Tang Jingxun. He flew over and got into Tang Jingxun's chest through the collar, and then reached out and reached out. The round little head is fierce:


Zuo Lingquan put down the basket and said a little awkwardly: "Well... I just saw this bird running out, and I was afraid it would fly away, so..." He glanced at the messy yard he made and quickly tidied it up.

Tang Jingxuan knew that he was as timid as a rat. When he saw that it was Zuo Lingquan, the fierce look on his face disappeared. He raised his hand and patted the lapel of his clothes, scolding:

"If you run around secretly from now on, I will throw you away and find someone else to feed you."

The little bird huddled in the collar, and the slap was naturally not directed at the bird, but under the big dumpling. The bulging skirt bounced several times in an instant, causing the little bird to quickly close its beak and nod like garlic.

Zuo Lingquan saw this thought-provoking scene out of the corner of his eye and said to himself, "It's really a tiger." It was hard to say this, so he pretended not to see it, put away the things in the yard, and asked :

"Sister Tang, this bird is quite smart. What breed is it?"

Tang Jingxun turned his back, slipped the birdie out of his clothes, stuffed it into the birdcage, and replied with some disgust:

"It's a sparrow that flies from the mountains. I don't know the species. At first I thought it was pretty and cute, so I fed it some rice. But later I found out that it was greedy and naughty, and it relied on me. I couldn't even blast it away, so I kept it. "It looks like a glutinous rice dumpling, so I named it 'dumpling'."

The Evergreen Mountains are near Donghua City. There are ferocious and ferocious beasts in them. Of course, there are also gentle and peaceful animals. It is not uncommon for them to be captured or run away on their own, and to be kept as pets.

Zuo Lingquan took a second look and found nothing special except that the bird flew fast, and then responded:

"As the saying goes, 'A good bird chooses a tree to roost in.' Tuanzi probably sticks to Sister Tang because he feels that Sister Tang is kind-hearted and amiable."

"Hmph~ You do have a sweet mouth. This is called 'being bullied for being kind'. I am just too kind to it, so it won't leave, eating and drinking from me..."

Tang Jingxun closed the birdcage, put the vegetables and fruits he bought into the kitchen, and asked:

"Xiao Zuo, why did you come here so early in the morning? Are you not going to practice?"

"I was about to go, so I stopped by to say hello. By the way, yesterday I flew back on the Imperial Master's White Crane. When I passed by Linhefang, I saw you in the sky."


Tang Jingxun wiped his hands with a towel and looked up at the roof:

"Flying back from the sky? Why didn't I see it?"

Zuo Lingquan opened the curtain and entered the restaurant hall with Tang Jingxuan:

"It flies relatively high, and it probably looks like a bird from here."

Tang Jingxun had never experienced the feeling of flying in the sky, so he was a little curious:

"What does it feel like to fly into the sky? Do you feel that your whole body is light and airy? I used to fly in my dream, and I waved my hand and flew from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain..."

When people grow taller, they do dream of flying. Zuo Lingquan is not surprised by this, explaining:

"Actually, it's almost the same as riding a horse. The only difference is that the scenery you see in the sky is different from that on the ground. If you want to fly freely, you have to be a true god."

"Really a fairy?"

Tang Jingxun stayed in the market all year round and didn't know much about spiritual practice. He asked, "Are there any fake gods?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't know how to answer this question, so he thought for a while and said:

"Only those with higher moral standards can fly."

Tang Jingxuan thought about it for a moment, nodded in understanding, brought a bottle of wine over, sat at the window of the wine shop, and poured a bowl for Zuo Lingquan:

"I'm afraid it's difficult to learn to fly. I've been running a wine shop on the dock for more than ten years, and I've seen many people who happily bring their children to learn from their masters, but I've never seen anyone who can fly. Almost all of them are living in the quay. I stayed in Huanggu for a few years, but when I got older, I felt like I was doing useless work.”

Zuo Lingquan agreed with this statement.

Practicing a path is like a big wave washing over the sand. The threshold is indeed low, but the difficulty of climbing up is comparable to climbing to the sky. This is the same as becoming a monk - people can become monks by shaving their hair, but how many people eventually become Buddhas?

"Yes, most people are doing useless work, but if you get involved in spiritual practice, even if you can't fly or live forever, there are still benefits in maintaining good health and longevity."

When Tang Jingxuan heard about "preserving health and maintaining beauty", she became interested. She held up the side of her face with her hands and asked curiously:

"I've heard this saying. I still want to kill those shameless Chen family members. Xiao Zuo, how long do you think I can live if I practice cultivation?"

Zuo Lingquan just picked up the wine bowl, put it down again after hearing these words, and said unexpectedly:

"Sister Tang, do you want to practice cultivation?"

Tang Jingxun didn't mean that at all. The topic ended here, and she sighed faintly:

"Sister, am I too old?"

"How could it be possible? You are young, and how can you be as big as my peers?"

Zuo Lingquan dodged this proposition smoothly.

Zuo Lingquan once asked Wu Qingwan about the age of cultivation. After all, he was considered an older player.

The reason why people start practicing at the age of six is ​​because at the age of six, intellectual and physical development are at the most perfect balance point. If it is too early, the intellectual development will not be perfect, and if it is too late, the best period of warming up the body will be passed. It is not impossible to practice after the age of six. , it’s just that the older you get, the more difficult it becomes.

"Practice is more difficult. I haven't touched the threshold in fourteen years. If you want to try it, I can teach you. As for whether you will gain anything, I really can't guarantee it. No one can guarantee it."

Tang Jingxun lived alone all year round and didn't have much to do. Seeing this, he smiled and said: "Okay, you can teach me sister. Even someone as powerful as you can't learn it. I want to see how difficult it is."

Zuo Lingquan's "Qi Yang Jue" can only be practiced to the third level, so it is not forbidden to be passed on to others. He was not stingy at all. He took it out from his arms and handed it to Tang Jingxun:

"Sister Tang is interested, just take it and have a look."

Tang Jingxuan took the pamphlet, flipped it through, and saw the densely packed small words on it, so he closed it and tightened his arms:

"I guess I can only take a look. By the way, where is the girl who came to see you last time?"

"She is probably busy."

"That girl is so beautiful, her breasts are... well, she just looks like a jealous little girl. Who is she to you? Is she not your former sweetheart?"

Zuo Lingquan knew that Tang Jingxun wanted to say, "My breasts are almost as big as my sister's." From a visual inspection, it was indeed the case, but it was obviously inappropriate to say it in front of him. He also had a strong mind, so he didn't show any abnormality. Feng Qingyun said calmly:

"It's not my former sweetheart,'s a long story."


Tang Jingxuan just thought that Zuo Lingquan didn't want to talk about such a sensitive private matter, and was a little embarrassed for saying the wrong thing. He pursed his lips and talked about other trivial matters...


Thank you [Abai, stop] for the reward from the leader!

These two chapters laid out some settings, and I felt that the writing was a bit cumbersome. There was originally a paragraph, but I deleted it and left it to the writer's words.

The protagonist started training when he was three years old. If you don’t count, it will start after six or seven chapters.

Note: The Phoenix was born in the Dan Cave in Antarctica - "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.