The fairy is fierce

Chapter 72: The Long Road Ahead

The morning sun is shining, the sun shines in the courtyard, and the dewdrops on the branches and leaves reflect the crystal shimmer.

Zuo Lingquan sat cross-legged on the tea couch all night. When he heard a noise outside the window, he calmed down, got up and walked out of the room.

There are some green weeds growing in the unkempt courtyard, and little bird balls are squatting on the steps, chirping along with the sparrows on the wall; the black down on their bodies has been trimmed off by Tang Jingxun, making them look whiter. , but also lost a lot of weight.

A clothesline was pulled up in the courtyard, and Tang Jingxun was cooling his clothes next to him. His white tofu-like face was facing the sun. He was humming a local tune while putting on his clothes. From the side, he looked like a well-managed householder. Xiaojiabiyu.

Zuo Lingquan felt relieved when he saw that Tang Jingxuan had come out of last night's blow. He walked over and looked at the wooden basin, but saw that Jiang Yi's clothes had been washed. He praised:

"Sister Tang is so diligent, getting up so early to wash clothes."

Tang Jingxuan put on her clothes, regained her usual cheerful temperament, and joked:

"I open the shop every day and get up before dawn. I'm already used to it. You think that you are all like you noble gentlemen, who can get up in the sun before getting up. By the way, this is the princess's house, and I can't give you money. "I'm sorry to have to stay here. I'll go to Linhefang later to see if there are still houses that haven't been burned down. I'll go back and live there."

Tang Jingxuan owns his father's family business and owns about ten shops in Linhefang. However, after a fire yesterday, there may not be many shops left to live in.

Zuo Lingquan greeted Jiang Yi yesterday, shook his head and said: "Just live here. Your Highness the Princess will not care about such a trivial matter. It won't be too late to go back after Linhefang is cleaned up. ׺°"˜` ”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×”

Tang Jingxuan smiled, thought for a moment, and then said:

"Xiao Zuo, I feel that the princess is very nice, but she has a bit of a temper, and... she also seems to have a problem with me. I spanked my sister yesterday, and it still hurts a little now. She probably thinks of me as a fox. Can you? You have to explain it to the princess."

Zuo Lingquan spread his hands slightly: "I have already explained it. The princess has such a personality, she looks fierce, but she is actually a bitch-tongued. Didn't she come to visit you last night? I won't embarrass you."

Tang Jingxuan's mind was busy. Seeing Jiang Yi's absence, he whispered:

"Princess and I are not familiar with each other, so she thought I was related to you, so she came to check on my well-being. This is just like the back house of a wealthy family. Even if the eldest wife hates the master's favored concubine, if something happens to the concubine, she will You can't just ignore it, otherwise the master will get angry and you won't be able to get any benefits..."

As Tang Jingxuan talked, he felt that this metaphor was not quite right, so he quickly said:

"Sister, I'm just giving you an analogy. Xiao Zuo, don't take it seriously. Anyway, the princess is really kind to you, and you can't let Her Highness down."

"Understood. Princess doesn't have that much thought, and Sister Tang, don't think too much."

"Can I stop thinking nonsense? You don't know that the slap is so hard, it's like a big woman giving a lesson to a side wife. I've never been spanked before in my life..."

The two chatted for a while. After Tang Jingxuan packed up his clothes, he and Zuo Lingquan left the house and headed to nearby Linhefang.

Yesterday, a fire broke out as quickly as it came. Most of the houses in Linhefang and its surrounding areas were damaged, but there were no major casualties. ♦♦  ♦♦People in the streets and alleys were packing their things back and forth. All the shops were closed, but ships were coming in and out of the dock as usual.

Tang Jingxun walked all the way to the riverside street, looked up at the blackened walls of the wine shop, and felt a little distressed on his face:

"It was just renovated at the end of the new year. This is a good time. All the money was wasted. I should have known better than to do it."

She wanted to push the door open, but as soon as she touched it, the door fell into the lobby of the restaurant.

Zuo Lingquan looked over and saw that the wine shop was filled with smoke and smoke. There was a hole in the roof and the ground was full of water stains. It was a mess.


Tang Jingxun had lived here for several years, and even though he lived alone, he still had feelings. He wanted to go in and have a look, but was worried that the house would collapse. In the end, he just stood at the door and looked at it for a while, then turned around to check out the neighbors.

Zuo Lingquan was only acquainted with Tang Jingxuan, so he didn't go over to be polite and just stood in the side street waiting. Before Tang Jingxun could finish talking to his neighbors, the sound of horse hooves and wheels could be heard on the side street, as well as a familiar voice:

"Hey~ Isn't this Ling Quan's mistress's shop? Why is it burned like this..."

Zuo Lingquan turned around and saw a carriage with a wooden sign bearing the word "left" coming from one end of the street. Zuo Yunting, dressed as a knight with a sword on his back, sat outside the carriage and looked at the wine shop; Lao Lu held a riding whip and drove beside him.

Judging from their appearances, the two of them were preparing for a long trip. Zuo Lingquan looked a little confused, walked up to him and waved:

"Mr. Lu, fifth brother, what are you doing?"

"Ouch, Ling Quan!"

Zuo Yunting smiled when he heard the sound, jumped off the carriage and ran to him, saying slightly excitedly:

"It's just right that you are here. I was just about to find you. Lao Lu has had enough of staying in the capital. He wants to follow the team from Qihuang Valley and go to that amazing terrace. I'll give him a ride. Don't you want to cultivate immortality? Let's go. Let’s go for a walk and open your eyes with me.”

Zuo Lingquan looked surprised and pulled Zuo Yunting:

"It's thousands of miles to go to Jingtai Terrace, let alone a few months. Fifth Brother, I'm afraid..."

Zuo Yunting waved his hand: "Alas~ Young people can't read thousands of books, and they have to travel thousands of miles. When I stay in the capital, I will just eat and wait to die. I might as well go out for a stroll. I have said hello to my family, but my father can't say anything. I agreed and gave me the money. Do you want to come with me?"

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan didn't stop him: "Fifth brother just said hello, I still have to wait to get married to the princess, and I can't go if I want to." He turned and looked at Lao Lu on the carriage: " Why is Mr. Lu leaving all of a sudden? I saw you in Qihuang Valley yesterday, but I didn't have time to say hello."

Lao Lu was still dressed as before, but his gloomy complexion was slightly better than before. He leaned on the carriage and smiled hoarsely:

"While you can still move, go out for a walk; Qihuang Valley sent people to the Jing Terrace, so I just followed them there. The road will be safer."

Zuo Lingquan thought about it and thought so. He came forward and raised his hand in salute;

"Something happened in Linhefang. I can't send it too far. Please forgive me, Mr. Lu. If you have the opportunity in the future, come to Dadan more often. Although this place is a little smaller than outside, the beautiful scenery is not much worse than outside."

"If there is a chance, it will definitely come."

Lao Lu nodded slightly, but the world is too big, and Zuo Lingquan will definitely leave in the future. After we say goodbye, no one can say whether we will meet him again in the future.

Lao Lu hesitated for a moment and then said: "I am old and talk a lot. Before I leave, I would like to treat myself as an elder and give you a warning: To practice a discipline, cultivating the heart is the first priority and cultivating the strength is the second. Your kid was there yesterday. Qihuang Valley is an eye-opener, and you will definitely have a great future in the future, but you have to keep your heart. The colorful world outside is more exciting than you imagine, and blessings and dangers are also difficult to figure out. You can't keep your heart. , once you make one wrong step, your life will be over.”

Zuo Lingquan nodded and smiled: "This junior will definitely keep it in mind."

"Also, there are many masters out there who are very good at what they do. You have to be a little bit more polite in dealing with the world. If you want to understand the truth of hard times and hard times."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, this junior has always acted steadily."


Lao Lu opened his mouth, knowing that it was useless to talk about these things, so he said no more, raised his riding whip, lightly whipped the horse's back, and walked to the other side of the street: "See you when we are destined."

Zuo Lingquan bowed his hands and then went to the city gate with Zuo Yunting. He said goodbye and gave a few words to the careless fifth brother.

Tang Jingxun, who was standing on the street, also noticed the carriage and nodded slightly and saluted.

Lao Lu turned his head and glanced at Tang Jingxuan, his deep eyes filled with a bit of 'unfathomable' doubt just like when he first arrived at Linhefang.

However, there are too many people and things in the world that cannot be seen clearly, and Lao Lu is not a real god. After a brief glance, he continues on the last long journey of his life...

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