The Fallen Gamer

Chapter 243

Chapter 243:


I let out a yawn as I woke up to the morning light. I sat up in my bed and stretched out. I was glad I couldn't get hangovers, because I would definitely be suffering from one otherwise. Last night was a little wilder than I was expecting it to be.


“Valhalla take me now! Someone turn off the sun!” One of my harem members whined on my left. I smiled at Sif who was doing her best to shield her eyes from the morning light pouring into the room. She was definitely suffering from a hangover.


After we had put the kids to bed last night, Hestia was more than happy to watch them, things had gotten a little crazy at the party. Susanoo had shown up with some incredibly powerful sake, and Sif had beamed down from Asgard with a barrel of mead on each shoulder. I was finding that my recall was a bit fuzzy at what happened next. I didn’t hold back in my own celebrations. That quest turned out to not be very difficult, considering I dumped it on Tony and Andrea, but it was still incredibly stressful. I had the lives of 16 billion humans hanging over my head for a year. I may or may not have irresponsibly blacked out in the celebrations.


There were only a couple highlights I was sure happened though. At some point in the night, Tony showed off that his Iron Man suit could transform into a karaoke machine. Or maybe he was just trolling us and had snuck in an actual karaoke machine... 


Either way, everyone started singing, and I don’t recall anyone at the party being particularly good at it. Not that it really mattered, it was still fun. I made sure to sing duets with all of my harem members and most of my friends. We weren’t the only duets of the night though. I vaguely recall Amaterasu doing a song or two with Steve. The two of them sang an anime song I was unfamiliar with before Amaterasu drunkenly asked Steve out on a date. He declined her telling her he wasn’t going to date a little girl. 


I’m not sure what happened after all that though.


[After that, you guys tried to have a contest to see if you could scare Bruce Banner enough that the Hulk would come out.]


‘…What?’ We didn’t actually do that… Did we? I smacked myself on the head when I remembered that we did. ‘System, did I… Open a portal to the Zoo and kidnap an actual tiger to try and scare Bruce?’


[Hehe! You sure did. Sir Stripes was one cool cat! Very well behaved for a wild animal actually. Bruce was also so drunk at that point that he just pet the “pretty kitty” before he passed out on the sofa. The Hulk never came out.]


I sighed in relief. Drunk Layla was apparently a menace. At least she remembered to put the tiger back when the party ended…


I placed my hand over Sif’s forehead and started to heal her hangover. “Thank the Norns! You’re an Angel, Layla!” Sif thanked me with a smile. She sat up with a yawn and the sheets slid down her toned naked body.


“I know.” I said as I finished healing her. My eyes were unashamedly trailing up and down her perfect body. Out of all my harem members, Sif and Hela were by far the most toned. Natasha was a close third. And speaking of her…


“Can I get some hangover healing over here please?” Natasha was currently lying on my other side. She was also naked and she was covering her own face with a pillow to block out the light. I placed my hand under the pillow and onto her forehead. A few seconds later and she was good to start her day as well.


“Waking up with two naked beauties in my bed is always an amazing experience. Did we all have sex last night?” I asked in genuine curiosity. “I can't remember.”


Natasha thought about it for a moment while scrunching her face. “...I can’t remember either. Tony talked me into making him an authentic Hawaiian Mai Tai. I learned how on an infiltration assignment a few years back. I made myself one as well…and then I might have made two or three more after that.” 


“I think we all passed out as soon as we got in the bed.” Sif told us. “My memory of the festivities is also foggy, but I don’t think I would have forgotten such a fun after party.” 


“Wanna have a threesome now?” I suggested while wiggling my eyebrows at the two of them. “I don’t have any other plans for today.”


Natasha turned down my offer, claiming she had to go check on the kids. I couldn't exactly be a bad mom, so of course I offered to go with her. Well, a version of me would be going with her at least.


My fingers performed an iconic hand sign. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” An identical version of myself appeared inside a poof of smoke! The Rinnegan technically granted access to all Ninjutsu from Naruto, but I never saw a need to use most of them. This was obviously the exception. Before gaining seven pairs of wings though, I never had enough MP to use thai ability.


{-20,000 MP}


“Mother's everywhere would be so jealous of this technique.” Natasha said while glancing between me and my clone. “To not have to change diapers themselves…”


“She’s still going to get all of my memories.” My clone replied to her. Even supernatural babies poop…


It cost me 20,000 MP to create a single shadow clone of myself. Despite that cost, it was absolutely worth it. Being able to be in two places at once and retain the memories was amazing. I could be a good mother and properly raise my children while still continuing my crazy Gamer lifestyle. 


Natasha and my shadow clone left my bedroom a moment later to go and take care of the kids. 


Once they had left, I turned to Sif with a hopeful grin on my face. Sif grinned back at me lustfully. “I’ve been stuck on Asgard for months training up the new recruits for war. You have no idea how pent up I am!” She said before jumping on top of me and smashing her lips into my own.



It was past noon by the time I showered and left the bedroom. There wasn't a better way to start the day than some steamy sex with a beautiful woman like Sif. I walked down the hallway towards the living room where the party was held last night. I expected the room to be a complete mess, but it wasn't. Hestia or Artemis had already cleaned the place up from what I could tell.


I smiled at Rias and Sona who were sitting on a nearby couch. They were holding their daughters Sia and Lia in their laps. Neither of my Devil girls looked hungover so I figured Asia must have healed them before she left for school with Heather. 


Across from the two Devil milfs was Akeno and her two girlfriends Ororo Monroe and Jean Grey. I wondered what they were doing here? Akeno usually doesn't bring them along when she visits. I think that Jean is also a bit embarrassed about…that night. 


“Morning girls.” I said while placing a quick kiss on Rias and Sona's cheeks. Lia and Sia giggled up at me when I gave them both a quick tickle.


“Morning? It's already afternoon. Did you just wake up, Layla?” Rias asked me.


I shook my head. “I woke up earlier and had a Shadow Clone check on the kids with Natasha. Where are they by the way?” I asked. I didn't sense either of them or my daughter Hilga in the Penthouse.


“They went out a few hours ago to get some shopping done.” Sona said. “And don't let Rias chastise you, she only woke up 20 minutes ago. She used a Phenex Tear to heal her hangover. I tried to tell her it was wasteful.” Sona said and Rias pouted at her friend. 


“Hey, it’s not like we need these tears when we have Layla and Asia to heal us whenever we want. I also gave up on trying to sell them after everyone thought I was a scammer…” Rias said dejectedly. She gave up trying to make her own money and decided to mooch off of me forever. I didn’t mind at all.


“Ara, you're positively glowing, Layla. Did you just get finished having some fun with one of your many women?” Akeno asked me teasingly. 


“I don't have sex and tell, Akeno.”


“I don't think that's how that phrase is said…” Jean muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.


Akeno shrugged at her second girlfriend. “With my Aunt Layla, it pretty much is.”


“Did you three have a reason for stopping by? Did you miss me and want to move back in, Akeno? Asia still misses you. Heather does too, but she tries to act tough and pretend she doesn't.” I teased my niece back. Akeno had moved in with her girlfriends when she and Jean officially started college. I always suspected that her living with me was neve going to be a long term thing.


Akeno shook her head. “I miss them too, but that's not why we're here.” Akeno signaled to Jean. The red headed mutant had something to say to me.


“We're here for me, actually. Something weird happened when I–um–I…” Jean trailed off with a large blush on her face. 


I was intrigued. “When you what?” I asked her. She seemed hesitant to say it out loud and Ororo ended up answering for her. 


“Jean burst into flames when she orgasmed last night.” Ororo said bluntly.








I had to admit, that was a new one. I was VERY intrigued! I needed to know more! 


[So do I.]


“How exactly did she burst into flames during…sex? I’m assuming it was sex.” I asked them. 


“Must have been a pretty wild night for you three.” Rias said with a small laugh.


Jean grabbed a nearby pillow and covered her red face with it. Akeno giggled. “Ara, it usually is. Jean is a lot less shy in the bedroom. There’s this thing she does with her telekinesis that–”




Akeno was cut off when a couch pillow smacked her in the face.


I glanced at Akeno and Ororo. “Are you two ok?” 


“What do you mean are THEY ok?” Jean asked me indignantly. “I'm the one who burst into flames!” She complained.


I shrugged at her. “Well, I figured that one or both of them may have been inside you when you burst into flames. I was worried they got burned and might need some healing.” I can ask these types of questions. I am a Doctor after all.


[No you're not.]


‘If I can literally resurrect the dead, then I deserve to be able to call myself a Doctor.’


[That’s fair. No one will ever call you one though.]


Rias and Sona both giggled at my response. Jean blushed even more. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here in this embarrassing situation. They obviously had nowhere else to turn. This wasn’t exactly something that could be treated at a local clinic…


Ororo answered my question. “It did get a bit hot, and we were all caught off guard. I was able to get away from Jean before I got seriously burned.” 


“None of us were expecting our hot steamy session last night to actually become hot and steamy.” Akeno added with a smirk. She found the situation to be pretty funny all things considered. 


“So you came to me about this?” I asked the three of them and they nodded.


“Akeno always tells us that you know a bunch of things about everyone from how often you hop around the multiverse. Do you know what happened to me?” Jean asked. “I'd rather not burst into flames everytime that I–”


“EVERYTIME!?” Rias interrupted her. “It happened more than once!?” 


“We experimented again this morning, and when Akeno made Jean climax with her tongue, Jean burst into flames again.” Ororo said. 


“Ororo!” Jean whined. “You don’t have to give the full details of our sex life to everyone!”


Ororo shrugged. “I can never understand why Americans get so embarrassed when talking about sex. Back on the Serengeti, half the people walked around naked most of the time….” 


“That’s a weird medical condition.” Sona commented while pushing her fake glasses up. They flashed with perfect timing of course. Sona still frequently did her signature move make herself look smarter and I still found it adorable. “My family runs a supernatural hospital but I've never heard of that happening. You’re not getting burned yourself, are you?” Sona asked Jean.


Jean shook her head. “The flames don’t feel hot to me. They feel warm, actually. Maybe even comforting?”


“Besides that, has anything else weird been happening to you? Have your powers been getting stronger or have you been having trouble controlling your emotions?” I asked Jean. I supposed that it could be the Phoenix Force inside of her acting up. Jean had never given off any Dark Phoenix vibes though. Even now, she seemed like a perfectly normal young woman.


“I don’t think so.” Jean said before looking at Akeno and Ororo. They both said that she had been acting the same as always. That was strange to me. If it was the Phoenix Force, it wasn’t affecting her emotions.


“Have you been hearing any voices in your head that aren’t your own?” I asked Jean.


“I always hear voices in my head that aren’t my own. I read minds.” 


“Right… Nevermind then.” I muttered. That was a dumb question to ask a mind reading mutant. “I can have someone I know take a look at you. If the problem is what I think it is, she’s the only one who could actually help out here.” I said.


Jean smiled in relief. “That’s great! Can we go see them now!?” She asked excitedly.


“Ara, Jean wants to get cured as soon as possible so we can get back to our fun bedroom activities…” Akeno teased her girlfriend causing everyone to giggle. A couple more pillows telekinetically lifted themselves off the couch and started chasing a laughing Akeno around the room.


“I don’t have much else to do today.” I said to Jean. I asked Rias and Sona if they were fine with me leaving for a bit. Neither of them minded. I don’t know where my Shadow Clone went with Natasha, but I figured it should be back soon anyway in case they needed anything from me.

“Great! Let’s go! Before Jean bursts into flames again!” Akeno said while dodging a few more pillows. Ororo stood up and said she was ready to go as well. 


I hated to rain on their parade, but I told Akeno and Ororo that they couldn't come with us. The place I was going to take Jean wasn’t exactly compatible with most life forms. The only reason I suspected Jean would be ok there was if she really was the Host of the Phoenix Force.


“Alright, let’s go and see Lady Death.” I said cheerfully while opening a portal to Death’s realm. The eyes of everyone else in the room widened in shock.


“Did you just say Lady D–Death!?” Jean squeaked in fright before I pushed her through the portal. “Wait, Layla!” She whined my name as I pushed her through.


Akeno and Ororo were both looking at me and the portal I'd just forced their lover through nervously. I waved the two of them off. “We’ll be fine, I promise. See you all in a bit.” I said while the portal closed behind me.



Lady Death’s realm was breathtaking as always. The endless skies above our heads filled with galaxies was a true sight to behold. Across from my portal, Lady Death sat on her throne of black skulls. She was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She smiled at me as I approached. “Layla, my champion and lover, what brings you to visit?” She asked me.


I gestured to the terrified mutant girl next to me. “This is Jean Grey. I suspect she’s the avatar of the Phoenix. And it’s been acting…weird?” I said questioningly.


Lady Death raised a curious eyebrow. “Is that so? Let me take a look at you, girl.” She stood up from her throne and approached Jean. Jean became even more nervous when one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse started inspecting her up close. “Yes, I can see that she is indeed the current avatar of the Phoenix Force.” Lady Death confirmed.


“What’s the Phoenix Force?” Jean asked us. 


“It’s a giant planet sized flaming bird that flies around the multiverse seeding it with life. It’s like the opposite of Lady Death. One of the most powerful beings you’ll ever meet.” I told her.


“Why the hell am I the avatar of something like that!?” Jean squeaked out.


I shrugged at her and told her that was something for her and the ‘Giant Flaming Chicken’ to work out amongst themselves. 


“Flaming chicken?” Lady Death cracked a wry smile at me. “You should call her that to her face. I’m sure she’d get a kick out of it.”


“Maybe I will if I ever meet her.” I replied with a shrug.

Lady Death smirked at me and pointed directly up. “That shouldn't be a problem. I called her over so we could figure out the problem. She’s already here…”


Jean and I stared up at the sky above us. “Wow, that is one big ass bird…” When I had called the Phoenix ‘planet sized’ earlier, I might have been undervaluing her size. The entire sky above us had been replaced with an endless sky of glowing fire.



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