The Fallen Gamer

chapter 264

Chapter 264:


The portal teleported us to the most beautiful beach I had ever seen. There wasn’t a single spec of pollution or litter on the pristine white sand and the water was so crystal clear that I almost didn’t believe it was an ocean at first.


“You had us dress for a hike, when we should have brought swimsuits instead,” I said to Artemis. “I think I just discovered my new favorite beach, I’m definitely bringing the family back here someday,” I added while looking around. The beach wasn’t packed with people either, but there were a few dozen women who had now started to notice our arrival. 


Some of the women were wearing togas as they walked around, and others were completely naked as they basked in the Sun and played in the water. “Yep, this is definitely my new favorite beach.” I did my best not to ogle, but every single one of the women around us was in amazing shape. It was no secret that I had a thing for beautiful and strong women. This beach was absolutely full of them.


“I didn’t take into account the possible time difference between Universes. I figured we could go on a Sunset Hike before having dinner, but it's only noon right now judging by the position of the Sun,” Artemis pointed out before she noticed my slightly wandering eyes. Artemis pouted at me and clicked her tongue. “Maybe it was a bad idea taking Layla to an island of beautiful women for our first date…” she muttered to herself.


“Hey there, I haven't seen you two lovely ladies around here before. That was an interesting portal you both arrived out of.” 


A bunch of the women on the beach were giving Artemis and I curious glances at this point and two of them walked over towards us. Both of them were completely naked, their bodies and chiseled muscles were on full display. 


The taller woman on the right with brown hair spoke first. She was the one who had called out to us earlier. “Hello, I am Ariana. Welcome to Themyscira.” she smiled at us welcomingly, but my eyes were having trouble keeping solely on her face.




“Ow!” I let out a yelp after Artemis pinched me for staring.


“Quit staring so blatantly, Layla. That’s incredibly rude,” Artemis scolded me before turning to the two nude Amazonians. “Hello, I am Artemis and this is Layla.” She introduced the two of us while only subtly glaring at the two naked women who had drawn my attention.


The shorter blond woman next to Ariana laughed. “Named after the Goddess of the Hunt? How lucky, you even look like her with your beautiful silver hair,” she complimented Artemis. Also, It’s ok if your friend stares. Some Amazons might be offended, but Ariana and I find it flattering. My name is Sophia. We noticed you two arrived through a portal of some kind. Is this your first time on our beautiful island? Are you planning on escaping Man’s World and moving here?” 


Artemis shook her head. “We’re just visiting for the day. Is that ok?” Artemis asked.


The two women looked at each other, they both shrugged after a moment. “It should be okay. Our princess brings her friends from Man’s World here all the time. Our island welcomes everyone…as long as they are not a man.” Ariana said the obvious.


“If you guys are planning to stay here, you're both very overdressed,” Sophia said with a grin, her eyes shamelessly running up and down Artemis and my bodies.


Ariana nodded. “I am not familiar with the clothing from man's world. Do they force women to dress this heavily when coming to the beach?” she asked while examining our clothing. I could see where she was coming from considering most Amazons simply wore togas. Themyscira was a warm tropical island, lots of clothing wasn’t necessary here. 


I shook my head. “I wasn't even aware that this place had such a beautiful beach. We had other plans and were going to explore the island itself, but now I figure we can save that for another day,” I said. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulled it over my head. My breasts spilled free. This time, the two Amazon women were ogling me.


“Wow…” Sophia said, her cheeks were tinted red.


“You can say that again,” Ariana added.


“W–Wait!? Layla? What are you doing?” Artemis sputtered at me as I started pulling my jeans off next.


“We’re at the beach, and I want to blend in.” I said as I finished stripping out of my clothes completely. I noticed that I had drawn the eyes of many nearby Amazons. The majority of which were all gazing at me lustfully. I wasn’t surprised about that fact, there were no men on the Island for hundreds of years, so obviously every woman who lived here was going to be attracted to other women. I always thought Wonder Woman was the strange one considering she immediately threw herself at Steve Trevor despite never laying eyes on a man before in her life.


“You have the body of a Goddess, Layla. I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in my life. Are you with anyone? I would love the opportunity to court you.” Ariana said while raking her eyes up and down my form. 


Artemis hissed in jealousy and started stripping out of her clothes as quickly as possible. She yanked down her leather breeches and scowled at Ariana. “Layla and I are currently courting!” she said while possessively wrapping her slender arm around my own. 


“Aww, that’s too bad,” Sophia pouted while gazing at Artemis. “Ariana and I would have loved to show you both all the wonders and pleasures that Themyscira had to offer.” The blond Amazons innuendo was not missed on either of us. It had been a while since anyone had tried to pick me up. I happened to find it endearing, and might have considered their offer if I wasn’t in multiple committed relationships currently.


Artemis wasn’t used to beautiful women coming on to her so openly and brazenly. All of her immortal life the women around her had been nothing but respectful, they always treated her like a Goddess and not like a person. She didn’t know how to properly act in this situation. On top of that, She was actually growing very flustered now that she realized she was standing next to me completely naked for everyone to see. It had taken a few seconds for that reality to fully sink in for her.


“Let's go swim in the water!” Artemis declared out of nowhere and started dragging me towards the crystal clear sea. I could tell that she wanted to hide her body from all the lustful women staring at us.


I giggled and let her drag us into the ocean. The water temperature was absolutely perfect. I swam around and played in the water for a few minutes while Artemis collected herself.


“I can't believe a dignified goddess like myself just stripped naked for everybody to see…” she muttered to herself in mortification.


I splashed some water in her direction. “Relax, Artemis. It's a nude beach, it's completely normal. They have them all over Europe. Didn't the Greeks bath together naked all the time?” I asked her curiously.


Artemis blushed. “I shared a few baths with Athena before but we never invited anyone else to join us.” she told me. 


Athena…who was also a virgin Goddess, and kind of a bitch too.


“I've never had so many lecherous eyes on me at the same time. I thought only men acted like that?” Artemis questioned out loud.

I shrugged at Artemis. “I tend to act like that too in case you never noticed. Besides, it's not like those women were being disrespectful. You told them no and they backed off. They didn't follow us out into the water or anything.” I said while pointing back at the beach. I could see that Ariana and Sophia had moved on and were playing a ball game I didn't recognize with a few other Amazons. It looked pretty fun and I might have joined in if Artemis wasn't so shy.


She wasn't the only one of my women who was shy though. Sona would probably have straight up refused to take off all of her clothes with so many people she didn't know watching.


…Or maybe she wouldn't have hesitated and stripped down immediately. I could never be sure with that girl…


Either way, I knew I shouldn't be thinking about my other women when I was on an official first date with Artemis. “Come on, Artemis! It's a beautiful day at the beach, let's have some fun!” I dove on top of her and pushed her head under the water!


Artemis sputtered indignantly when she came back up for air a few seconds later. She wiped all the wet hair off of her face and glared at me playfully. All the embarrassment that she was feeling was temporarily forgotten. “Oh… It's on now, Layla!” Artemis yelled as she tackled me. 


I laughed playfully as she dragged us both underwater.


After that, the two of us spent a good hour in the water before we moved back to the beach. Artemis conjured both of us a beach towel and we basked in the sun. “This is nice,” she finally admitted. “I've never been on a date before. I didn't really know what to expect.”


“There's nothing to expect. The whole point is to just have fun and enjoy yourself. If you're not doing that, then the date is a failure,” I replied while flipping myself over and letting the sun shine down on my front. “I should start keeping some tanning oil in my inventory space,” I said to myself. 


Can I even get a tan? Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen a single tanned Angel. A couple Fallen Angels in the Grigori might have had tans but I think those were spray on…


Artemis and I laid next to each other as we basked in the sun and just chatted. We didn't particularly talk about anything important, we just shared random stories with each other.



“…So we finally caught the poacher and it turned out that he was selling the tusks as an aphrodisiac to people in other countries.” Artemis was the Goddess of the Hunt, but she was also a firm protector of endangered species. She and her hunters had gotten rid of numerous poachers over the centuries that would have driven rare animals to extinction. 


“I heard about that, but I can't believe people are actually that stupid. How exactly is snorting ground up elephant tusks supposed to make a man's dick hard!? So how did you punish the poacher?” I asked.


Artemis grinned vindictively. “I turned him into an elephant and released him back into the wild. I told him that I would change him back if he managed to last a week and avoid other poachers himself.


I laughed. That was justice served in my opinion. “I'm guessing he didn't make it a week?”


“He ended up getting shot by more poachers after three days,” Artemis said. “I had to save him and heal his gunshot wounds. As punishment for failing to make it a week, I turned him into a female elephant along with all three of the other poachers.”


I tilted my head curiously. “Why would you do that?”


“Now they serve an actual useful purpose and are helping bring back the elephant population,” she casually explained what was probably a horrific and very traumatic punishment for those men. Then again, they didn't seem to care that they were driving a critically endangered species to extinction so I couldn't say they didn't deserve it.


We continued swapping stories for another hour. We were only interrupted when a group of women made their way over towards us. Unlike the other Amazons on the beach, none of these women were naked. They were all wearing ancient Greek inspired armor.


The woman leading the warriors had long blond hair and looked to be in her mid 30s. Then again, Amazons didn't physically age so she could have been over 1000 for all I knew.


These Amazons were a lot more disciplined, none of them were ogling either of our bodies. I raised an eyebrow at them as they looked down at Artemis and I.


“Can we help you?”


“You two were spotted entering Themyscira through a magic portal of some kind.” the woman in charge stated. I got the feeling she was trying to intimidate us.


I didn't even bother checking her Level, my instincts were telling me she would probably die if I flicked her too hard. Despite being an island of immortal warrior women, the Amazons in general were not very strong, other than their Princess…


“And?” Artemis asked dismissively. “Is there supposed to be a question somewhere…?” 


“I thought all women were welcome here? We haven't broken any of your laws, we've simply been enjoying a day at the beach.” I said, not wanting to start any unnecessary conflict and ruin our date.


It had been going so well up to this point…


The woman grimaced but didn't refute my words. “You are correct, you have not broken any of our laws. However, we don't usually get… tourists. The Queen has heard about you two and wishes to meet you both.” 


“We're kind of on a date here,” I said, mildly annoyed. “Can you tell your Queen to wait a few more hours.”


The soldiers all gasped at me. 


“You would ask OUR QUEEN–the ruler of our people to wait upon you…?” she looked stupefied as she asked that.


“Who do you both think you are!?” one of the soldiers in the back shouted at us.


“How disrespectful!” another added while scowling.


I was about to answer when Artemis clicked her tongue and stood up. A flash of silver light enveloped her naked body. In the blink of an eye, she was wearing beautiful silver armor that radiated with Divine Power. Her eyes and hair also started to glow as well.


“I am Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon. You will tell your Queen to wait until Layla and I finish our date! Do I make myself clear!?” 


The Amazonan soldiers trembled before they dropped to their knees simultaneously. 


“Forgive us, Goddess Artemis! We did not recognize you! Take as much time as you please! …In fact, allow us to serve you! Do you require refreshments or sustenance of any kind? My sisters and I would be glad to get you both anything you request!” the leader said nervously. “How rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself, have I? I am General Antiope… Queen Hippolyta’s sister...”


Huh, she was still alive here? That was interesting to know. 


I could tell that Artemis was about to dismiss them all and tell them that their services weren't necessary. I stopped her before she did so. I'd never been to a tropical resort before…


…And that's how our beach date basically turned into a resort date. It didn't take long for the women on the beach to find out who Artemis was. They all started waiting on us hand and foot after Artemis dismissed her intimidating armor.


I could certainly say that the Amazon's knew how to make us feel welcome. They brought us any food or drinks we asked for. They even knew the recipes for certain things I wouldn't have expected of them.


Apparently, Wonder Woman had brought back the recipe for piña coladas back to the island during one of her visits. Artemis and I both ordered more than a few of them as we enjoyed the rest of our day at the beach with dozens of hot Amazon servants serving our every whim. 


After about a dozen drinks, a few massages, and an impromptu surfing competition, Artemis and I were content.


It was only after sunset that we decided to call it a day. “This was one of the best dates I've ever had.” I smiled as I stood up and stretched. My body felt super relaxed after those massages. I summoned Death's Dress and threw it on. It gave off an intimidating aura and I always like wearing it when meeting powerful people. 


Artemis once again dawned her armor. “I suppose we might as well grace the Amazon Queen with our presence now.” Artemis said haughtily. I think she enjoyed getting to boss people for a few hours around after serving as our maid for the past year.


Antiope had been nearby for the past few hours, mostly organizing the other women to serve us to their best abilities. She let out a sigh of relief after hearing Artemis. “I shall lead you to her immediately!” 


We left the beach and headed inland to visit the royal palace.


I wondered what the Queen wanted from us…


[Whatever it is, it's probably going to involve plenty of violence!]


“...” I couldn't exactly refute that possibility…



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