The Fallen Gamer

Chapters 111-115

Hela kicked hard on the floor and rocketed towards me at a surprisingly fast speed. When she got close, she swung both of her conjured swords at me from different directions.

I threw my hands to my own sides and blocked her swings with two [Lightshields]. Her swords bounced off the shields, and she had a look of shock on her face.

She was clearly not expecting me to block her so easily. I pulled my fist back before rocketing it forward and nailing her in the face. A shockwave reverberated throughout the chamber. Hela's head snapped backward from the blow.

I went to hit her again with my other hand, but she recovered quickly and kicked me right in the diaphragm!

-50 HP

I grunted in pain and felt the air leave me. She kicked like a mule! I stumbled backward and took a moment to reassess my opponent.

Hela seemingly did the same as she wiped her slightly bruised cheek. The bruise vanished slowly before my eyes. It looked like she had a minor healing factor on top of her other abilities.

"I admit," Hela spoke, "that I underestimated you thieves. It's been a while since someone landed a blow on me." She glanced to the floor where Surtur's charred crown lay. "Even the Mighty Surtur couldn't harm me. Who are you?" Hela asked me angrily.

"Holy crap! Those two moved so fast I could even see them. How is that even fair?" I heard Andrea whine to Sif from behind me.

"Even in another dimension, Hela is still fearsome. Although, this one seems to be mentally unstable," Sif commented.

"I'm Layla of the Fallen. And I guess you could state that you and I are courting…in another dimension," I explained to her while keeping my guard up. Her swords had disappeared, but I knew she could summon more blades near instantly.

Hela's eyes simmered as I spoke to her. "Courting? Let me see if I have this correct? You claim to be from another dimension and are courting that dimension's version of me?" Hela asked in disbelief.

"That's right." I confirmed.

Hela bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly. "Hoh? Is that right? Well then…there's only one thing I can do now, isn't there?" She grinned at me madly in a way that made me uncomfortable.

[Crazy chicks…Am I right?]

Hela summoned another sword to her right hand and pointed it towards me. "I admit you are incredibly beautiful, and the other me obviously has good taste. But I can't lose to another version of myself! I will capture you and make you this Queen's bed slave for all time! You'll never need to see that other Hela again!" She said with a mad grin.

That logic was absolutely wild, but at the same time I knew that it was pretty spot on for her personality. She wants to steal me away from…herself.


I could tell that this Hela was being completely serious. Part of me found her dominance kind of hot, but I certainly wasn't staying another moment in this dimension that I didn't have to. I was going to beat, steal all her treasures, and leave.

[Not going to kill her?]

I grimaced at the system's question. I felt bad for her. My [Observe] had told me that Hela being isolated for so long had driven her crazy. I didn't think I could kill her in good conscience.

[She literally murdered every Asgardian...]

Yeah…she did do that… I don't really have an excuse for that because it was pretty messed up.

[Alright then?]

[Quest Issued! Defeat Hela without killing her!]

[Lightspear] materialized in my hand. I flapped my ten wings hard and launched myself forward at Hela.

I went for a stab in her torso that wouldn't be immediately fatal. Hela parried my stab with her blade. I knew she was better than me in fighting skills, though, so I immediately let go of the spear and tried to tackle.

Her empty hand suddenly wasn't empty anymore. When I put my hand on her, a black dagger snarked forward and tried to stab me in the same place I aimed for her!


"WHAT!?" Hela exclaimed in shock when her dagger bounced off the seemingly ordinary black dress I was wearing.

I was also surprised Death's gift was so sturdy, but I took advantage of it. I wrapped my arms around her and spun her around. With a heave, I hurled her body with all my strength towards the stairway! Considering I was approaching a non-enraged Hulk in power, she hit the stone hard.


Across from me, Hela slowly extracted herself from the rubble. She looked around with a frown on her face. "Why don't we take our fight out of the treasury? There are some things in here I would rather not have broken." Hela suggested with a frown.

I smirked at her before turning back towards Andrea and Sif. "That's a good idea! While I'm busy fighting Hela, you two can finish looting this place!" I said. Andrea gave me a shaky thumbs up while Sif just nodded.

Hela was glaring at me. "It matters not. I'll simply take back all of the trinkets they've stolen from their corpses after I deal with you!"

I followed Hela out of the Treasury and back up towards the palace interior. Throughout the entire journey, she never once tried to land a sneak attack on me.

"Here, this shall be the proper spot for our duel." Hela said once we reached the throne room. I noticed her eyes trailed towards Odin's Empty throne And a smirk appeared on her face. Her eyes then drifted towards a familiar spot on the ground And she frowned before turning towards me in indignation. "You've even taken Gungnir!? I wasn't even gone that long. How did you manage to already raid so much of the palace!?"

I laughed and pulled the golden spear from my inventory temporarily to show it off. I gave it a twirl in my hand. "Well if you didn't want anyone to take it, you shouldn't have left it lying around." I said. The golden spear disappeared back into my inventory as I created my own. I wasn't going to use an untested weapon in a battle against a strong opponent. Especially Gungir, as it's not really even that impressive. All it does is shoot incredibly telegraphed lasers out of its tip. I pointed my [Lightspear] towards Hela. "Round two then. Shall we dance?"


"I'll show you the dance of death!" Hela said coldly. The air around her shimmered, and dozens—no, hundreds—of black swords materialized. All of the conjured black swords were pointing towards me. She grinned as she raised her hand in the air.

[Damn, Hela's trying to pull a Gilgamesh on you…]

'Fine then, I'll be a copycat and pull a Shirou!' I thought with a smirk.

-1000 MP

The air shimmered around me next as dozens and then hundreds of [Lightspears] were conjured into existence. 1000 MP might have seemed like a lot for a single attack, and it was, but I still had plenty of MP to spare now. On top of that, I was still sitting around 21000/9000 MP from wiping out all those zombies in New York. I'd walked into this fight with enough power to level Asgard twice over. And I'm sure the palace was about to take a hit once our two barrages collided.

Hela frowned when she saw that I could match her weapon output. It didn't deter her, though. She swung her hand downward. Hundreds of black swords were launched towards me. I willed my horde of [Lightspears] to do the same. What followed next could only be described as pure chaos.

Andrea and Sif—

"Do you think Layla will be okay? Because I'm pretty sure the tall gothic chick will murder us if Layla loses," Andrea asked Sif after the two other women left the treasury.

"Layla won't lose," Sif responded confidently. "I can tell that she is stronger than this Hela is."

Andrea scratched her cheek and sighed. "That's good I guess, but strength doesn't always mean victory. Intelligence and tactics can matter just as much!" Andrea said.

Sif scoffed. "Says the woman who built a nigh-indestructible suit of armor for herself. If that isn't an example of strength, then I don't know what is."

Andrea laughed. "I suppose you got me there…" She then looked around the treasury. She was glad that the tall scary woman suggested she and Layla fight elsewhere. Some of the stuff in the room looked pretty sketchy. "So what should we take? And how will we carry anything out?" Andrea asked.

Sif pulled a small bag off of her hip and opened it up. Andrea frowned when she couldn't see the bottom of it. All she saw was darkness. "Is that an actual bag of holding?" Andrea asked with some excitement.

"I know not what that is. 'Tis a bag that can hold far more on the inside than one would expect, though." Sif said as she walked towards a large pile of golden coins. Andrea thought it was interesting that Asgard was still on the gold currency system. Sif opened the bag towards the pile. The air inside the treasury whipped up as a powerful sucking force came out of the bag and swallowed the entire pile of coins.

"Woah…" Andrea remarked. That was around a billion dollars worth of gold that Sif had just casually stored in her bag. She looked around the room for anything else worth taking. Andrea stayed clear of the mind-controlling eye and the stature that summoned a supposed eldritch abomination. What did draw her gaze, however, was a small stand-off in the corner. On top of the stand were five golden apples. "Hey Sif, what are those?" Andrea asked.

Sif gasped when she saw the golden apples. "Apples of Idun! They were supposed to be extinct! Eating a single apple will add 5000 years onto your lifespan and can even transform a mortal into an Asgardian!"

Andrea's eyes had metaphorical stars in them. "I can be as strong as you guys just by eating one of these things?" She asked as she picked one of the apples up and examined it. "I'm tired of being the squishy human girl who is useless without her armor."

"Yes, there should be no problem if you eat one." Sif started to say. "Just don't do it now because the process is supposed to be incredibly painful and it will take time to—"


Andrea didn't listen and bit right into the golden apple. It tasted more amazing than anything she'd eaten in her entire life! Before she could stop herself, she rapidly bit into the fruit again and again. It only took a few seconds before she had completely devoured the golden apple—seeds, core, and all!

"Sorry about that, Sif! This apple was so tasty though! You've gotta try one—urgh." Andrea felt as if liquid fire had manifested inside her body! She dropped to the floor clutching her stomach in pain.

Sif facepalmed as she walked over towards where Andrea lay on the ground in pain. "I did warn you. Oh well… I wonder how Layla's battle goes so far?"


The floor and walls all shook violently, and cracks appeared in all the nearby foundations. Sif swallowed nervously as she did her best to keep her footing. She felt an unbelievably large amount of power had just been unleashed nearby. Sif reached down and scooped up the quivering Andrea. "Well, I suppose that answers my question. I best escape before Layla and Hela bring down the entire palace." Sif said as she started running towards the stairway with Andrea in her arms. She'd meet Layla back at the Bifrost later.

-5000 HP

I took some pretty heavy damage there. Even with the shield in front of me, a bunch of shrapnel still slipped through. My [Purger of Darkness] manifested on my wrists and I started healing myself immediately. Hela was not an opponent to be around with only half my HP remaining. I let out a sigh of relief 20 seconds later when I saw my HP top off at full. I took a look around at the result of our attacks clashing.

The first thing I noticed was that the palace ceiling was gone. As in, I could clearly see the clear sky of Asgard overhead. The walls were gone as well. Pretty much the entire upper floors of the palace were wrecked. Thankfully the lower floors and foundations held together and I could sense that Sif was ok. I felt her moving away from the palace quickly. I couldn't sense

Andrea since she had no magic power to sense, but I assumed she was also with Sif.

The collision of our two massive attacks had blown the throne room to hell. It was completely unrecognizable at this point. I lowered the heavily reinforced [Lightshield] I'd thrown in front of me. Without it, I probably would have taken fatal damage there.

As the dust started to clear, I looked across from me towards where Hela had been standing. In her place was a massive sword the size of a bus. I figured she'd summoned it to shield herself from the blasts. The massive steel weapon was covered in cracks and burn marks. A second later it started to fall apart in front of me as chunks of conjured dark steel flaked off of it.

When it completely toppled over I got a good look at Hela. She was panting heavily and glaring at me. It looked like that barrage actually took quite a bit of power out of her. "YOU! You destroyed my palace! Forget what I said earlier. I've grown tired of you. Now I'm just going to kill you."

"Big talk from someone who's almost spent after just one exchange. I expected more from the infamous Hela, to be honest," I said as I stepped towards her.

"Fine then!" Hela spat out. "You want to see my real power? I'll show you!" Hela said as she raised both of her hands in the air. I felt a massive surge of mana erupt off of her.

And then, a shadow fell over us… I glanced upwards at what had caused it.

"Oh…" A titanic sword almost as big as a mountain was falling down towards me. That—that was a pretty freaking cool move. I'm not going to lie.

[Damn, she went from Gilgamesh to Madara…]


'Can I match that?' I wondered as I looked at the titanic sword heading towards me. It was almost as big as Asgard itself! If that thing hit, it could split Asgard in two. Hela had truly gone off the deep end. I glanced over towards her, and she was cackling madly—from the ground. She had used up so much power there that she actually exhausted herself.

[How does she even think she's going to survive her own attack if she can't move after casting it?]

'I don't think she's thinking about much of anything anymore.' I replied.

"Hahaha! Die, you winged whore! You're not worthy of this Goddess's love anyway! Just die!" Hela cackled as she stared up at the large blade crashing down towards both of us.

I ignored the now immobile Goddess and weighed my options here. I could try and blow the mountain sized sword up, but the resulting shockwave might end up destroying Asgard anyway. I needed this place intact as we still had to weaponize the Bifrost. Sif and Andrea also probably wouldn't survive such a blast either.

"I'm going to have to catch it…" I lamented as the gigantic sword fell closer and closer. Another 15 seconds and it would hit the city.

[You're going to catch it!?]

"It's the only way to stop it without leveling Asgard." I said as I raised both of my hands above me. I channeled a massive amount of MP above me and conjured the largest [Lightshield] probably ever created.

-10,000 MP!

Half of Asgards sky turned purple as my amazing [Lightshield] blanketed the city from above.

"You can't be serious!" Hela exclaimed in shock as she watched what I was doing. "That's impossible!"

And then the mountain sized sword hit my shield…

I grunted as I felt an enormous magical strain on my shoulders. Purple cracks started appearing in the sky and I knew that 10,000 MP was not going to be enough. Gritting my teeth, I buckled down under the strain and channeled another 5000 MP into the shield above. The cracks in the sky faded away and the strain on me lessoned.

[Wow. Nice work there.]

'Thanks. It's a good thing I had extra MP to spare. I'd learned that it takes a lot more power to block a city destroying attack than to cast one. I canceled my gigantic shield over the sky and reabsorbed some of the remaining MP back into me. There wasn't much left after stopping Hela's suicide attack, but I got around 2000 MP back.

Now unimpeded, the mountain sized sword in the sky 'harmlessly' fell down the last 100 feet towards Asgard.


Hundreds of buildings and streets were obliterated as it touched down and the ground intensely shook. That was the extent of the damage though. I had taken away all of it's dangerous momentum. Asgard now looked completely trashed though. It had a mountain sized sword laying flat on its size right in the heart of the city.

+15580 MP for wiping out hundreds of Hela's zombie soldiers.

Oh right. I actually forgot the city was teeming with those guys since we just teleported to the palace directly. Wait? I felt Sif's magical signature leave the palace and head towards the Bifrost. I wonder if she remembered the city was filled with them as well?

The Goddess Sif–

"Stay down, you Draugr filth!" Sif grunted as she cut off the head of another walking corpse. Sif did not, in fact, remember that Asgard was teeming with Hela's zombie horde. She'd left the palace with an unconscious Andrea over her shoulder and quickly ran through the city towards the Bifrost to escape the fight between Hela and Layla. That was when Sif had been swarmed from all sides.

She knew she couldn't fight the hordes and protect Andrea at the same time, so she ran towards the Bifrost at full speed. When Sif reached the end of the rainbow bridge, she put down Andrea so she could fight.

It was a lot easier to fight a horde of zombies when they could only come at her from one direction, but there were still a lot of them. Too many for her to handle on her own even with her improvements. She cut down well over a hundred so far, and yet, as far as she could see, there were still around a thousand more storming down the rainbow bridge.

And then there came the insanely large sword that fell out of the sky. Sif was thankful she had decided to not fight in the city, because Asgard was now in ruins and the world ending sword lay in the city's former place.

A lot of the zombies were flung on the bridge and into the waters below from the resulting shockwave. There were still a few hundred left though. Thankfully before Sif had to fight all of them, a rain of purple light fell from the sky and started to obliterate the Draugr forces. Sif could only stare mouth agape as her love, Layla, descended from the sky in front of her and effortlessly dealt with the horde. It only took a few moments for Layla to wipe them all out and the bridge to be completely silent.

Layla then landed on the bridge and unceremoniously dropped a body that she was carrying. Sif noted that it was an unconscious Hela. She sighed in relief that Layla had emerged victorious and looked to be completely unharmed. Sif's heart sped up when Layla turned and gave her a beautiful smile.

"Well…this turned out to be an experience. Now let's blow up Midgard and get the hell out of this dimension!" Layla said.

Sif wanted nothing more than to do that. "And what do we do about her?" Sif asked as she gestured towards Hela.

Layla looked down at the unconscious Goddess of Death. "I guess we can just leave her here?" She said questioningly. "Asgard is trashed and her army is destroyed. Will she even be able to conquer anything anymore?" Layla asked her.

Sif shook her head. She didn't know anything about their own Hela let alone this one. "She shant be our problem any longer anyway. I say we leave her here."

Layla nodded and walked over towards where Andrea lay inside the Bifrost activation room. "What happened to her?" Layla asked.

Sif explained what happened after Layla went off to fight against Hela.


"Hey Jarvis. Are you there?" I asked as I plugged his drive into the Asgardian console. I thought it was pretty cool how his drive seemed to morph to fit into the asgardian port. That was obvious nano-tech at play. My Tony wasn't even close to that kind of tech yet. I think only Wakanda had it at this point in time.

"I am here, Miss Layla. What happened to Miss Stark? Is she alright? She appears to be passed out on the floor." Jarvis asked with concern in his robotic voice. I marveled at how advanced this AI was to even be able to feel emotions.

"She's fine. She's just taking a nap because she ate something weird and upset her stomach. We need you to fire up the Bifrost now. At full power please." I said.

"Understood." Jarvis replied from the console. "Please insert the key so that I can start it up."

I walked over towards the Bifrost activation pedestal I'd recognized from the movies and my own Asgard. "And now, ladies and gentle-AI. I present to you the end of the world!" I picked up Heimdall's sword/key where it lay nearby and slotted it into the keyhole.

Nothing happened….

Sif laughed at me lightly. "It's a key, You have to turn it.

"I knew that…" I twisted the sword counterclockwise hard until I heard a satisfying click.


I could feel it all around me. Magical energy started to build up.

"Starting up the Bifrost at full power." Jarvis called out as it started to activate. "...Firing now."

The Bifrost fired…

…Presumably at Earth.

It was literally thousands of light years away so we unfortunately couldn't see it. The first Thor movie made the scene a lot more dramatic by showing Jotunheim get hit by the Bifrost when in reality neither Thor or Loki would have actually seen anything… I didn't have all sight and I wasn't teleporting myself back to Earth to check.

"Hmmm. I thought it would be more dramatic." Sif commented as we watched the Bifrost's giant beam continue to pour out into space. It was very anticlimactic to witness first hand. Especially after the grudge match I just had with Hela that left half of Asgard and its palace destroyed.

"I can confirm the beam has reached earth, but am unaware as to how long the process will take to complete." Jarvis stated.

With a shrug, I sat down on one of the steps so we could wait. I reached into my inventory and pulled out a bag of chips. I ripped it open and took a handful before passing the bag to Sif who'd sat down next to me. "How long can it take for our knock-off death star to destroy a planet?"

4 hours later…

…It takes a long freaking time apparently. I forgot that in the movie, Loki had the Bifrost firing at Jotunheim for around 15 minutes before Thor showed up and it didn't do that much damage in that time. I imagine we had to wait til the Bifrost laser tunneled its way down to the planet's core and then caused some kind of chain reaction explosion that only makes sense because this is a comic book universe. Otherwise firing a giant laser at a planet would in no way cause it to explode… It would just make a giant hole.

Comically scattered around nearby were numerous empty bags and boxes of chips and cookies. Sif and I had just been snacking and chatting the whole time. Jarvis had been relatively quiet and was apparently copying schematics of the Bifrost. He was also a bit sad because he was essentially doing what humanity always feared what an AI would do…destroying the world. Sif and I had told him that we would all never speak of this to anybody so they don't judge him in the future.

Andrea had yet to wake up and thankfully neither had Hela. I'd been periodically checking on the Goddess of Death and she still seemed completely magically drained. I wondered if us having the Bifrost firing for four hours straight had something to do with that. She presumably drew her power in this dimension from Asgard–which was never a real planet here–and so does the Bifrost I'm assuming. The Bifrost had been taking all of the ambient magic so far and stopping Hela from recharging herself.

I counted that as a lucky coincidence. She'd probably destroy the rainbow bridge just to spite us at this point if she could.

[And to think just a few hours ago she wanted you to be her sex slave…]

I wasn't sure why my Hela was so much more sane than this typical 'canon-like' Hela. I believed it was because my Hela decided to directly draw her power from Lady Death instead of Asgard at some point. Maybe Death's power flowing through her restored her sanity?

[Eh, it's as good a guess as any.]

"It is done." Jarvis finally said. "I can confirm that the Earth is no more. The Bifrost is no longer hitting anything."

[Quest Completed! You have destroyed the zombie infested Earth as repayment to Lady Death!]

"Alright then!" I said as I stood up and brushed some of the crumbs off of me. Let's get the hell out of this dimension and never come back!" I walked over to the console and yanked out Jarvis's drive. Following that I walked over towards the pedestal and turned the sword clockwise disabling the Bifrost. Hela should wake up in a few hours and maybe she would rethink her life…Who am I kidding! She absolutely wouldn't, and would probably still be an evil tyrant. But she wouldn't be my problem anymore at least!

Sif shoved a few oreos into her mouth as she walked over and scooped up Andrea. "Agreed. I had no idea that alternate dimensions could be so dangerous and sad."

I called upon my Orb of Anywhere to take us home. A dark purple portal to Earth DxD opened and we stepped through.


C 115


"We are approaching Asgard now, Father. News of the Allfathers death has spread far and wide. Without him, they should be easy to defeat." Ebony Maw, one of the children of Thanos, said to his father.

Thanos sat back on his throne and grinned at the sight before him.

Asgard… The only realm to have ever truly defeated him. Thanos would admit that even now, he still had some trepidation to attack them. The mighty Odin had completely devastated his armies over 1000 years ago and it took Thanos hundreds of years to rebuild.

That's why Thanos was leading the current invasion himself and he had recalled all of his children to assist him. He was expecting a tough battle even if Odin was dead. He knew the golden realm would never willingly hand over the Tesseract.

"Bring up Asgard on screen." Thanos commanded.

"Right away, Father." Ebony Maw replied as he hit a few buttons on a nearby console. A large holographic screen appeared in front of Thanos and he took a proper look at Asgard.

"What…" Thanos said speechlessly.

"What the hell happened there? Is that a…giant sword?" Thanos's favorite daughter–Gamora–asked nearby.

Thanos wanted to know what had occurred on Asgard as well. His capital ship drew closer to the realm, and as it did so, he could see that the once mighty Asgard looked absolutely devastated. The golden city was in ruins and the upper half of the famous palace was missing. It looked like it had been blown off from the inside!

"I don't think we're going to be getting the tough fight we were expecting." Gamora said with a shrug. "What a shame." She said with some sarcasm.

"What about the stone?" Thanos said. "Ebony, scan the city! Is the Tesseract on Asgard or did whoever did all this damage take it?"

Ebony started pressing more buttons and their ship began to scan all of Asgard for the signature of the Tesseract. If it was here, they would find it. The readings came up empty…

"It's not just the Tesseract, Father. All of Asgard is lifeless as well. Only a single being is alive in the entire city down there" Ebony said as he pointed towards Asgard. "The life sign is coming from the end of the rainbow bridge."

Thanos gripped his throne in anger. His stronger-than-vibranium armrests warped under his angry grip. "Someone beat us here and took what should have been rightfully mine!" Thanos said angrily. Thanos raged inside! Someone had stolen his infinity stone!

"What do you want us to do now?" Ebony asked. Gamora was looking at him curiously as well.

"We will retrieve the lone survivor and question them. For now though, we shall head towards Terra. Two of my infinity stones are there, and without Asgard to defend them, they should be easy enough to retrieve.

"Raaaaaaagghhhh! Damn them! They ruined everything! Thousands of years of planning is all for nothing now!"

A shout filled with rage and hatred awoke Hela from her slumber. She jumped to her feet combat ready with two swords immediately in her hands. She scanned the strange room she'd found herself in. She wasn't alone.

The angry shout had come from a large purple giant that sat upon a dark metallic throne. There were various other races different from the purple giant as well in the room. Hela could recognize that she was in a ship of some kind.

The others in the room noticed that she was awake. A woman with green skin drew a sword and pointed it at Hela. "Lower your weapons Asgardian. We have questions for you."

"And who are you to question me? Hela asked haughtily. "I am Hela the Goddess of Death and Queen of Asgard!"

"And our glorious father is the Great Thanos. Conqueror and Savior of thousands of worlds!" Another alien spoke to Hela. She considered him to be one of the ugliest creatures she had ever laid eyes on.

"And what does the glorious Thanos want with me?" Hela asked sarcastically as she turned towards the purple giant who was now eyeing her as well.

"I want to know what happened to the Infinity Stones. And where is Planet Terra? It's supposed to be at these coordinates, but the entire planet is gone!" Thanos said angrily.

Hela was confused at the current situation she found herself in, but still responded. "I know not of why you seek the infinity stones, nor where they are. I only knew of the Tesseract and that was recently stolen from me by…Layla of the Fallen." Hela said bitterly.

Thanos's eyes narrowed. "And who exactly is Layla of the Fallen?"

Hela scowled. "She's an invader from another dimension that came to Asgard and ruined everything for me! She destroyed my glorious city and massacred my undead legion!"

"Another dimension?" Thanos asked. "Tell me more…"



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