The Fallen Gamer

Chapters 36-40

A/N: You can skip this part if you're not interested in R-18.

Layla opened the door to find Natasha on the other side. She looked like she had cleaned up after the fighting as well. Natasha was wearing a short black dress that left very little to the imagination. Layla immediately felt her Sin of Lust start to return upon seeing the woman.

"Wow…" Natasha said, with reddened cheeks, as her eyes roamed up and down Layla's form. "I didn't expect you to answer the door like this, but I'm not complaining."

Layla wondered what the redhead was talking about, before she looked down at herself. She realized that she was completely naked! She had just gotten out of the shower and forgotten to put anything on. Her flawless hourglass body was exposed. From her large perky breasts all the way down to her rapidly moistening lower lips.

"Did you shave just for me?" Natasha asked with a teasing smirk.

"Angels don't have hair anywhere on their bodies except their heads…" Layla explained with a red face.

"I'm here to pick up where we left off." Natasha said to Layla. Layla's eyes widened slightly hearing that. She eagerly stepped to the side and allowed Natasha inside the hotel room. The door closed behind them.

"Oh yes! Don't stop!" Layla shouted out in ecstasy. She was lying on her back on the bed. Her hands were stretched downwards, holding onto the head of the other woman who was currently licking up and down her lower lips.

"Wow, I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't expect you to literally taste like honey down here." Natasha said with her head buried in between the beautiful Fallen Angel's legs. Natasha loved all the pleasant sounds that Layla was currently making because of her tongue.

Layla squirmed in pleasure as Natasha resumed eating her out. The gorgeous redhead's tongue was doing amazing things to Lalyla! She'd never experienced pleasure like this. Layla was already well on her way to her third orgasm so far.

Natasha continued licking up and down Layla's folds. She decided that she really enjoyed Layla's taste. Natasha had heard fictional tales of people claiming their partners tasted 'divine', but Layla actually did! The juices dripping from Layla's snatch really taste like honey to Natasha. Natasha felt like she could stay down between Layla's legs for hours!

The redhead wanted to taste her partner as deeply as possible. She had been blessed with a long tongue, and now she put it to its full use. Natasha stuck out her tongue as far as possible before she directly stuck it into Layla's dripping hole.

Layla spasmed as she let out an incredibly loud and erotic squeal. She could feel Natasha's tongue taste her everything! Natasha swirled her tongue around inside Layla and the Angelic beauty saw stars! She let out a long drawn out moan as the pleasure overcame her and she came once again! Layla's perfect chest was rising up and down as she panted to catch her breath.

Natasha lifted her head from between Layla's legs and gave her a lewd smirk. Natasha slowly stuck out her tongue and made a show of licking up the remains of Layla's love juice that was on her face. Even though she just had three rapid orgasms, that erotic sight had Layla begging for more.

Natasha chuckled as she crawled over Layla and straddled her. Natasha placed one of her legs over Layla's own. Both of their dripping snatches pressed together as Natasha started rocking back and forth.

"Oooooooh, that feels nice~." Natasha sighed out in pleasure as she started off by moving slowly. Her own pussy was practically on fire at this point as well. Beneath her was the most beautiful woman Natasha admitted she'd probably ever be with. She wanted to make the most of their night together. She knew with Layla's Sin of Lust, there would be many more, but Natasha wanted their first time to be special.

Natasha picked up the pace as she started to speed up the motion of her hips. Every time her clitoris brushed against Layla's own, both women let out a moan.

"That feels so good, Natasha!" Layla squealed out as she felt herself about to climax again. In response, Natasha smiled down at her as she started tribbing their pussies together faster.

Natasha was starting to really feel it at that point. She was holding onto one of Layla's slender legs that was up in the air as she continued her motions. She could feel an orgasm rapidly building inside her.

"Fuck!" Layla squeaked out as her body started to shudder in ecstasy. Natasha could feel Layla's juices squirt out once again as the Fallen Angel came under her. A few seconds later, Natasha joined her as her own orgasm ripped through her body. It was one of the best she'd ever experienced in her whole life! The pleasure was so intense that she could hardly make any sound at all. Natasha just hovered over Layla as her own body experienced wave after wave of ecstasy.

When it finally ended, Natasha collapsed on top of the gorgeous Fallen. Their breasts squished together as she rested her head on Layla's shoulder. She needed a moment to recover before round two…

R-18 end


"Hey, Tony, you wanna buy a sword?" I asked him as Natasha and I entered the meeting room in 'Fury's secret bunker.' It wasn't so secret anymore now that I arrived here while conscious. It was in the middle of the Swiss Alps though, so kudos to him for going with the classic super villain location. Inside the room were fewer people than last time. It was only Fury, Clint, and Tony. Coulson and Steve must be out on other missions.

"A sword?" Tony asked. I pulled the solid gold sword from my inventory and presented it to him. He looked it over, and I could tell that he was intrigued.

"Solid gold, huh? Well, I do like gold…"

Tony walked up to me and inspected the blade. "This looks like something you'd see in a cosplay convention. Are you sure it's real?"

I nodded. "Yep, it's genuine 100% solid gold. No other metals or imperfections at all."

"That's not possible. 100% gold is virtually impossible to achieve..." Tony explained.

I smirked at him. "Not with magic it's not." That made him look even more intrigued.

"Did you steal that from the Goblins, Layla?" Natasha asked me. She had not seen the sword earlier.

"Yes," I lied, not wanting to explain the system. "They were rude anyway, not giving us any kind of reward for freeing them..." Maybe I'd explain the gamer system to Natasha someday. That would be a long way away, though, and our relationship would have to be a lot more serious.

"They actually gave SHIELD a bunch of goblin silver weapons as thanks," Natasha stated. "Goblins apparently don't like being in anyone's debts for long. I think you had already left the alley at that point though."

Fury made a noise to get everyone's attention. "I don't have all day to sit here while you two over there play shop," he said.

"Fine," I whined as I placed the sword back into my inventory. "So why exactly are we even here?"

Fury raised an eyebrow before turning to Natasha. "You didn't tell her why we were having this meeting?" He asked.

"It… um… must have slipped my mind," Natasha explained as she was not quite meeting her boss's eye.

"It's not like you to be so forgetful, Nat. What had you so distracted yesterday that you forgot your orders?" Clint asked Natasha. The answer to that question was me, of course. Natasha and I had 'distracted' each other quite a bit. In the future, I'm hoping we can distract each other again.

To my surprise, Natasha managed to keep her cool. She smoothly lied that she was just tired from the fight and went to sleep early. Everyone in the room bought her excuse. Except for Tony. I could tell that he knew something was up as he was looking back and forth between me and her. I sent him a wink that confirmed his thoughts. He smirked and gave me a thumbs up in response.

"Alright then. The reason we're here is because we have a few things to discuss," Fury turned to me. "You've been holding out on us, Layla." He stated plainly.

"I have?" I asked him.

"The Great Sundering. I read the reports from my other agents. It seemed like whatever it was basically sent an advanced space-faring organization like the Goblins back into the Bronze Age. You then went and claimed that it would be something that could completely destabilize people's faith. That's not an easy claim to make, and I want to know why.

I looked around the room at everyone with a bit of a grimace on my face. "Are you all sure? It's… world-changing information."

"Don't go holding out on us, Layla. We're all grown-ups," Tony joked. "We can handle it." I did not actually believe that to be the case, but since they were asking I would tell them.

…And so I told them. I told them how the world used to be twice as large. I told them how this universe had numerous incredibly dangerous beings. I told them that, in order to essentially save their own skins, my father along with the other pantheon leaders split the world completely in two. I then went on to explain 'my' original world and how numerous supernatural beings still existed there and pretty much secretly ran the place. Finally, I told them the information I knew they would not like. The spell that held the two worlds separate was now failing, and soon they would once again become one.

"The gods all just ran away… because of stronger space gods?" Clint mumbled out in disbelief. Natasha had no words either. This was one of the few times I had seen her completely lose her stoic facade.

"Mother fucker!" Fury exclaimed. "Do you know how insane that's going to be? Two Earths merging together!? There will be absolute chaos! World War Three is pretty much guaranteed! And that's not to mention all the supernatural beings that have been preying on your side's humanity for the past 1000 years. They'll probably try and do the same to us!" He yelled out angrily. I also did not disagree with him as I had similar thoughts. That was one of the reasons I wanted to get stronger quickly. The last thing we needed were some arrogant snot nosed devil brats trying to recruit someone like the hulk into their peerages.

Tony had a contemplative look on his face before he spoke to Fury. "I don't think the supernaturals will even have to bother with us…" Tony said cryptically.

"And why is that?" Fury replied.

Tony answered him before turning and giving a solemn look to everyone in the room. "Because we'll all be dead…" They all looked alarmed at his statement.

I've been informed by the Ancient One that the merge should be smooth. No cataclysmic events like massive earthquakes, tsunamis, or cities appearing on top of each other will occur," I explained, and everyone's expressions calmed a bit. Except for Tony's. He still looked like it was the end of days.

"That's good to hear, layla, but that's not what I meant. What I was talking about was gravity. If the Earth's mass is going to instantaneously double… then the planet's gravity will double as well."


Upon hearing Tony's thoughts that the planet's gravity would double from the merge, I felt some panic rise within me. That wouldn't actually happen, would it? That would be really, really bad. Billions of people wouldn't be able to handle double gravity and would die. The only beings that would survive were supernatural or physically enhanced humans.

[Well… that is how math works. If you double the mass, you get double the gravity. Although, it will actually be slightly less than double because the Earth will also increase in size.]

"Wait, hold on a minute!" Clint exclaimed. "If the gravity is going to double, doesn't that mean that humans lived under stronger gravity over 1000 years ago? Why couldn't we handle it now then?"

Tony answered him. "The explanation, to that question, is that we've all gotten weaker. Over the past 1000 years, our bodies adapted to the lowered gravity. Our bones are now more brittle, our organs softer, and our muscles less dense. We humans were able to handle going from high gravity to low gravity. The opposite will not be as true. Sure, some people will survive and eventually adapt, but that will take another thousand years minimum." He explained.

"Could the super soldier serum work as a solution?" Natasha asked.

Fury raised an eyebrow. "You want to give the entire world's population the super soldier serum!?"

"Yes?" She answered questioningly.

"It could work," Tony said. "But the problem is the complete formula has been lost, and employing it was extremely time and energy-consuming. If Steve were here, he'd tell you. The entire process of turning him into a super soldier took over an hour with a full room of equipment. Now imagine doing that for 8 billion people." He explained. His logic was reasonable. The time it would take alone was staggering. This wasn't as simple as just giving everyone a quick injection.

"It's not just 8 billion people." I cut in. "It's 16 billion. There are all the people on the other Earth as well." Tony was correct. The super soldier serum would be a...

"Shit… I forgot about all of them." Tony said.

[Quest issued: Save both Earth's Human Populations from Devastation! → Discover and employ a method to allow the humans to survive the world's gravity doubling.]

[Reward: +5 Levels]

[Failure: Billions will die.]

I dismissed the quest screen after giving it a quick glance. This was one I couldn't afford to fail.

"Well, isn't this situation just perfect!?" Fury said sarcastically. "First we had the Hand, then we had evil wizards, then we had fucking Hydra, and now we have the apocalypse. Your dad is a real piece of work, Layla.

"Was." I answered almost instinctively.

"What?" Fury asked.

"He was a real piece of work. That's why the spell failed in the first place. He's gone…" I explained to everyone.

"…" There was palpable silence as they all were once again shocked speechless from my declaration. I think this broke them even more than the news of the apocalypse.

"Well… shit." Fury said.

"Good thing The Captain isn't here to hear all this. He might have just broken with that news." Natasha added. "The love of his life just passed, and the only thing holding him up was the belief that she was resting in peace in Heaven. If he knew that wasn't the case…"

"And he never will know. And nor will anyone else. We'll figure this out because that's what SHIELD is supposed to do." Fury explained. He had a determined look on his face. "Stark, you're one of the smartest people in the world and have a lot of equally smart contacts. Anyone in the genetic field who can help us with strengthening people's bodies, I want them brought in." Fury said to the man.

"I don't work for SHIELD but sure. I guess I have some contacts. Now that I think about it, there was this one creepy guy from my past who has been spamming me messages about his brilliant think tank creating a miracle drug or something. I guess I might as well see where that goes." Tony said. "You want to help me on that, my beautiful assistant?" Stark asked me.

I just gave him a smirk. "I don't technically work for Stark Industries but sure." I gave him the same response he gave Fury. Tony laughed at my cheekiness. I did wonder who he was talking about though? Was it Aldrich Killian? We should have been a long way off Iron Man considering Iron Man two's racetrack event happened 3 days ago. Maybe the man hasn't become a supervillain yet, and his Extremis serum could actually be used for good? I could only hope.

Following that, our meeting came to a close. I, unfortunately, had to temporarily say goodbye to Natasha as she was given the task of trying to track down any leads on Hydra with Clint. I still wasn't sure where Coulson and Steve were, but I assumed they were doing the same.

A few hours later Tony and I were sitting on his private jet flying back to the States. I vowed to myself that I would master teleportation asap so I wouldn't have another 16 hour flight.

"So Layla, about that gold sword…"

There was some haggling, but Tony ended up buying the thing off of me for a solid million dollars.


"So we've been sitting in this waiting room for 30 minutes already," I pointed out. It was the next day after we had landed in New York. AIM, Aldrich Killian's think tank, was set up here. Pepper had called ahead and set up a meeting between Tony and Aldrich Killian. Tony didn't yet know much about Extremis, but AIM had been scientifically paving the way with some breakthrough gene treatments apparently. I think Extremis could be a great solution to our problem if the formula was just toned down a bit. There was no reason to give everyone in the world fire superpowers after all. All we wanted was some enhanced durability and strength that would allow people to manage the increase in gravity. We weren't exactly sure what we were going to do about all the animals yet though…

"This is a power play," Tony pointed out. "He's intentionally making the great 'Tony Stark' wait to meet him." He said with a laugh. He didn't seem to be particularly bothered. According to him, this happened all the time whenever he went to meet 'important people.'

"Ugh… human politics." I said with a groan. It was just so…petty.

"Do the supernatural not do the same thing?" Tony asked.

"They're surprisingly punctual, actually." I explained. "If a powerful entity claims they will be somewhere at a certain time, then they will be there. If they don't show on time, they end up looking incompetent and weak. They don't really do fake power plays since they have actual power."

Tony nodded. "I suppose that makes sense. So I heard from Fury that angels get stronger with more wings. How strong would you say you are now?"

I grimaced a bit as I started explaining. "As loath as I am to use their power system as a basis, the devil's actually did create easy-to-understand rankings. With 6 wings, my power is essentially at what would be considered lower to middle-High Class." Angels and Fallen Angels didn't play rankings by nepotism. If you wanted to be considered High Class, you had to have 6 wings minimum. We didn't just grant the status to children at birth like noble Devils did. Tony then asked me what that meant, and I continued explaining. I told him how in the supernatural world, you weren't respected if you weren't at least High Class in power. Before that, you were seen as a subordinate or servant. High Class was where you could stand on your own.

"So it's kind of like cultivation levels in a Chinese novel?" Tony asked jokingly.

"Yep. In fact, it's almost exactly like that. The stronger you are, the less people will try and mess with you."

"So what's after High Class then?" Tony asked.

"Ultimate Class. And keep in mind there is a massive difference in power scaling between someone who just entered that rank versus someone at its peak."

"Give me an example," Tony said.

I broke it down for him. "Ok, this isn't exactly correct every time, but it's a benchmark. A good estimate of a low Ultimate Class's power though would be that they can destroy a city on their own. That doesn't necessarily mean they can one shot the whole place, but it means that, in about the span of an hour, they could level the area."

Tony's eyes widened at that. Yeah, just the lower end of Ultimates were basically walking nukes. "And at the peak?" He asked with some trepidation. He was starting to find out his invincible Iron Man wasn't as OP as he thought it was. He really needed to step up his designs.

"They can destroy entire countries in about the same time frame." I stated plainly.

"How the hell has the other Earth not been destroyed yet!?" Tony exclaimed. That was something I wondered as well.

"I honestly have no idea… frankly it's a miracle." The only thing saving the DxD world from Armageddon was the 'plot.' Honestly, if Kokabiel or Loki wanted to start a real war, all they would have had to do was attack a human city and expose the supernatural world. The nuclear bombs would have started flying everywhere and BAM—the Great War would be back on. What did they do instead? They kept attacking Rias Gremory and her peerage for no reason other than 'just because.'

Tony let out a whistle at that level of power. "Would all Gods be considered that strong?"

I laughed. The arrogant bastards wished they were. "Not a chance. Sure, some gods would be, but the majority are actually far weaker than they would like to let on. In fact, the vast majority of gods don't even qualify for Ultimate Class. Most of them are stuck in High Class. That's why the three factions are able to basically bully all the other factions. Each of the three all have over a dozen beings in Ultimate Class along with hundreds if not thousands of High Class beings as well."

"And yet the space gods out there are even stronger?" Tony asked again. He seemed nervous at that revelation. I nodded but told him that I didn't exactly know how much stronger. I just knew that every celestial was basically a planet killer in some way. And there were quite a few beings that were far more dangerous than the celestials as well.

"For fucks sake…" Tony muttered. I patted him on the shoulder and told him everything would be alright. After all, the world now had a Gamer protecting it. I would surpass them all someday!

"Mr. Killian will see you both now," the man's secretary entered the waiting room and informed us.

"Well, here we go, I guess," I said with a sigh as I stood up to follow. From the movies, I remembered this guy was a hardcore narcissist. This was not going to be a fun meeting.

"It won't be that bad," Tony stated, with a grin. "Yeah, he made us wait for over 30 minutes for no reason, but I think he was just getting back at me for ditching him at a party a few years back. I remember this guy was a big fan of mine," Tony said with some assurance. He was about to be proven very wrong.

The secretary led us to a nearby room. Inside was a very lavish office. The man we had come to meet was waiting for us behind a large ornate wooden desk. He wasn't alone, however. He had four obvious bodyguards flanking his sides equally. Did he think we were coming to attack him or something?

Aldrich Killian himself looked perfectly healthy. That should not have been the case. I could tell he was not suffering from any health problems like he should have been at this time. When he first met Tony in the past, he couldn't even walk without a cane. Extremis had been completed much earlier than I anticipated. I could also sense some form of power coming from him and the four bodyguards. I wouldn't call them dangerous to myself, but they were well into the brackets of Low Class.

His arms opened wide in greeting as we entered. "Tony! I never thought the day would come… The day that YOU would go out of your way to request a meeting with me." He had a large smile on his face, but his eyes told a different story. I could tell that this man absolutely loathed Tony. He then turned to me. "And who's this exquisite lady you've brought with you? …Wait? Don't I recognize you from somewhere?"

"You might have seen my friend Layla here on the news recently," Tony answered for me.

One of his bodyguards leaned down and whispered something to him. His eyes went wide. Aldrich spoke again. "Of course, you're the mysterious savior Angel that's been all over the news! You stopped the 'evil mages' from burning down Monaco! That was… Marvelous. And I thank you for the display you put on!" He gave me a wide smile. I felt like it was a bit off putting.

"You're welcome I guess." I replied to him. Tony and I sat down in the seats opposite of Aldrich that had been set out for us.

Once we were seated, the pleasant atmosphere vanished. Aldrich's smile dropped as he took on a serious look. "Now then, what exactly can I do for the two of you…"


[Aldrich Killian: Leader of AIM → Level 9. Has an extreme hatred for Tony Stark. Has a keen interest in the Layla of the Fallen… Recently, he has come into a partnership with !$ % %]

Nothing particularly groundbreaking there from my "observe" skill. Although, that blurred information did have me a bit worried. His level did put him on par with an average wizard, though. The system actually registered him as being a higher level than Captain America. I supposed that made sense. Without plot armor, I had no idea how Steve would actually beat this guy in a straight-up fight. The man could regenerate from quite a bit of damage, had super strength, and could throw burning hot plasma around. Extremis was actually pretty amazing.

"It's not what you or your cute think tank here can do for us, Aldrich… It's what we can do for you!" Tony said to the man. From the slight twitch in his facial muscles, I could tell Aldrich was doing everything he could not to openly scowl at us. Tony was taking the approach as if this man was still a fan of his… that was not the case.

"Eh-em." I cut in before the man angrily kicked us out. "I apologize for Tony; that came off as rude and condescending," I said as I leveled a small glare at Tony.

Aldrich then turned his gaze to me. "Maybe you could tell me why you two are here, then? Also, are you working for Tony now?" He added with a disappointed tone.

"I wouldn't really say working for him as much as with him at this point."

He nodded at my short explanation. "Good. No reason for a woman of your talents to be working for a failing company after all."

"Hey!" Tony exclaimed. "Stark Industries stock has never been higher!"

Aldrich just scoffed. "It's all hyped-up nonsense stock. All your investors still believe that you're going to make Iron Man sellable to the military. Once they find out that will never happen, your stocks will plummet just like they did when you shut down weapons manufacturing," the man explained. Tony looked like he was going to argue back, but I subtly pinched his side, causing him to be quiet.

If Aldrich wasn't willing to work with us, then we would have to use other means of getting his serum. AKA, Natasha sneaks in and robs them blind. The problem with that method was that we'd have to hire geneticists who would then have to spend a bunch of time reverse engineering and modifying Extremis for what we needed. AIM's scientists and researchers were already masters in the field and could provide what we needed much quicker.

"Ok, then. This is why we're here…" I started to explain. Together, Tony and I had come up with a somewhat plausible lie that didn't involve word of a potential apocalypse getting out. We said we were looking to start exploring other planets and that some would have substantially higher gravities than Earth. For that, we needed AIM's help creating a serum for the astronauts that made the trips.

Aldrich was a bit skeptical on how we would be traveling into space when agencies like NASA were struggling just to get into orbit. That was where my part came in, and I hinted at Angel's being capable of much faster methods of travel than requiring a spaceship. The man was a bit taken aback by me admitting I was truly an Angel and not just a mutant that looked like one. Apparently, the jury was still out on people's thoughts about me around the world. I hadn't exactly met any actual mutants yet since I'd been here, but apparently people were using me as a shiny example of what they could be. The video of Tony and me fighting off Voldemort at the racetrack and then me stopping the Fiendfyre spell had racked up over a billion views online so far.

Needless to say, though, the concept of actual teleportation and space exploration did get the man's attention. Even if he was an asshole/possible-super-villain, at the end of the day he was still a CEO. And like all greedy CEOs, I could tell that he was very interested in our lucrative idea. It also helped that it wasn't exactly a lie. What better way would there be for us to test our solutions than going to other planets that actually had higher gravities than Earth?

"Hmmm… Interesting," Aldrich said with an intrigued look on his face. "So you're going into the space sector then, Stark? And you need MY help so your astronauts don't keel over?" He remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

"That is correct, Killian," Tony said. "I know I treated you like shit the first time we met, and I would like to genuinely apologize for that. I was a drunken asshole back then, and I freely admit it." Tony said with some genuine humility.

-Aldrich Killian-

Aldrich took a moment to contemplate as the bastard Stark and the beautiful Angel waited for his response. Aldrich wasn't afraid to admit to himself that he was deeply intrigued by their proposal. If the Angel truly did have access to interplanetary teleportation, then that was an absolute game-changer! Her value had exponentially increased beyond her already impressive combat capabilities. Some of Aldrich's newest 'investors' had shown a genuine interest in her and her capabilities. They had even requested that he have bugs placed throughout his office so they could listen in on the meeting. That was the least he could do considering how much they had helped push his project forward time wise. They had given him incomplete, yet still incredibly valuable, research data from the old super soldier program that helped push the development of his own serum forward by years. Now, he could honestly say that he had created far more dangerous soldiers than Captain America ever was… just maybe not as skilled if the man's legendary battlefield exploits held true.

When he first received the request for a meeting with Tony Stark and the Angel yesterday, Aldrich had been nervous. He had no idea what they wanted from himself or AIM. His more paranoid thoughts strayed to Extremis, but they never actually mentioned it by name once. He could tell that they knew about it, of course. After all, nothing stays secret forever when money is involved. But all they wanted from him was a much more toned-down and reasonable product. That was something his researchers could honestly whip up in a month if they needed too. The question Aldrich had to ask himself was – did he agree to let go of his hatred and go into the space business with Stark, or did he deny them? Would his new 'investors' even allow him to work with Stark after their recent outing to the public?

"Do you two mind waiting outside for a bit? You've given me a lot to think about," Aldrich asked them.

"Sure." "No problem," Stark and the Angel said as they left his office.

Aldrich turned to his four bodyguards around him. "You four clear out as well. I need to make an important call." His guards were all extremely loyal ex-military that his Extremis formula had saved. They didn't voice any protest as they also cleared out of the room.

With that, he pulled out a secret untraceable phone from a hidden compartment in his desk that only he knew about. "Hello, Director Pierce. I'm assuming you were listening in on that whole conversation through the bugs? What do you think I should do here?"


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