The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 11: A Plot or A Open Conspiracy

As Sun Shaozong predicted, this kind of "An anger for colleagues, half a day to solve a strange case" story was the most popular among the ancient people.

Before the next day, he had just sent the reluctant Ruan Rong home. On the way, he heard someone in the street tavern discuss the matter. His name 'Lieutenant Sun' was mentioned repeatedly.

The only inappropriate thing is that Li Jiuming seems to have been made up into a clown who is jealous of the virtuous and the capable, which is used to set off Feng Xin, the second male lead, and him as the main. Needless to say, Feng Xin must have secretly added some scenes to himself. Otherwise, with his ability, how can he become the second male lead?

It's time to gather all the forces that can be united. It's not a good thing to offend a local villain like Li Jiuming without any reason when the Qinglin mansion is building force. Especially when that someone has helped themselves before.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong plans to come to the door the next day to apologize and take advantage of the situation to exaggerate the matter to the hype to earn a reputation of ‘Heroes cherish heroes’.

But the plan can not keep up with the change.

The next morning, Sun Shaozong had just gotten up from bed. Before he began washing up, an official is here to deliver a famous post to invite him to visit the Prime Minister Ruan Fuzhong's mansion.

In the Qian Xiang Kingdom, as he only needs to listen to the emperor, Ruan Fuzhong is a man of power to all under his rank. In comparison, Lieutenant Sun Shaozong barely reaches his caliber. If Niu Yongxin is still alive, he would have to go to the Ministry of Rites to apply for visitation.

How dare Sun Shaozong delay the invitation sent by such a big shot?

Besides, his plan of ‘Frightening and deceiving people under the banner of revolution’ also needs such a big man as a stepping stone. How can he miss such a heaven-given opportunity?

Therefore, Sun Shaozong had to ask Feng Xin to apologize on his behalf. Anyway, it was originally a matter caused by him. It would be most appropriate for him to wipe his ass.

With that being said, Sun Shaozong traveled after a night's rest and arrived at the Prime Minister's residence. After the guests took their seats assigned according to their rank in the living room, Ruan Fuzhong, on behalf of the court of Qian Xiang, expressed condolences to the people of the embassy, praised the guards led by Sun Shaozong, reviewed the years of solidarity and friendship between the two countries in the past, and looked forward to a brighter future.

In the end, Ruan Fuzhong finally began a detailed interrogation of the process of how Sun Shaozong and others followed the remaining assassins.

Up to this time, the meeting gave Sun Shaozong the feeling that he was walking through the formality, just like those labor model commendation conferences he had attended in modern times. The whole article was bureaucratic, and there was nothing important.

The only difference is that Ruan Fuzhong's words are more elegant, and his attitude is better than those of city and county-level leaders. Ruan Fuzhong has a sense of alienation, but he’s able to let others feel comfortable.

However, when Sun Shaozong gradually lowered his vigilance, Ruan Fuzhong said coldly, "Our kingdom, Qian Xiang, and the Great Zhou Dynasty are brothers and sisters, but the State of Zhen regards the Great Zhou Dynasty as a cruel kingdom. Those assassins naturally came from the State of Zhen, and they can only be from the State of Zhen!"

With this sentence, Sun Shaozong felt that he had goosebumps, and he nearly broke out in a cold sweat!

What does that mean?

Is he testing to see if I have seen through him?

Or does it mean that the kingdom of Qian Xiang is plotting an open conspiracy, and is not afraid that the Great Zhou Dynasty will find out the truth?

With just a short sentence, It was terrifying the more thoughts were put in!

Thanks to Sun Shaozong's years of experience in modern officialdom, he was not a young man who hasn’t been through the cruelty of society, so he managed to keep his mind steady and did not show his timidity in front of Ruan Fuzhong.

——Split line——

After the incident at the Prime Minister's residence, Sun Shaozong returned to the embassy.

According to the original plan, Sun Shaozong sent people to spread the rumor that "Prime Minister Ruan had the insight to recognize talents, and Lieutenant Sun was loyal and refused to solicit.". He lied that Ruan Fuzhong was soliciting himself as a third-grade general, but was moved by his loyalty and refused the offer.

On the other hand, stimulated by Ruan Fuzhong, Sun Shaozong studied hardly the domestic and international situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It was found that the surname ‘Ruan’ was engaging in an open conspiracy!

Generally speaking, feudal dynasties stress that there is “No second heaven and no second Lord of the people”. However, there are two leaders in the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, one is the retired Supreme Emperor and the other one is the inherited Emperor.

In front of the imperial power, even the father and son are inevitably suspicious of and constrained by each other. Therefore, the decrees of the Great Zhou Dynasty in recent years often change and contradict each other, which has greatly hindered the efficiency of the local government and reduced the prestige of the imperial court.

As a result, the previously suppressed noise is gradually rising. For example, the Mongolian tribes in the Northwest were almost exterminated by the Great Zhou Dynasty more than 50 years ago. For decades, they only dared to act as slaves, but now they are colluding with the Blackwater Mohe in the northeast, which is ready to make their move.

On the southeast coast, the Japanese pirates and the Europeans became more and more violent. They repeatedly went ashore and looted, making the people along the coast miserable.

Currently, with all the domestic trouble and foreign invasion, does the Great Zhou Dynasty still have the strength to unify the six countries in southern Xinjiang?

Therefore, although the officials in the middle and lower ranks of Qian Xiang still maintain their awe of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the senior ranked officials already had a different mind, so they secretly use their means to test the response of the Great Zhou's Dynasty.

Anyway, they are mainly aimed at the State of Zhen. The government and the public are more obedient to the Great Zhou Dynasty. They seem to regard themselves as loyal dogs of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Even if someone in the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty sees through their plans, how can they deal with it? Else, will they force the only 'respectful and humble' young official to revolt for Niu Yongxin?!

After figuring out these joints, Sun Shaozong felt that the government matters were unfathomable. He and other small characters had better hideaways.

Therefore, he told Feng Xin and others to live in seclusion and stay away from home, to avoid any trouble. At the same time, he took the lead in raising 500 tons of money to recruit soldiers and officials escorting assassins, so that they could spread the story of Lieutenant Sun's ‘Half-day solving strange cases’ and the ‘Prime Minister Ruan's insight into talent’ back to Shuntian mansion.

After four or five days of calm and tranquility, seeing that the team escorting the assassins finally set off, the embassy suddenly welcomed another ‘unexpected guest’. Ruan Rong's father, Ruan Liangshun, the governor of Qinglin Prefecture.

Ruan Liangshun used the name ‘Expressing one’s gratitude for his visit, but Sun Shaozong didn't see any gratitude from him. On the contrary, his old face was tight, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

At first, Sun Shaozong was puzzled, but for the sake of Ruan Rong, he didn't argue with the old man. It was until Ruan Liangshun said a word, only then did he understand where the other party's inexplicable hostility came from

"Lieutenant Sun."

Ruan Liangshun arched his hands with a smile and said, "My young daughter was worried about the safety of her old man that day. It’s normal that some things she said, don’t mean what she thinks. Don't worry about it. In just a few days, my daughter will be engaged to the eldest son of Minister Pan of the Ministry of Revenue. At that time, I will hold a wedding banquet at home and invite Lieutenant Sun. Please take the time to come."

How smart is Sun Shaozong?

He immediately understands that Ruan Liangshun has something to say. The real intention is to warn him, “My daughter is going to get married soon. You'd better not have any more contact with my daughter, not to mention having any indiscriminate thoughts!”.

This invitation to him to attend the engagement banquet, he’s afraid it's just a casual remark. It can't be taken as true at all.

Although Sun Shaozong also has some good feelings for Ruan Rong, it is still far from the level of love between men and women. What's more, if nothing unexpected happens, he will soon return to the Great Zhou Dynasty. He’s afraid that he won't have a chance to see Ruan Rong again in his life.

So after hearing this warning, although he was a little upset, after seeing off Ruan Liangshun, he also put the matter behind him.

A hundred days later, the engagement banquet of the Ruan mansion arrived as scheduled. Most of their old friends and relatives received invitations, but Sun Shaozong was indeed omitted from the invitation. However, even if he did receive the invitation, he was afraid that he would not have time to go to the banquet, because at the same time that the Ruan mansion had sent the wedding invitation, the new envoy of the Great Zhou Dynasty has finally arrived at the Qinglin mansion!

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