The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 431: Site Clearance

Watching Miaoyu hurriedly leave the arrest house, Sun Shaozong finally regained his composure and returned to the scene of the murder, hoping to search for some clues.

The first thing to be examined was, naturally, the body of the virtuous preceptor.

It has to be said that this monk was really plump, with a height of about 1.6 meters and a conservatively estimated weight of around 230 kilograms. No wonder Miaoyu was pressed down by his body and couldn't break free for a while.

His fatal injury was on the right side of his neck, with a 25-degree oblique upward wound that ran from above the throat below the earlobe, cutting through the throat and carotid artery, causing massive bleeding and suffocation to occur simultaneously.

From the perspective of the wound, the killer should have launched a surprise attack from the rear, so there were no blood stains on his body.

In addition, it shouldn't be difficult to recognize this Junior Monk in the dark. With his fat body, as long as there was slight contact, it was not difficult to recognize him.

After inspecting the wound, Sun Shaozong immediately pulled out the dagger again, tested the sharpness of the blade, and found that it was just an ordinary item.

In this way, the person who killed this Junior Monk should be tall and strong.

Tall was due to the oblique upward angle of the wound, while strong was due to the fat on the deceased's neck, which was as thick as a circle of flesh pads. It was not easy to cut off both his throat and arteries at the same time.


Sun Shaozong carefully recalled that it seemed that among the other four monks, including the First Master of the Discipline Hall, three were tall and burly people.

Of course, Wei Ruolan also met these two conditions, but he had no motive to commit the crime, and he rushed in at the right moment. Even if he was impulsive, it should have been a direct injury, and it was unlikely to use this method of backstabbing and throat-cutting.

While organizing his thoughts, he carefully examined the corpse.

When the investigation reached the waist, a palm-sized gourd was found on the layers of excess flesh. The gourd was wrapped around half of the waist with a red rope, and a cork was stuck in its mouth. With a gentle shake, the inside made a loud noise.

Sun Shaozong pulled out the cork, twisted the gourd, and poured it into his palm. He saw several orange-yellow pills the size of peanuts rolling out of the gourd.


Should it be a pill?

Was it possible that this Chubby Monk had some serious illness during his lifetime, so he must carry pills with him to save his life?

Just as he was thinking about it, the lecherous nun, who had been resting in bed for a long time, suddenly spoke up and said, "Bring me that pill, and let me have a look.”

Sun Shaozong turned his head and saw the lustful nun with a burning gaze approaching, his face urgent and unable to wait.

After a moment of hesitation, Sun Shaozong took one and immediately grabbed it with his hands. He held it in his palm and sniffed and licked it, then suddenly chuckled and said, "Cluck, cluck I can't believe that the disciple of Master Lechi is also a believer of the Joyful Bodhisattva!”

Believers of Joyful Bodhisattva?

Sun Shaozong had a clear understanding in his heart and blurted out, "Is this medicine used as an aphrodisiac?”

Unexpectedly, the lascivious nun shook her head and said, "This is for those disobedient women. Just one grain, no matter what kind of chaste and martyr she is, she must bow down to the Joyful Bodhisattva.”

Surprisingly, it was used to promote sexual activities!

This was even dirtier than Sun Shaozong thought.

It seemed that this Junior Monk might not have been a good person before he passed away. He probably didn't do less of stealing women and jade. Perhaps he even forced…

In this way, the suspicion of the First Master in the Discipline Hall has become even greater. To maintain the reputation of the Fayuan Temple, it was not convenient to deal with the Junior Monk openly, so they waited for an opportunity to kill him and exterminate him, which could be considered a reasonable inference.

However, all of these still require evidence to support them and could only be considered as having motivation for the time being.

Putting these speculations to the bottom of his heart, Sun Shaozong re-examined the body and soon found three silver bills on the soles of the deceased's shoes, two of each worth one hundred taels of silver and one five hundred taels of silver.

Such an amount.

If the Junior Monk was in charge of any position in the temple, it could be said to be reasonable, but if he were just an ordinary disciple, there would be suspicion of a huge amount of wealth with unknown origin.

Holding the three smelly silver bills with his handkerchief, Sun Shaozong was holding his nose in silence when someone outside shouted at the top of his throat, "Where's that demon? Hand it over quickly!”

”Yes, hand over the demon that harmed the Junior Monk of Fayuan Temple.”

“Kill that demon, kill that demon, you can't let it continue to harm people.”

Sun Shaozong was very worried when he heard this. He rushed to the front of the gate and opened the iron gate to look out. But he saw a lot of people outside. He didn't know how many people were coming in. Each of them was holding a shovel, a pickaxe, a hammer, and a sickle. The crowd was excited and shouted to kill them.

Damn it!

Why did the news leak out so quickly?

“What are you doing? What are you doing?”

At this moment, a middle-aged official with a pockmarked face jumped out and shouted, "Is this a place you idle people can break into? This is an important area of the prison.”

This person was Warden Zhou Da. As Sun Shaozong's former number one loyal dog and the direct supervisor of the arrest house center, he naturally knew that at this time, he must not shrink behind and let Lord Sun charge ahead.

Zhou Da's shouting was not entirely ineffective. At least the first few aggressive civilians were all hesitant.

However, throughout history, the idea of ”the law does not hold the people accountable” has long been deeply ingrained in people's hearts. Therefore, although the front has withered, the people behind still loudly shouted, “We don't care if our parents are old or not, as long as we can kill that demon.”

“Yes, we need to avenge the Master of Fayuan Temple.”

“If you don't kill that demon now, no one will be good when the heavens bring disaster.”

Squeezing forward in a frenzy behind them, the few people in the row involuntarily approached.

Seeing these hundreds of people pushing forward, Zhou Da's pockmarked face trembled with fear, trembling as he questioned, “What do you want to do?” He couldn't help but shrink back.

With his retreat, those ordinary people took even greater steps!

Seeing that relying on Zhou Da was no longer possible, Sun Shaozong immediately stood up and came out of the room, shouting angrily, "Bold and mischievous! Are you trying to break into the government prison without permission? Are you trying to rob the prison and fight against it?”

As he spoke, he greeted them with his head held high and his chest held high. His towering figure, coupled with a bright blue official uniform, immediately forced the crowd to roll back.

In addition, many people recognized Sun Shaozong's identity and hastily threw away the ”weapon” in their hands.

But naturally, some people didn't give up, mixing in the crowd and shouting, "Master Qingtian, you are always invincible to all evil spirits. We ordinary people can't withstand the famine. Please have mercy on us and take that demon away.”

“Shut up!”

Sun Shaozong let out another shout, casting his sharp gaze in the direction of the voice, and coldly said, "Is this son reincarnated as a demon? The court has its own public opinion, how can you judge him?”

The noise on one side was suppressed, but on the other side, a gentle tone came from the other side, "Your Excellency's words are not accurate. Although we are mortal beings with our naked eyes, the Master at Fayuan Temple has personally declared that the child is a reincarnation of a demon. How can this still be false?! Please don't mistake yourself; quickly hand over the demon, so that the Masters can surpass it as soon as possible.”

As if waiting for these words, the First Master led a few Juniors out of the nearby room and stood solemnly under the eaves.

These playwrights!

Sun Shaozong cursed deeply in his heart and said with a stern expression, "I don't care if it's Fayuan Temple or Fahai Temple. It's not as big as the court's law and we officials have said. What should be done about this matter, the court will make a public opinion. How can you comment on it?”

As he spoke, he turned back to the entrance of his cell. Amidst the inexplicable gaze of everyone, he grabbed the iron door and slammed it!

The people outside just heard a crash!

The iron gate was forcefully torn down by Sun Shaozong, while at the same time, all five cells were shaken, and the tiles on the roof fell with a clattering sound, causing several monks to flee with their heads in their arms.


Sun Shaozong took a few steps forward and pounded the large iron gate onto the ground, breaking several stone bricks in response!

“I count to three. If anyone dares to act recklessly in this prison area, no one can blame me for shooting you all under the pretext of robbing and opposing the prison.”

As he spoke, he strode forward three more steps and said in a loud voice, "One!”

Before the words fell, the people across the street had already turned around and retreated like a tide, at a speed several times faster than when they arrived!

So in the blink of an eye, there was only a mess left in the courtyard, and there were no more half of the troublemakers!

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