The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 448: His First-Class Merit

| Crown Prince's Residence. |

Since she has already ”conceived a dragon bloodline,” it was naturally impossible to lock Li-Shi back into that dark secret chamber.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong ordered someone to find a relatively closed courtyard in the back of the Crown Prince's Residence, and after calling for servants to clean it briefly, he set up internal and external sentries in advance, which ”invited” Li-Shi inside.

Seeing that the arrangements were in place, Sun Shaozong remembered the group of Dragon Guards under his command who had not even had dinner before, so he thought about finding Liu Luanwei to catch the autumn breeze.

Who knew that after searching inside and out, Liu Luanwei couldn't be found? Before cleaning the courtyard, he was clearly in charge of directing it. How could anyone disappear in the blink of an eye?

During the moment of doubt, a young eunuch appeared outside the courtyard door. He peeked inside a few times and then raised his voice and shouted, "May I ask who is Sun Shaozong, Lord Sun? His Highness has asked you to come over and talk, Lord Sun.”

“The Crown Prince was invited?”

Why did this broken root, Prince, who was not healed yet came to ask for me?

Sun Shaozong was suspicious in his heart, but he didn't dare to slack off at all. He quickly instructed Yang Licai to take three generals and guards by Li's side, and then welcomed him out to report to his name.

After following the eunuch, he hurried to the Crown Prince's residence in the north and saw a spacious courtyard with countless bright red lanterns.

Not only that, Sun Shaozong followed the eunuch to the hall and saw that the servant girls who came in and out were all dressed in red and purple. If it weren't for their bitter melon faces, it would seem like there was something happy happening.


If the incident of Li's pregnancy were singled out and mentioned separately, it would be considered ”gratifying and congratulatory.” However, as a victim, the Crown Prince wouldn’t be celebrating with lights and decorations, right?

At this moment, the eunuch who was leading the way whispered, "After Lord Sun enters, pick the auspicious words and say, Your Highness is now... Now it's quite taboo...”


This was called ”hiding one's ear and stealing the bell,” avoiding illness and medical treatment.

Was it possible for him to ”keep his roots” after hearing too many auspicious words and getting used to the festive atmosphere?

He waited here for a moment and let the maid in to report.

Sun Shaozong was muttering inwardly. The eunuch bowed, lifted the curtain, and took small steps into the interior. Not long after, he heard a roar coming from inside. "Get in! Hurry and let that dog get in here!”

Then, with a ”crash” sound, the eunuch who was leading the way bumped open the bead curtain and rushed out in confusion. He made a curmudgeon and said, “Lord Sun, His Highness ask you to come in and speak.”

Can this attitude also be considered ”please?”

However, Sun Shaozong had already guessed faintly why the Crown Prince called him over.

And this speculation, after he entered the interior, became certain that Liu Luanwei was trembling and kneeling in front of the window with his black hat tilted back, revealing the bruises on his forehead.

Obviously, Liu Luanwei had already been called over by the Crown Prince before and had suffered some hardships.

“Are you the one surnamed Sun?”

At this moment, a muffled scream came from the bedside, and Sun Shaozong looked up. The first thing that caught his eye was a graceful and dignified young lady, undoubtedly dressed as a Crown Princess.

Although she was more wrapped up and in a side-sitting position, it was unclear what her momentum was at the moment. However, if it were only about her facial features and skin color, the Crown Princess would be better than Li's. However, according to the information Sun Shaozong heard, the degree and frequency of Li's' favor were probably more than ten times stronger than the Crown Princess.

This was roughly the saying, ”A wife is inferior to a concubine, and a concubine is inferior to an affair.”

His gaze passed over the Crown Princess and he lowered slightly. Only then did Sun Shaozong see the Crown Prince lying on his back with a pale face. He quickly stepped forward and gave a deep salute, saying, "Greetings to the Crown Prince; I’m the Inspector of the Northern Town Governor, Sun Shaozong.”

When the Crown Prince saw Sun Shaozong come forward to salute, he immediately reached out and casually scratched on the coffee table by the bedside. However, before he could catch anything and hit it, he had already been held down by the Crown Princess, who responded on his behalf, "Lord Sun, please hurry and get up. Now that Cabinet Xu is not here, everyone in this mansion needs...”

“Why is it her?”

The Crown Prince suddenly looked up and hissed, "With so many wives and concubines in my family, why did you choose her?”

It was indeed for this matter!

The Crown Prince wished he could have cut Li-Shi to pieces, but Sun Shaozong chose Li-Shi as a medium to turn a deer into a horse. In such a short period, the Crown Prince wouldn’t be able to avenge her. How could he not be angry?

Sun Shaozong turned his head to look at Liu Luanwei beside him, then glanced up at the head of the bed, and then bowed and said, "I am very dull; I don't know what Your Highness is asking. Please speak up, Your Highness.”

The Crown Prince was furious and glared and roared, "You...”

“Magistrate Liu.”

The Crown Princess suddenly raised her voice and ordered, "Follow me out of this palace for a moment. There are some things that this palace will entrust to you.”

As she spoke, she stood up and gracefully walked towards the layman.

The Crown Princess was clever; she could see through at a glance. Sun Shaozong didn’t want to reveal the truth in front of people.

Her figure was also excellent!

When Liu Luanwei crawled out with her, the Crown Prince also felt a bit confused. He then slightly restrained his anger and asked, "Can you talk now? Why did you choose her?”

“Report to Your Highness.”

Sun Shaozong took a few steps forward and lowered his voice, saying, "Previously, I told Li-Shi that the reason I chose her was to make the whole thing more dramatic and to win the trust of the people.”

“Whether they believe it or not, what does it have to do with me?”

The Crown Prince suddenly shrugged as if he were about to sit up, but then his face twisted and he fell, showing his teeth and saying, "You... You chose that... that lowly maidservant for this bullshit reason?”

“Of course not.”

Sun Shaozong immediately denied it and then spread his hands with a bitter face, saying, "The reason why I chose her is because I have no choice but to confirm that the woman who has been intimate with you recently is the only person I can contact alone, and that is Li-Shi.”

The Crown Prince was stunned by the words, but then he angrily said, "Then why didn’t you find me?”

“Your Highness.”

Sun Shaozong arched his hand again and said, "If it weren't for my recent adventure of ”saving the Emperor's grandson,” would Your Highness be willing to summon me alone?”

The Crown Prince immediately became speechless and asked himself if Sun Shaozong had not engaged in the act of accusing a deer as a horse to show his identity as a royalist party. He had just ”been assassinated and cut off his roots,” just like a frightened bird, how could he have allowed strangers to be alone with him?

Especially with Sun Shaozong's notorious reputation outside.

“Your Highness.”

Sun Shaozong took two more steps forward and said earnestly, "Although I come from a martial arts background, I also know the truth that ”If the ruler is not meticular, he will lose his courtiers; if the courtiers are not meticular, he will lose his virginity; if the situation is not meticularly handled, he will be harmed.” At this critical moment, I dare not make any mistakes.”

“If Your Highness believes that I have done something wrong, just punish me. Don't let it cause you to feel depressed or hurt yourself.”

The Crown Prince looked at his ”sincere” gaze for a while before finally taking a long breath and lying down flat on the bed, apparently convinced by Sun Shaozong.

However, he still muttered reluctantly, "Do you want me to let that lowly maid go like this?“

“Your Highness, it’s not too late for a gentleman to seek revenge.”

Sun Shaozong immediately advised, "Revenge does not need to be rushed for a moment. It is Your Highness's top priority to be able to succeed to the throne.”

“If you can conquer the world with great power and strive for the remaining power of a lifetime, why worry about a hundred years from now if the relatives in the Capital do not compete to claim the title of Your Highness's blood?”

The Crown Prince heard many comforting words all day and night, but their sum was far less than these few words of thought for him!

Feeling agitated for a moment, the Crown Prince reached out and grabbed Sun Shaozong's wrist. He couldn't help but say, "I blame you wrongly. If I can face the situation smoothly, you should be given a first-class merit.”

“Your Highness.”

Sun Shaozong was also inexplicably excited on his face, but his thoughts were...


His hand was wet, and it seemed as if it was tightly clenched. Coupled with the look of a grudge, shouldn't it be that after the root was cut off, it immediately changed its sexual orientation?

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