The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 109

Shelf testimonials

I always don’t like to post leaflets, but at this point on the shelves, I still can’t help but say a few words.

I’m not a newcomer anymore, I don’t want to talk about the level of writing a book, but no matter which time I put it on the shelves, I always feel flustered.

This is the time to decide fate.

This book was an idea that was conceived about when the last “Final Hunt” was first serialized.

After seeing so many works, I always sigh deeply. Many of the works I want to see are limited to copyright, technology, and commerce. They cannot be made in reality due to various reasons.

is also very rubbish.

Under this regret, the idea of ​​writing this novel was born.

But when it comes to specific writing, many things become very different from the idea and the usual lust.

I always don’t like to write those “boring” things. I always think that as an author, you have to be a bit capable, write something new, have your own persistence, have your own ideas, and combine them with your own. Combination of works.

is not the so-called “literary youth sickness”, but is responsible to my readers.

I hope that everyone will see my work, which is at least a bit different from other books, instead of being in the vast sea of ​​books at the starting point, it would be boring to flip through to the same work.

So, when conceiving this book, I didn’t take the system flow that is everywhere now. Although the ‘dimension system’ is also a system, it is essentially a production software.

At the same time, the entry point for the protagonist’s identity was to choose the ‘original designer’. For this profession, I rarely see anything written about it at the moment. You guys do games and movies. Some people write actors, directors, producers, game planners, and original artists. It doesn’t seem to be much.

I use golden fingers rather restraint, the purpose is to be more realistic.

The most important thing is that in the world view, in order to get close to the sense of reality, I chose a realistic background (of course it is impossible to be fully realistic, and the power of 404 is not dare to challenge.) and there is no rebirth and no crossing.

Currently on the market, copying books is the mainstream. But my book has basically no elements in this respect: in the real world, it is not a rebirth, and there is no way to copy it.

Therefore, in the selection of works, I still adhered to my original intention of creation: to write works that we want to see in the real world but cannot be seen for various reasons, and adapt them into animation, movies and games. In addition, supplemented by a certain amount of purely original works (this will happen in the future).

has a natural disadvantage, which I knew beforehand: it’s not so cool. To make money, you have to work hard to build a team, make works, negotiate, and market…

But this is more real.

If I write a strong golden finger, the special effects will be made casually, what kind of painting? What is the calculation? Then take a rebirth, go directly to make all kinds of hot IP, just sell hundreds of millions of works on the line, no matter it is unreasonable, anyway, it’s cool.

The results are bound to be much better.

Why not?

I think there are many such works on the market, and I need to think about a question: why don’t readers look at other people’s writing, but look at mine?

For this reason, I think I have to write something different.

So, this work became what it looked like before everyone.

I dare not say that I wrote well, let alone how many people like to write like this, but at least I dare to say, my book, there is always a little realism, and there are some thoughts of my own, and some of them are related to other books. Something different.

But I am also an individual, and I have to eat too (laughs). Although writing a book is for hobbies and dreams, it is always down to earth.

Starving to death, what interests and dreams do you still talk about?

My book grades have never been particularly good, but I hope this one will be a little different.

This requires the support of readers, and it will be on the shelves soon. I hope you can support it, support the reading of the genuine, and be able to subscribe to the work. This determines the fate of this book and determines whether I can write it down.

Big airship is here to thank you all!

My knees softened, I begged to subscribe!

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