The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Dubbing

Looking at the newly formed character, Fan Zhe nodded in satisfaction.

“The effect is still good…” He sighed with emotion.

The new “Juggernaut”, at first glance, seems to be similar to the original version, but if you compare the two together, you can see the difference at a glance: the style of painting has not changed, but it has more flavor and characters. Become more detailed, this adjustment and added design content, make the whole character look more beautiful.

After finishing a picture, Fan Zhe touched his stomach, feeling a little hungry.

It’s already eight o’clock, and supper is past early.

took out the phone, called my mother, and learned that my parents had gone to other people’s homes, but didn’t call him when he was busy.

This means that I have to settle the dinner by myself.

ran to the kitchen and fried an egg fried rice by himself. While filling his stomach, he thought about another question.

The problem of the picture, his own kung fu, and the ‘dimensional system’ can all help him solve it.

But what about the sound?

Before, in the opening animation of “Assassination Squad”, the sound problem of Fan Zhe was left to ‘Titan Game’ to solve by himself.

When he first took over the project, he had already explained this aspect, and it was also implemented in the contract. The “Giant” did not have much opinion on this. Anyway, in the opening animation, there was not even a single line, so it was very easy to make it. Pulling and pulling from the sound source library of their own game can make almost the same.

For the current work, Fan Zhe is going to make the final product and publish it on the Internet. He has to solve the sound problem by himself.

In this regard, he doesn’t have much experience.

If it’s just sound effects, it’s a little easier to talk about. Some free audio sources can be found on the Internet. At the same time, when he used to play games, the company’s legacy was still in the audio library. This thing is not in kind, and the bankruptcy liquidator will not go away. Although strictly speaking, he is not qualified to use the original company’s audio source library, but he can use it secretly.

Of course, he is not from an audio background, and he doesn’t know much about this technology, so he has to find a reliable person to cooperate.

But how to solve the problem of voice actors?

The best solution, of course, is to find the original dubbing, but that is obviously not realistic.

Not to mention the question of whether he can afford the price of others. Although the reputation of those voice actors is not very obvious to the outside world, many of them are relatively well-known in the domestic industry. Why do they want to give him this fan? Dubbing the work?

Don’t need the original dubbing, find a wave of voice actors by yourself?

Cost is one aspect of the problem, and the sound similarity is also difficult to achieve perfection.

Considering these issues, Fan Zhe nodded.

After eating the egg fried rice, Fan Zhe returned to his bedroom, sat in front of the computer, and turned on the ‘Dimension’ system.

‘Dimension’ has brought him many surprises, and this system has not been thoroughly studied by Fan Zhe up to now.

ran into a problem, he planned to look for it in the ‘dimension’ to see if he could find some solutions.

At the same time, he also considered alternatives. If it doesn’t work, then spend money to find a batch of dubbing to do it, try to imitate the original voice. Although this will inevitably cause problems and lead to defects in the final product, if there is no other way, it can only be done in this way.

About an hour later, Fan Zhe, who searched for various functions in the dimension, really found something that could bring a change to the status quo!

That is a sub-tool of ‘dimension’, and Li Wei called it ‘dimension tuning’. This thing, the function that can be achieved is to adjust the sound, and it is also a black technology tool.

After studying for a while, and probably after figuring out how this thing works, he quickly started experimenting with great interest.

Opened a certain episode of “Full-time Master” and intercepted one of the dialogue lines as the target sound source. At the same time, he himself found another line as the original sound source.

The two sound sources were thrown into the “Dimensional Tuning” to perform calculations, and the computer became stuck again.

Fan Zhe didn’t take it seriously. This is the influence that ‘Dimension’ will definitely bring when it calls computing resources and performs intelligent calculations.

The configuration of the computer has once again delayed work.

Of course, there is only a short paragraph after all, and the calculations will not take too long.

It’s just that Fan Zhe can’t stand it anymore.

“Forget it, let the machine run first, hurry up and sleep, and do it tomorrow.”

With this thought, he turned off the monitor, and he went to bed and lay down.

Since this period of time, it is really too hard to do the opening animation of “Assassination Squad”. Even if there is a Mi Le, far away in Shenghai, he has taken part of the workload for him, and the burden that rests on him is still very heavy.

He is really exhausted.

I thought that all the preliminary work was done, and the complete animation manuscript was delivered for rendering. Today, I should be able to take a good rest, go to bed early, and make up for the rest. But I didn’t expect it to die and jumped into another big pit. Tossing and tossing, now it’s night

However, UU reading www. Life naturally requires hard work. The major failures in his previous life also allowed him to live a comfortable life without the capital.

What’s more, he is still hanging on the tail of youth now, and he has not yet lived a comfortable life.

When will youth end? There is no final conclusion yet. But in Fan Zhe’s eyes, youth is defined by himself.

If you are willing, your life will always be in spring.

poured himself a bowl of chicken soup, closed his eyes and slept for a second until dawn.

After dawn, I checked the situation of the computer, and the calculation was already completed.

played the audio once after the completion, and the effect was amazing.

These are two completely different lines, but now it sounds like although the lines are different, it is like what a person said.

The effect is a bit amazing.

Although he tried to imitate the original when he was doing the dubbing, he is not professional, and he is still very far from the original dubbing.

However, “Dimensional Tuning” completely changed his voice into the original appearance.

The problem must still exist. Fan Zhe is not a voice actor and has never done such a thing before. Dimension can adjust his tone and tone to be the same as the original version, but the tone, the artistic sense of dubbing, the sense of circumflex and frustration, and the sense of authenticity, are still missing.

This is something that ‘dimension’ cannot solve.

Dimension can tune one person’s voice almost exactly the same as another person’s voice, but there is no way to tone it. That is the ability of voice actors to eat through many years of professional training, and intelligent calculations can’t make it like that.

After all, ‘dimension tuning’ is just a sub-tool.

But even so, it almost completely solved Fan Zhe’s troubles.

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