The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 124

Chapter 121 Acquired Luozhou

Fan Zhe is more than just thinking about the acquisition of ‘Luozhou Studio’.

On the same day, he contacted Ye Jiayi and asked about the feasibility of this matter.

Ye Jiayi has no interest in games, and she has never heard of this studio, nor does she know enough about it.

But after all, her professionalism is here. It didn’t take long for her to figure out a lot of information about Luozhou Studio.

In fact, the overall experience of this studio is indeed very simple, there is nothing particularly good to investigate.

There are only five people in the entire studio. During the three years of making “Taiwu Picture Scrolls,” they didn’t even have a salary. They did it purely on hobbies, let alone a stable office location.

In other words, before the production of “Taiwu Picture Scrolls”, Luozhou Studio was purely a small workshop for independent game enthusiasts who formed their own teams.

It sounds legendary, like the beginning of an online novel.

After the game was launched, it was ranked first in the steam platform’s global game hot sales week; the first week’s sales exceeded 300,000, and it exceeded 400,000 in less than ten days…

Such sales have brought them nearly 20 million in revenue.

The success in sales has not only made the game more popular, but at the same time, the value of ‘Luozhou Studio’ has also increased.

Acquisition is not so easy.

Moreover, several of the chief creators of the “Luozhou Studio” themselves have a certain degree of resistance to being acquired by capital.

They themselves came together because of hobbies and like-minded people. Three years of development time, even without salary, they persisted for so long, until the demo version was completed and released.

They were so stubborn when they had no money. Now that they are making money, they will probably be even more ‘don’t bend for money, just make games they like’.

Of course, there are not a few people who can hold on to their ideas when they have no money, and when they are rich, they are corrupted by money.

What kind of people are they? Don’t know for the time being.

But Ye Jiayi’s investment department has already contacted ‘Luozhou Studio’.

After communicating with Fan Zhe, she probably has a bottom line.

I am afraid that direct cash acquisition is impossible; while others are difficult to accept, Dimension Entertainment cannot pay so much money.

A more realistic plan is to adopt cooperative acquisitions.

Dimension Entertainment acquired’Luozhou Studio’ at a price of 10 million yuan; promised not to interfere with the development work of Luozhou Studio; all the income generated by the game itself of “Taiwu Picture Scroll” belongs to Luozhou Studio, and is owned by Luozhou Studio. They are assigned by themselves, Dimension Entertainment has no right to intervene; Dimension Entertainment has the right to issue game development requirements to Luozhou Studio, and they have the right to refuse; Dimension Entertainment has the right to use the martial arts game “Taiwu Picture Scroll” and other Derivatives, all propaganda, adaptation, operation…

All in all, the details of all aspects of this acquisition can be summed up in two points: one is that Luozhou Studio will have a lot of autonomy in the future; the other is that all the benefits of the game “Taiwu Picture Scroll” belong to them. Yourself.

And Fan Zhe wanted, one is the development team; the other is the copyright of “Taiwu Picture Scroll”.

The former will bring game development genes to ‘Dimensional Entertainment’. The latter will add another stroke to the content library of ‘Dimensional Entertainment’.

Although, the plot of “Taiwu Picture Scroll” is very crude in terms of the current degree of completion of the game. But… this game on the Internet has another stalk: people call this game “Martial Arts Novel Generator”.

The whole world and thousands of NPCs are randomly generated, and each NPC has an independent connection, and will develop a plot story on its own.

“This game, if you play it in, it’s like you’re reading…no, you’re writing a martial arts novel.”

This is the evaluation of a player on the Internet, and Fan Zhe deeply believes it.

In fact, now the post of the game “Taiwu Picture Scroll” is about to become too ‘dirty’ story.

Such a game has a huge potential for expanding content.

The acquisition of ‘Luozhou Studio’ to completely bring this game into the hands is still very valuable to Dimension Entertainment.

Of course, it must be admitted that “Taiwu Picture Scroll” is a small independent game after all, and it is even in the beta version, not even the official version, and there is still a lot of content to be discovered. .

But it is precisely because of this that if we can acquire such a talented team as “Luozhou Studio”, coupled with the technical ability of Dimension Entertainment in art and vision, it will be really even more powerful.

For’Luozhou Studio’, with the strength of’Dimensional Entertainment’, they can easily complete the further expansion of the content of “Taiwu Picture Scrolls”; they can even let go of their imagination without the difficulty of development. Limited by funds, feel free to play special effects and develop a “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2” that is more perfect in terms of gameplay and expressiveness.

In fact, compared to money, this is what attracts them most in the negotiation.

Can not only maintain independence, maintain the original intention of making games, but also harvest nearly tens of millions of dollars in cash. There is also a company with strong technical capabilities to back up and fully support them…

Under such a temptation Luzhou Studio’s current leader Eggplant, really moved.

Eggplant and Gao Yixiang are old friends. The relationship between the two of them is not like the “superficial friends” of Fan Zhe and Gao Yixiang. They are really good, and they have similar ideas.

He went to consult Gao Yixiang, and Gao Yixiang gave him quite positive feedback.

After some consideration, Eggplant and his companions discussed together and finally decided to accept the acquisition of Dimension Entertainment.

Of course, the guarantees of independence that are promised verbally must ultimately be implemented in words.

‘Dimension Entertainment’ is very generous on this point, and they will not do anything in this regard.

If it is just the development team of “Luozhou Studio”, the value is not worth ten million, which is open to question; but all subsequent copyrights of “Taiwu Picture Scrolls” belong to Dimension Entertainment. The value itself is very high. Big.

Under the leadership of Ye Jiayi, the acquisition was quickly completed.

After the completion of the acquisition, the work on the work “Taiwu Picture Scroll” began.

The content of the work is mainly concentrated in two aspects.

One is the development of the game itself; the second is the development in the domestic market.

Let me talk about the latter first, this is something that the previous ‘Luozhou Studio’ could not advance at all. All their energies are devoted to game development, and they have already tried their best. Where is there any time to engage in market development?

However, “Dimension Entertainment” is now a company with annual revenue of hundreds of millions of dollars and rapid expansion. Wu Jingtong’s marketing department is fully capable of such work.


This game is indeed a bit addictive, and every time the game ends, great perseverance is needed…

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