The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 126

Chapter 123 Dimension platform

“Taiwu Painted Scrolls” sold 10,000 sets in a short period of time on the ‘Dimensional Platform’, which is almost 300,000 sales.

The money earned from the sale of this game belongs entirely to Luozhou Studio. If it weren’t for this condition, Dimension Entertainment wanted to spend 10 million to acquire “Luozhou”, it would be impossible—people just sell games, and every 200,000 sets sold, they can sell 10 million, so why accept Acquisition?

The company has also established a ‘Platform Division’. This department is responsible for the operation of the ‘Dimension Platform’.

The current “Dimension Platform” can only be regarded as the game launcher for the 10,000 players who have purchased the game “Taiwu Picture Scroll”.

But this is only the beginning.

In the future, all games and even all interactive entertainment products of Dimension Entertainment should be placed on the ‘Dimension Platform’.

In addition to Dimension Entertainment’s own games, the operating colleagues of the newly established ‘Platform Division’ have now actively contacted many game companies to try to introduce more games.

At present, on the announcement platform of pc games, in the entire international market, there is such a monster as the steam platform; in the domestic market, there is also the penguin g platform, which is making stand-alone game announcements.

The “Dimension Platform” started too late. In the normal way, let alone compare with the steam platform, even if you can’t even fight with g-people are the launcher of national-level games like 1o1, not to mention how the conversion rate is, the most At least, a lot of traffic.

But Fan Zhe is not in a hurry. Building an ‘interactive entertainment platform’ is a long-term task, so let’s do it slowly.

Time came to December.

The crew of “Fantasy Three Kingdoms” has already flown to the Tangcheng Film and Television Base in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, and the green screen part has basically been completed.

There are a lot of scenes in the Tangcheng Film and Television Base, and as long as this part is filmed, there are still two or three sceneries left, but the scenes are not too many, and they are about to be finished.

At the same time, in order to advance the progress, many green screen shots of this TV series and some of the detailed illustrations that have been completed have been stuffed into the ‘Dimension’ system for calculations.

This calculation project is huge, and all the computing power of the two million-worth server that Fan Zhe bought has been invested in it.

According to the degree of calculation, it is estimated that the calculation work for the entire film of “Fantasy Three Kingdoms” will last about half a year, and it will probably not be completed until June next year.

This is much faster than the initial one-year expectations.

Moreover, since the shooting, illustration drawing, and calculation projects were all carried out independently, the time for the entire completion was saved a lot.

In addition to “Fantasy Three Kingdoms”, a long time-consuming TV drama project with huge investment scale, there are currently two other projects underway at Dimension Entertainment, and they are nearing the end: the third season of “Full-time Master” and “Special Events” Task Force” the fourth quarter.

In the third season of “Full Time”, which lasted three months, all the work has been completed and delivered to Lewen Group for acceptance.

After the acceptance is completed, the subsequent balance will be paid to the accounts of Dimension Entertainment.

At the same time, as the representative of Lewen Group’s copyright development, Kappa has made several trips to Dimension Entertainment in this month.

He is trying to talk to Dimension Entertainment about the production of the fourth season.

Obviously, Dimension Entertainment is the best animation producer they can find, not one of them.

The results of the first season of “Full Time” are very hot; the special chapter changed the production company and the reputation of the company collapsed, and then switched to Dimension Entertainment. As a result, the results of the second season of the feature film were far better than the first season.

After having such an experience, how can they still not know the value of Dimension Entertainment?

After getting the feature film of the third season, Lewen Group also watched it again.

The level is as good as always, from the character design, to the picture, to the beautiful and smooth degree of fighting, to the production of 2d special effects…

These aspects all show the powerful strength of Dimension Entertainment.

However, Dimension Entertainment’s asking price for the fourth season is too high.

The price of an episode of 2.6 million is more than doubled compared to the third season. If Lewen Group chooses to accept it, then their total production fee for this season will reach 26 million, and if the publicity costs are included, the total cost may be close to 40 million.

The “Full-time” series has become popular, but the income from animation alone can’t make so much—it’s no problem to count other copyrights, but for “Full-time”, the development of other copyrights also requires a lot of investment. Of funds.

Is this price really acceptable?

Lewen Group thinks it can’t.

Kappa’s boss, the final bottom line for him is two million an episode—this price is already twice the production cost of the second season.

The Lewen Group even had to reduce the investment in publicity as much as possible to be able to come up with so much money.

However, this is far from the psychological expectations of Dimension Entertainment.

For Dimension Entertainment, UU Reading today is different from the past, they do not lack the production fee of “Full Time”. On the contrary, with the effort to do the fourth season of “Full Time” for Lewen Group, why not start a project by yourself?

The opening of “Evolutionary 4.6 Billion Ensemble” can bring a total of 60 million yuan in target income to Dimension Entertainment. Even among these 60 million, almost 40 million have already been obtained.

Of course, “Evolutionary 4.6 Billion Ensemble” is a pure 3d project, and there are 20 episodes; but in comparison, 2d wants to do well, and it takes no less effort than 3d.

In terms of overall revenue, no matter what, it is more profitable to do your own project than to be a producer for others.

The same idea is currently true for the “Project Team” project. In the first three seasons, the animation copyrights were sold directly, and only short-term money was made. This will definitely not be the case in the fourth season.

According to Ye Jiayi’s estimation, if the “Project Team” operates independently in the fourth quarter, it will be able to earn more than 20 million yuan in profits for Dimension Entertainment. And there is no doubt that no video website will bid for the copyright of a small-scale, niche type of animation such as “The Task Force” to the point of two million episodes.

Speaking of the “Special Task Force” project, the current potential ends here.

Since the animation copyrights of the first three seasons are in the hands of others, and due to its own subject matter and animation style, the profit that Dimension Entertainment can obtain from it is not high, and there is no potential to continue to tap.

As a result, when the fourth season of “Project Team” was launched, the screenwriter received instructions—this will be the final season of “Project Team”.

At present, the propaganda offensive for the final season of “Project Team” has also been launched.

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