The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 145

Chapter 142 Watching movie

The movie “Fantasy Three Kingdoms” officially started on July 12.

Coincidentally, the day before, on the eleventh, happened to be the time when “The Jade History of the Qing Palace” was launched.

Achievements, I can’t say that it is very popular, the ratings are in the early days of o.8, and the volume is over 50 million.

Well, the heavy volume of film and television dramas is not a matter of magnitude with animation. After a drama is broadcast, there are not a few that have over 10 billion broadcasts.

Approximately the whole world has watched one or two episodes.

But then again, in the domestic cultural market, the audience of film and television dramas is indeed larger than that of animation, and much larger. This is definitely not a problem.

Regardless of the amount of broadcast of “The Jade History of the Qing Palace”, no matter what, their opening momentum is not particularly good, but it is not bad.

It is a qualified result.

And today, on the afternoon of the 12th, in a large conference room of a hotel, a movie watching meeting is also being held.

Zhao Xiaoyue is the person sent by’Qiantang Satellite TV’.

She still has a little power in the satellite TV, and has certain powers of suggestion and decision-making for the purchase of films. Of course, it is not a high-level person, and a real high-level person will not come to Shenghai from Hangzhou all the way to watch a TV series.

Qiantang Satellite TV also participated in the battle for “The Jade History of the Qing Palace”, but failed to compete for’Mango TV’. In the end, the biggest hit this summer was included in’Mango TV’.

However, despite this, “Qiantang TV” and “Datang Entertainment” still have a very good cooperative relationship. “Datang Entertainment” also promised to sell the broadcasting rights of “The Jade History of the Qing Palace” to them in half a month. At that time, although it was no longer broadcast, the “Mango TV” side definitely hadn’t finished broadcasting the show. Even if it was leftovers, the leftovers were quite plentiful, and the price was much cheaper than broadcasting.

Zhao Xiaoyue talked about this matter all at once.

However, there is an additional additional condition on the “Datang Entertainment” side: you are not allowed to buy “Fantasy Three Kingdoms”, otherwise there will be no such big discount.

In this regard, Zhao Xiaoyue also agreed.

After all, there is a little bit of private benefit here, so I won’t say more about it.

Excluding these, in terms of pure works, in her opinion, this kind of game ip adaptation is no longer popular. Before the film meeting, she also received a plot summary from Dimension Entertainment. After a glance, she couldn’t see anything else for the time being, but the main character’s emotional line was more poignant, with a little bit of it. The temperament of idol drama.

How old is this? What are you still talking about? Courage, love, family, country, righteousness, past life, love, and current audiences, they don’t like to watch these for a long time. There is a group of scheming green tea in the deep palace. popular!

It also invested 200 million and expected a price of 3 million. Who gave you the courage for a single episode? Liang Jingru?

With this in mind, she gave the TV station a suggestion that it is not recommended to buy this show.

However, later I didn’t know what was going on. The TV station might have considered that it hadn’t bought the broadcast of “The Jade History of the Qing Palace”, and in any case it would also have a piece of the ring, and received an invitation from Dimension Entertainment to watch a movie, so it still plans to send someone come.

After Zhao Xiaoyue learned of this situation, she took the job of the business trip.

What if, by any chance, a little **** ran away and turned around to make irresponsible remarks with the high-level bosses of the TV station and asked them to change their minds and buy “Fantasy Three Kingdoms”, what should I do? I got a result out of thin air, and after I bought “Fantasy Three Kingdoms”, most of the “The Jade History of the Qing Palace” that I had already negotiated here could not be broadcast. If the performance is gone, don’t say it, “Datang” agreed. Some of the good benefits will definitely be ridiculous.

Just in case, she simply came by herself, the main purpose is to ensure that the station will not buy it.

At the scene of the movie watching, some employees of Dimension Entertainment still had no small gifts.

Zhao Xiaoyue naturally didn’t look at this thing, so she put it aside. Her gaze swept around in this not-so-large meeting place, and she saw many familiar people.

It seems that a lot of TV stations have come, and there are almost ten of them.

It is also a provincial-level satellite TV, but there is also a huge power gap between the satellite TVs.

For example, their ‘Qiantang TV’ and the ‘Mango TV’ which bought the broadcasting rights of “The Jade History of the Qing Dynasty” are definitely stronger than the ‘Xijiang TV’ or ‘E Province TV’.

Like those second and third line satellite TVs, in Zhao Xiaoyue’s view, they were purely made up. They can spend nearly 100 million in capital to buy a TV series?

It’s not that it’s totally impossible, but it’s difficult.

Zhao Xiaoyue glanced at several satellite TVs that had the strength in this area, and they were all the ones who could not do anything.

But there is also a group of relatively strangers who are completely unfamiliar to her.

It is estimated that it should be frequent people.

In terms of video Zhao Xiaoyue doesn’t quite understand, and she doesn’t need to care about it.

Sitting in the seat, with a lot of thoughts in my heart, I casually dealt with the business representatives of Dimension Entertainment and dealt with a few colleagues who came to greet me, and the movie watching officially began soon.

Here, the first three episodes of “Fantasy Three Kingdoms” will be played.

The content of the first three episodes, the story told, is about the “prologue” of “Fantasy Three Kingdoms”.

Turn off the light and playback starts.

On the black screen, four lines of words lit up.

One year, two years, three years

Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years

Even using eternal time to wait

I want to see you again

There was a slight commotion among the crowd present at this scene.

This is exactly the opening paragraph of the game “Fantasy Three Kingdoms 2”, which almost clarifies the main theme of this work. The people present who have been in contact with the game will naturally understand these words and have some reactions.

Of course, Zhao Xiaoyue has not been exposed to this work. After seeing this passage, she still commented in her heart: ‘Sul! ’.

The screen turns from black to bright, and the first scene of the opening is a dusk scene.

In this scene, Zhao Xiaoyue was taken aback-a bit pretty? Where did the crew of Dimension Entertainment find such a beautiful location?

Before she had any more thoughts, a vague figure drifted by, followed by the sound of treading water, and someone was chasing the drifting figure.


Following a clear male voice, a young man in a blue robe entered the camera.

Zhao Xiaoyue’s eyes lit up.

Of course she knew that this was the leading actor, but this costume was really handsome and drooling.

From a professional point of view, this is a high-quality idol.


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