The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Project advancement

No matter how good the relatives are, if they have money problems, there will always be grudges.

Now, the money problem is gone, and the relationship is naturally harmonious.

30,000 yuan, not too much to say, not too little for ordinary families.

After getting the money, Fan Jiaming was relieved of his urgent brows, and naturally, Fan Jiaming no longer had a straight face. The cousin no longer seeks to force debts from himself, and Fan Qing feels much more relaxed. Afterwards, the family sat together and chatted for a while, no longer the dignified appearance before.

Fan Zhe is by the side, adhering to the principle of listening more and speaking less.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Fan Jiaming got up and said goodbye.

“It’s almost time to eat, Jia Ming stay and have a meal before leaving.” Li Rong stayed enthusiastically.

“No need, Auntie, Jin Xia is still at home waiting for me to go back to eat.” Jin Xia is his wife, Fan Zhe’s third aunt.

walked to the door, changed shoes, before leaving the house, Fan Jiaming said: “Xiaozhe, you came back this year?”

“I don’t know yet, I should come back.”

“You must be back, your brother Xingguo will get married at the end of the year. I’m not happy if he doesn’t come.”

The so-called “Xingguo Brother” refers to his third uncle’s son, Fan Xingguo, who was the same year as Fan Zhe and was a few months old.

“Brother Xingguo is getting married? That’s fine, I will definitely come back.”

Li Rong rushed to the door: “I really don’t eat it? I’m almost done.”

“I really don’t want to eat my brother and sister, I’m leaving now! I’ll go back to the house and buy it. Please go and be a guest.”

“Good, good.”

Sending off Fan Jiaming, closing the door, Fan Qing and Li Rong turned their heads and stared at their son.

Fan Qing said, “Thirty thousand yuan from your place?”

“You earn it!” Fan Zhe said of course, “Otherwise you thought, what did I do when I kept myself in the house some time ago?”

The two were embarrassed. At first, they thought that their son was hit by the divorce and the closure of the company.

“How much money did you make?”

“I made a lot of money.” Fan Zhe didn’t say the specific number. “Who still owes money to the family? Don’t owe it all the time. I have some money on hand. I will pay it all in one breath.”

“I don’t owe anyone anymore, your Uncle Jiaming’s 30,000 yuan is the last point.”

“That’s fine.” Fan Zhe nodded and said, “Then I will go back to the house and call me during dinner.”

Fan Zhe devoted himself wholeheartedly to the production of the reset version of “Full Time Master”.

The original animation of the full-time special chapter has three episodes, and each episode lasts about 25 minutes. In Fan Zhe’s plan, he did not intend to follow the original version, but prepared to extract this plot from the original and remake it into a feature-length film. The planning time is about an hour, which is more than one. The movie is shorter.

In terms of the story, he decided to make this a complete story. In the end, Ye Xiu, a retired god, had a surprise at the All-Star Exhibition. The foreshadowing and the procrastination of the plot should be reduced. As for the battle scene, it must be designed beautifully and hot enough.

In this film, he made up his mind to make good use of the strength of ‘Dimension’ and do some show off skills.

To impress others and achieve a blockbuster effect, it is necessary to show one’s strength perfectly.

It is inevitable that the picture effect must reach the standard, and even reach the top level in the 2D animation film.

He can only win with the picture. In terms of the story, he is actually not too sure.

He is not a professional screenwriter or animation director. To make a film that lasts more than an hour, what kind of structure and rhythm must be followed. Without experience, he can hardly say what he can do.

However, in this regard, he will not worry too much. After all, he is not making completely original works. Even if he basically overthrew the existing original animation, he at least still has the original novel to follow.

And the point of “following the original” is Fan Zhe’s killer.

It is not easy to do this. When the author is creating novels, he can do everything in his own way. As long as he can keep up with his writing skills, he can use words to present imaginary pictures. When readers are reading, they can also make brain supplements in accordance with the words.

The novel describes a trick, a battle, which can be written in a wild, but it is difficult to adapt it into an animation. In a word from the author, it is hard to die if you want to show it on the screen.

What’s more, when a novelist writes a skill, he can use adjectives such as ‘cool and domineering’ to briefly describe it, but when it comes to the screen, he is blinded: what is considered cool and domineering?

In short, if you want to achieve the so-called “follow the original”, it is a test of the artist’s ability and also a test of technique.

In the final analysis, it is two words: costly.

But in the hands of Fan Zhe, this is not the case. The powerful function of ‘dimension’ allows Fan Zhe to hardly consider these.

He himself, a little conceited, is one of the best original painting designers in China, and he is confident that he can turn these wonderful texts into pictures.

The dimensions can make these pictures move perfectly.

The powerful graphic expressiveness, so that it can express the original work as perfectly as possible, this is where Fan Zhe has the confidence to crush the existing version.

In the following period of time, he and Miller worked together sincerely, one after another, which was much more exquisite than the original animation, and slowly completed. And the all-star game venue where the story is located, UU Reading Fan Zhe has also started to design.

The entire project is advancing at a rapid pace.

“Full-time Master” animation reset this project, in fact, the overall workload is not much larger than the opening animation of “Assassination Squad”.

The CG animation of “Assassination Squad” requires a lot of high-precision illustrations to be used as the raw material for the intelligent calculation of the “dimension”. Although “Full-time Master” has to draw much more things than “Assassination Squad”, it takes much less time to draw a single picture.

2D comic style painting, not to mention the difficulty, at least in some detailed work, far less than CG-level illustrations.

Furthermore, Fan Zhe and Miller have references after all. They are determined to surpass the original animation, but many characters must be designed according to the original characters, and the workload is only in refinement, optimization and modification. Although this is not easy, it is also a manifestation of skill, but at least it is faster than recreating many main characters from the beginning.

The pictures are completed one by one and imported into the ‘Dimension’ one by one. The project progress of the reset version of “Full Time Master” is advancing at a rapid pace.

No one urged him on this project, but he did a little bit harder than when he did the outsourcing before.

Anyway, the previous outsourcing project still has a clear time. At the moment, he has to rely on this reset version to fight for the next production right of the orthodox work of “Full Time Master”. The deadline (deadline) is completely unknown and will come at any time.

According to the information collected by Fan Zhe, Lewen Group is already negotiating with the new production company for the next production contract. It is possible to negotiate at any time, and there is not much time left for him.

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