The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Finished

Asked Ke Jianhao to have a good meal at noon. At one o’clock in the afternoon, it was almost time.

Fan Zhe’s time is very tight. This is what he said to Ke Jianliang on the phone earlier. So, this afternoon, Ke Jianliang had already made appointments with the voice actors in advance to come over and start work together.

After eating, they called an online taxi, and within ten minutes, they arrived at the nearby recording studio that they had already contacted. At one and a half, the voice actors were also in place one after another.

There are three recording actors, two males and one female.

Actually, if Fan Zhe wants to, he doesn’t need so many. It’s not impossible to find a voice actor and assign all the roles. Professional voice actors always have their own abilities. When dubbing different characters, they use different vocal techniques to simulate different timbre and tone. This is almost a basic skill.

As long as there is one person dubbing, and then all the audio source files are thrown into the ‘dimensional sound effects’ for calculations, and the dubbing timbre in the original animation is simulated, it’s finished.

But after thinking about it, he decided to find a few more.

One is a question of efficiency. If three people do it, the dubbing of the entire film will be solved soon. The two are also different voice actors with different characteristics. Although there is the intelligent calculation of the ‘Dimension’ system in the back, the quality of the sound source is also very important. The higher the quality of the dubbing, the higher the quality of the finished product after the ‘dimension’ correction.

More voice actors will bring more features to the sound of the work. These are the materials for the post-calculation and correction of the ‘Dimension’.

The voice actor has already started to work. After watching for a while, Fan Zhe left with Ke Jianliang.

“Your work on sound effects production, has you started?”

“Well, it’s already started.” Ke Jianliang said, “Boss, don’t worry, the final effect will definitely satisfy you.”

“That’s good.”

With Fan Zhe’s close attention to the dubbing work, the entire project was quickly completed.

The voice actors are still very hardworking.

Although Fan Zhe’s shots are not generous, and even the remuneration given is 20% lower than the market price, the advantage is that the money is settled quickly, unlike some outsourcing work. It can last a long time.

After the three voice actors finished their work on the first day, Fan Zhe directly settled 50% of the money.

The real renminbi is in the pocket, and Fan Zhe is still very good at being a human being. He respects them at work. Buying water and dinner are all normal operations.

Although I made a little less money, I did the job quite comfortably.

The girl named Dong Jing headed by    settled the final money and left a business card for Fan Zhe when she left. If there is a similar job in the future, you can contact them.

Fan Zhe accepted, he felt that the other party’s work was still doing well.

So far, the dubbing work is complete. On Ke Jianliang’s side, the processing of sound effects is almost over.

After these two things are done, and the final synthesis with the picture is also dealt with, Fan Zhe even got a complete film.

“How is it? The boss is still satisfied?”

“Satisfied, satisfied.” Fan Zhe has already watched it with the animation in general, and the problem is not big.

Ke Jianliang also watched the animation of “Full-time Master”, he said: “Boss, why do you want to do another full-time? This is too awesome, you can hang the original version!”

Fan Zhe smiled and did not answer this question directly. Instead, he mentioned another thing: “Xiao Ke, I am planning to open another studio. You have seen my technical level here. Are you interested? Do it with me?”


Ke Jianliang is a bit tangled.

He is different from Miller.

Miller is an old subordinate who has been with Fan Zhe for a long time and is very loyal. And Ke Jianliang, after all, has been with Fan Zhe in the last company for a period of time, almost a year.

What’s more, the bankruptcy of the company has a great impact on ordinary employees like him. The salary has been delayed for a long time. As for the year-end bonus and project bonus, I don’t even think about it. In the end, it is Amitabha who can make up the basic salary.

Under such a premise, it must be understandable that he has grievances against the former company.

Fan Zhe is not the big boss of the former company, but he is still a head. This time, if Fan Zhe hadn’t taken out real money to do this outsourcing, he would really not take it.

Now, Fan Zhe invited him to join the new studio?

Although, seeing this work, it is indeed very impressive, reflecting the powerful strength of the new studio that Fan Zhe said, but he still hesitated.

finally found a stable job again, and he is no longer young, and he doesn’t want to be displaced anymore.

Fan Zhe could also see his hesitation.

Without reluctance, he patted Xiao Ke on the shoulder and said, “You don’t need to reply to me for the time being, you have a long time to think about it.”

So far, Fan Zhe’s goal to Shenghai is also considered complete. Holding a whole soundtrack, he returned to Xunyang contentedly.

Although, this time I spent money on Sheng Haiguang, but for the completion of the project, everything is worth it.

After returning home and greeted his parents, he imported the audio file into the dimension.

Then, I just waited.

The newly purchased workstation has powerful performance. After waiting for a long time, Fan Zhe got the finished product after the dubbing calculation was completed. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Once it was broadcast, I compared it with the original animation. Although it was said that the line and the words were not the same, I heard from others that the remake he made was dubbed and dubbed by the original version.

To achieve this effect, that’s fine.

Later, Fan Zhe first used the dimension to make a set of ‘Dimensional Entertainment’ LOGO, which was added to the title.

Fan Zhe thought about the design of this logo and decided not to make it fancy, but a simple style. It looks like a circle with a V inside, three edges connected to the circle, and the word “dimension” is written underneath. Some styling changes have been made, with a full sense of formal beauty.

After    finished the opening, he was at the end again, with a black background, combined with a piece of pure music, and put the name of the production team.

The original work is of course Phalaenopsis. The producer and the director both have their own names. Zhu Mei also wrote herself and added Mi Le, and then the sound effects, Ke Jianliang.

I feel that the production team list at the end of the film is so simple that I can’t fill up one page.

After thinking about it, he still decided to write up the three voice actors. After all, they have also contributed their strength to this project.

At the same time, under the voice actor, Fan Zhe added a line of words: Sound Repair Engineer: Mr. X.

This opening and closing film is very simple to do, even if you don’t need dimensions, you can’t do anything.

This is the end.

Thank you for your rewards, [123] is an old brother who followed the three books of the airship, [Qingfeng Boy] is a new face, thank you for your support. [Kakashi’s Nightmare] I also saw it when I wrote about the Heart of the Empire.

thanks for your support.

In addition, I still ask for a ticket

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