The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 314

Chapter 306 Prince, Galen, Urgot

? Fan Zhe has seen the design materials from Fist.

For Dimension Entertainment, these designs given by “Fist” can only be used as a reference, and there are not many things that can be used.

Looking back, the whole style still needs to be entertained by Dimension.

This in itself is the strongest place of Dimension Entertainment.

Fan Zhe gave a conceptual picture of the’Demacia Xiongdu’ in the early stage.

This set of pictures includes the urban style of Demacia’s majestic capital—it is also included in the design draft of this fist, but Fan Zhe made a more refined design on this basis. Plus some close-up design drawings of the city, including the architectural style, people’s clothing, the general outlook of the country…

According to this concept map, a large number of original painting design tasks were broken down. The artists in the project team established at the beginning began to draw the design and continue to deepen the corresponding drawings for subsequent use.

And the concept map that Fan Zhe is going to do is not only the style of Demacia’s city, but also includes another relatively large content, which is the battlefield.

This movie, in Fan Zhe’s conception, the main climax occurred in a war between Demacia and Northsus. Regarding the depiction of the battlefield picture, that is necessary.

From the battle group of Noxus, to their team of alchemists, to the atmosphere of the entire battlefield, and so on, he needs to deal with it.

In addition to these art work, another very important job is to collaborate with the assembled team of screenwriters to create scripts.

The story of “League of Legends” is very incomplete.

This game itself is not like O or other games. It has a complete world view and a lot of stories. None of these are available. At most, each hero has a simple background story, plus some short stories, comics and the like.

As for a complete story?


After the game became popular, “Fist” also carried out some worldview design and complement work.

But it was only done in the world view, and did not go deep into the specific story.

This is a bad thing, but there are also benefits.

The disadvantage is that when Dimension Entertainment is making movies, there is no ready-made story with a certain audience to tell. But the advantage is that the original story can be written as you want. As long as it is good, it will be over. There is no such thing as an adaptation of the original Dang Beep film that deviates from the original. In fact, this is not that important at all. What is important is that the film itself is good-looking.

The creation of the script was handed over to Yuan Zhenshan.

A man in his thirties is one of the earliest screenwriters to join Dimension Entertainment. He once worked in an animation factory within the system and was an animation screenwriter. After being dug into Dimension Entertainment, he worked for five years.

Over the years, he has participated in rewriting the animation scripts of “Full-time Master”, “Special Event Task Force”, and “Amber Sword”.

In any case, he can be regarded as a senior screenwriter, but the projects he participated in before were mostly animations, but he did not have any experience in real-life film projects. He participated in the two adaptations of “Hell Apartment”. .

More importantly, this guy, although he is not young, he is an old League of Legends player.

Back then, when the League of Legends was the hottest, he was only in his twenties. It was just his youth and it was too normal to play games.

As a screenwriter, besides playing games, he has carefully pursued the story behind the games.

With him writing the script, Fan Zhe felt that the problem was not big.

In fact, after the script writing task was given, Yuan Zhenshan took nearly ten screenwriters, and in a short time, in accordance with Fan Zhe’s request, gave an outline, and submitted it to Fan Zhe himself.

“President Fan, there are three main heroes involved in the whole story. The power of Demacia Galen, the Prince of Demacia Gavin IV, and the final villain of this movie. Urgot’.”

“The story starts with the growth process of Galen and Jarvan IV, and when they met in the army, they worked together to complete a hunt for the black mage, and then they were commended by the king, and the two of them Each is appointed general.”

“The two of them joined the army. Demacia was attacked by a Noxian group, and the frontline battle was tight. The two of them went to the front line to support together under the command of a veteran.”

After a pause, Yuan Zhenshan went on to introduce: “During the war, the prince was angry and intolerable because of the destruction of his country. He ignored persuasion and made the mistake of advancing lightly, but he was caught in an ambush by the enemy. It was a powerful executioner of Noxus, Urgot, who captured and captured him.”

“Here, at the same time, in a two-line narrative way, the story of Galen and the Lord will be told after the prince disappeared and may even be captured. They patrolled the trail and wanted to save the prince.”

“The Noxian army was ready to retreat after looting. On the way to retreat, in order to relieve the burden, the executioner Urgot decided to execute the prisoners, and regarded the highest status Gavin IV as the last and most important one. Execution subject.”

“But at a critical moment, the army led by Galen was also killed.”

“Uggart gave up the execution and confronted Demacia’s army. At this time, the prince took advantage of the chaos and fled, but when he fled, he had arrows in his body.”

“Galen led a team of fearless vanguard fighters and assaulted Urgot’s makeshift camp. He fought a battle with Urgot, and finally killed the executioner with a big sword.”

“However, after defeating the enemy, they finally failed to find the prince.”

“After gathering the army the main commander returned to the court, and Galen, as the heir to the defending family, was supposed to protect his future king, but lost the prince. He volunteered to lead a small team on the border In the surrounding area, look for the whereabouts of Jarvan IV.”

“This is the end of the film, leaving ample clues for the second sequel.”

After speaking, Yuan Zhenshan raised his head, looked at Fan Zhe, and waited for the boss to speak.

Fan Zhe watched the manuscript while listening to Yuan Zhenshan’s introduction.

Looking at the entire manuscript, in fact, it is basically expanded and written according to some existing settings on the fist side.

For example, the prince and Galen grew up together. For example, the two participated in a counterattack against Demacia’s old enemy, a country called Noxus. During the battle, the prince was captured and almost killed.

There is no problem in general, but Fan Zhe has some opinions of his own.

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