The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 break out

The best Chinese comics, this idea appeared in Liang Shuyue’s heart, but she was far from alone thinking that way.

Open the Internet, where various animation fans are concentrated, such comments are everywhere.

Of course, there are still people who retort, but they have never seen it. Those who are rebutted usually get furious, and then argue with the rebuttor, with countless words of harmony in the middle.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing ends up being unhappy, and no one can persuade another person on the Internet.

But today, this kind of thing seems a little different.

Most of the rebutters, after being scolded all over, were so angry that they ran to really take a look at the animated remake of “Full Time Master”, looking for ammunition, looking for some spray spots, and then…there was no more.

Of course they couldn’t run back to admit their mistakes, but they continued to lick their faces and scolded this work, and they couldn’t speak out, so they had to die.

Naturally, there is also a kind of spray on the Internet, that is, I don’t want to go to see it, or if I finish reading it, but I continue to open my eyes and talk nonsense, and I can’t do anything about it. . However, such people are only a minority after all, and they will drown to death under overwhelming praise.

While replaying the remake of “Full Time” as the background sound, Liang Shuyue browsed the news everywhere on the Internet.

Weibo, Tieba, forum, even Penguin or V letter group…

She was fascinated by the praise of all parties. At the same time, in posting, Weibo, and ordinary discussions, she was also a little bit through her little influence to remake the news full-time. It was released to attract more people to watch.

was pouring water, her phone rang suddenly.

The two characters    Mom is right in front of her.

To be honest, she didn’t want to pick it up, but think about the consequences of not picking it up… Forget it, just pick it up.

“Satsuki, where are you? Why haven’t you come home yet?” Mom’s voice came from the phone, a little serious.

“Ah…I…I…” She hesitated and looked out the window of the Internet cafe

It’s dark in the sky? Speaking of which you may not believe, there was such a big sun outside just now!

“I’m doing more training at the driving school!” She thought of an idea.

On the call, her mother was silent for a while, and then said in a more serious tone: “I just called your driving school coach, and he said he hadn’t seen you all afternoon. Where are you?”

“I…I…” Liang Shuyue’s face was pale.

“Don’t say anything, come home immediately!”


There was a little girl who was about to be beaten up because of the remake of the anime she made. Fan Zhe naturally didn’t know.

His current emotions are also in excitement.

He has read a lot of comments on the Internet.

Unsurprisingly, rave reviews.

This, he had anticipated it long before the video was uploaded. Of course, he himself saw the remake of the film before anyone else, and it is definitely much better than the original animation.

The great power of ‘dimension’ is fully revealed at this moment, and he also has strong confidence in this work.

A high level of quality will inevitably bring a good reputation, which is inevitable.

Even those three episodes of the original version can earn more than 11 million views in station B alone, causing a small sensation in the two-dimensional circle. Why can’t this work of hanging on the original version work?

But despite being confident, Fan Zhe still felt a little nervous when the video was just uploaded.

After all, this is the first work he has made that faces the public. What’s more, it is hard to say how much repercussions it can arouse with such a small amount of early publicity.

Although he was looking for an online marketing company, the marketing investment was too small. Whether it was the warm-up before or the publicity after the feature film was released, it was still within the scope of a small fight.

He doesn’t have the unique resources of the original version. He has the support of fans of the original book and the joint efforts of Lewen Group and Penguin Animation.

I don’t know how much the publicity cost will be.

But now, he can relax.

So far, among the data he has seen, there is only one station B. The 57-minute animation that he put on has already surpassed 100,000 views, and it is moving forward at a very fast speed. With high data, the score also reached an astonishing 9.7 points.

At the same time, in Douban, which has a relatively strict scoring system, Fan Zhe was also surprised to find a remake of the special chapter of “Full-time Master”, and the score: 9.1 has already appeared on it.

No matter which rating it is, there is absolutely no element to brush here—he wants to brush it and there is no money.

Both broadcast volume and evaluation have exceeded Fan Zhe’s expectations.

With such a low announcement, it is already quite good to be able to get this result quickly. UU reading www.

Not to mention, there are other broadcast channels and comments on various forums.

Of course, with many publicized animations, data such as the number of broadcasts exceeding 100 million on the first day is definitely not comparable. After all, it is an animation that has been watched by one in ten people in China on the day of its first broadcast.

is purely black.

Fan Zhe, who was silent and unable to extricate himself among the praises of all parties, received a call.

That is from Miller.

“Boss, have you seen the comments on the Internet?” Even as a mother, Miller couldn’t keep calm at this time.

“I saw.”

“Our work has exploded!” Miller said sincerely happily.

Fan Zhe was also very excited, but he still maintained a flat tone, and said, “Yes, at least this work, we should not worry about failure.”

“Then we… can we get the production rights to the official sequel to “Full Time Master”?”

“No one has contacted me yet, so I am not sure for the time being. However, I think there is hope. After we take the production rights, I will seal you a big red envelope!”

“Hey…” Miller first smiled, and then said: “Boss, if your money can’t be turned around for a while, it doesn’t matter to me here. The money for the previous project is still enough, don’t worry.”

What a good subordinate, Fan Zhe is a little ashamed.

Miller has always been very grateful to Fan Zhe, but on the other hand, why is Fan Zhe?

Followed me to many companies, and has never complained or regretted.

can have such a subordinate to follow, to be honest, it is a high incense burned in the previous life.

If Miller suffers, it will be hard for him to forgive himself.

“Don’t worry, the boss will definitely not let you down this time, and you will suffer.”

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