The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Get what you want

Kappa also saw this review article written by    “Spy”.

Not only did he read this, but he also read many comments on the remake of the special “Full Time Master” on the Internet.

Rubbing his dry eyes, Kappa leaned back, threw himself into the chair, and then sighed deeply.

His mood is a bit complicated now.

“Full-time Master” animation project, he has been following up all the time. Although he is not a painter or a director, he has devoted too much effort to this work.

All the time, he has been quite proud of his achievements in “Full Time” animation. This work, in the entire domestic animation circle, is considered very good, and the reputation is also very good in comparison, and the results shown are also good. At the same time, even if it is not the most successful in the animation adaptation of online novels, it is at least one of the most successful.

was crushed by an unofficial work…

This is crushing, no matter how much he doesn’t want to admit it, there is no way he can do it. People’s single episode has already caught up with the original version, and the reputation of all parties has completely surpassed. What can I do if I don’t admit it?

Before, when he saw the silent clip that was published, he already had this faint feeling; later, when the remastered version was just launched, he could harden his beak a bit; now, there is no excuse. said.

He let out a sigh of relief, and he decided to accept the facts.

picked up the landline at the workstation and said a few words. After a while, all of his men in the animation project team entered the house one after another.

“Tell the Ministry of Commerce that the negotiation on the producer side will push the price a little harder.” Kappa said, “In addition, find a way to get in touch with this ‘Dimensional Entertainment’, and we need to talk to them.”

“Uh…how to talk?”

“I have to teach you everything, what can I do to pay you back?” Kappa said, he is usually a good-tempered boss, but today he somehow did not suppress the fire.

eased his emotions, and he continued: “Ask about the willingness of the other side first, do some preliminary communication or something, don’t talk about the price, and leave it to the business people to talk about it.”

“Good boss.” The person who had just been stunned lowered his head and said.

“Go and do something.” Kappa stood up, “I’ll go to the boss.”

Changing the manufacturer involves tens of millions of investments, and it is not he alone can make the final decision. The boss nodded his head.

However, in this regard, he thinks that the problem shouldn’t be too big. Being dissatisfied with the existing producers is what the boss meant.

According to him, he doesn’t even want to change the first production company. They did a good job, why do they change it? It wasn’t his kappa who paid for it, or the boss of the company disliked that the production cost was too high and asked for another one.

As a result, I changed this, the special part was finished, and the asking price of the second feature film was not low, so the negotiation came to a deadlock.

According to Kappa’s thoughts, the production cost of this level of animation for this ‘Dimensional Entertainment’ will be very high, and the boss will inevitably not accept it.

But in spite of this, it won’t cost money to touch it.

The main goal is to introduce a new competitor to put pressure on existing producers and force them to compromise in the negotiation of production fees.

Kappa never thought of using ‘dimensional entertainment’ from beginning to end.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but that I can’t. The level of others is too high.

He really wants to use Dimension Entertainment as a new producer, but this is destined to be a luxury.

Who wouldn’t like the high quality of the work? But their high level also represents the high cost of production, which is not affordable by the budget in their hands.


Fan Zhe was very excited when he received a call from Lewen Group.

Of course, on the phone, he will certainly still show a calm and breezy appearance, and he can’t always miss his bottom when he first touches.

After confirming his production intentions with the person on the phone, and after roughly communicating the production ideas, he said that he would ask the upper-level staff to give him the next answer.

didn’t make him wait for a long time. When the next day came, he received the call again.

The person on the phone called himself Kappa, and said that he was the head of the animation project team of “Full Time Master”, Lewen Group, and hoped that he could become the production company of the second season of “Full Time” animation.

Fan Zhe expressed his willingness to act as an animator for the second season, and the conversation between the two parties was fairly harmonious.

However, during the period, he asked several times about the production cost, and there was no answer on the exact number. He just said that an appointment was made to go to the headquarters of Shenghai Lewen Company for an interview.

Fan Zhe didn’t think too much, and agreed to the interview.

Naturally he would not know that Kappa dare not say the production cost, it is purely a guilty conscience. I’m afraid to quote a price. I think it’s a joke here, so I don’t want to talk about it. In that case, his idea of ​​using ‘Dimensional Entertainment’ to suppress the price on the other side would go bankrupt.

The agreed negotiation time is about less than a week away from now. Fan Zhe was at home first, prepared some materials for negotiation, and then booked the corresponding air tickets and hotels and was about to go there two days in advance.

While preparing the negotiation materials, he also incidentally called some intermediaries he knew in Shenghai City, asking them to help find a suitable office location in Jiangdong District.

In his mind, as long as the contract is negotiated, it represents a huge order of tens of millions. With this money, he will be able to initially set up the stage of his new studio in Shenghai.

Starting a business is difficult at first. The ‘Dimension’ system has solved the most difficult part for him, and he is already lucky enough.

As time passed bit by bit, Fan Zhe’s preparations were also completed, and he embarked on the road to Shenghai.

Sitting on the plane, he suddenly remembered something: This time he was going to do business negotiations, but… his casual outfit seemed a bit inappropriate and not very decent.

business suits, he naturally has it.

That suit was a handmade customized version he found in a high-end suit shop when he invested in his own company just now.

Expensive, good second, the key is that he is well dressed.

However, that suit… seems to be left at home.

is not Xunyang, but Shenghai, where he used to be with Ye Jiayi.

How to do? Buy a set temporarily?

After thinking about it, he decided, after getting off the plane, he said hello to Ye Jiayi, and went home to get the suit back at night.

Thinking of going home, he was a little flustered inexplicably, but he was soon suppressed by himself.

“What are you afraid of? Don’t you just go back and get a suit, can you still be eaten?”

“But… she wouldn’t have thrown away all my clothes, right?”

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