The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 391

Chapter 380 There is nothing to be afraid of (2 in 1

“What’s this?”

“Newly bought bag.”

“Why are you buying a bag again?”

“What’s wrong? Do you have any opinions when I buy a bag?”

“No no…how much is this little handbag?”

“It’s not too expensive, more than 20,000 yuan.”

“Oh, that’s okay.”

After hearing these words, Lei Xiajun breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn’t know anything about this kind of feminine luxury. He just looked at the brand and found that Chanel was hanging on the label of the bag.

He had heard of the name of this bag, and he was afraid that this prodigal lady would spend a lot of money on this kind of thing.

But it’s more than 20,000…That’s okay, it’s not too expensive.

Looking out the window, he recalled the past two years and found that he had changed quite a bit.

The biggest performance lies in his life, which is much better than before.

He is a child born in a rural area, and according to many claims on the Internet, he is a standard Phoenix man.

The conditions at home are very poor, but the people are very upbeat. They study hard. They have re-entered high school for a year and were admitted to a 985 university. When they went to school, they didn’t let themselves go like many classmates. Soaked in the library and actively participated in social activities. When I graduated, my grade point was very beautiful.

If the family conditions are better, he will of course choose to continue his studies. However, due to economic pressure, he chose to work quickly.

This is not just the cost of going to school, but he works earlier and can help his family more.

After work, Lei Xiajun is also very hard. At the age of early thirties, it is not easy to become the general manager of a company like “Xinmo Media” without any background—even if it is. Small and medium-sized companies.

The income is actually pretty good. It is more than 20,000 yuan a month, plus bonuses, it is almost 400,000 yuan a year, and I also married a daughter-in-law, had children, and became a family.

At that time, he was very satisfied with his state. He was really a little panicked when’Xinmo Media’ was on the verge of bankruptcy and was rumored to be acquired.

Although a capable person never worried about not having a place to go, personal struggle and diachronic progress were the two main factors. He felt that he had managed to climb into such a position, and it would be a shame to lose. In the case of involuntary resignation, it is not easy to find a management position with sufficient salary and high enough position outside.

Fortunately, after the company was acquired, the reorganized “Dimension Media” retained his position, even if the salary remains unchanged, it is acceptable.

It’s just that, at that time, he couldn’t think that in the next few years, he would have such a earth-shaking change.

When ‘Dimensional Media’ was reorganized, what he did was similar to what he did when he was ‘Xinmo Media’-or even simpler. They are only responsible for the distribution of some movies produced by outside production companies, which are basically low-cost movies. I know that many of them are not even available in movie theaters and follow the online mode.

These are the traditional businesses of ‘Xinmo Media’. Moreover, in the past, ‘Xinmo Media’ would occasionally make some films on its own. When it was just reorganized, it didn’t even make its own films.

During that time, ‘Dimension Media’ was not very good. It relied on the income from the distribution of movies as a whole and could not make ends meet. It also had to rely on blood transfusion subsidies from the headquarters.

During that time, Lei Xiajun was really anxious, afraid that he would be fired directly because of his poor performance or the elders of the previous dynasty.

However, I did not expect the timing to change so quickly.

When “Hell Apartment 2” was released, he and Shi Jiangxuan did their best, especially himself.

He knew that the Dimension Group bought New Mo Media and reorganized it into ‘Dimension Media’ with the main purpose of distributing its own movies. He is not stupid. He knows that other production companies’ films had poor performance before, and that didn’t matter much, it just couldn’t be the icing on the cake. But if the release of a self-produced movie is not done yet, it will really be over.

Fortunately, “Hell’s Apartment 2” was successful, which made him relieved, and at the same time basically wiped out his worries about his position.

Then, what made him feel even more incredible was the explosion of the movie “Budo Master: Fire of War” immediately after “Hell Apartment 2”!

He also made the announcement of “Fire of War”. He knew that before the movie was released, it was so popular because of the drama. The movie was released, and the heat and special effects would definitely not be bad.

But I didn’t expect it to explode like this.

With a box office of 3.5 billion, under such strong data, Lei Xiajun, who presided over the work of publicity and distribution, undoubtedly embarked on a new level of life. Prior to this, among the movies he has experienced, the highest grossing box office was “Hell Apartment 2”, which was only 500 million yuan. After this calculation, the highest record was seven times higher!

Dimension Entertainment is not a stingy company. After the success of “Fire of War”, Lei Xiajun, as an important participant and leader of the publicity work, received high bonuses and a pretty good salary increase.

As soon as the money arrived, he felt a little dizzy.

In the past, if his wife dared to spend more than 20,000 yuan to buy a bag, he had to complain for a long time, but now… it doesn’t matter, anyway, small money!

In addition to his excitement, he kept admonishing himself not to slack off.

He now understands more than ever that if he wants to maintain such an income, and even pursue a higher and better life, he must tightly hold the thigh of Dimensional Entertainment.

This is a golden leg.

And this year, his mission hasn’t all ended yet.

“Fire of War” was a huge success, and now this “De Marcia: Glory” may be a more important film.

If he continues to succeed, there is no doubt that this year will be the peak year of his life in the past thirty years; if he fails, he might be beaten back to his original shape.

Therefore, he spared no effort in the publicity and distribution of “Glory”.

Fortunately, the success of “Fire of War” has made Dimension Media much easier to do in many tasks.

The National Day file was originally a continuation of the summer file, and it is also a pretty good one. The competition should be quite big.

However, this year seems to be a little different.

The huge investment in “Glory” and the success of “War of War” have scared off most of the opponents that might compete with Dimension Entertainment.

Not to mention some movies with good investment, many small-cost movies are scared to escape this schedule, or they are delayed or early in the morning.

This time I feel a lot more comfortable.

After the initial contact with the theaters, they have achieved relatively good results, and the initial set of films finally obtained can even reach 40%-this is very scary, and there can be no other movies without anything. put.

What can be dissatisfied with this result?

Online publicity was coordinated with Wu Jingtong at the headquarters, and then LOL’s own fame became more popular; offline publicity did not save money. There are also subway stations in the commercial centers of major ticket warehouse cities. The posters of “De Marcia: Fire of War” were hung up in batches; the main creative team of the film began to conduct offline publicity everywhere in the country…

With the tremendous momentum built up, in conjunction with the theater line’s commitment of more than 40% of filming, Lei Xiajun feels that things have basically stabilized, and there will be no setbacks.

However, things will not be so smooth.

Suddenly, Lei Xiajun received a call from the theater. On the phone, the manager of the theater came to apologize.

“Excuse me, Mr. Lei, the film arrangement thing that I said before may have to be reduced…”

“Ah? How can this be done? Didn’t we all agree?”

“Suddenly something changed…Do you know the movie “Black Panther 2″?”

“I know, it has something to do with “Black Panther 2”? Isn’t this movie set for mid-September? When our movie is released, “Black Panther 2″ has been released for half a month. It has nothing to do with our schedule, right? ?”

“It was true, but who knows, their schedule was suddenly postponed, saying that it was going to be 11th…”

Lei Xiajun was stunned: “Where is this? Are you crazy?”

“Who said no…” The person in charge of the theater on the phone was also aggrieved. Obviously, he was also very upset with this kind of thing. “I can’t do anything about it. I have to delay it. I will definitely want it. Make a new film arrangement plan.”

“Then you cut us a little too much, right?” According to the statement just now, the theaters that can be affected by the theater manager will reduce the schedule of “Glory” from 40% to about 40%. Looks like less than thirty.

Although this is still a pretty good number, how does it compare with the 40% lineup that we said before?

“No way… How can I say that “Black Panther 2″ is also a Marvel superhero movie. Although the last one was not particularly good at the domestic box office, but this second movie was released, no matter how many movies have to be arranged, at least It’s definitely necessary to schedule 20 to 25 on the day of the show. We have reduced the schedule of a lot of movies, and even a few movies that were not long before the show time were cut off from the screening plan, but they still couldn’t get it together. With so much, I can only say that you let the points come out.”

The two had been talking on the phone for a long time, but in the end this matter became an established fact and could not be changed.

In terms of theaters, how to arrange screenings in a movie theater’s own theater is the responsibility of the theater manager. Many films have a good initial schedule, but the attendance rate is not good, and the sales are not very strong. The manager of the cinema will immediately adjust the schedule, and vice versa. They are the front-line workers in the film market, and they are very sensitive to this kind of thing.

As for the representative of the theater chain who called Lei Xiajun just now, although he rarely directly interferes with the movie theater schedule, he will give certain guidance to its chain theaters regarding the initial schedule of some films. , This will generally be executed.

He has reduced the schedule of “Glory” here, which means that his series of theaters will be reduced in the initial schedule.

Lei Xiajun can only hope now that this is only happening in one theater.

But thinking about it sensibly, this is obviously impossible.

Sure enough, Lei Xiajun then connected to many calls, all from the major theaters, and the news was basically the same-to take a part of the excess film from “Glory” and give it to “Black Panther 2.” “. More directly reduced the film schedule of “Glory” by 15%, and less by nearly 10%.

Lei Xiajun has nothing to do with this.

Walking around the house, he called Shi Jiangxuan and said something.

Shi Jiangxuan, the president of Dimension Media, was angry and irritated when he heard the news.

After hanging up the phone, Lei Xiajun put on his clothes and walked out the door.

“It’s so late, why are you going?” His wife woke up.

“I went to see Lao Shi, something went wrong.” After saying this, he went out, not in the mood to deal with his wife.

In the next two days, Shi and Lei were not idle. They used many methods to try to restore the situation as much as possible.

However, the revised schedule of “Black Panther 2” is a foregone conclusion, and Dimension Group can’t manage it. And such a huge investment movie, coupled with the superhero theme that Marvel has continuously introduced over the years, has established a hot position in the market, and its launch must be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Even if the box office performance of the previous film in the domestic market is relatively average, this film must have at least 20% or more of the filming rate.

In the eleventh period, when the major domestic production companies were evading “Glory”, the vacant vacancy was originally eaten up by “Glory”, and now it must be vomited a lot.

Otherwise, where can the theaters get more than 20% of the screens out of thin air?

Of course, the multiple activities of the two of them are not ineffective. At least, in the end, they have guaranteed “De Marcia: Glory”. When it is released on November, there will still be about 30% of the film.

This row rate is still higher than that of “Black Panther 2” and is firmly in the first position in the eleventh row. According to the survey conducted by the two of them, the filming rate of “Black Panther 2” is about 25.

But in any case, this is definitely not as good as the forty scribbled before.

When things could no longer be changed, the two reluctantly reported the situation to the headquarters and Fan Zhe quickly gave his instructions: “Just do your best, Marvel also There is nothing to be afraid of, I believe our work is excellent.”

After getting such a reply, Shi and Lei were relieved a lot.

It’s a good thing that the boss didn’t blame it.

For Fan Zhe, these words are not only used to calm people’s hearts, but he really thinks so in his own heart.

Marvel and Disney are powerful opponents. He has never imagined that his work will one day collide directly with them.

But now, he never fears this opponent.

Especially in China, this is the home field of Dimension.

He knew that “Black Panther 2” suddenly changed its schedule, and there must be someone behind it.

But it doesn’t matter, a good movie will always be rewarded by the audience.

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