The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 404

Chapter 393 Prehistoric 5

It must be said that the most fundamental factor for “De Marcia: Glory” to achieve excellent box office results is that the quality of the film itself is sufficient.

Without this big foundation, no matter how good an IP adaptation, no matter how powerful it is, it is easy for a movie to become a dog.

Nowadays, many so-called box office miracles are based on the quality of the film itself. Like in the past, the kind of projects that rely solely on publicity, the movies are sparse and can be sold, have become more and more difficult to see-audiences have become more and more mature and less and less foolish.

“De Marcia: Glory” was not particularly beautiful in the first week of the box office in North America. Although it has entered the ranks of what is considered a successful movie, it is not like in China, which directly caused a major earthquake in the entire industry.

However, starting from the second week, its power began to gradually show up-the box office dropped slightly, but not much.

Many viewers did not enter the cinema to watch the movie the first time, but it does not mean that they have no expectations for the movie. Many people choose to wait and see.

With more and more publicity about the League of Legends and a relatively stable reputation, a large number of audiences who previously chose to wait and see have gradually entered the cinema.

Among those who are conquered by the movie, some will go to the second brush, and some will recommend this movie to their friends on their social media accounts…

All of these have allowed the North American box office of “De Marcia: Glory” to remain high in the follow-up trend.

By the third week, the North American box office had passed 200 million U.S. dollars.

According to the results of negotiations between Dimension North America and the corresponding distribution companies and theaters, the screening time of this film will last for two months.

If the situation is more optimistic, it is not impossible that the total box office in North America will hit 300 million.

This result is not comparable to the expected US$850 million box office of “Glory” in mainland China. And it’s not quite comparable to some high-grossing movies produced locally in Hollywood-such as “Black Panther 2”.

The main market of “Black Panther 2” is still in North America. The treatment between the two is like being transferred from mainland China.

The movie “Black Panthers” is in desperate support. The first North American box office has exceeded 700 million U.S. dollars. Although “Black Panther 2” is slightly lower, the final box office will not be less than 600 million-equivalent to two. Times the gap.

But if you want to calculate the total global box office, “Black Panther 2” is afraid that it will still be inferior to “Demacia: Glory.”

Only the Chinese box office plus the North American box office, “Glory” will be able to harvest nearly 1.2 billion US dollars. The box office in other parts of the world, the global box office of “De Marcia: Glory”, has reached more than 1.5 billion U.S. dollars.

This has been able to compare with the “Avengers”.

Of course, the reason why this is possible is that the domestic box office in mainland China is extremely strong, and that is definitely the most important reason.

In the future, if you put the time a little longer, “Glory” may have little chance of reaching the 2 billion dollar mark, but it has at least a chance to hit 1.7 billion US dollars.

If it can be completed, it will squeeze out “Jurassic World” in the global box office rankings, enter the top five, and be included in the fifth place. The movies on it are all famous-“Avatar”, “Titanic”, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, “Avengers 3”, just these four.

Undoubtedly, “De Marcia: Glory” gave the League of Legends a series of movies, which gave a very glorious start.

Needless to say, the future League of Legends movie series will become one of the most valuable movie series in the world. Even if the later films fail to achieve the achievement of “Glory”, they are like Marvel’s superheroes. As long as there is a certain quality assurance, the film will basically not rush. At best, it is a question of how much money is made.

Chris Evans sitting at home, seeing the relevant box office reports, could not suppress the excitement in his heart: Now, who would dare to say that he is a superhero star? !

Speaking of which, the movies he played—especially commercial films—the total box office results look pretty good.

The role of’Captain America’ has made him a household name all over the world.

Three “Captain America”, four “Avengers”… If any star can achieve such consecutive box office results for the movie starring in a few years, then it will properly enter the ranks of the first-line superstars.

But to become the Yemei team, to lose the Yemei team.

He acted in a superhero movie.

No matter how well-known, people knew only Steven Rogers, not Chris Evans. It’s as if he left the role of the’American team’, and it was useless.

In a sense, it is true.

The so-called real superstars such as Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks, who have become popular from the superhero series, are very different. Even Robert Downey Jr. and John Depp are not really superstars.

Indeed, actors such as Downey or Depp, when they play their most famous roles, “Iron Man” and “Captain Jack”, will receive a huge salary that will make the outside world jaw-dropping. But leaving these roles, it is difficult to get a matching price.

But even so, Downey and Depp are far better than Evans in terms of actor status.

Evans seems to be famous all over the world as the ‘American Team’, but the rewards he can get are far from that much.

There is an agreement. When he filmed “Reunion 1”, the salary was only a few hundred thousand dollars, and then it gradually increased, but under the constraints of the terms of the sequel, it was not much higher At least not enough for Downey to make a remake, it would be so terrible to get tens of millions of dollars in remuneration.

It is for this reason that he was attracted by the tens of millions of rewards offered by Dimension Entertainment and went to China to make a film.

However, it is also the case that Chris Evans was able to get such a good chance.

He is not satisfied with just being a superhero superstar, and the great success of “Glory” gave him the capital for transformation.

Among the top five films in the global film history box office, he now has two exclusive films.

“Avengers 3” played the American team and was one of the leading actors; “Glory” played Galen and was also one of the leading actors.

Being able to achieve such high results through two different roles and two different series is obviously a great help for him to embark on a real super giant road in the future.

Among other things, as long as he accepts a commercial film, no one can send him away with a few million dollars. He has already proved in “De Marcia: Glory” that he still has the ability to carry the box office banner of top commercial production after leaving the role of the’American Team’!

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